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One Big Happy Family

Posted on Tue Oct 11th, 2022 @ 4:24am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova & Ensign Mika Petrova
Edited on on Wed Oct 19th, 2022 @ 5:04am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Captain's Dinning Room, Deck 2
Timeline: Mission Day 22 at 1730
4352 words - 8.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Two slave girls worked with Yana to bring plate upon plate of traditional Russian food to the long dinner table in the Captain's Dinning Room. Currently, they were the only ones there. Each of the warm dishes were covered in order to keep them from getting cold. Yana wore a modest gold dress that covered her nicely in a formal style. Celebrating Andrei would be nice, but having everyone together, including the relational hangers-on might prove interesting.

While Johnathan certainly knew everyone who was attending the dinner, the fact that it was a family dinner, made him feel just a bit nervous. He didn't want to do or say anything that would embarrass Kassandra in any way.

Standing in his quarters, he asked Kassandra for what felt like the hundredth time, "Are you sure this suit is appropriate? Should I replicate a different color?"

Kass turned from where she had been putting her hair up into an intricate knot. "Its black, its classic and its on trend." She knew because she had made one for her older brother a few months before their deployment. She stepped up and adjusted his tie. "Perfect." She said then turned to finish getting ready herself. She had pulled a dress from her closet which she had, actually been working on for a client back on Terra. It was a A-Line Scoop Neck Asymmetrical Chiffon Cocktail Dress With Ruffle Bow, in a deep wine colour. She added a cuff bracelet to her left wrist and slid her feet into matching low heels. "Okay.. let's not keep Yana waiting." She said picking up the bottle of wine she always got before going to dinner with her Father and Step Mother.

Johnathan smiled softly at Kassandra as she adjusted his tie. "I don't deserve you, my love. But I will spend the rest of my life earning your love and devotion." He leaned in and kissed her gently, then let her finish getting ready.

Once she was, he offered her his left elbow. "Here's to a wonderful evening, sweetheart." He gave her the smile that belonged to her alone as he spoke.

"Here is to hoping" she said with a cautious look. "Just no doing anything crazy and watch what you say with Andrei and Lyra" She warned as they left his cabin.

He nodded in understanding as they walked. "I promise. The last thing I want is to get on the bad side of your father or Yana. I do still plan on marrying you, afterall!" He gave Kassandra a loving smile and a playful wink. "With Andrei, he and I recently came to an understanding of mutual support. And Maddie...sorry...Lyra...I'm still getting used to that. If she is still the same person inside that she was...before, I've started to trust her."

"You are too trusting" Kass muttered as they walked. It was something she said a lot. She guessed it was just his nature.

He grinned. "It's who I am. Why most everyone like me!" He joked as they continued to walk to the Captain's cabin.

Before they reached the door, he pulled her up to a stop. "This may be a stupid question..." he asked as he turned to look at her, worry starting to crease his brow slightly. "You know I have your ring. Would tonight be too soon to get Yana's seal of approval on it?" He desperately wanted things to go properly, he just wasn't as schooled in how these things went.

Kass grabbed him and dragged him into a nook as she shook her head "No no do not, this is about Andrei, no do not even go there. We are going to sit through this, quietly, smile congratulate my half brother and get out of there in one piece. No taking the spotlight got it Johnathan, for as you love me you will not do any such thing tonight okay?" Kass looked panicked at the very thought.

Johnathan was surprised by how Kassandra had moved him. "Okay, baby! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to upset you...I-I just want to do this right is all. I'll stay quiet, I give you my word. I do love you, more than you can imagine. I would never do anything to embarrass you." He suddenly looked like he had ruined the evening before it even began.

She let go of him. "Lets just get through this evening ok? I do not want anything to go wrong" She brushed her lips over his "Now lets go before we are late." And so saying she led the way to the Captain's cabin. And hit the chime.

Johnathan's worry melted away as soon as Kassandra kissed him. He took a few deep breaths and claimed himself, almost an instant before the doors slid open.

Just as the two of them arrived, another pair, Andrei and Lyra walked up. Andrei was wearing a grey suit with a dark green shirt and his fingers were laced with Lyra’s. He noticed Kassandra and Johnathan and nodded as the two of them stopped before the open door.

