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Shopping Around II

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 9:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 9:24pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorran Market
Timeline: Mission Day 16 at 1045
2835 words - 5.7 OF Standard Post Measure


"I might." he said with interest. "How would we do two, though?" he looked at her. She was the expert of murder and mayhem between the two of them. Well, perhaps he was the mayhem.

"It would be difficult." Lyra admitted. "Not impossible. You'd just have to make your date for later than mine." She noted and shifted how she was standing so she looked like she was perusing something else. "Perhaps for this go around you'd rather see if you have a taste for such entertainments when push comes to shove before we start planning anything... more detailed?" She offered; she didn't want him to feel put out of the moment, but also didn't want to make this overly difficult.

"Oh, what the hell, why not." he said with a shrug. "If I don't like it, what's one alien in a resort?"

He then turned around and looked around the room. He was searching for someone attractive, obviously, but also hopefully alone. Women tended to travel together if not with a spouse, and that would be too risky considering the potential scores of witnesses and people frantically looking for them. He figured he was looking for someone here for more official purposes like Lyra's mark. An attractive woman with a kinky streak and no pack of friends to check in with.

"Make sure it's an evening date, darling." Lyra reminded him and then moved off to find somewhere out of the way to watch but also not draw attention to herself anymore. Truthfully, she was quite curious to watch him now. Andrei was charming and she knew that one of his chief was of gaining pawns had been sex. She wanted to watch him pull this off.

This area of the market definitely had less unattended women, most on the arm of some man, but those middle aged women he had noticed earlier were still there. As his eyes moved, one such woman would catch his eye. She wasn't tall, but she had a presence about her. Her red hair was pulled back in a half up, half down hairstyle that lived in an area between formal and casual. She was wearing a mid-length dress that was extremely similar in style to a Terran sundress, in a sea-foam green, white, and aqua patterning. Tall heels gave her the height her body lacked. There was a string of pearls around her neck that seemed to have a very light blue hue to them. Like Lyra's mark, she too was a Vidiian, but out of the alien species here, they were truly the most Terran looking.

She had her arms crossed, waiting by one of the stalls that was currently being occupied by a man who had not one but two much younger women on his arms. They were taking up the entire store front and being obnoxious. She was getting irritated and it showed. She began tapping her foot.

“Here’s a challenge.” Andrei said to no one in particular as he stared at her. He moved to a place far off where he would be seen and watched her easily, waiting for her to notice him in any way.

The woman let out a sigh and began to look around at nothing in particular. First it was what she could actually see in the stalls and then they roamed to nearby shops to see if there was anything more interesting, then finally she just contented herself with looking at people. She scowled as she did this, her murky brown eyes moving over faces and bodies and at first she passed right over Andrei, but after a couple seconds she came back to him and realized he was looking at her. Her expression immediately softened and her brows raised, also lifting the ridges on her head. She didn't meet his eyes, she was looking at his body and his strange style... and then eventually up to his face.

When she realized he was looking at her, she gave a slightly awkward smile.

Andrei didn't return the smile or make any expression at all. When she locked eyes with him, he merely held the gaze for three seconds and then panned away as if not interested. This was part of the game. It would have felt to her like rejection, which would likely have activated the woman's self-consciousness and drove her to think about him for at least the next few minutes. Not that it would take that long.

The woman immediately frowned and shifted uncomfortably, self-conscious now. She turned slightly away from Andrei, but not enough that every now and then she couldn't look over her shoulder at him. The people in front of her finally cleared out and she stepped up to the display counter, though she was obviously distracted now. She played with her hair over her shoulder, leaning and looking at the bracelets on display, but eventually looking over her shoulder toward Andrei again.

He was staring at her again. This time, when they locked eyes, he declined his head a bit and looked at her with mild curiosity. The expression was very subtle and was laced with a bit of danger, like he was soberly considering how he would pleasure her if it was her will. After three seconds, he looked away again, this time not as disinterested as the first time, yet not reeled in.

She held his gaze for just a moment and even blushed slightly at the intensity. When he looked away, so did she, back to the bracelets which she had no interest in right now even though she knew that she should. She had been here to get a gift for her sister after all. Still, she couldn't help the interest she had in the strange looking man with the intense eyes. She looked back to where Andrei had been, then frowned when she saw he wasn't there. Without even thinking about it, she began to look around for where he had moved off to. She felt disappointed.

