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Time to Relax...

Posted on Tue Oct 11th, 2022 @ 12:54pm by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Timeline: Mission Day 3 at 1700
4685 words - 9.4 OF Standard Post Measure

While the rest of his department was off enjoying themselves, Johnathan had been busy going over various status reports from the various departments. As the Vengeance currently had no official Executive Officer, he had stepped up and was helping the Captain with as much of the administrative paperwork as he could.

Kass had just finished sending down another team to spread rumours and propaganda and was looking for something else to do. She walked up to Johnathan's office and hit the chime.

"Come!" Johnathan called out as he continued to work.

The door opened and Kass entered. "Hey are you busy?" she asked.

Looking up and smiling happily as he heard the voice of his love. "For you? Never!" He stood and moved over to embrace her tightly and kissed her deeply.

Kass leaned against him as she kissed him back. She drew back after a moment. "Are you going to be allowed down to the planet?"

Johnathan smiled as he replied. "Yes, my love. I just need another hour to finish up these admin files. Then, I'm all yours!"

"hmm an hour huh? I guess I can wait that long" She teased. "I have heard of a nice quiet cove where people go to be alone.."

His eyes grew hungrier as he listened. He quickly did some math in his head, then replied. "Okay, how's this...if you wouldn't mind packing me a small bag for a few days, then I can blast through this paperwork and meet you in transporter room two in...mmmmm...thirty minutes."

"Sure, I can do that." She kissed him lightly. "Work hard and I will see you soon."

After returning the kiss, he did just that. He got through all the admin work that had to be done now, then loaded some more, less pressing reports, onto a PADD to bring with him, to go over when he had an opportunity.

He then shut down his computer interface and hurried to meet up with Kassandra in the transporter room.

Kass was waiting and had changed out of her uniform and wore a dark green sundress and sandals on her feet with their two bags at her feet. And for once, her hair was down.

Johnathan had not changed, figuring that Kassandra had chosen an appropriate outfit for him to put on, once they were planetside. Upon entering the transporter room, he smiled brightly. "Wow! You looked great, my love! He leaned on and kissed her on the cheek. "Green is definitely a great color on you," he whispered in her ear.

Kass smiled, glad he liked what she was wearing, and glad that the caffeine was keeping her awake. She gave the coordinates to the transporter chief to beam them down.

Once they were both in position in the chamber, they were beamed down to the planet. After they materialized, Johnathan noticed that they were all alone on a secluded shoreline. "Wow! I could get used to a view like this!"

Kass smiled. "reminds me of home..." She trailed off. "Can I still call it home if it was never really home?"

Johnathan gave her a shrug and a sad smile. "I'm not really the guy to ask that to, babe. I grew up in a state-run orphanage. As far as I'm concerned, wherever you are, that's where my home is."

"That works for me" Kass smiled. "Come on, there is a gazebo up the beach where we can store our things."

After picking up both of their bags, he indicated that as she knew the way, she should lead. He smiled softly to himself as they walked, and his eyes slowly moved over her body.

They reached the gazebo and Kass kicked off her sandals. "So, I think we have several hours of privacy down here, I made sure of it."

Johnathan set their bags down then sat down himself. He started to remove his uniform jacket and boots. "Oh? And how did you manage that, my love?"

She gave him a smile. "I paid a bit extra. I could have used the Captain's name but chose not to." She pulled her sundress up over her head revealing her strapless two piece swimsuit in a matching green.

Johnathan's eyes nearly bugged out as he watched Kassandra. "W-wow!" His eyes feasted on every inch of her. "You look...I!"

She grinned. "When on a beach one should dress appropriately don't you think?"

A sudden mischievous glint fills his eyes. "Or we could just skinny dip?"

"Yeah and have my father summon us? Lets not poke the Russian bear Darling. If he hears we skinny dipped it will be 6 months before he agrees."

Johnathan gave Kassandra a playful pout. Then stood and moved closer to wrap his arms around her. "But what was the point of having a private cove, if we can't enjoy ourselves in it." His pout turned up into a hungry grin.

"As long as we are discrete" she whispered and kissed him.

As soon as their lips touched, Johnathan felt a zing run up and down his spine. This right here, kissing Kassandra Selin, was by far, one of his most favorite activities ever. Even more than flying.

Kass gently drew back. "Now are you going to get into your swimsuit?" she asked curiously as she turned for the waters edge.

