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Trophy Hunting II

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 7:46am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth
Edited on on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 7:47am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Nyseth's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 2030
2708 words - 5.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Ilan chuckled and slid her arm into his so he could escort her from the lounge. This had been, in the end, what she had come down here for - man or woman, it didn’t much matter to her. She hadn’t expected it to be a senior officer, but she was most definitely not going to complain.

As they walked along, she squeezed his arm slightly. “I do want you to know something though, in case it matters - sometimes it does - I’m not Terran. Not really.”

"Not that it does matter, but thank you for telling me." Sovas turned his attention to her, a little surprised by the revelation given that she most certainly did look like a Terran woman - a rather gorgeous one at that. "You don't have the dark eyes of a Betazoid, a Centauran? Though they tend to be fair haired."

He was more intrigued now by Ilan, she most certainly was interesting in many, many ways as he gave her a warm smile. "Though if you want to keep a mystery I'll respect that, but it would keep me aching to know."

“See, now I have a conundrum… I don’t mind telling people, but the idea of leaving you aching for me… well…” Ilan looked into his eyes then and smirked deviously. “That has its own allure, you know.”

"Mmm, well I can't say that the idea of aching for you isn't unappealing." He chuckled softly, his eyes starting to burn hot with his lust and she would be able to feel the warmth in his skin. "Though I will say that would lead to me wanting to come back to try and solve the mystery which would involve some rather engaging and exhaustive investigation."

“Oh would it?” Her smirk grew into a grin as they stepped onto the lift. She moved close to him, almost touching him but not quite. “It would take a truly remarkable man to broach the limits of my stamina.”

Sovas took a deep breath before letting out a slow, throaty growl as she stood oh so close to him as he looked down at her, his eyes gravitating towards her cleavage before he finally spoke. "Then I shall have to give you my utmost to see if we can push those limits,"

Ilan giggled softly and placed her hand on his chest, feeling his heart pounding there which seemed to please her judging by the expression on her face and the desire in her eyes. “Is that so? Well then…”

"Deck three," He purred deeply before leaning in to start teasingly nibble and nip at her lower lip while he moved his hand to start caressing her back, moving it slowly down towards her shapely rear. He slowly turned the teasing nibbles into a kiss, making out with her in the lift as he used his other hand to run up and down the side of her body.

Ilan returned his kiss, leaning into his attentions and sliding her hands up and down his chest through his shirt. As the lift slowed, she stepped back just out of his immediate reach and smiled sweetly. The door opened and a trio of crewmen were standing outside waiting for their turn, though respectfully stepped back to allow the people inside off.

Ilan walked out, flipped her hair over her shoulder and turned to give a wink to Sovas.

Sovas paused to clear his throat as he followed after Ilan, ignoring the crewmen as his eyes were firmly set on the gorgeous dark hair vixen and the enticing curves of her body as he moved to lead the way with her as he worked to keep his impulses in check for the moment given the were in a public area of the ship. It wasn't far down the corridor before they reached Sovas' quarters, the lights coming on as he welcomed her inside. His room was tastefully decorated, a few hunting trophies of pelts and a holographic construct of a rather angry looking raptor with wing tips the color of blood. There were a few items from Vulcan, particularly a lirpa resting in a stand as he turned to her and smirked "Would you like that drink?"

“Sure, why not.” Ilan replied, immediately going up toward the displayed trophies to inspect them closer. She clasped her fingers behind her, humming with interest and moving over to the displayed raptor. “Very interesting decorations you have here. Are these all things you killed yourself?”

"They are," He replied back, pouring them both a drink of just plain whisky but it was a well aged single malt, tucking the bottle away before moving to join her at his trophy wall. "That is an Azantian Bloodwing, large and highly territorial predatory raptors on their home world and even the locals only hunt when they move into areas inhabited by sentient beings and due to their size they have been known to carry of infants if they are left unattended."

