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Shopping Around I

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 9:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorran Market
Timeline: Mission Day 16 at 1000
4135 words - 8.3 OF Standard Post Measure


The Anorran Market was a series of buildings on the outskirts of the resort right before the desert-proper began. They were several stories each and filled with vendors selling everything from useless bobbles to military-grade weapons. Because of the obvious lack of policing inside the market area, it was not the safest place on the world, but aliens of all stripes bustled, shouted, sneezed, and walked through the place, almost shoulder to shoulder.

Andrei thought he was going to be sick. Non-Terrans gave him the willies suddenly. Especially the Delta Quadrant races. His heart was pounding; he was still angry about the Lovarr and part of him wanted to take it out on everyone. Nevertheless, he calmed that rage and set his eyes on the path from the resort, wondering if Lyra was going to be on time or make him wait. He wore a black and white plaid button-up left a quarter open, showing a view of his chest, black jeans that were ripped at the knees, and black and white sperrys. He wore black sunglasses with a silver rim and frame, his usual scent with a beachy twist, thanks to his replicator, and his black hair was loose and flowed easily in the wind.

True to her usual, Lyra didn’t leave Andrei hanging. She had remained with him the entirety of the day and night before and had only briefly parted from him after their shared breakfast to return to her room for a shower with her own things and an appropriate outfit. As he stood there getting himself worked up, she was suddenly by his side and she could immediately tell he was tense. Lyra had selected a white wrap top that cross-crossed over her breasts, around her neck, and tied at her waist and had paired it with a white flounce skirt decorated with tropical flowers. It showed a good portion of her abdomen and sat low on her hips. It was also short, and barely reached her middle knuckles when her hands were at her sides. It was true to its name, bouncing and flipping in an animated way that was sure to draw attention. On her feet were a pair of yellow low wedge sandals. Her hair had been pulled over her shoulder in a loose, beachy braid and she wore the same sunglasses she had the previous afternoon.

“Rilassati, tesoro. Sono qui ora.” Her voice was low, but carried through the din and hubbub around them with ease.

The nobility of the Terran Empire tended to spend less time on the languages of the Empire as the languages of Terra. It wasn’t unusual for a high noble to speak Terran Standard, what they used to call English, as well as Italian, the language of the Imperial Family, Portuguese, the Language of the first Imperial Family, and Japanese, the Language of the Satos. All others were case by case, but those who had received a classical education, the major ones, would also speak Latin and Greek. He knew what she was saying, but he preferred to keep it to standard when he could. He didn’t want to lose the common touch.

“I’m perfectly calm. I have no idea what you're talking about.” He said with an indifferent tone, though he was tense and it was clear what he was saying wasn’t completely true. “Cool as a cucumber and long as one too.”

"And hard." She agreed with a smirk, shifting to bump her hip just slightly against his to try and draw his attention away from his nerves and briefly to her. "Definitely not cool though. Really quite warm."

He grinned at her, the bump and flattering joke distracting him for a moment. He bumped her back with his hip, but more gently than she had for obvious reasons.

“Flattery will get you everywhere, Ly.” He said with a wink she couldn’t see through the glasses.

"Oh I know." Lyra flashed him a devilish grin and squeezed his hip with her hand. Her attention did turn back to the crowd though and the task at hand. "So, shall we shop around a bit first then?" The double meaning was plain only to them.

“Yes, let’s see if there’s anything we’re dying to have.” He said, responding in a way that only she would recognize. He grinned and took a deep breath; prepared now, he led the way into the pack of animals.

The first floor of the central building where they were had all manner of foods. There was a range of smells that hit their nostrils that would remind them of meat, and fish, and many other such things, but each of them was turned another way enough to remind them they weren’t on Terra anymore. Andrei scrunched his nose for a second, but forced the expression away as a very fat man from a race he’d never seen before bumped up against him and kept walking. He set his jaw and clenched his fists, following the man with his eyes for a while. He wanted to teach the man some manners.

"You know what I found at various resorts," Lyra began speaking to Andrei as they walked to ground him. "older couples are very interested in people our age. Not old old, but old and bored enough with their relationships they are looking to... spice things up as it were." Oftentimes they reeked of desperation.

“Are you suggesting a two for one, you devil?” He asked , looking back to her suddenly, as he made a turn out of the thick crowd into an area where few people were standing. He turned and kneeled, having seen something which looked like morphing blue jello with an eye in it. He made a desperately disgusted face. “What the fuck I’d this?”

“Bolnordl.” Said the offended Vidiian behind the counter. “It’s a delicacy in our world.” He said, looking between the and adding with a sense of meaning: “a powerful aphrodisiac.”

