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Posted on Fri Sep 2nd, 2022 @ 1:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Callie Marshall

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 1400
1959 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure


With recent events involving Andrei, Callie decided to take advantage of a walk with her son to drop in on Andrei and see how he was recovering. She was, for all intents and purposes still on maternity leave, but for a Counsellor as well as Discipline Inspector it was more or less a busman’s holiday, as the old saying went.

Stopping at Andrei’s quarters she pressed the chime and waited for an answer.

Andrei had been channeling all of his anxieties and aggression into his physical training. From morning until night, he had been busying himself with either some mental or physical activity that would make him the warrior-king he wished to be. His mind was already sharper and his body was already more cut. He was in his temporary quarters doing pull ups when the chime rang. Rolling his eyes, he released the bar and landed on his feet. His muscular body was glazed with sweat and his shirtless form gave access to anyone who wished to see how jacked and defined he was becoming. He was bare foot and wore athletic shorts as his only clothing.

He walked to the door and opened it, his prominent chest moving with his intense breathing. Seeing Callie there was a surprise, and holding her baby no-less. He smiled, the smell of teakwood and other pleasant scents wafting lightly out of the room to greet her.

“Callie Marshall. I haven’t seen you in an age.” He said, flashing a charming smile, his perfect teeth shimmering. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Hello Andrei” Callie offered a smile. “I thought I’d drop by and see how you’re doing. I see you’ve been working on getting yourself back to required fitness levels.” If she wasn’t a married woman now the sight of his physique would be appealing, but as it was she was not flustered by the sight before her.

“Beyond required fitness.” He corrected, an easy and relaxed expression on his face. “I’ve never been stronger or faster in my life.”

His mind flashed back to some of their adventures when they first came aboard ship. He remembered how she’d moaned with him and the feeling of her shaking under his touch. In fact, she’d been worried the baby she was now holding might be his. He pushed the thoughts from his mind.

“But, how rude of me. Come on in. Can I get you anything to drink?” He said, turning around and walking back into the small room.

Callie followed Andrei in wheeling her son in, in his pushchair. “Just a lemonade please Andrei.” She was doing her best to ignore the fact that he looked good, recalling their time together putting Ivan’s desk to naughty use. “So how are you really? After what you went through, talking about it would be good for you.”

“Two lemonades, sweet, chilled, and garnished.” He ordered from the replicator on the wall. Two tall glasses flashed into existence full of refreshing yellow liquid, each topped with a slice of lemon on the rim and ice cubes floating on the surface. He picked them up, feeling the cold touch his fingers, and walked them over to the coffee table. His room was well decorated as he was one of those bachelors who liked to surround himself with nice things. He sat down on the couch, leaving room for her. “How’s little John doing?”

He asked the question with apparent interest, looking into the push chair at the sleeping baby boy. He smiled warmly.

“John is very well, thank you for asking” Callie smiled warmly as she reached for her glass. “Considering his sudden rush arrival.” She sipped her drink before putting the glass down again. “You’re doing a good job of avoiding my question Andrei.”

“I’m really just curious about you, Callie.” he said, giving her a soft glance, no sign of deception in his features. His bionic right eye moved with his natural one, an emerald one to match the natural silver. “You’ve been through just as much as I have. Being tortured by the Ocampa and used as a Guinea Pig for their experiments; being forced to have a baby in the middle of the Vidiian crisis only two months after getting pregnant.”

He placed a hand on hers and frowned.

“I know we have a bit of a storied history, but I’ve been worried about you.” He said. “And what we’ve shared together makes me feel connected to you in some way. I need to know you’re alright too.”

Callie said nothing for a few moments. “You’re right, I’ve been through almost as much as you have. I don’t think anyone has been through a pregnancy as fast as this one was, but I’m not going to dwell on what is in the past. You could say this whole experience has taught me how to be a better Terran Officer. I won’t hesitate when it comes to defending myself, my son, or anyone else, without my inhibitor even you wouldn’t stand a chance.” She offered a wry smile. “Though fortunately we’re both on the same side.”

He returned her smile, a bit more devilish and mysterious coming from him. “We’ll, as you know, love, I’m very dangerous. But yes, we’re on the same side.”

He turns to her a bit. They were close, but there was still a safe distance between them. He looked at her, his smile relaxing away, and leaned back, realizing his sore muscles.

“I hated Sickbay, but they managed to make me whole again. And, your body? How are you healing?”