"This one actually had started hunting my Away Team when we beamed down into its territory; it attacked and killed one of our security escorts." He shared, setting his drink down to retrieve a necklace with the actual talons from the wall as he held them up for Ilan's inspection. "These are the actual talons of the raptor but as you can see from the display they are quite impressive, the locals would make hand claws with them for use as dueling weapons."

“Oh my. Those are quite large.” Ilan cooed out softly and tapped at the talons with her finger. She held the glass in her other hand and took a sip as she looked back to the hologram. “It’s kind of beautiful in a weird, alien way. Don’t you think?” She ran a finger through the projection and watched it flicker.

"It is," He watched as her fingers ran through the hologram, sipping his drink as he moved closer to her. "It was quite an impressive creature, more than worthy of its fearsome reputation.

Ilan's brows lifted and she reached out, taking the necklace from him and sliding it over her head. She gave a sigh as the talons tapped against the delicate skin of her chest. Stepping away from Sovas, she moved to another one of the trophies and looked at it with interest. "What about this one?"

The next trophy was the well kept pelt of a caracal like feline, the fur of the pelt was a dark midnight blue and the light of the half-Vulcan's quarters would cause it to appear blue while a lighter pattern of stripes ran along the entirety of the skin. "A Ferasan caracal, they use them in much the say way Terrans use canines and I can't be certain but I think they are related to the Ferasans, I hunted this one as part of a purging conducted on a captured Ferasan ship that had been raiding Terran ships."

He moved up behind her, pressing just close enough so that she could feel his body but not so much as to be trapping her against his small trophy area as his free hand moved to start touching and caressing her body, though if he shifted she would be able to feel the hardness of his manhood through his pants brushing against her shapely rear.

"This is very beautiful." Ilan commented and took another sip of the drink in her hand. She smiled slightly as he came closer to her, feeling the brush of his manhood against her covered body. "Such an impressive display you have here, Sovas."

"Thank you, I enjoy being able to collect interesting trophies from my travels and hunts." He purred back to her, taking a step closer while pressing himself a little more firmly against her while his hand started to more pointedly move over her body.

"Do you like collecting any other sorts of trophies?" Ilan asked with an amused and suggestive tone in her voice. She turned to face him, a smirk tugging at her full lips. "You seem like you might be the type of man who would like such a thing."

"I may have a private trophy collection," He purred softly as his hand continued to caress her body as the backs of his fingers moved glide over the swell of her cloth covered breasts. "After all, a starship presents a very different sort of hunting experience." He leaned in to kiss her once more as he pressed his body closer, his roaming hand drifting down to wrap around her body and settle on the fullness of her rear.

She pressed into his body then, one hand sliding down his chest. “Is that so?” Ilan cooed but paused just a moment to down the rest of her drink in one go. She hissed out against the burn and put the glass down then moved both of her hands to Sovas’ body. They slid up his chest and over his shoulders, not shy in feeling up his body.

He made a soft, appreciative sound as he felt her hands running over his body, he had a taut and well muscled form and she would feel scars on his body as he pulled back and downed his own glass before he began to more avidly run his hands over her body, exploring in with an amorous hunger. Soon he was searching for how he might remove it as he made out with Ilan.

Grinning, Ilan pushed him back slightly from her and then reached out to take hold of his shirt and work it off, seeming more intent on him being undressed first - or at least partially so that she could have an idea of what she was working with. "So eager, Sovas." She teased.

The half-Vulcan took a step back as he let her work his shirt off, leaving his torso bare before her.

While he was not an overly muscular man, he was taut and well-toned while along his right side were a series of old scars that looked as if he had been viciously mauled by some creature. There were other scars obviously from weapons but they weren't so garish as to be distracting from his appearance as he licked his lips and tilted his head to the side. "Does the lady approve?" He teased her back.

"Mm..." Ilan hummed thoughtfully and reached out to touch his scars, tracing them with interest and then looked back up into his eyes. "What are these from and why did you choose not to have them removed?" She asked with genuine curiosity in her voice. It seemed that she could shift the subject quite quickly when she wanted to.