Lyra had to fight to not laugh at the expression on Andrei's face. It struck her as peculiarly adorable. "Well we don't need that, do we, darling?" She asked Andrei and placed her hand on his shoulder. Lyra was disgusted, but Lyra also had a depth of patience and control that Andrei - understandably - did not possess right now.

“No, we certainly don’t.” He said, looking at the man. “It’s the hair. She can’t keep her hands out of it.”

"It is true. It is quite a marvelous mane he has." She reached up and ran her fingers through Andrei's hair, staring at the very bald Vidiian and taking pleasure in the mounting frustration on his face. "I'm sure your... goo is very helpful to you though, sir."

“Look on the bright side, my friend. At least you’re cool in the summer!” Andrei said, grabbing her hand and holding it meaningfully. The contact came from a certain detachment from the situation; a man with a mask on.

The man was definitely about to say something but Lyra tugged Andrei away by the hand, her skirt flipping back and forth with every step she took. "Food is boring. I have a taste for richer things, I think." She noted and looked at him. It would be slightly less crowded where the expensive shops were, but still crowded enough and with people who were looking to be swept up in something exciting while they were on their vacation. It would just be unfortunate that their idea of excitement most likely... wouldn't match up.

“Fine fine.” Andrei said, and gave her hand an affectionate squeeze. He set a course up stairs and then on several winding paths until they emerged into a room with a full- wall window providing a look at the entire resort outside. On cabinets and in cases were displayed jewels, gems, and prizes of magnificent beauty, many of which they’d never seen before.

"See? Much better, really." Lyra immediately began looking at the items. Yes, she was hunting, but a moment to hunt for some different treasure wouldn't hurt anything. She had expensive tastes, but was content to make do with what she had when she had to. Alien or not, some of these things were quite beautiful.

He stopped at a cabinet with her and looked inside, taking note of a silver in-laid ruby necklace which reminded him of her ring precisely. His mouth opened.

“I guess it’s from a set.” He said with a smile. “It would look wonderful around that pretty neck of yours.”

Lyra leaned in closer to inspect it, touching her neck and regarding the necklace. "Yes, yes it would. I do very much like your gift to me. I wear it often in my quarters... thinking of you..." She smirked suggestively.

“Only if you promise to be a very bad girl.” He said with a wink. “Speaking of prizes, do you see anybody in here that catches your eye?”

"Oh I promise." Lyra chuckled and tore her eyes from the necklace to look around. "Hmm... some potentials, I think, but I'd need to see what I can flush out." There were a few men, young and old that looked like they could be looking for trouble in a short, flippy skirt. She even saw a few couples that looked like they were hunting for the exact thing she mentioned. "What about you, darling?"

Andrei was looking too, and since he had started, he noticed several attractive young women who seemed to be there with older men, likely participating in some prelude to sex. He could only assume the expensive jewelry was part of the exchange. He also noticed a handful of women approaching middle age whose beauty hadn’t faded.

“There are plenty of candidates for me.” He said, looking to Lyra with a devilish smile. “But this one’s for you. Pick your favorite, love.”

Lyra stood quietly for a long moment, shifting her weight from one foot to the other like she was undecided on what kind of ice cream flavor she wanted to select. The easiest choices would be Old or Young. Young tended to range between eighteen to twenty-five. Their attention was usually quite easily drawn by anything with a nice rack or ass and they'd follow women about like puppies just for the chance of landing awkwardly between her thighs at some point. By her experience, a large majority of them also responded well to woman who would be more forward - maybe instead of landing between her thighs, they'd get the ride of their lives. Older men liked young women. It started at around forty-five by her estimation, and as they grew older, the age of their prey grew lower. They wanted to feel like "young bucks" frolicking about when in truth they could barely get it up. They also liked to be the pursuers, and very much enjoyed it when those young women demurred to their power and presence as a man over them. The other side of the coin there were those who had high stress jobs and the sense of bravado to go with it... but behind closed doors wanted to be owned by a woman.

Between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five though, there was that grey area where most men found their own confidence and power, their tastes growing into something more varied. They were harder to predict and made for more challenging prey. In the end though, any man on the hunt regardless of age wanted the same thing... and very few could resist a flippy short skirt perched on a pair of long legs.

Lyra decided on Old. She wanted to break pride and spirit, show them that they were truly nothing in the end. It was just that kind of day. Though, if she lured an unsuspecting puppy, she wouldn't complain either.