He nodded and quickly opened his bag and found the trunks she had packed for him. They were black, with green highlights along the sticking. He was changed in minutes, then moved after Kassandra.

Kass let her feet sink into the wet sand as she stood at the water's edge. She had been raised in the Mediterranean. Lived on a clifftop above the Ionian Sea, just a few miles from the Canal d’Amour, which, her older brother Iason had told her, was where her mother and his father had met. She had spent many hours on the beach as a child, as they had, had private beach access by beach stairs. it had been her refuge from her Step mothers and her ,... now stepfather. The water lapped at her feet and she closed her eyes and part of her wished for the warm Ionian sea waters.

Seeing her deep in thought about something, Johnathan carefully stepped up behind Kassandra and wrapped his arms gently around her front. "Is everything alright, my love?" He ast softly into her right ear.

"I am not sure" she admitted. "This place seems too good to be true." She leaned back in his arms. "It's like that Risa planet back in the Alpha quadrant. The one in Alliance controlled space."

As she leaned back into him, Johnathan tightened his hold just enough to make her feel supported and protected. "Yeah, I remember reading about it. Supposedly, it was once a beautiful world that was kept in a paradise setting. Until the Alliance took over, that is." He gently kissed the right side of her neck. "Though, at least there, We know all the aliens that are around. Being out here is like being in the old wild west of the Americas. We are the civilized beings, surrounded by savage animals."

"I guess that is why this place sits so ill with me. Savages pretending to be civilized," she shifted in his arms and gave a soft purr at his kissing.

"Well, don't you worry, my love," he spoke softly, his warm breath playing over the exposed flesh of her neck and right shoulder. "I will keep you safe from any savage that tries to harm you. Any, of course...except me!" He then started to nibbled the back of her neck, down to the spot just under her ear, that drove her crazy.

Her knees buckled and she let out another soft moan. "Hmmm now that's an interesting thought" she whispered as the waves lapped at their feet on the beach.

As her knees gave out, Johnathan quickly scooped Kassandra up into his arms. As he leaned in to kiss her, he started to carry her out into the water. He kept going until the were up to his shoulders.

Kass wrapped her arms around his neck as she let him hold her in the warm waters. She smiled at him. "You do take liberties, don't you Lieutenant" She teased.

He smiled back at her as he replied. "I'm just going after what I want more than anything, Lieutenant." He then kissed her again, more passionately than before, as he adjusted his hold on her body, moving her in the water, until she was facing him, her legs wrapped around his waist.

Balanced like that in the water she grinned at him. "uh huh." She teased "Callie is taken so you will settle."

Looking deep into her eyes, Johnathan shook his head slowly, the playfulness in his demeanor changed to that of a serious lover. "I didn't settle. If anything, I won the greatest honor in creation, the right to love and be loved by you."

She blushed and buried her face in his neck. "Why thank you love," she whispered back.

For a while, they stayed there, Johnathan holding Kassandra against his body, as they enjoyed the privacy of the quiet cove.

Slowly, Johnathan's hands began to move over Kassandra's body, as he gently turned his face towards her and began kissing her. The kisses were slow and tender at first, however, they started to grow in their heat as they continued.

Kass relaxed in his arms as the water lapped at them and they enjoyed being close without worry. She shifted slightly in his arms as the pleasure between them grew.

As they continued to kiss, Johnathan started to move closer to a smooth rock formation that shot up from beneath the water. It looked smooth enough to lean Kassandra upon it.

She shifted and looked around. "Where are we going?" she asked softly.

As his answer, Johnathan pinned her up against the sun-warmed rock formation. He then moved his mouth to her neck, kissing and nibbling the tender skin that was there.

Kass moaned softly and her head fell to the side giving him full access to her neck. her hands clasped at his shoulders and she shifted so she could rub against his groin.

A hungry growl vibrated deep in Johnathan's chest as he felt Kassandra move against him. After carefully pulling off his trunks and putting them up on the rocks, he started to slowly peel Kassandra's suit off of her wet body, kissing her exposed skin as he did so.

Kass couldn't help herself, she wriggled against him as he pulled her top off. "Don't loose my top" she gasped out.

Looking up into her eyes, he gave her a hungry grin. "So, it'll be okay if your bottom gets lost?" Mischief flashed in his eyes as he leaned back down and nibbled gently on her left nipple, his eyes still locked on hers.

Kass groaned. "I... I.. don't... oh gods" she whimpered. Her head lolled back on the rock. "gods.. John...."

