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Trophy Hunting I

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 7:46am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth
Edited on on Tue Sep 13th, 2022 @ 8:07am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: After 11
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 2015
2763 words - 5.5 OF Standard Post Measure


The past couple weeks had surely been eventful for the Vengeance. First they had found the crystals that would hopefully secure supplies and riches for them on their journey, and then the infections had begun... the rest had happened so fast it was still hard to process. The Vidiians' arrival, the Lovarr's departure, the incursion onto the ship and then Lieutenant Petrov's rescue. Quite eventful and stressful.

Ilan couldn't say she found herself overly affected by any of it though. Again there had been another change in command and she found herself wondering exactly how many more officers they'd be able to spare to put on the rapidly developing Shadow Fleet. Still, in her position, such things didn't matter. Her focus was science, not politics. Even science needed a break though.

Getting a little dolled up was always a treat for her and on entering After 11, she had naturally drawn quite a bit of attention to herself. Her royal blue dress hugged her very feminine curves, the hem hugging the middle of her thighs while the neckline was plunging and showed off a very ample amount of cleavage. She liked the attention. Her silver heels clicked on the floor as she found herself a place to sit down and picked up the PADD to see what was on offer tonight.

Sovas was enjoying the relative peace that the Vengeance had found itself with after the incident with the Vidiians and the retaking of the Lovarr from the mutinous Kazon crew. Though that was overall, it seemed that his own personal peace was a bit harder to find as his issue's had started again though they were much more subtle since he was reliving his memories in his dreams, violent, erotic, cringeworthy it was all happening there while in the waking world was still finding himself occasionally experiencing headaches and other intrusions of heated emotion though it was manageable and he was still able to do his work so he was and he'd already spoken with the doctors and they were trying a different course of treatment.

So it was that he'd come down to after 11 to enjoy some well-earned relaxation when he saw Ilan saunter into the lounge, his eyes having immediately been locked on her as he took in her less official appearance as he felt the presence in his mind stirring again and he felt a lusty arousal welling up within him at the sight of he gorgeous woman. He watched as he took a seat and started looking over the menu, so he decided to take a chance before someone else made a move to try and join her. He picked up his glass and walked over, he was dressed down in a long sleeve shirt with the arms rolled up to the elbow, a nice pair of pants and it fit him, and he looked well put together even in a casual manner.

He approached the table, clearing his throat to announce himself before giving her a warm smile. "Evening Ilan, is this seat taken?"

Ilan looked up, blinking slowly as a warm smile appeared on her lovely face. Sovas. He looked very nice this evening too and the interest between them had been quite apparent during their meeting in the labs. "Sovas, nice to see you again. By all means, please sit." She gestured to the seat in front of her. "How are you? These happenings must have been keeping you pretty busy, no?"

The half-Vulcan slid into the seat across from her, taking her in once more as his gaze lingered a bit on the generous décolletage she was presenting as he offered a chuckle before replying. "I've been busy but well, how about you? You look well and I imagine that you've likely had plenty of new scientific information to review from the Vidiians’ computer, not to mention the Phage."

He offered these up since he had learned about her interest in genetics and while they did have a cure there was likely some impressive information about it especially since the Vidiians had weaponized it and its victims.

“Oh yeah, there’s definitely a lot and it is terribly interesting.” Ilan agreed with a smile and crossed her legs under the table. “They have a lot of information on other species and their technology is more advanced than our own in some aspects. It will be quite a treat discovering all the secrets.” Ilan flipped her dark hair back over her shoulder, her eyes settling on Sovas with warm curiosity. “Anything else interesting that you’ve discovered on the ship?”

"As you said their technology is more advanced in some ways, doing an inventory of their weapons it seems that they have built in medical scanners which could lend itself to a number of applications, they have ablative body armor which is rather fascinating and the programming language of their computer systems is rather fascinating since much of their technology seems to be turned towards medicine and its even permeated into how they program their technology," He shared while his passion for such matters was easily shining through without any kind of effort. "They are also meticulous records keepers and the way that they go about organization is quite efficient as well, it all quite exciting in many different ways."