“Johnathan. Sister.” Andrei said, his intense gaze switching between the two of them.

Lyra offered a smile as she stopped with Andrei. "Good to see you both."

Her eyes moved over Johnathan in his suit and then Kassandra and her dress and she noted with amusement the similar style and color they had chosen, though her own dress was lace with a modest v-neck and hi-lo bottom in a dark red. "That is a lovely dress."

"My Lady" Kass, raised within a noble family knew the protocol, she curtseyed as she spoke. "Thank you. Your dress is lovely as well." then she gave Andrei a nod "Brother"

Though Johnathan was still coming to terms with who Lyra actually was, he was smart enough to give her the respect that she was due. "Ma'am," he dipped his head respectfully. He then looked to Andrei and repeated the gesture, "Sir. You both look very nice tonight."

Andrei found this talk amusing coming from the two of them, considering their past. But he understood politeness and making an effort in any case. His eyes moved from Johnathan to Kassandra, following, just for a moment, the line of her body. He was grateful he hadn’t yet bedded her when he found out she was his sister; that would have made for very awkward family dinners.

“Anyway, after you.” He said, gesturing to the open door to the Captain’s Mess.

"Thank you, Sir." Johnathan replied politely. He was doing his best not to mess up any, he wanted the evening to go smoothly.

Gently, he guided Kassandra in ahead of him, then followed right behind, reaching out to hold her right hand with his left as he did so.

Lyra gave Andrei's hand a light squeeze as Johnathan and Kassandra stepped in ahead of them. She didn't look up to him, her eyes instead watching the couple in front of them with an unreadable expression. When Andrei moved into the room, she followed by his side with grace and ease.

Yana watched the two couples conversing at the door with a curious expression. When they turned to enter, she put on a smile, gesturing to the mostly set table.

“Welcome! Kassandra, Johnathan. Good to see you. You can sit together on that side of the table.” She said, pointing to the far side. “Andrei and Lyra, you can sit on this side.”

"Thank you, Ma'am," Johnathan replied, again, with a polite and respectful nod of his head. "Thank you for allowing me to attend." He was keenly aware that, of everyone present, aside from the slaves, he was of the lowest social ranking.

“Anyone who is important to Kassandra is important to us.” Yana said, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek with a chaste peck. She then straightened out his suit jacket and smiled at him more directly. “Well, you certainly clean up nicely, don’t you?”

He blushed slightly. "Thank you, Ma'am. Though to be honest, Kassandra helped me pick an appropriate suit for tonight. She has much finer taste and fashion sense than I do."

Lyra's expression remained completely unreadable as she stood with Andrei, but she watched the exchange between Yana and Johnathan with interest, every so often looking to Kassandra as well. It was impressive, really, and showed the kind of woman Yana was. She wore a polite smile as she leaned slightly into Andrei.

Kass waited for Yana to finish with Johnathan before handing over the hostess gift she brought, it was a habit with her to bring a bottle of wine to dinner. Then she stepped back and moved to stand behind the chairs indicated.

“Thank you, Kassandra. This is very sweet, again.” Yana said, taking the bottle and placing it on the table next to several others. Their Terran alcohol sources were running dry, but their visit to Anorra had given them many other delicious options to replace them. Still, wine was always a classic with their family.

Now that Johnathan and Kassandra were greeted and behind their chairs, Yana turned to Andrei and Lyra, a bright smile on her face that looked every bit as genuine as she seemed. Her radiant thin features came alive in the smile. She approached them and through her arms around her son, Andrei being taller and wider than her, of course.

“Andrei, my little sun.” She said, her body tight against his, her eyes closed. Andrei returned the hug with a smile of surprising warmth and tenderness. “Congratulations on your promotion. I’m so very proud of you.”

“Thank you, Mamma.” He said in return, quietly and pleasantly.

Yana then turned to Lyra and grabbed her hands, her eyes locking on to the younger woman’s. “Lyra. It’s good to see you again. Congratulations on your promotion too. What are you planning on doing with all you’re newfound authority?” She asked the question with jovial voice and expression, like little more than small talk.