When she found him again, he was standing several isles away from where she had last seen him and was looking straight at her. This time he smiled a devilish and bright smile, an acknowledgement that he had seen her looking. And then he started to walk over to her, his eyes locked on his target and not wavering in the slightest.

As soon as she realized she had been caught, her eyes widened slightly and she blushed. She looked away briefly, and then back to Andrei. When she figured out that he was actually walking toward her, she couldn't help but smile a bit though it was nervous. This woman was obviously not used to having attention from a young, handsome man, perhaps some her own age, but not Andrei's. She licked her lips and turned toward him as he drew closer, the gift for her sister gone from her mind.

Andrei stopped in front of her, and reached out, grabbing her hands to hold them in front of him. He gave her an easy smile, his eyes like fire on her.

"Tell me you're not married, love." he said simply in a confident low voice. "I can't keep my eyes off of you."

“M-married?” She asked in a slightly accented voice. Swallowing, she looked into his intense eyes. “I- no. I’m not. H-hello.” She then laughed softly despite herself. “Where did you come from?”

"I came from just over there." he said, indicating the direction he'd come from with his head and continuing to hold her hands for a few more seconds before finally lowering them and letting them go. "Where did you come from? You've been stealing my attention since the moment I laid eyes on you."

The woman laughed louder this time, it was slightly grating. “With that logic, my hotel room.” She shifted her weight slightly and gave him a smile. “But I’ve never seen someone like you around here. Where are you from? What species are you?”

"I must say, and I do mean to be this forward, I've never been more excited to tell a woman to go back to where she came from." he said, completely ignoring the question. "Just as long as you take me with you."

He was testing her, looking for her limits. For women of a certain age, this brand of forward suggestion would be extremely flattering but, he suspected there was a chance she would refuse initially strictly in the name of propriety and reputation. Though, if she'd been looking for someone to sleep with, he'd just served himself up on a silver platter.

"That's the cheesiest line you've ever heard, isn't it?" he asked, chuckling then and ignoring her grating laugh.

Now she just blinked at him almost stupidly, the wheels turning in her mind. Judging by how she presented herself, she was probably an intelligent woman, but this kind of attention severely hampered that intelligence. “I… yes.” She agreed and laughed again. “You really are forward, but where are you from? I must know. You are so… different.” She smiled at him, she had a nice smile at least.

"I'm from a far off place. I'm sure you've never heard of it. It's called Russia." he said, finally answering her question. "And to answer your next question, my name is Alexander."

“Alxander from Russia.” The woman mispronounced the name but didn’t seem to notice. “No I can’t say I have ever heard of it. What brings you to Anorra from your far off Russia?” She asked curiously and unconsciously leaned toward him a bit, interested.

"I came here with some friends for some sun and fun. And I've already had plenty of sun." he said, giving her a charming wink. "Now, tell me about yourself. What's your name and what brings you here?"

“My name is Valaya. I’m here for a business conference and some shopping. They have very fine shops here on Anorra and one can find all manner of things.” She said and gestured out to the market. “You… look like you’ve been enjoying yourself? Where are your friends? Did they abandon you?”

"They're off making their own fun just like me." he said, using a tone that didn't seem defensive, but disinterested. "Maybe I can introduce you to one of them later. They're a very friendly group. Some take vacations for pleasure alone and some want a bit of a thrill too. I'm one of the later. Are you the same, Valaya, or do you like to keep things simple and predictable?"

This woman gave off the impression of being simple and predictable, but with Andrei in her face, this charming and willing alien probably two decades her junior, Valaya felt herself smiling. She was feeling… adventurous. It had been quite a while after all. She lifted a hand up like she was going to touch Andrei’s chest but stopped herself, though her hand still lingered in the air. “I could… be convinced to seek out some thrills. What is your friend’s name?”

"There are several, as I said." he said, managing to keep the irritation out of his voice. He hated when they didn't just take the bait. "What must I do to...convince you to seek some thrills with me, Valaya?"

When he asked the question, he took her hand himself and placed it on his own chest, smiling boldly.

