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His Name Was Christoph II

Posted on Thu Sep 1st, 2022 @ 8:26am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Thu Sep 1st, 2022 @ 8:27am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Ivers' Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 10 at 2120
2311 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure

She returned his kiss tenderly, touching his cheek and looking into his eyes. A small smirk appeared on her face again as she regarded him. “I know this may be hard for you to believe - maybe you won’t at all - but you are the one who knows me better than anyone here. You’ve seen the real me and you haven’t run away screaming. I may not have the right face or name, but it is me.”

Andrei watched her as she spoke; observed her temperature readings. If he had his patch, he would know even more, but even with his natural eye he could tell she meant what she said. He was special to her. He had been special to many women before, but he found that with her it was more than nice. It was important to him. He smiled.

“I’m glad we found each other, Lyra.” He said, his voice low as he looked into her eyes. “Lovely Lyra, I can’t look away.”

“Well, we hope lovely, don’t we?” She asked with a grin and pulled at her cheeks slightly. Lyra leaned in and kissed him again. With her hand on his chest, she pushed him down to the floor and shifted over top of him. “You know, I did promise you three days, but if you’d rather wait I won’t complain.” A smirk played on her lips suddenly. “Unless you’d like to give Mad Maddie a ride.”

“I don’t know. I feel I’m turning over a new leaf. Perhaps I’ll become a celebate. Give my life to the gods.” He said as she climbed atop him. He watched her, already feeling the blood starting to rush to the parts of his body which were about to become very useful. “On second thought, where’s the saddle?”

“Oh I don’t know, I wouldn’t want to lead you into temptation.” Lyra grinned and shifted, trailing her hand down to undo his belt and pull it off. “Then again I suppose I don’t play very nicely.”

“Yeah, I think you’ve pretty much proven you’re a bad girl. Might have to set you straight.” He said, watching her, his anticipation hard to ignore. He bared his teeth a bit involuntarily. “But if you don’t lead me into temptation soon, then I’m the one who's going to have to do the leading.”

“Set me straight? Hm? No, I think you like me being a bad girl.” She grinned deviously and pushed herself to sit up and straddle him, she tossed his belt to the side and reached for his shirt. “Do you like this shirt?”

“Yes. It fits me perfectly.” He said, not being clear if he was serious or not. He looked up at her with interest, his obvious feelings for her only enhancing the experience. “Why do you ask?”

“That’s too bad.” She said morosely and then immediately grinned with a devious expression. One hand went to her belt and she flipped her dagger out of its holder, catching it in the air as she lifted Andrei’s shirt up off his chest and sliced it open completely. “I’ll get you a new one.” She leaned down and began to kiss at his bare chest, her tongue touching his skin and every so often her teeth would nip at his skin. He could see her body starting to rapidly warm up again, focused in certain areas more than others.

Andrei let out a chuckle as she cut through the shirt. For people who did so much killing, it wasn’t a small thing to be around either of them when they were wielding a knife. When her mouth was on his chest, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the attention she was giving him, wincing ever-so-slightly at the use of teeth. He did not, however, interrupt. He would take his turn and would get her back.

“So, you want to be a man of worship do you, Andrei? Dedicated to the gods?” Lyra was down at his abdomen now and grinned up at him. She shoved the dagger into the carpet for the moment and moved her hands down to his hips so she could work her fingers under the waistband of his shorts and boxer briefs. She peeled both of them down slowly, taking her time stripping him down and opting out of the dagger for this part.

“Yes, I do. Adored by billions.” He said, looking down at her, his manhood popping up between him and her as soon as the fabric got low enough. Though he couldn’t see her eye anymore for the coverage, he grinned a devilish grin. “Adored by you.”

“Is that so?” She chuckled and pulled off his shoes, socks, and then fully stripped off the clothes she had pulled down to leave him fully naked on the floor before her. She sat up then and smirked down at him. “I’ve got something for you to worship instead.” Lyra pulled off her tank top then and reached back to unhook her bra. She started to shrug it off and then stopped, opting to brush it down slower from her arms to reveal herself to him. They’d fill his hands nicely and had a lovely shape to them. Mad Maddie was already quite lovely. Her muscles were defined, but not grotesquely so, her physique still feminine even in its power. She reached down and started on her own belt.

He watched her then, a hungry look in his eyes, his lips parted slightly as his eyes moved to her breasts. He would have been lying if he said he hadn’t imagined what they looked like a hundred times. Now that she was before him he smiled a bit through his obvious desire. In the background behind her, he could still see Christoph’s dead body lying on the coffee table. This whole thing represented a total victory for Andrei, and it turned him on tremendously. He felt like a conqueror. And he was going to conquer.

Instead of waiting any longer, he surged forward, pushing her down onto Christoph’s couch with quick energy. He stood, his own body muscular and fit, attractive in every way. Below his waist he was raking toward her like a hunter peeking for prey. He removed her socks and shoes, revealing her dainty feet, then he unbuckled her belt for her and pulled off her pants quickly, leaving her in just her panties. He leaned on her and kissed her stomach now, moving up. When he reached her chest he kissed between her breasts and then looked up at her.

