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His Name Was Halnen

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 9:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 16 at 1300
3660 words - 7.3 OF Standard Post Measure


After a brief interlude spent back on the Vengeance to gather up the necessary tools and implements for the rest of the day's events, Lyra had returned to Anorra and her room there to change and make herself look sweet and pretty. She opted for a white bikini with a tied closure top to allow Halnen the thought of all he would need to do was give a little tug on the tie and she would be completely exposed to him. Over it she wore a simple solid yellow cover up that even while tied still exposed a window to the middle of her body, offering flashes of her cleavage and everything else in the center. She loaded up a dark brown woven bag with all her supplies and completed the look with an unobtrusive pair of brown sandals. With her hair tied back in a cute, messy style, she had headed to the beach.

Lyra knew Andrei would be watching and did her best to keep things on the beach brief with Halnen. They walked around a bit in one of the less popular areas on the oasis, then ended up pressed together in the same lounge chair. He droned on and on about his really quite mundane life which he attempted to make sound exciting. Lena ate it up. Lyra was going to be happy to kill him. People this boring just shouldn't exist. Eventually his hands had started to grow bolder, and she became shy but obviously willing. After just over an hour, she had finally agreed to go to his room to inspect his "merchandise." She knew Andrei would follow and figure it out. After briefly excusing herself to use the restroom so that she could activate some of the devices in her bag that would help interfere with any security measures, she returned to Halnen and they headed up.

His suite was large, but not the largest nor most extravagant. It fitted someone of the man's station and means. She stepped inside and headed to the window before she looked back at him and offered him a sweet smile. "Oh this is a lovely view."

“It certainly is.” He said, looking at her exclusively, and paying no attention to the view outside the window. He closed the door behind him and stepped forward, joining her at the window. He put his hands around her waist, continuing some of the touching they had started on the beach. “I’m a bit nervous…I’ve never done this before. You’re just so beautiful.”

"I am too but..." She turned and smiled up at him, pulling the tie to her cover up. "I enjoy trying new things. It is always so exciting and made all the better when shared with a handsome gentleman."

He blushed then, despite his attempt to seem confident. Then he was looking at her lips, staring at them. It was obvious he wanted to kiss her, but he knew that, if he did, there was no going back for him. He considered the situation, his wife coming into his mind. He thought of the potential blowback. Then he decided, and leaned forward.

Lyra smiled at him, leaning in to return the kiss. She kept it short and sweet, she could see his hesitance. She slid the cover up off of her body and let it pool by her feet. She demurred then, looking down and giving a shy, sweet smile and soft laugh.

He looked at her standing in her bikini, his mouth slightly open.

“Luna makes the most beautiful women.” He said, and then he kissed her again, this time pulling her to himself eagerly, willfully, casting all doubts aside. His hands began to wander.

Lyra returned his kiss and slid her arms around his shoulders as he pulled her close. She felt nothing but disgust, but her eyes and body read excitement and desire. Eventually, she pulled back with a lusty little expression on her lips. "You said your company sells their beds to the resort? I am awfully eager to try it out to see if it is to my liking."

“I’m awfully eager to show you.” He said, grinning broadly. He placed his arm around her shoulder and led her back toward the bedroom. Once they were inside, he closed the door behind him

Outside, Andrei watched their heat signatures move to the bedroom. It was time. He moved into the hotel suite with a device they’d brought which mimicked security signals. Once he was inside the living room, he locked the door and walked over to the window. Peering out through a small slit, he listened for some indication that the clothes had come off.

“Here, let me.” Lyra offered and began to unbutton Hal’s shirt. She stepped behind him to slide it off and tossed it down onto the bed. “Now… if you’re feeling adventurous I have some traditions from Luna I’d like to share, but you have to trust me.” She looked up into the man’s eyes and spoke sweetly. “Let me take good care of you, Hal.”

Hal had a typically fit body, light on muscle and fat, but hairier than the average man. He was by no means unattractive, but certainly no longer at his peak attractiveness. As she exposed his torso, he gave a nervous but eager impression

“What’s the custom, Lena?”