When Yana had moved to greet Andrei, Lyra had taken a step to the side so the two could have their moment and she would not be in the way. She allowed her expression to warm slightly and it did even reach her eyes. Hidden was the intensity with which she watched the exchange, her focus mostly on Yana, but occasionally moved fo Andrei as well. It was a brief exchange between the two yes, but quite informative. It showed something genuine from both of them. As the moment was ending, she let her own smile gentle just as Yana was turning to her.

She shifted the small box she was holding as she saw Yana reaching for her hands, holding it against her side with her elbow to make both available to the older woman. She demurred as her own promotion was brought up, averting her eyes for just the briefest part of a second then came back up. She looked into Yana’s eyes. “Thank you, it is wonderful to see you again as well.” A pause, “As for my newfound authority… we’ll see where the mood takes me. These are for you. Thank you for having me.” She said, pulling the brigadeiros box from her elbow and offering it to Yana. “A taste from my home.”

“How thoughtful.” Yana said, taking the box with a smile and placing it on the table as she had done with Kassandra’s gift. She then gestured to the side of the table opposite Johnathan and Kassandra to indicate that was were she and Andrei would sit, and then moved off with the slaves to make final preparations.

Andrei moved to the seats and pulled one out for Lyra offering her to sit down. Once she was sitting, he assisted in pushing the chair back in and then sat down himself.

Seeing that they seemed to be allowed to sit, Johnathan pulled Kassandra's chair as well. He then smiled softly to her as she sat and he gently helped move her chair forward. Afterwards, he sat down as well.

The next to enter was Mika. She was wearing a lacy lavender cocktail dress which modestly hid her extremely shapely body. It came down to her knees and had a shift underneath to prevent it from being see through. She offered greetings to her mother and then moved to the end of the table between the two couples. Andrei rose to pull out her chair and, when she was down, he moved to his own again.

“You’re all dressed so beautifully.” Mika said sweetly, looking back and forth between the couples. She suddenly felt a bit alone.

When Mika entered the room, Johnathan stood, though a split second slower than Andrei, who got her chair pulled out first. So, instead of clumsily trying to reach her chair first, he simply gave the young woman a polite, warm grin and nodded of his head. He then returned to his seat as soon as she was seated. "As are you, Mika," he replied politely.

"Hello, Mika." Lyra greeted with a small smile, her eyes falling on the younger woman and holding a certain warmth there. "That color suits you very well. You look lovely." It wasn't disingenuous - nor had it been with Kassandra - though such comments usually were either that or simply being polite in their world; it was easy to write them off as such despite any intent behind them. Where she might have reached out to squeeze Mika's wrist, she abstained and instead placed a hand on Andrei's knee once he was settled in his chair again.

Kass gave her little sister a grin. "Thank you Mika." She said. "Same goes little sister." her fingers itched to design clothes for Mika but figured her father might have something to say.

“You’re very sweet; all of you.” Mika said with a bright smile. She looked as if she was going to say something else when the doors parted again and in-walked Ivan in black dress pants and a gray turtleneck under a black suit jacket. He looked sharp and appropriate, but less military than ever and he stood in the doorway with a friendly grin, his bulk seeming to shift the atmosphere in the room. Mika shifted her smile to her father. “Hello, Papa.”

“Hello, darling.” He said, grinning at Mika and looking around the table. “Well it smells delicious in here. I wonder what we’ll be enjoying tonight.”

“I was hoping your nose could tell you.” Yana said as she walked up to him with a dish in her hand and kissed him. He kissed her back with slow and quiet attention.

Lyra shifted in her chair enough that she could give a nod and smile of greeting to Ivan and watched with interest as Yana greeted him with a kiss that lingered just past what would be considered “appropriate” when there were relative strangers sitting at the table. She smiled just slightly at the gesture. It was telling. She didn’t linger on him though and instead moved her attention back to Andrei to try and get a read on him. She had never really seen him when he was around his family after all and she was curious.