Ilan giggled softly at his repetitions in words but it was just clear his own excitement was shining through. She gave him a charming smile, shifting and sitting forward slightly which showed off more of her cleavage. “Well, besides work, been up to anything exciting?”

"Visiting some of my favorite cliffs of Mars and Vulcan to go free climbing on the holodeck, quite exhilarating if you don't mind a few leeways taken with Mars." He returned her smile, his gaze drawn appreciatively back to her cleavage as she sat forward, before he brought his gaze back up. "If you don't mind my saying, you look quite ravishing this evening, special occasion or just taking some time for yourself?"

Ilan noticed his drifting gaze, the result she had wanted. "No, no special occasion. Just sometimes I like getting dressed up and feeling pretty for no real reason other than I want to. I know it's a bit out of place given we are on a starship but," she shrugged and looked around the room, smirking slightly, "most don't really seem to mind if I do."

"Just because is reason enough," He smirked back at her, biting his lower lip just a little as he let his gaze wander appreciatively once more. He did tear his gaze away briefly from Ilan to look around the room at the eyes drifting towards her, lusty and envious stares, it would be hard to figure out where their minds were going as he looked back to his companion.

"Why don't I show you a bit more of my appreciation with a drink?" He offered while giving her a charming smile as he felt that surge of heated lust flowing through him he looked to Ilan.

Ilan leaned forward again, this time putting her elbow on the table and bending her arm up so she could rest her chin in her hand. She blinked at him slowly again, a teasing smirk appearing on her full, pink lips. The battle he was having with his own eyes was amusing. She licked her lips and gave a charming smile. “Sure.”

He couldn't help the smirk that formed on his lips at her teasing expression. "Any preferences or looking for a surprise?"

"I do like surprises. As long as they are pleasant." She challenged him mildly. "So, what brings you here tonight, Sovas?"

He picked up the PADD and looked over the menu, he was having a dark amber ale but he didn't quite think that would be her idea of pleasant, instead ordering a Badlands mixer which he new to be quite good and it was an interesting drink before he returned the PADD to its station as he gave her his full attention. "Just relaxing and enjoying a drink, maybe looking for the right kind of trouble."

He took a sip of his drink after shooting her a playful smirk, just doing his best to be relaxed and casual despite everything boiling underneath his skin at the moment.

"The right kind of trouble, hm? What would that be, exactly?" She asked, the smirk still playing on her full lips and her chin still in her hand.

"Mmm, I'd say it would start off with pleasant company with playful - possibly suggestive - conversation while just seeing where evening might go." He gave a warm chuckle as a waiter brought over the Badlands Mixer and set it down with a fresh glass of ale for himself. The mixer was an interesting drink that had a layer of clear alcohol resting between a lay on top and bottom of dark cerulean liquor. The clear alcohol had some burn to it but when it mixed with the two layers it all mixed together to provide a sweet and spicy flavor that was rather unique.

"That is called a Badlands Mixer, let me know what you think." He prompted, wanting to know and thinking that this would be a pleasant surprise."

"Well it looks very pretty, at least." Ilan lifted her head and lowered her hand to pick up the drink and bring it up so she could have a closer look. Finally, she decided to taste it, bringing the glass to her full lips but keeping her eyes on Sovas. She took a healthy sip of it, rolling it on her tongue and then swallowing it; the flavor was pleasing with a nice burn of alcohol to go with it.

"That is pretty good." She said, her brows raised slightly in surprise as she looked at the drink again. “What do you have, though?”

"It's a dark amber ale from Earth, the flavor is full bodied and distinctive and if you are getting it from the tap or bottle you have to pour it just right or it ruins the flavor." He quite enjoyed that grin and he certainly couldn't say he could get tired of the lovely valley of her cleavage. "Would you like to try it?"

“Maybe later. I do have my own drink after all and would hate to ruin my appetite for trying new things.” Ilan eyed him pointedly and gave a playful wink. Finally, she sat back in her chair and rolled her shoulders. “So you like keeping things nice and orderly on the ship, do you?”