"Well," she began, her voice still sweet and shy, "we from Luna appreciate heightening the senses and the mystery of what is to come." She opened her bag and pulled out a scarf. "I'd get you in bed and put this around your eyes... then pleasure you. I could go first and show you what kinds of things happen, and then you could do it to me."

Halnen flashed a look of unease. Being tied up wasn’t his idea of a good time and it made him nervous.

“Some people of the Vidiians do that as well.” He said, his smile tight. “But, my sweet, how will I see your gorgeous body if I’m blindfolded?”

Lyra giggled and pressed into him then. “Well we don’t keep it on for the main event. This is just to help get us started. It makes everything just so much more intense.” She stepped back then and looked a bit sad. “But… if you don’t want to try it for me, I understand.”

He looked uneasy, but was obviously very eager to please her.

“No no, it’s fine.” He said, forcing a smile. “I’ll do it.”

"You won't regret it." Lyra promised sweetly and leaned in to kiss Halnen. "But since I know you want to see." She stepped back from him and stripped out of her bikini top slowly and purposefully, exposing her chest to the Vidiian man and giving him a sultry look.

"What do you think?"

He looked at her with interested eyes, trepidation written all over his face. Though she was an alien, he had never seen a more gorgeous woman naked in his life. He smiled for real now, looking her up and down.

“You’re wonderful.” He said quietly. Something within him was confirmed in that moment. If someone like her could see him this way, maybe his wife really was wrong about all the things she said about him. He looked for a moment as if he was about to cry, but he controlled himself. Clearing his throat, he stepped forward and kissed her again, his hands moving up her body toward her breasts.

Lyra smiled and returned his kiss, allowing him to put his hands on her. He was flighty and nervous, so he needed this. She allowed his touch for only a moment more before touching his cheek and looking into his eyes." Are you ready for an experience you will never forget, Halnen?" She asked, his name rolling off her tongue with a sweet, seductive ease. She held the scarf up expectantly.

He nodded, feeling that he truly was. His conscience was no longer bothering him. He had made his choice. With it, the nervousness seemed to roll off of his face.

“Oh yes, I am.”

Lyra smiled her approval, her hands going down to his pants so she could work them and anything else off of him. Once he was free, she stood back up and looked into his eyes. "Lie down on the bed on your back for me, Hal."

Now standing naked before her, he was eager and anyone who looked down at him could tell. Vidiian reproductive organs were different than Terran ones, but she would be able to figure out the essential parts. He did as she asked, sitting down first and then laying, backing himself up to the headboard.

She had to work to keep her face even and not bothered by the clearly alien anatomy. It was similar, but all at once repulsive to her. She smiled as he settled and moved to the side of the bed so she could securely tie the scarf around his head and over his eyes. "Just close your eyes and relax." She cooed to him, going to her bag and pulling out several more long strips of fabric though these looked much sturdier than the scarf. She began to tie them to the corners of the bed, every so often reaching out to touch Halnen. She touched his chest, his thighs, getting very close to his intimate parts but not quite.

"You are very handsome, you know." She cooed to him and leaned down to brush her lips against his shoulder. Very deftly, she slid the loops of the ties she had made around his wrists as he lay there, but paused to climb on top of him so as to not alarm him. "Very handsome." She repeated and started tracing patterns on his chest. She leaned back then, his manhood pressing against her back while she took the loops at the foot of the bed and slid them around his ankles. Her hair teased the skin of his legs.

"I'm very much going to enjoy this. I think you will too."

To say it had been a long time would have been an understatement. He had not been touched by a woman in over two years. Even her contact with him in this small way made him overwhelmingly excited. He moaned audibly and threw his head back, wanting more. The fact that she seemed to like him so much was even more exciting for him. He felt full of masculine energy. He felt seen, recognized, respected. He even felt the beginnings of what he would describe as love for her. He had no idea what was in store for him.

“I’m very excited to get started.” He said, breathily.

"Good." Lyra purred out, her own body growing excited for a completely different reason. Given he hadn't seemed to notice her sliding the loops onto his ankles and wrists. She was home free on that front. She gathered up the tails of the fabric she had used and pulled. Immediately, Hal's arms and legs were pulled tight to the bed frame, rendering him unable to move. She knotted the threads together and gave a pleased sigh. "Much better."

