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A Night Away from the Slave Pens

Posted on Sat Jan 29th, 2022 @ 1:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Petty Officer 3rd Class Eritrea Ohmsford

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: MD 5, 2145 hours
1607 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Eritrea was putting away the cleaning supplies for the night after accomplishing all of her duties as a slave in the command section. She conducted one last walk around before here return to slave quarters on the bottom deck. She always tried to take extra care and time before returning to the cramped living spaces the slaves were afforded.

Eritrea walked through the common area first. Every surface sparkled from the cleaning she had given. Giving a satisfied nod she proceeded to the next area.

Eritrea peered close at the walls, fittings and porcelain in the fresher. There were no streaks to be found anywhere. She breathed in deeply to ensure the lavender scent the Captain's wife preferred was still in the air before heading to the last compartment in the suite.

Eritrea gave the room special attention. The bed was made so tight that a coin could bounce off the cover nearly half a meter. The Captain's uniform was immaculate, as was his wife's outfit for the following day. She took a knee and inspected the Captain's boots to ensure they were polished so well she could see her reflection.

Eritrea returned to the common area and stood looking around. She finally sighed as she determined there was nothing more to do but return to slave quarters before curfew. She didn't relish the thought of sleeping on a cold hard deck, but it was preferable to what she would be required from one of the male slaves would want from her to share a marginally more comfortable pallet on the floor.

She stepped towards the door just as the chime sounded. She froze in place. She was forbidden to open the door for anyone when the Captain and his wife were not in attendance. She looked at the clock. The Captain and his wife were not due to return from the holodeck for another 15 minutes. She would be punished if she wasn't in the slave compartment by curfew.

Andrei Petrov stood outside his parents quarters, his strong arms crossed under his chest. He had been annoyed by his interaction with his boss and the Chief Operations Officer, but his mind was trained more completely on speaking with his mother about something they had discussed the day before. When there was no answer, he frowned, wondering if she and his father were home. He pressed the chime again, tapping his foot impatiently.

Eritrea was at a loss for what to do. She finally stepped forward and activated the door communications system and spoke into the audio pick up. "Captain Petrov's quarters. The Captain and his wife are not here at the moment."

Andrei sighed, frustrated at their not being there when he wanted them to be. He cleared his throat, deciding to wait for them inside.

"I understand. Just open the door and I'll wait for them inside." he said in a commanding and confident tone. Afterwards he added, "this is Andrei Petrov, their son and Assistant Chief of Security."

Eritrea bit her lip as she mulled over his command. It was a full ten count before she opened the door and stepped back with her eyes cast down. "Sorry for the delay. I have been instructed to nev...."

"Good girl." he said, a look of superiority on his face as he pushed past her, not minding if her bumped into her on the way in. "Clearly you have enough wisdom for your station. Now, what are you doing in here by yourself, slave?"

Eritrea kept her eyes on the carpet as she answered. She had learned all to often that junior officers could be incited to cruelty on a slave for the slightest reason, or for no reason at all. "Cleaning master, and and preparing Captain and Lady Petrov's attire for tomorrow." Her voice trembled slightly.

"God, he's using you to clean his room too?" he asked, raising his brow. "The perks of command are endless, it seems."

Andrei sat behind his father's desk and looked at some of the effects placed there. The place was cozy and unpacked; undoubtedly this was his mother's doing.

"I've got to get someone like you for my room." he remarked. "Does he lay with you? I can only imagine what it must be like with that great hairy oaf lumbering over you, his breath smelling of scallops and peanut butter."

Eritrea dipped her head even more. She knew Terran officers who were exactly like what Andrei described. She had been used in just that fashion before too. She was actually thankful for the fact that Ivan had not treated her in that way. "No Master. I have seen no evidence that he has anything but the greatest respect for your mother in that regard."

"Well...that's typical of him, isn't it?" Andrei said with a strange form of disgust on his face. He clearly had very little regard for his father. He looked at the slave with little interest. He grabbed an apple from a bowl on his fathers desk and took a big bite. "Well, how is he going to treat you when he's found out you let me in here against his wishes?"

Eritrea trembled. She knew what her punishment for getting back to slave quarters passed curfew, but what the Captain might do for her defying his command, even for his son, she wasn’t sure. "I...don't know." She closed her eyes not wanting to contemplate what might happen.

He regarded her, failing to put on an act as he considered her below reproach. Such was the power of slaves and underlings, no one even bothered to lie to them.

"I think he would probably chastise you, perhaps demote you and place someone more obedient in the number one slot....but my mother would have you beaten, I imagine." Andrei said, matter-of-factly. "But why worry, right? Might never happen."

Eritrea nodded. She realized she was in trouble no matter what happened. She thought of only one way to avoid punishment from the task master on the slave deck or the Captain and/or the Lady Petrov. "What can I do Master?"

Andrei grinned, satisfied. Considering the look of her, he could think of a few things she could do to get out of any trouble she found herself in. He was, of course, not disposed to use anyone that way against their will, even a slave, so he just shook his head, emboldened by her submission.

"No, my dear, you don't need to do anything. But just remember that, if the Captain found out about this, it would have been very bad for you." he said, his eyes darkening. "You should remember who your friends are in the future...who will condemn you and who will look the other way you. Do you catch my meaning?"

Eritrea knew exactly what he meant. She dared to look up at him. She actually found him to be rather attractive...for a Terran. She allowed a small smile to cross her face. "I would be happy to show my gratitude master. Perhaps if the Slave supervisor knew I was still engaged in...serving an officer...I wouldn't be punished for being late for curfew...or even have a need to return to the slave pens at all tonight...if my services were still your quarters."

Andrei raised his eyebrows. He liked the idea, certainly, but he understood and valued the political implications even more. Slaves were below reproach and he could do well to have them as allies, especially the most trusted among them. He stood up and stepped closer to the woman, his eyes taking in her beauty. He reached up a hand and touched her hair, feeling its texture.

"What is your name, slave?" he asked, looking down at her with a coldly confident gaze.

She smiled seductively as he ran a finger through her hair. "I am Eritrea My Lord. Daughter of Mara. I was born on the planet of Elas."

"Go to my quarters and wait there until I arrive, Eritrea. I will tell the Slave Master you are otherwise indisposed." he said quietly. "Be discreet."

Eritrea nodded., An uncertain expression crossed her face. "Begging My Lord's pardon, but how will I get into your quarters?"

Andrei reached into his pocket and pulled out a device which sometimes proved rather useful for him when he had women drop by. It was small and cylindrical piece of metal with a small LCARS display on the front. He entered a code into it quickly and handed it to her.

"Good for one entry. It won't work five minutes from now, so you'd best hurry up and get down there, hadn't you?"

Eritrea nodded as she accepted the device. She knew now he was going to use her how ever he saw fit, but at least she wouldn't be having to fight off the dozen male slaves in the pens. She looked at him in a demure fashion. "Would Master like me to draw him a bath before your arrival, perhaps wear...or not wear something that you would find pleasing?"

"Surprise me, Eritrea." he said with a smile. "I like pleasant surprises."

Eritrea met his eyes. Her blue orbs and half smile promised she would surprise him. She turned and scurried out the door with just four minutes to make it to his quarters.

As for Andrei, he would stay here, make the call down to Deck 15, and then wait for his parents as he planned. It seemed he would have a different night than he had previously planned after that.


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