Johnathan loved that he could make Kassandra feel this wonderful. All he wanted to give her was a life if happiness and blissful love. As he continued to alternate attentions between her breasts, he carefully helped her out of the bottom of her suit.

Once she was free of it, he tossed it and her top up where his trunks were, within arm's reach, but clear of the lapping water.

Helping her further up onto the warm rock face, he planted a long trail of kisses and small bites down her torso, and onto her thighs. Then, after spreading her legs open, he buried his face deep in her center, locking, sucking and nibbling every part of her that he could reach.

Kass lay there letting pleasure sweep her away as her breath came out in gasps of pleasure and her hands opened and closed uselessly on the rockface. She whimpered his name, wanting to touch him but their positions did not allow for it.

Johnathan continued to consume Kassandra as if he were a starving man and her body was the only thing keeping him alive. He looked up at her a few times, enjoying watching her squirming under his touch and tongue.

A climax ripped through Kass and she cried out his name as he pushed her over the edge. She was almost babbling his name.

When she was finished and calm, Johnathan slowly moved back up her body, kissing her gently as he went. "Was that good for you?" He grinned as he spoke.

When he kissed her lips she ran her hands through his hair. "Hades yes" she whispered against his lips. "Very much so Love."

From his position overtop of her, Johnathan smiled lovingly down at Kassandra. "I love you, sweetheart." He then kissed her deeply.

She pressed up against him as the sun beat down on them and the waves crashed around them on the rocks. "I love you Johnathan" she said as they came up for air. "Nothing will stop that."

A happier smile crossed his already happy face. Then he kissed her again as he shifted against her, rubbing his arousal against her welcoming center.

"Hmm take me Johnathan" she whispered in his ear as she pressed against him. "I want you inside me please." she begged.

He smiled a hungry smirk at her, then did as she pleaded, sliding his entire length inside of her, grunting softly as he felt her tighten around him. As he started to move against her, he let out a few guttural moans of pleasure.

Kass whispered in his ear, urging him on as she moved with him, and wrapped her legs around his waist. And as she did so, it felt like she drew him deeper.

Johnathan groaned slightly, as he felt more sensations in his body after Kassandra shifted. Because of that, he was starting to feel his climax start to rapidly approach.

Smiling, Kass could feel him tense and clenched around him in a way she knew drove him crazy.

As soon as her grip on him increased, Johnathan grunted loudly and blasted through his climax, filling her with his seed.

After a few long, bliss-filled beats, he finally took in a breath and smiled a drunk grin down at her. " just full of tricks...aren't you my love?"

She smiled and kissed him gently. "Yes I am" she replied.

For then next few hours, they continued to enjoy their private time away from the ship.

Finally spent, for now at least, they both were laying on large beach blankets, soaking up the warmth of the alien sun.

Kass was laying sleepily beside Johnathan, the sun and smell of the ocean making her tired. She needed the sleep but she was enjoying the time with him.

Turning his head to gaze upon Kassandra's dozing form, Johnathan smiled softly and said, "Short of it being an alien planet that we don't control, I think this is one of my favorite places."

"Hmmm sure is nice here" Kass mumbled back as she enjoyed the warmth on her skin.

He shifted to lay on his side and propped his head up on his left elbow. "How long do you think the....your father...will keep up this restriction between us?"

"He ... said 2 months...still have a month..." came her mumbled reply as she shifted on the blanket.

He sighed softly as he watched her. "I do miss waking to your beautiful face, my love." Reaching over with his free hand, he gently moved a few errant strands of hair that the soft breeze had moved into her face.

"Hmmm, I miss spending the night in your arms," her lips curved in a smile as she pillowed her head on her arms.

His face glowed with the love and affection that he felt for this woman. "So do I, Baby." He leaned over and gently kissed her lips, then leaned back and asked, "So, my love, have you had any thoughts about how you would like our wedding to be?"

She shook her head. "Nope" she admitted. "I saw the fuss Callie went through and I am not that eager for that fuss."

He gently laid his right hand on her left hip. "We could just have Ivan perform a simple civil service, if that's what you want?"

"Hmm okay" she agreed as she snuggled down. "I think that works..."

A soft purr rumbled in his chest, as she snuggled closer. "Then, when the time is right, we shall go to him together and request it." He turned his face towards her and gently kissed her forehead.

"okay" Kass mumbled "Can you wake me in an hour or so?" she asked sleepily.