He furrowed his brow, causing them to battle against the blindfold.

“What the…what are you doing?” He asked, his voice slightly panicked. His small erection began to weaken. “I can’t move.”

"You said you wanted to try this out, didn't you?" She asked with a smirk and sat down on the edge of the bed, running her hand up and down his chest. "Just relax, this is all part of our game." She looked to the door then, waiting, but she wouldn't wait for long for Andrei to make his entrance before she would go and get him.

“Yes, I just…I didn’t think it would be so tight.” He said, calming a bit at her touch. His breathing slowed.

Outside, Andrei had walked over to listen at the door. He could see their heat signatures and knew it was time. He opened the door quietly and walked inside, closing it behind him.

Lyra smiled and stood from the bed, moving to Andrei and touching his chest. She didn’t seem to care in the slightest that she was bare breasted. She gave him a smile, touched his cheek, and then moved over to her bag, pulling out another couple silky pieces of fabric and a knife. She moved back on the bed and looked to Halnen. “Are you ready then?” She asked and placed a hand on the Vidiian man’s chest now that he was calm again.

“Yes, I am.” Halnen said, smiling again. “I can’t wait. I bet you feel amazing.”

Andrei scowled at that.

“She does.” He said at a moderate volume.

Halnen visibly shook, the sound of a man’s voice shocking him completely. His mouth hung open.

“Who is that? WHO IS IN HERE? Lena? Are you okay?” He asked, his breathing spreading up again. He struggled at his restraints to no avail.

“Just a friend of Lena’s. Calm down. She said I could watch.” Andrei said. “I like to watch.”

“No! This isn’t what we agreed to. This wasn’t part of the deal!” Halnen called out, pulling again at the restraints.

“Well why not?” Lyra asked as she folded up one of the silk scarves she had. “It’s not like I’m going to have any fun with a man like you.” She reached up and waited for the man’s inevitable protest and then popped the folded up scarf into his mouth followed by the other one kept straight which she pushed in and tied tightly around his face to gag him.

“Oh that’s much better. You almost look cute like that.”

"You're wicked, love." Andrei said, looking at her with dark eyes. He then looked at the man and felt nothing. He didn't particularly enjoy this activity for its own sake. He enjoyed her enjoyment. "So, how do you want to...pleasure Mr. Halnen? I can't wait to see what's next."

Lyra moved on top of the Vidiian, straddling his stomach and running the blunt side of her knife over his skin. “Slowly, but not too slowly. We do have another date to keep.” She said and turned the blade over, the tip very easily sliding under the man’s skin and cutting through him like he was nothing.

Halnen's muffled screams reached a fever pitch. He was shaking wildly trying to get loose or to knock her off of him, clearly terrified.

Andrei took out his own knife with a look of passive acceptance. Placing it on the bed, he started to strip off some of his clothes. It wouldn't do to get them all bloody.

“Oh shut up it was one little cut.” Lyra scoffed at the man and then stabbed him in the shoulder. “There. That will give you something to scream about.” She left the knife embedded in Halnen and turned to watch Andrei with interest as he stripped down. She gave him a smile and then began to stroke Halnen’s chest like he was some sort of animal. “There there.”

The man had started to go absolutely ballistic. shaking every part of his body that would move, ignoring the pain. He knew that, if he didn't get out, he was going to die. Either his wife would never see him again, or worse. They would find him like this.

Andrei walked up then, wearing only his underwear and shrugged, plunging the knife into Halnen's other shoulder in the same spot. He looked at Lyra and smiled.

"What? I like symmetry is all."

She laughed softly and shook her head. "Symmetry it is then, darling." She pulled her knife out and repeated the cut she had made in the first place but on the other side of the Vidiian's body. "Now then I'm pretty sure I saw..." She moved up and started inspecting Hal's hands. "Oh you naughty little man. Look at this, Alexander." She said and poked her knife into Halnen's finger where the tan line of his wedding ring was. "He's married and he wanted to fuck me. So unfaithful, what a lack of control you have."