Ivan walked to the head of the table and grabbed the back of his chair. Instead of sitting down he looked at his family as well as the significant others they had brought. He offered a smile and gestured toward Andrei. As he spoke, the two slaves moved around the table, pouring wine into everyone’s glasses.

“We celebrate the promotion of Andrei to Executive Officer of this ship.” He said, and extended his hand to Andrei. “Congratulations again, son.”

Andrei stood up and grasped Ivan’s hand in his, shaking it firmly before the two of them let go. He smiled just as brightly as his father.

“Thank you. And what better way to celebrate than by stuffing our face with Mama’s cooking?” He asked, rhetorically.

“I couldn’t agree more.” Said Yana with humor as she sat down next to Ivan.

There were chuckles around the table as Ivan grabbed his glass of wine and held it aloft.

“To Andrei Petrov, the Vengeance, and the Shadow Fleet.” He said with a look of pride. “May we all hold Terran soil between our fingers again.”

Johnathan raised his glass and smiled politely at his blood brother. "Congratulations, Sir!" He saluted Andrei with his glass as he spoke.

"Congratulations" Kass said with a smile. She saluted him with her glass

Lyra lifted her glass with a modest smile that communicated warmth and pride as she looked at Andrei. She could have added on, could have given some sort of imperial weight to the moment as well, but she chose to not; it wasn’t exactly something she was choosing to wave around at this point. This moment was for Andrei and she wouldn’t distract from it. “Congratulations.”

Andrei lifted his glass too, nodding to his father and then looking to the others at the table.

“You’re all very kind. This promotion is an honor and I will prove myself worthy of it to each and everyone.” He said, his head high and a smile on his face. He then sipped the wine, which was delicious.

They would see. Kass thought. Her face was serene but she had her doubts. And she kept them to herself.

“I’m so proud of you, Andrei.” Mika said with a smile. She looked to her big brother with admiration in her eyes as she sipped her wine. He had always wanted to ascend, and now it was happening for him again.

After that was all done, the dishes were uncovered. Rye bread and butter, pelmeni, roasted vegetables, and beef stroganoff. Ivan started with the first dish and passed them around the table until everyone had received each one and Yana surveyed the table, making sure everyone took a healthy portion of each. A Russian mother took pride in her cooking, after all.

“Johnathan; Lyra? Have you every tried Russian cuisine before?” She asked, eying the two of them on opposite sides of the table.

"Not since I was a child attending court, no." Lyra replied pleasantly and looked to Yana. In fact, it would have been in the Petrov's own household most likely that she had. She didn't point that fact out though. Though she had imperial blood, when push came to shove her father had been a bit of a forgettable man. "I don't remember having any sort of aversion to it, and everything here looks delicious."

“Yes, I remember you.” Yana said. She smiled, forking some meat but not yet eating it. “Ivan reminded me of that time you danced with your father in our ballroom. I didn’t see it happen, but I remember the laughs..and the look on his face.”

Lyra smiled, the expression reaching her eyes and looking quite genuine; inside, there was nothing. “Oh yes, I did love dancing with him, at least once he was finished being exasperated that I pestered him into it.” She chuckled softly at her younger self’s expense. She picked up some of her bread and tore off a small piece. “The other thing I remember quite vividly was Mika dancing in that cute little pink dress.” She looked to Mika and smiled, “You were very happy to be dancing with your papa.”

“Yes, I was very insistent about that.” Mika said with a smile, her eyes flirting to her smiling father’s for a moment. “It’s been a long time since we danced.”

“Perhaps we should soon, just for old-time’s sake.” Ivan responded, his bearded face scrunching in a lined grin that denoted his age.

Johnathan waited his turn, then nodded and replied. "Yes, Ma'am, I have. Though nothing this wonderful looking or smelling. The state orphanage I was raised in was located in the northern outskirts of Moscow. The food we were given was little more than thin porridge and a few chunks of stale dark bread."

Kas sat in silence listening to the conversations. But she chose to remain silent rather than put herself into it.

The group started their meal with eager politeness, scooping food into their plates with the help of the slaves who were attending them and sharing talk seasoned with curiosity and familial connection. With their guests, the Petrovs were always careful to take interest in their histories and goals. After a half hour of eating, Andrei leaned over and grabbed at a bag he had placed beside him. Removing a black box, he cleared his throat.

