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A Dismissal

Posted on Mon Aug 29th, 2022 @ 3:49pm by Emperor Antonius VI & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:16pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: China House
Timeline: Date 2371-07-08 at 1215
593 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Lady Gloria Haughton followed the Emperor down to his study. She had her report on his daughter in her pocket. She was loyal to the Emperor and the Empire.

Antonius entered the study and looked around, familiarizing himself with it again. He had a hundred studies in a hundred palaces, and this one didn't stick out in particular. He moved to the vast desk of oak and sat down in the high-backed chair.

"Have a seat, my Lady." he commanded. "And tell me all you know."

Gloria sat and then pulled the PADD from her pocket. "Your majesty, her Highness has been very... quiet. She has basically locked herself in her suite, and refuses me entry. Her aide Maria is allowed and makes sure The Princess is eating. The captain of her guard does not move from his post outside her bedroom. And both the Aide and the Captain refuse me entry to assist the Princess. Maria sends communications to the Princess's Orphanage daily and I have seen her send letters to the list of donors who assist her Highness in that endeavour. I will admit that today is the first time I have seen her Highness since our arrival, as, I said, she has remained in her room."

“It sounds like she just wants her privacy, don’t you think?” He asked, his face looking the mildest a bit confused, but mostly like he was explaining something simple and obvious, whether it does or doesn’t.

"While I understand that Your Majesty, I cannot give you an up-to-date report on your daughter without seeing her for more than 5 minutes. I am sorry that I have failed in that regard." Gloria said politely.

“Why do you think she’s keeping you out?” He asked with the raise of a brow. “You we’re supposed to befriend her, Lady Houghton…insure her happiness. You cannot do that from outside her suite.”

"I am aware Your Majesty. But, She will not allow me inside and the Guard and aide support her with that. They will not take orders from me, stating that, as is duly correct, Your daughter's orders supersede mine." Gloria stated. "That and she changed the codes so my overrides do not work."

“You aren’t here to strong arm the princess. You are here to keep guard.”he corrected, his irritation growing. “Have you carried befriending her yet?”

"No Your Majesty, I have not been able to even attempt to befriend her." Gloria admitted.

“My lady, if you cannot do it, then I will needs find someone who can!” He said strongly, pounding his palm on the desk and making a loud sound. “You are failing the objective completely.”

"I am very much aware your Majesty. That said, it seems that the Princess does not want friends at this time." Gloria stated.

“Of course she does, Lady Houghton.” He said with a frown. Everyone wants friends, after all. “She just doesn’t want you.”

He stood clearly irritated.

Lady Haughton nodded and lowered her head. She knew she could loose her life if she put one foot wrong in this conversation.

“My Lady, you will depart with us when we go. And you will be replaced here by someone…perhaps with a bit of personality?”

"Yes Your Majesty, mayhap someone closer to her Highness's age would be best?" Gloria suggested.

“Yes.” The Emperor said, not bothering to continue the conversation any longer than was needed, then he turned and exited the room, the door banging with moderate loudness as he went.



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