“You should be ashamed.” Andrei said loudly, placing his hand on the knife and pushing it down lightly, much to the man’s dismay. “A promise is a promise, Halnen. Has no one ever told you?”

"Well now, this has turned into a time for a lesson, hasn't it?" Lyra asked, her face filling with new found purpose and focus. "People like you who can't control themselves after making a vow are no better than beasts... and so you shall be treated as such."

She'd cut his ring finger off, but later, the blood might allow him to slip out of the bindings. She looked to Andrei then and moved off to Halnen's opposite side. Lifting her knife, she began to slide it along Halnen's skin and watched as Andrei followed in the name of symmetry. For thirty minutes she dragged out the Vidiian's suffering alongside her accomplice, her partner. Hers.

It was a lesson for the faithless.

Finally, Halnen was close to his end and Lyra stood, walking around the bed and pressing her chest to Andrei's back. She leaned down and kissed his neck under his ear. Her arms slid around him and she whispered softly into his ear.

"Finish him."

“With pleasure.” He said with a neutral voice, lifting his own bloodied knife. He then jammed it artfully into Halnen’s throat. He sputtered and struggled for several seconds and then was still. Silence filled the room.

Lyra watched Halnen struggle in his death throes and then lingered there as he went silent. After a few beats, she brushed Andrei's hair from his neck and placed a few soft kisses against his neck. She pulled back then and began to look around. She found what she was looking for, a small bag in the corner, and pulled it out. Inside, she found the necklace she had selected in the marketplace. She slid it over her neck, the long loop coming down to just above her navel and resting over her breasts. She also found his wedding ring inside it. On his dresser, she found the gold pin he had been wearing to denote his station. Picking it up, she brought it to Andrei.

"For you, darling, as a keepsake."

“A souvenir? Or should I melt it down and make something I care about?” Andrei asked, and then reached and grabbed his knife. He pulled it out of Hal’s throat and cleaned it on the driest part of the bed he could find.

“Whatever you like.” She replied and moved away from him then and over to her bag. Truthfully she expected more of a reaction than Andrei was giving to… well any part of this, but she didn’t dwell on it. She herself radiated satisfaction at a job well done. She pulled out a couple of small round devices and activated them. One she rolled out into the living area and the other she held onto. She pulled out a small disk then and activated that as well, walking over and placing it on Halnen’s chest. She took that opportunity to cut the man’s ring finger off and slide his ring onto it. She left it below the disk and then stood up, moving to the bathroom to wash up.

He walked with her, leaving the room empty so the devices could do their work with no danger to them. The suite had adjoining sinks, so he walked up to the far one and ran warm water. Using soap he brought himself, he washed his hands, arms, and face, and then examined himself in the mirror for a spot clean. Once he was sure he was clear of any blood or signs, he washed the surface of his sink and his half of the counter with a disinfectant and then worked to put everything away.

“So,” he asked looking at her with smiling eyes. “How do you feel?”

“Powerful. Accomplished.” Lyra said simply. She was taking a bit longer to clean herself since she was far more bloody. Not that she seemed to care in the slightest. Once she was done, she left one of the sphere devices in the bathroom then walked back out into the now pristinely empty bedroom and untied the scarves from the bed. The disk was gone, but she gathered up the other device then found her bikini top to put back on. She left Andrei briefly to go to the main room and get her cover up, pulling it on and then collecting the “cleaning” device as she headed back. One more brief stop in the bathroom to collect the last one and she was finally ready.

“Shall we, darling?” She picked up her bag and looked at Andrei with a smile.

“We shall.” He said, his clothes back on again. He placed his hand on the small of her back and walked out with her, making a sweep of the room one last time before the left.

Lyra wore a contented smile as she walked out of the room with Andrei. If nothing else, it had been an enjoyable bonding experience from her point of view and something new for Andrei. As they stepped onto the lift, her fingers found his and she gave it a gentle squeeze. They had time to rest and make their lunch together before their second date of the evening. His choice, this time.

It was certainly becoming quite an eventful vacation.



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