“I have a gift I’d like to give to Lyra on this happy occasion.” He said, half a smile on his face. Looking at his lover, he pushed the box gently toward her.

Lyra had simply enjoyed the food and the conversation, never dominating but always freely taking part with confidence when she was addressed. In her quiet moments though, sipping her wine, she found herself looking across to Jonathan and Kassandra. Jonathan was doing his best, though from her point of view he was obviously nervous, and Kassandra had quite seemed content to let him drift alone with her silence. Perhaps she was just a person of few words, perhaps she was just uncomfortable being at the table and constantly being reminded she was only half part of this family, maybe she just didn't speak because this was a celebration for Andrei, or maybe it was some amalgamation of all the options. Still, those moments of consideration were few from her as she preferred to engage with those who wanted to be engaged and had an interest in participating.

She hadn't paid too much direct attention to Andrei nor he to her unless one of them was speaking, but now and then there had been glances and shared looks. When he spoke of a gift for her, she finally gave him her full attention and her brows raised just a bit in mild surprise and curiosity. She put her hands on the box pulled it a bit closer. Opening it, she immediately smiled at what she saw, but expertly restrained the chuckle that wanted to escape. He'd remembered, she was mildly surprised.

"It is beautiful. Thank you." Her voice was warm and she looked into his eyes, a darker delight there for only him to see and fully understand. The matching necklace to his grim gift of a ring. Gently, she nudged the box back to him. "Would you help me put it on?" She moved a hand back so she could make sure her hair was out of the way for him.

Andrei stood and put the necklace around her neck, clasping it in the back. Once it was there, he leaned down and placed his hands on her shoulder comfortingly before sitting back down in his seat.

“I found it on Anorra, believe it or not. Asked a woman at the counter if it was stylish or not, and she said it was to die for.”

Kass watched the interaction and gave Lyra a polite smile. "Its a very beautiful necklace." she complimented. The designer in Kass could see how it suited Lyra and she studied the woman's colouring closely, noting she knew how to dress to take advantage. Not many women did. She was still learning the dynamics of the family and now there were added dynamics she was watching.

Johnathan nodded in agreement with Kassandra. It was a very impressive piece of jewelry. "A very lovely piece, indeed, Sir." What he kept to himself, however, was just how much the engagement ring he had crafted for Kassandra would put that stone to shame with its brilliance and color shifting properties. As it was from the Andromeda Galaxy, it contained elements that the Vengeance's geological computer computers could not identify, thus making it a one of a kind, and Kassandra as the only Terran woman who would possess it.

The rest of the evening passed pleasantly with everything from polite conversation to the sharing of some childhood memories. After the dinner and cake had been shared and the eating was finished, Andrei hugged his family, shook Johnathan‘s hand, and paused in front of Kassandra.

“I suspect you’ll be next for some extra brass on the collar..” he said, putting a hand on her arm gently and smiling. “If you’re good, that is. You look beautiful tonight sister.”

It had been quite the gesture from him, but for someone who had mistrusted him so severely before, he wondered if she would choose to warm to him now that they knew they were family.

"Thank you brother, but I doubt I will get any promotion anytime soon." Kass replied. "Which is fine with me. Congratulations again I am sure you will do well, as I said to our father."

Truthfully, this was probably the dynamic that confused Lyra the most, but she also accepted that maybe this was a personal, family oriented issue for her than it was for other families. Or maybe there was more than met the eye at play. She didn't know now, but she would in time perhaps. She watched the exchange between Kassandra and Andrei, her expression neutral though she couldn't help but wonder if that dismissive, self-sabotaging attitude was commonplace with Kassandra.

Once Kassandra and Johnathan had left, Lyra took her turn in saying her goodbyes and thanking Yana for hosting then left the dining room with Andrei. She waited until they were away enough before squeezing his arm gently. "I'll head to my quarters and send some of my things up, then come help you unpack." He'd also get his celebration gift from her which was most definitely for his eyes only. It had been quite an interesting evening.



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