“I’m getting there.” Callie offered a more relaxed smile. “Karen did a brilliant job on the surgery that saved me, it’s taking some time to get back to full fitness, but then I am still on maternity leave.”

“So I guess that means you aren’t too physically active?” He inquired. “That can be important for recovery.”

“Unlike you Andrei I’m somewhat slower on the physical action side of things. It’s just gentle walks, minor exercise, and being careful not to overdo it.” Callie smiled warmly. “You still haven’t answered my question, but you’re doing an excellent job of avoiding answering.”

“You keep complimenting me, Callie. I appreciate that.” He said, offering her a joking smile. Then he raised his eyebrows at her. “You are the sweetest optimist I know. I’m not going to pour my heart out and she’d tears over the machinations of a few slaves.”

His statement had a complimentary tone, like he really was telling her she was sweet.

“I’m assuming Troy has been helping with the exercise, then? As you know, rolling around in bed or…on desks can be an excellent way to stay in shape.”

“I’m afraid love making is one of the things that has to wait a few weeks when you have a baby” Callie smiled. “As much as I would love to be back making love with Troy. I agree it is an enjoyable way to stay in shape, I’ve no doubt you’ve been keeping yourself busy with the ladies.”

“Absolutely or, I’m a changed man.” He said with a teasing grin. “Can’t you tell?”

Callie grinned. “You never change Andrei, just as charming as always! Though I’d put a shirt on before you go running around the ship, or you’ll have women drooling all over you.” She smiled a wry smile. “I’ll admit you’re looking good, but I’m not shopping around anymore. I’m a one man woman.”

“I know. And I respect that. Though I do miss you literally drooling all over me.” He said with a comfortable expression. He wasn’t nervous in saying it. “I still think of you sometimes, you know.”

“Yet when it came to the thought that you could be a father all you did at the time was insult me.” She shook her head. “Anyway...not that it matters now. I owe you the respect due as my senior officer, you will get that respect. You will also stop by my office for regular counselling sessions until such time as I’m satisfied you’re truly coping with that happened to you.”

“I didn’t insult you. I laughed.” He corrected without defensiveness. “You brought me together with all the men who railed you and had a pow wow about your pregnancy. It was incredibly awkward. I was uncomfortable. So I laughed to relieve some pressure.”

He sighed, leaning in and putting his fingers on her hand.

“Is that why you’ve been upset with me?” He asked, tender eyed. “Because I laughed at you?”

Callie was somewhat surprised by the tender response, but she gave Andrei the benefit of the doubt. She nodded in answer. “You did a bit more than laugh, or are you forgetting the comment that got you punched by Johnathan?”

“I don’t recall.” He said with a curious expression. “But it seems like it really bothered you, whatever it was. If I’ve learned anything from this experience on the Lovarr, it’s that life is short. Whatever I said, I don’t want you to remain upset with me.”

Callie nodded. “I’m not upset with you anymore, if I was I wouldn’t be sitting here chatting with you.” She offered a polite smile. “This....softer side of you is nice to see Andrei, but there’s a part of me that’s forced to wonder if it’s just an act. It’ll be a shame if it is. I’d like to know that I can trust you with not just me safety, but that of my son. He is, after all the first of the next generation of Terrans here in the Delta Quadrant.”

"I understand why you would think it and act and I don't blame you." he said, "But I intend to protect this fleet and everyone in it with my life. That includes you and your son. The Empire must stand strong. And if it is to be strong here, this ship, this fleet, must remain united."

Callie nodded. “On that we’re both in agreement Andrei” She smiled warmly. “So...friends?” Callie held out her hand for Andrei to shake.

"Friends." he said, extending a hand and taking hold of hers. He shook it gently as befits a man shaking a lady's hand, and then he held it there. "You know, Callie, I'm not sure if I've ever told you this, but you really do have the most beautiful eyes."

With that he stood, releasing her hand, and walked back over to the bar in the doorway to his bathroom. Grabbing hold of it, he resumed his pullups with impressive easy, his face contorting slightly with the effort. He was definitely getting stronger. He said nothing to Callie, focused again on his regimen.

Smiling Callie turned to leave, she needed to get back for some rest anyway. Reaching the door she paused to look back. “See you around Andrei. It’s been a pleasure talking to you.” With that she headed on her way.

Andrei continued to lift himself, a smile moving onto his face as she said goodbye to him. It was nice to have a relationship as strained as theirs improve so much suddenly. His eyes followed her and the carriage she was using for her baby until they were out of the door. Then he chuckled a bit and pumped harder.



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