“Let the praises begin.” He said, moving his hand up and massaging her right breast gently. “Do you like these panties?”

“Why? Would you like to keep them?” She asked with a grin. She hadn’t resisted as he handled her up onto the couch and onto her back. The heat in her body was growing brighter. “So… I take it you liked my surprise, did you?” Her grin grew devious and she reached down to lightly grab him by the chin.

“I want to keep them, yes.” He said, his hand moving over her breast and gently massaging a nipple as he spoke. His fingers moved with conscious skill, neither overwhelming nor letting the senses be filled by reputation. “It was a wonderful surprise.” He leaned down then and replaced his hand with his mouth, licking her nipple slowly and quickly, pausing every now and then to suck and bite on it as well, being sure to cause a little pain as he did so. Then he switched to the other.

“Then take them.” She encouraged. As he began to tease her, she sighed out in pleasure and slid her arms around his shoulders. The feeling of his body against hers was electric. Her fingers found their way into his hair, winding into his raven locks but not pulling - yet. She hissed slightly as he used his teeth, but the shiver that ran down her spine made it clear that the mild pain only enhanced the moment for her. Finally, he pulled out a quiet, approving moan from her lips and her fingers flexed against his scalp.

“If you say so.” He said. Reaching down and taking the fabric of her panties into both of his and grabbing the dagger, he slid it gently along the fabric to make a significant tear, but then he ripped it the rest of the way with his hands until he was able to pull them off completely and toss them away from him. Now they were both naked before each other. He climbed atop her then on the couch and his hands found her wrists, holding them down with sufficient pressure to lock her in place. He had already moved between her legs and, though he hadn’t penetrated her, his manhood was hovering near her wet warmth and making contact quite temptingly with it. He smiled, barely able to contain himself. “Now, who's my bad girl, Mad Maddie? And what kind of punishment does she deserve?”

Maddie laughed at that, joyful in its own way. Her hands flexed and she tested his grip on them. She started to move one then, managing to pull one out of Andrei’s grasp. It went to his throat, her fingers pressing in slightly but not dangerously. She pulled herself up to kiss him deeply, ending it by pulling back and biting and lightly tugging on his lower lip. “I could ask the same of you.” She teased with a grin, her hand sliding up into his hair and this time pulling back to make him expose his neck a bit more. She kissed along his skin, using her tongue and lips and again even her teeth. It was very likely neither of them were going to walk away with this without some souvenirs from the other.

He growled then an uncharacteristic animalistic growl. She was pushing back; playing hard to get. As his heart pounded, he knew he wanted the power, but she wouldn’t give it to him.

“No no no…I’m in charge now, Mad Maddie.” He said, taking his now free hand and exploring her labia. Finding it glistening wet with the juices of her arousal, he plunged the two middle fingers in easily and began to pump them skillfully. His other hand still held her other one down harder than before and he leaned in, his eyes wild. “Now tell me who my bad girl is.”

A shock of pleasure raced up her spine and made her shiver as his fingers invaded her. She bucked her hips into his hand and she grinned at him again. “Mmm… me.” She finally conceded in the moment, though also tugged on his hair again and pulled him into another fiery kiss.

The two of them spent the next two hours fighting, fucking, and doing everything in between, both of them seeming to have more fun in the act than they even did killing Kazon. It was innocent and bad all at the same time. They shared teasing barbs, and lips, and hands, and other parts. She rode him loudly and then he took over, keeping his incredible, steady, forceful rhythm until Andrei discovered that Maddie could do that certain thing and the couch would need to be cleaned. At some point in their engagement, they rolled over next to Christoph just shy of his blood and he seemed to watch them through dead eyes, his defeat final; their victory cemented.

At the last moment, Andrei had her back up against a nearby bulkhead and her legs were around him. He led her up with both arms and entered her furiously; single minded and absolutely unwilling to stop until he sent both of them marching to their target. He was sweating lightly and both of their hair was a mess from rustling and pulling. He looked into her eyes. And then he erupted like a volcano. Finishing with some final residual pumps, he fell silent and still, holding her in his arms, and kissing her for the thousandth time that evening.

Lyra returned his kiss, still passionate but gentled considerably as the pulses of her own passion began to ebb away as did his heat within her core. Her body was trembling slightly in his arms now though it wasn’t really a surprise given how much they had demanded of each other’s bodies as well as the brief, brutal encounter with Christoph. She pulled back to kiss his neck softly, teasingly. She had been glad for this in a way; it brought a strange sense of closure to Madeline. She had won and now she could rest.

Andrei, also tired, pulled out of her slowly, trying not to cause her any discomfort, and lowered her down to the floor.

“Well, that was just as great as I imagined.” He said, his arms supporting her just in case her legs were more wobbly than his.

While there was no discomfort, there was a mild and fleeting disappointment that their fun time had come to an end - not that either of them were in any sort of shape to continue. She leaned into his support without reservation as she waited a moment for her legs to make sense of themselves again and find her feet. “I agree.” She gave a bright but tired grin and kissed his jaw lightly.

“I suppose I’ll need to tell your father about this. Well, not this,” she motioned between them, “that.” She pointed to Christoph’s corpse on the table.



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