Her fingers pressed into his chest and she rubbed him slightly through his shirt. She licked her lips now and Andrei could see her alien body’s heat starting to rise but in some abnormal places. Just another reminder that she wasn’t Terran. “My my… you are very handsome…” She licked her lips again and looked up at him. “What did you have in mind? And when?”

"I'd like you to show me where you're from. This evening, after the beach party." he said with a tempting yet neutral expression. "I won't be at the party, I'll be busy elsewhere. Just give you your room number and I'll come right up when the band plays their final tune. How does that sound?"

“Alright. Will you be bringing one of your… friends? Girl? Boy?” While a bit laced up, there definitely seemed to be a bit more of an adventurous side to this woman that was peeking through.

Andrei had truly missed it before. Perhaps it's just that all he could really think about in the moment was the singular goal in his mind or maybe it was that he didn't want to tip their hand, but he hadn't registered what she wanted. He smiled now, and it communicated trouble.

"I know exactly what kind of friend you're looking for. I have a beautiful friend, talented, smart, and she loves adventures." he said, placing a hand on the Vidiian woman's arm gently. "I'll bring Lena along."

She smiled brighter then, lustily. Her head tilted slightly. “Do you need me to write down the number for you or will you remember if I just tell you?”

He avoided the annoyed expression again. Instead he shrugged.

“I have a great memory.” He said. “You can just tell me.”

The Vidiian gave him her room number and then excused herself from him, not really giving a reason but probably simply that she didn’t want to ruin the moment and wanted to go and plan her evening of excitement. When Andrei looked around, he would find the caramel skinned beauty in her flippy skirt watching him while leaning up against a nearby pillar. She smirked when he looked at her and lifted her brows.

“Good gods.” He said, walking up to her. “I’m surprised she didn’t ask for my service number and a sample of my blood.”

Lyra laughed softly at that and pushed herself off the pillar. “She did seem quite chatty. That’s one disadvantage to women, much more chatty.” She shrugged. “It looked like it went well though in the end?”

“Yes it did.” He said, putting his finger to her jaw for a brief moment. “She requests your presence tonight. It seems she is more adventurous than I thought.”

“Did she? Well now, I can’t disappoint a lady looking to be adventurous, can I?” She grinned, though her eyes held that promise of what was to come.

“One thing is sure, it will be the most interesting thing that ever happens to her. And, in fact, the very last.”

“Oh yes, darling.” She stepped closer to him and whispered softly into his ear. “Think about what you’d like me to do to her. I’ll give you a wonderful little show.”

“How I love to watch you work.” He said with a smile. “And I think we have an opportunity to shock your man quite a lot with an entrance from me.”

“Oh do we? Going to come in dick swinging?” She teased and grinned. Actually… she wouldn’t mind that. The shock factor would be hilarious.

“Well, he seems a bit of a shrinking violet. I want to see his face when I say I’m there to watch him.” He said with a smile, picturing it in his head.

“I’m sure Hal is an exceptionally confident man. He’ll out swing you.” She barely got the words out and then laughed at the ridiculousness of the very notion. “Oh I have special plans for him. He’ll find out that,” the tone of her voice changed to that silvery voice very close to what had been Madeline, “sweet little Lena likes whips and chains.”

“I don’t think he’ll expect that one.” Andrei said with a surprised expression. “What’s your plan if he decides to walk out in surprise?”

“You say that like I’d give him that option.” Lyra chuckled, her voice back to normal though there was just the slightest notes of cruelty in there. “He won’t. He’s looking for something amazing and new. Boring marriage. I could see the ring line on his wrist.”

“Oh, well then you’re secure. As long as he shows up in the first place and doesn’t lose his nerve.” Andrei said, turning and starting to lead her towards the exit. “Sleeping with an exotic woman on vacation is a fantasy of many men, but divorce battles are not.”

She followed along without protest, though she didn’t give any display of affection to him as they walked since who knew might have been watching. “Well, if he doesn’t, we always have the horny, lonely woman later in the evening.”

Andrei knew he should feel bad about this, but the only feeling that really registered for him was the excitement of sharing something so forbidden with Lyra. He grinned at her with an obvious grin. This was going to be a night to remember.



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