"I do," He took a sip from his glass as he considered that particular trait of his, developed growing up under his magistrate father who instilled that sense of order into his children vigorously. Though he had made the trait his own and made certain that it was a hallmark of who he was as an officer, that didn't mean he couldn't have a bit of fun with his answer. "There is a certain beauty in keeping a well ordered ship, smoothly flowing supply lines, being able to ensure that others needs are satisfied and to maintain all of that takes a confident hand, otherwise it become nothing but sloppy and unsatisfying chaos, which is never good for anyone and leads to unnecessary and unpleasant frustration."

Ilan listened with interest, her eyes watching his lips as they moved during his explanation. She found herself more interested in that than his actual explanation, but she paid enough attention to know what he was saying.

“It puts you in a unique position of power, really.” She pulled her gaze from his lips and returned it to his eyes. “I’m sure you have many people looking to curry favor with you in… all sorts of ways.” She smirked at the end and took a sip of her drink.

"It is certainly unique and since waking up there have been more than a few overtures, though I consider to whom I'm granting indulgences too since that comes with its own pitfalls." He chuckled softly at her implication and there had certainly been more than a few different proposals of all kinds but as always he did his best to maintain his neutrality, he preferred to choose whom he would call an ally and the enemies they had. "I've been made some interesting offers so far, though not everyone has come looking to curry favor with me and those are the people I'm most intrigued by."

"Oh? Why is that?" Her voice held a bit more genuine curiosity over that fact. "What makes them so interesting to you?"

"As you stated I'm in a unique position of power and currying favor with me is what many would consider to be the smart to advance their plans, hinder those of a rival or whatever motivation it maybe," He began leaning back in his seat as he ordered a fresh glass of ale for himself, holding Ilan's gaze after as he spoke. "I've found that most who don't seek me out to be much more confident in their own plans and that when they deal with me they are standing before me not believing in the need to buy my favor, which I respect."

“It almost sounds like you prefer the people who don’t come and seek your favor.” Ilan pointed out as she rolled her glass around on its bottom between her fingers. “Or at least find them much more interesting?”

"I understand that quid pro quo is an inherent part of the Empire, but if someone comes not trying to curry favor I am more interested in why they are there." He replied while watching her play with her glass. "They are at least being honest in what they seek from me and that I can respect even if I refuse,"

This time her interest didn’t waver and she seemed genuinely curious to his explanation; her eyes remained on his. “I suppose I can see a certain logic in that.” She smiled and finished off her drink with a sigh. “I don’t really have anyone needing anything from me, so I can’t say I relate or what I would even do in your place, so it is nice to get some insight.”

"I do try to live by a simple code of survival and most people's schemes to gain power are half baked at best and they are coming to you with gifts and pretty words to get you to add your power to their own since if you have enough power you can achieve anything." He smiled back to her, enjoying the chance to talk even though his own mind and instincts were craving something much different that involved little talking proper.

“So if someone came to you without some half baked scheme, what would you do?” She shifted in her chair, uncrossed, and then crossed her legs again the opposite way to just be more comfortable. “Not all of them are, I imagine, but most.”

"It would depend on their reasons for coming to me, I will at the very least listen and I will consider the scheme as long as it doesn't involve endangering the crew or ship - especially given our current circumstances and distance from home." He replied, noticing her shifting.

"Would you like another drink?"

“Sure, why not. I have good company and the drink was pretty good too.” Ilan granted him a flirtatious smile and a wink as she sat back.

"Did you want another Mixer or would you like to try the dark ale?" He questioned her curiously, licking his lips as he smiled back. "Or maybe I could interest you in a drink back at my quarters."

“Your quarters, hm?” Ilan quirked a brow at him and for just a moment looked out off by the suggestion, but she couldn’t really hold the expression and just grinned. “Well, I’ve always been rather curious what the quarters look like for senior staff…”

Sovas purred as he gave her a grin in return as he stood, moving to help Ilan to her feet as he looked into her eyes after letting his gaze move over her body once it was in full view again. "Come with me so we can satisfy that curiosity." He turned to leave with her, offering an arm if she wanted to take while making for the exit and the lifts beyond.



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