She looked up to Andrei and smiled, it was warm and looked up at him through her sunglasses, betraying nothing of her internal thoughts. He was obviously still quite rattled from the Lovarr - and rightfully so - but he seemed to be having some trouble with control. It would take time, but she wondered if he was truly ready to engage with aliens on this level. It would likely get physical. Women liked little touches and they also liked to bestow little touches, after all. Despite her doubts and questions, she chose to trust Andrei and his own mind; if he couldn't manage, he could disengage and just watch, or maybe that's all he wanted to do anyways. It could be very insightful for him. Reaching up, she slid off her sunglasses and held them out to Andrei.

"Would you mind holding onto these for me, darling? I'm afraid my skirt is much too short for pockets."

Andrei watched her think for a while, but after a few moments, he turned his eyes back to the room again. He watched the women at first, looking at the curves of their bodies, focusing in particular on the ones who looked most Terran. They would be the easiest for him to deal with. Then he started to look at the men, wondering which one Lyra would show interest in. He might have been jealous if the man was ever actually going to get anywhere with her.

When she spoke to him, he was jerked from his thoughts and came back to reality with a subtle unwillingness he always got when he was focused on what he wanted. He accepted the glasses with a nod and no other word, then he put his eyes on her trying to guess what she would do next.

Lyra gave a gentle squeeze to Andrei's hip but said nothing more as she turned and walked away. Immediately he might have noticed she changed the way she walked. Her strides were not long and commanding, but shorter and slightly bouncy which made her skirt flip and sway against her rear and thighs. It communicated innocence and youth, a sure draw for what she was after. As she moved, she would catch her gaze on certain men, but immediately look away with a shy smile. Getting their attention, their interest. Many watched after her, that flip flip flip of that bright yellow skirt.

Eventually she found a stall that was more open and moved to the counter. She placed her hands on it and leaned forward enough and at an angle that made her short skirt lift up just enough to almost expose just a hint of her bottom. It was a tantalizing target.

A man a few paces away had turned from shopping for his wife, a rather luxurious woman who had been spending the past several months filling that void in her soul that most women reserved for children with increasingly expensive things. He was happy to oblige her so long as it kept her quiet, but it seemed she was becoming insatiable. He might be firing blanks, but he was rich, and handsome, and still in the prime of life for a man. Yet still she was unhappy, and that made him more than resentful. He was Vidiian; an up and comer in the financial world who worked more hours a week than he would care to admit. A business trip had brought him here and he was looking for an expensive souvenir that might manage to make her smile at him for an instant.

Then that skirt caught his eye. Long caramel legs, a fit frame, and an ass that seemed almost to pop out at him. He was distracted to a degree he hadn’t been in a long time. He stared, and looked away, and then rated again. What wouldn’t he give to get in that? And she seemed too innocent to know what she had. His mission was forgotten and he found himself walking over to her before he could think twice about it. What he was really after he didn’t know.

“You’re not here buying diamonds for yourself, are you?” He asked, stepping up beside her and grinning in that way that charmed more when he wasn’t wearing a wedding band on his wrist. He wasn’t; he had slipped it off.

Lyra gave an impressive performance of a sweet young lady suddenly being startled out of some fantasy of riches. She jumped, placing her hand on the exposed skin just above her cleavage and looked with wide eyes at the Vidiian man next to her. “Goodness, you startled me.” Her voice was silvery, her words honeyed. She gave a sweet smile and blinked slowly. “No, no. Just admiring. I couldn’t afford anything so rich but I do love looking.” She briefly looked into the man’s eyes and then looked away shyly.

She was radiant. And those eyes.. he smiled despite himself, wondering what he was doing; considering what was really most important to him.

“We’ll, you must have a man who can buy something like this for you? A pretty girl like you deserved to be covered in gold.”

She giggled and shifted, one hand covering her lips while her other arm wrapped around herself just under her chest, the two together bringing focus down to her breasts. “That’s very kind of you, but I’m not so special really.”

“Well I think you’re very special.” He said, watching her every move; stealing glances at her chest. “What brings you to Anorra?”

“Well, what brings anyone to a place like this?” She giggled again and began to play with her braid, twirling it around in her hand. “The sun, the sand,” her eyes flicked up to his and held for a little longer this time, “the lovely people. I love trying new things. It’s always such an experience.”

“Trying new things is always good.” He said, trying to control where his mind went in saying that. He would have liked to try her very much. He looked at her a while, finally seeing beyond the pretty face and the striking body. “I’ve never seen your species before. Where are you from?”

“A very long way from here. A little place called Luna.” These were not questions she wanted to play too long with. “That pin you’re wearing.” Lyra pointed to the small gold symbol she noticed on his chest. “Does it mean something? It looks very official.” She smiled sweetly and batted her eyes at him.