"Of course, my love." He smiled softly, wrapping his arms around her, helping her feel safe and secure. He then put his head back and set an internal alarm to wake up in an hour. It was something he had learned to do when he was a child, back at the orphanage. The bigger kids always liked to torment any of the smaller children who were still asleep when they got up. Johnathan had received several beatings before he started to rise at least thirty minutes before the bullies.

Kass drifted off in his arms, her body and mind exhausted.

===An hour later===

"Kass? Sweetheart?" Johnathan spoke softly as he gently rocked Kassandra in his arms to wake her.

Kass mumbled something incoherent but her eyes slowly opened. "Already?" she asked groggily. She felt exhausted as she struggled to wake up. Mentally she reminded herself this was her own fault. She needed to find an answer to the problem sooner rather than later.

Johnathan's features took on a soft, concerned look. "Are you okay, my love?"

"Hmm yes just waking up. Sorry" She replied as she slid from his arms and sat up on the towel. She was glad she didn't burn in the sun.

Looking up at her, as he stayed on his back, his left hand lightly rubbing her back. "You sure? I've seen you wake up from a nap, and this feels different." He wasn't pressuring, just concerned.

Kass merely smiled at him. "Hmm maybe you wore me out more than I thought?"

He smiled happily. "I aim to please." He sat up and adjusted his position to sit behind Kassandra, against her back, with her sitting between his spread legs. Leaning forward slightly, he wrapped his arms around her and gently kissed the back of her neck.

Kass leaned back against him, relaxed. "This is nice" she said softly.

Nodding in agreement, Johnathan replied. "It's not Terra, but, being here with you is what makes this perfect for me." He kissed her skin again. "I love you, Kass."

Kass let out a soft giggle. "You wanting something again my love?" She asked softly. "Or would you rather talk?"

Hearing the slight change in her voice, Johnathan looked at Kassandra and smiled. "I will always want somethingfrom you, my love. But, a relationship cannot survive simply on carnal pleasures." He giggled softly. He then kissed her cheek tenderly. "What would you like to talk about?"

"I don't know but Fa, the Captain had a point. We need to know more about each other." She shrugged.

Nodding, Johnathan replied openly. "Of course, my love. Ask your questions and I'll answer. I have nothing to hide from you."

She considered it. "How old were you when your parents passed away?"

He let out a soft sigh of pain before he replied. "Only a few months. With my memory being what it is, I can remember glimpses of their faces, smiling at me, then my mother, terrified, as she died protecting me." He was silent for a few beats. Those are my first memories of life."

"So you spent your whole life in the orphanage?" she wondered. She knew how her life affected her, and she was sure this was why he attached so easily to people.

He nodded. "I was on the Alliance ship for only a few hours, then, the orphanage outside Moscow until I turned eighteen. No one ever wanted to adopt me." His usual energetic demeanor quieted noticeably. "Two hundred sixteen times while I was there, one visit a month for eighteen years, adults would come to the orphanage looking for a child or children to adopt." He paused briefly before continuing.

"Of those visits, one hundred fifty-three times, I was glanced at, but passed over. The rest of the time, I was ignored completely. I was never wanted by anyone."

She pressed back against him. "You are wanted now" She said softly. "And it is their loss"

He wrapped his arms around Kassandra a bit more, just holding her against him as he buried his face in the side of her neck. In a few beats, he was sobbing quietly.

Kass shifted in his arms and faced him and held him close. "It's okay, I am sorry I asked," She whispered.

For a few moments Johnathan didn't reply, he simply sat there in Kassandra's embrace, as he continued to release the pent up emotions. He didn't like to talk about that part of his life. It was far too painful. However, if he was ever going to tell someone what he went through, it would be this woman.

Lifting his head, he looked into her beautiful face, his own a mask of pain and bad memories. "I want you to know all of me, Kass...even the darkness that is always fighting to get out of me."

"Okay. I am here to listen Johnathan." Kass assured him.

He swallowed, then took in a deep, ragged breath. Looking deep into her eyes, he told her everything about his time at the orphanage. He told her about the poor food and sleeping accommodations, about the older kids that would bully, beat...and do other unspeakable things to the younger children, himself included. He told her how he finally made the bullies leave him alone. How he had stabbed the biggest kid in the hand with a pen, jamming it down so hard, it jammed down into the desk the hand had been on, trapping it there.

He told her of how the adults treated the children. How they would beat them for the smallest infraction, then threaten them into silence when visitation day came around.