Sovas watched her fingers moving the large, ugly patch of scars from his childhood as he looked back to her, licking his lips while he held her gaze. "I was attacked by a mountain lion on Earth and mauled before I managed to fend the beast off. I felt they proved my worthiness to survive so I never removed them."

"And the rest?" She asked, her fingers moving down to some of the other scars on his body. Ilan didn't seem put off, just curious.

While other lovers had taken an interest in his scars, they'd never been curious about their origins as he reached out to gently guide her hand to a long one on his side as swallowed and found it oddly appealing to tell her about his scars' history. "This one was I received while fighting a rather surly Nausicaan who thought my ears were cute,"

As he continued to guide her hand, he found himself considering one in particular and the history behind it as he looked into her eyes wondering why she found them so intriguing. While it wasn't necessarily a secret about his brother's death, he'd never spoken of it to any mainly because his brother was dead and Sovas wasn't as her hand was guided to the wound that ran along the length of one of his ribs that ran along his side. "A lucky wound as the blade caught my rib, given to me by my brother when we were fighting to the death on our eighteenth birthdays."

Ilan stepped closer once more so he could more easily guide her hand and she could get a better look. She listened to him and thought to herself that his ears actually were cute, but made a mental note to not mention that to him. Ever. Obviously it was a sore spot for him. Not that she was overly surprised by it. As he brought her hand to the scar on his ribs she quirked a brow at his explanation.

“Fight to the death with… your brother?”

Conversation was not what the entity making a home inside of Sovas' head was interested in nor was it why it had him lusting for the lovely creature before him. It urged Sovas with more lustful desires, focusing his thoughts more towards how better she might look on his bed, legs wrapped tightly around his waist or bent over the table at the far end of the room. The half-Vulcan let out a deep, growling moan as he began to more amorously grope her body though he resisted the urge just take her as she was, his hands moving again to find out how he might free her luscious form from the tight dress hugging her body. "Half-brother. Our father couldn't sire a pure Terran child, so he sired me on his Vulcan bed slave and my brother with an Orion, we were to be his heirs but since we were half-Terran we had to prove ourselves and on our eighteenth birthdays he had us fight to the death to prove who that would be."

If he was disturbed or saddened by his act, it didn't come through in his voice or expression as he looked into her eyes as her fingers seemed to have lingered on that particular scar.

"So your father was one of those nobles who liked to breed with aliens in an attempt to impart their characteristics on their children... while also simultaneously disparaging that alien blood in said child?" She asked with an amused smirk, ignoring his hands on her body for the moment.

"Mmmm, yes...was very clear that we were Terrans, though when we displeased or failed to meet his expectations we had been weakened by our muddied blood." He replied back, kissing and nibbling at her neck and shoulder. "When I underwent my Pon Farr, I was made to purge myself through combat and he impressed on me that was the only proper way for me to purge it."

While she was a stranger, Ilan had seemed interested and perhaps because of his upbringing under his father, he didn't have the intense shame some of the other Vulcans he had met possessed about the natural biological drive. Though it was likely also because she was a scientist and could see it for what it was. Biology.

"How fascinating." She said and took hold of his hands, guiding them up to the mostly hidden zipper at the back of her dress. "Terrans can be so strange with things like that... they breed these things they despise. I'll never understand it."

Sovas let out a slow sigh as he worked the zipper down the back of her dress as he pressed himself closer, his hands moving under the clothing to touch her naked flesh. "Yes, it is quite strange but I don't think Terrans understand it completely either."

"Probably not." Ilan chuckled then and coaxed him into an embrace. She shifted her body around, using the movement to work her dress down off her body until it fell in a pool around her ankles. This left her curvaceous figure exposed to him, bare except for lacy dark blue panties she wore. Her skin was smooth and pale, her breasts generous and perky. Her body was not a bunch of smoke and mirrors as some might have assumed. She was beautiful.

"Sometimes things always remain a mystery."



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