“Oh this?” He asked in a slightly stupid tone, looking down at his own chest, his eyes falling on hers first. “It’s a badge of rank. I’m the Assistant Chief Financial Officer of a major mattress manufacturer. We’re having our conference here and this badge is to let people know how much they should kiss my ass.”

He was nursing the beginnings of an erection from being near her, which made him feel suddenly terribly awkward. He bent over slightly, trying to hide it, but truth be told, it was never very noticeable on him. Not much to hide.

“Oh that’s very impressive.” She lifted her fingers and touched the pin, making sure to only touch the pin, but in doing so she indirectly pressed it into his skin and let that substitute for her touch. “Are they nice mattresses? I find my body can be so sensitive to things that are too soft… or hard.”

I’ve got something hard for you. he thought to himself. But had she noticed? No, she’s too sweet to have even looked!

“They vary in softness. We actually provide the ones at this resort.” He said, like it was the most interesting thing in the world. “Have you had a chance to try one out yet?”

“No, but I will tonight.” Lyra replied, her fingers still lingering a moment longer before withdrawing. “I’m looking forward to it.” She gave him a sweet, innocent smile and brushed some stray hair behind her ear. “I’m Lena, by the way.”

“Halnen.” He said, extending a hand to her like an astute businessman, but really just looking for an opportunity to touch her. Her skin was gorgeous. He thought what she would look like mid-orgasm, and then his wife’s displeased face flashed into his mind. “My friends call me Hal. So, Lena, did you come here with friends or are you a solo vacationer?”

“With friends.” She replied and placed her hand into his, giving him what he wanted. “But we haven’t done too much sticking together. Varied interests and all that.” She smiled up at him and looked down to his hand. “My your hands are strong.” Lyra bit one side of her lower lip and let it slide back out from her teeth slowly as she looked up and shifted just slightly closer to Halnen.

He wasn’t new to this, and he understood when a woman liked him. It had been about fifteen years since he’d last been with anyone but his wife, and she was about that age.

“I don’t want to be too forward, but, if you're interested in the business I do…I can show you the merchandise. It’ll give your friends some time to finish whatever they’re doing.”

It wasn’t smooth. Andrei, who was standing nearby, turned away to hide the fact that he was laughing.

“Oh really?” Lyra asked brightly with a smile to match. She looked into the man’s eyes, though her expression wilted just slightly. “Well, actually… I was thinking about heading down to the oasis…” She hesitated and then brightened again, this time leaning in with an innocent, nervous excitement. “Maybe… maybe you’d like to come with me and then afterwards you can show me your merchandise? I think some time out in the sun would do wonders to warm me up.”

He was in! He grinned at her, but inside he was wondering if this was really what he wanted to do. She had seemed so innocent at first, but now it seemed there was more to her than he thought. Of course this filled him with glee as, if she had been at all prudish, he doubted he would have been able to make it happen. He was handsome in a typical sort of way with middling charm, not the sort of man who picked up outrageously hot women on the beach. Yet somehow, today, it seemed like something extraordinary happened to him. He would have to work to keep it secret when he got home. A nice diamond necklace or ruby ring, and he hoped the wife wouldn’t ask any questions.

“That sounds great.” He said. “I’ll meet you down there after I finish a purchase here.” He seemed to think then for a few seconds before turning back to her. “If you could have anything in here, what would it be?”

“Anything?” She asked, actually curious if he was about to buy something for her. It would have been a nice bonus. She looked back to the display and then indicated a long gold necklace dotted with what in human standards would be rubies and diamonds. It was simple in its elegance and not the most expensive thing there. “This is very pretty.”

"Yes, it is." he said, and stopped himself from making a comparison between the necklace and her. "I'll see you on the beach."

“Alright. I’ll meet you there in… two hours? Will that be enough time for you?” She asked and tilted her head sweetly.

"Sure it will." he said, looking at her, his blue eyes scanning her once, but trying to be mostly polite. "I can't wait, Lena."

With that, the man turned and walked toward the necklace she had indicated. Andrei waited at a counter near her, pretending to peruse jewelry. An attendant approached him with a brought smile that screamed his desire to sell him something.

"Well, what ca-"

"Go away." he said curtly, his eyes fixed on the stones and not on the man. He had been listening, but now he simply wasn't interested in going through the motions with the man.

Lyra wandered over with that same innocent step, parking next to Andrei and looking down into the display. She watched as the attendant skittered off to the other side of the stall and left them mostly alone. "Well, I have a date in two hours. Now what about you, darling? Care to do some hunting of your own?"



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