With each revelation she hugged him tightly. She knew that sometimes children faced difficulties. She had. But she held him close and soothed where she could.

When he finally finished, he melted into her embrace, feeling totally spent from releasing all that pent-up emotion. After a few quiet moments, he looked at her, his eyes red with tears. "Why didn't anyone want me? What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing" She replied softly. "The fault was with them, not you." And she wondered if part of it was the fact that his parents were war heroes and no one knew how to deal with that. "Sometimes we have to accept that and show them what they missed out on."

Feeling bolstered by both her love and words, Johnathan took in a deep breath. "Thank you, Kass...I love you so very much!"

She brushed her lips across his "We can and will make our own family John. Make it stronger than anyone every believes."

A soft sound came from his throat as Kassandra kissed him. Then, his features started to brighten and he smiled. "I really love that idea!" He pulled her back in for another embrace and held her for several moments. Then, after slowly loosening his hold some, he looked into her eyes. "Do I ask the next question, or do you want to keep going?"

"You can ask" She smiled.

Seeing her smile at him like that gave him a huge rise, emotionally. Johnathan grinned almost like normal. He then considered what his question should be. "Um..." His brows furrowed slightly. He didn't want to sound stupid, afterall.

Then his eyes brightened some. Looking back up at her, he asked, "Did you always want to be a fashion designer?"

Kass shook her head. "No, I wanted to be a writer when I was little. I used to climb the trees in the family orchard with a bag of books and sit up in the branches and read and wish I had such a way with words."

A soft smile crossed Johnathan's face as he pictured Kassandra as a little girl. He bet she was cute as he'll. "May I ask a follow-up question?" He smirked playfully, the demons from earlier nearly fully recaged in his mind.

Kass nodded. "Sure. What is your question?"

"What is your all-time favorite story?" He asked as he reached up and gently tucked a few stray hairs behind her right ear.

"I..." No one had ever asked that. "of all time?"

"Yeah," he responded with a grin.

"It's an obscure Australian Author's words. The Obernewtyn Chronicles" Kass said softly.

Johnathan thought for a moment, then said, "I'll have to read it one day." He smiled again, then added. "Okay, your turn."

"What was your favorite Subject at the Academy?" Kass asked.

He gave her an incredulous look. "Really? You don't know that answer already?" He shook his head and made soft clucking sounds either his tongue. "It's like you don't know me at all.." he then stuck his tongue out at her through his teeth playfully.

"Aside from that!" She laughed "Example, I enjoyed history."

He chuckled a bit before thinking. "I next favorite was..." he frowned slightly as he pondered it. "I like history too, but...I was always really good at math."

"To be a pilot I guess you have to be."

He shrugged and grinned, then nodded. "Yeah. But, I liked Math even growing up. It always lined up and made perfect sense, no matter how you came at it."

She rolled her eyes with a smirk at him. "Yeah yeah" Kass teased him.

"Hey!" He said as he started to tickle her.

Laughing she snuggled closer instead of trying to get away. "okay I am sorry!" She squealed.

Laughing along with her, Johnathan continued to tickle Kassandra a bit more, then rotated them back down to laying on the towels, positioning himself propped up on his right elbow, looking down at her. "Do you know just how perfect you are, my love?"

She gave a shrug. "No one is perfect Johnathan. I have plenty of flaws."

Johnathan gave Kassandra a soft grin. The look on his face glowed with pure love and total devotion. "You're close enough to perfect for me."

Kass smiled and trailed her fingers across his face. "Do you have other questions?"

A soft, approving purr rumbled in his throat as Kassandra gently touched him. "How big of a family would you want?"

"Hmm not sure. Not too many children. Maybe 2?" Kass suggested "Growing up in a big family was not my idea of fun."

Johnathan nodded in understanding. Then, he smiled at her and said, "I would be happy how ever many children we end up being lucky enough to have."

Kass smiled and nodded as she lay there in his arms. "I just have one favour.. no bullwhips in our home" she whispered as she closed her eyes again.

He chuckled softly. "I promise, my love. Should I ever need to punish you, I will spank you with my bare hand."

She was glad he didn't understand it. She merely nodded and snuggled in a bit more.

For the next several hours, the loving couple enjoyed the quiet and tranquility of their private little beach. Finally, when they started to get hungry, they dressed and returned to the ship, where they had dinner in Kassandra's cabin, got cleaned up and enjoyed the rest of the evening before Johnathan filanny had to leave and return to his own cabin for the night.



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