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Moon & Stars

Posted on Mon Sep 26th, 2022 @ 4:56am by Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 20 at 2315
1285 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure


The Vidiian hot tub was essentially the same as the Terran one; hot water and bubbles, but an obvious scarcity of fresh water in this area of space meant that the water in this hot tub was purified water from the oasis. Andrei sighed, unconcerned, gazing up at the yellow-hued sky.

It was night time by their reckoning, but on a planet where it was light for half the year, that meant very little. After they returned from Lovarr, Andrei had spent the day doing paperwork at an outside bar while Lyra busied herself with her own projects and amusements. Following supper, they cuddled and watched some strange film Vidiians must have considered entertainment. They made it halfway through before she had fallen asleep laying on his lap. He carried her to bed, kissed her on her smiling face, and then tried to sleep himself. When his thoughts kept him awake for too long, he devised this solution.

Sighing, he turned his head back and forth trying to relax his muscles, closing his eyes, his mind cleared finally and he actually started to doze off. When he heard movement on the surface of the tub, and saw nice tan legs moving into the water, he knew he wasn’t going to be able to sleep. The Terran woman had an attractive body, fit and charming. He recognized it immediately.

“Mamma. What are you doing here?” He asked, his eyes fluttering completely open.

“Your father and I decided to come down after all.” She said. She gave a high-chinned smile. “Well, I convinced him dodging a once in a long time vacation together because we’re bogged down by paperwork wasn’t a good thing to do for our health.”

“I’m surprised he found that convincing.” Andrei said with a raise of his brow. “The workaholic in Chief never rests.

“ He’s up in our hotel room reading reports right now anyway. But puppy dog eyes from a beloved woman can be a powerful tool against any man.” She said, lowering her head in a somewhat playful and challenging expression. “But you already know that, don’t you?”

Andrei blinked. What was she getting at?

“Oh no, I care little for puppy dog eyes.” He said, shaking his head.

“Then you’re just spending every waking moment of your life with Lyra Cassiel because she’s good in bed?” Yana said, shaking her head. “I thought I was going to have to drag you to the altar with some half-brained shapely girl with a rich father, but…it seems Dre has gone and discovered the love of his life all on his own. And one with royal blood on top of it.”

If she were teasing him, Andrei would have smiled. But Yana Petrova fancied she knew him. She fancied she knew everyone. The problem was she was right and that had always pissed him off.

“I’ve spent plenty of time with women before.” He said, raising an eyebrow. “What makes you think she is any different?”

“Because she reminds you of me.” Yana said, sighing as she enjoyed the heat of the tub. “And boys always marry their mothers in the end.”

He rolled his eyes then, a surprisingly juvenile gesture from him.

“That’s a little self-congratulatory, isn’t it? My life isn’t about you.” He said, looking at her, unamused. She returned his gaze with a steely one of her own, a small grin on her face. She said nothing for a long time. Finally, she broke her look and leaned back, allowing her feet to surface for a moment.

“She’ll make an excellent partner for you if you are faithful and she truly loves you.” Yana said. “I want you to succeed more than anything; you are still my little ray of sunshine.” She smiled brightly, her toes moving to his side and tickling him.

Despite himself, Andrei grinned and grabbed his mother’s feet.

“Stop it.” He said, trying to hide his amusement but mostly failing. “I’m not a child anymore.”

“That’s true. But you're still my baby.” She said, waving a hand to dismiss his comment. “Now, the two of you are in need of promotions.”

“Are we?” He asked, more curious than surprised. Where was this going? Was blatant nepotism the order of the day now?

“Yes. You are. Your father needs an XO, you need a job, and she needs to help you come into your power.” Yana said as Andrei started to rub her feet gently. She groaned slightly, leaning back until the water was just below her lips, her eyes closed. “Andrei, you’re very good at that. Very very good.”

“I learned from a colleague at the academy.” He said, smiling gently. He liked to make his mother happy despite his vibrato. They had always been extremely close. No one had ever believed in him or supported him as much as she had, not even himself.

“Oh yes, a colleague.” Yana said, chuckling and then opening her mouth slightly when he hit a part of her foot that felt just right. Thinking better of it then, she pulled her feet back quickly and leaned up to sit straight. She composed herself without any visible effort. “A girl who warmed your bed at the academy taught you that; your harem politics. You must stop that now. That route to power is over, do you understand? It can only destroy you now.”

He found himself somewhat alarmed at the change of pace and dynamic. He furrowed his brow, thinking of the conversations he and Lyra had on the topic.

“Yes, I know.” He said simply. “I’m ready for that.”

“No you’re not, sweet heart.” Yana said with a somewhat sad smile. “Keep it in your pants, Dre. Or you’ll screw yourself out of everything you really want. Learn from your father and me: a strong woman at your side can be an extraordinary long as she’s on the same team as you. I forgave your father for Kassandra long before he knew he was her true father., but I just as easily could have held onto my anger.”

“Why did you forgive him?” Andrei asked, looking curious.

“Your father is a good man and a good leader and I love him very much. When he did this, it was during a difficult time in our marriage. I knew he would never do it again. Besides,” she said, pausing, “Kassandra’s mother died soon after her birth.

There was something in his mothers tone that he was very familiar with. There was something in her eyes. He leaned forward.

“Mamma, you didn’t…”

Yana smirked and said nothing else on the topic.

“Be faithful, and stand by for a big change in your life. We will have the wedding in a few months, once the relationship has had enough time in the sun.”

“Slow down, Mamma! Marriage? Are you serious right now?” Andrei said, a look of irritation on his face. He absolutely hated being pushed into anything, but especially important decisions like that. He felt a flash of rebelliousness at her suggestion.

Yana smiled brightly, mischievously, and moved over to him. She grabbed hold of his cheek and pinched tightly.

“My handsome boy; my moon and stars…you will rule the galaxy one day.” She said, kissing his forehead. “You can get married whenever you want.”

She stood and turned to leave, Andrei turned his head so he wouldn’t see her body, quite nice but belonging to his mother. Then she was gone. And he had a lot to think about.


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