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So We Meet Again

Posted on Mon Nov 7th, 2022 @ 3:44am by Petty Officer 3rd Class Tuli

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Hotel Bar
Timeline: Mission Day 19 at 1900
3210 words - 6.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Tuli was in the bar of her hotel, sipping a strange, brightly colored alien drink. She was feeling good and, in her mind, looking good in a newly replicated little green dress and a newly bare neck. She wasn't accompanied by anyone but, honestly, that was fine by her.

As she continued to enjoy her drink, another patron stepped up to the bar. "Bartender, do you have anything resembling whiskey?" Saundra asked the Vidiian behind the bar. She was currently dressed like she just spent the day at the beach. She was wearing a black string bikini with tiny white stars on it, which she filled out quite well, a black sheer sarong, which was tied around her waist, knotted over her right hip, black replica Chanel sunglasses and a pair of black leather thong sandals on her feet. Her skin looked very nicely sun-kissed, giving her a slight glow.

As she waited for her drink, she finally noticed a familiar face. Casually lowering her sunglasses, she smiled slightly as she turned her body towards the other woman. "Well well, Tuli. It's nice to see you down here. Congratulations are in order, I hear." As she spoke, her eyes moved over Tuli and her green dress. It was clear that she approved of what she saw in front of her.

"Thank you, Ensign McMillan," Tuli answered, still mindful she was talking to an officer. Maybe more mindful than a yeoman from a different background would have been. "Are you having a good leave?"

Tuli was given a slightly sultry smile in reply. "We're on shore leave, Tuli. So long as we are alone, I want you to call me Saundra." He eyes were sharp, but seemed very interested in what she was seeing.

"As for my time down has certainly started to get better, now that you're here."

"We're not on shore leave when other people are here, Saundra?" Tuli actually sassed a little for once, but her tone was playful and she was blushing.

Sandra's eyes flashed briefly, though not with anger, but with enjoyment. She moved a bit closer, lifting her right hand up to gently caress Tuli's left cheek. "I think you know what I mean," her voice was slightly husky as she spoke quietly.

Tuli's blush deepened. She smiled a little, but she was also clearly surprised. She hadn't seen this side of Saundra before. "I think so, Saundra."

A grin moved across Saundra's features. She then asked, "What are you doing tonight?"

"I'm still open," Tuli said. "I schedule. My schedule is still open."

Saundra continued to grin. She found Tuli's blushing and apparent nervousness very exciting. "Good. Care to have dinner with me?"

"Yes...Mis...Saundra. Yes, Saundra." Tuli was, indeed, very nervous. Her cheeks were practically red.

"Aww," Saundra cooed softly as she gently caressed Tuli's bright red cheeks. "You don't have to be flustered, Tuli. If you are uncomfortable, you can say no. You have earned that right with your freedom." She didn't say that she had had her eye on Tuli since before they left Spacedock. However, as she had been a slave in another department, Saundra had never really had the opportunity to be close like this. Certainly after what Pulmer pulled, the time would have been horrible.

But now that Tuli was a free woman, with all the rights and privileges of a Terran, Saundra knew her chance had arrived.

"I know I am," Tuli said, getting even more flustered. "But I also have a right to say yes, don't I?" Tuli was certainly intrigued. Certain things were still very new to her.

A glint of happiness flashed in Sandra's eyes when she heard Tuli speak up. "You most certainly do." She moved her hand to pick up Tuli's. She then lifted it up and turned it our, exposing the underside of her wrist.

Without hesitation, Saundra leaned in and gently kissed the inside of Tuli's wrist, her lips soft and warm against the older woman's skin.

Tuli blushed even more at that kiss, not to her hand, but the inside of her wrist. It was an intimate gesture. Very intimate. "Where are we getting dinner?" she asked, not sure what to say.

Looking back at Tuli, Saundra shifted even closer to her. "As most of the food on this rock is inedible, I thought we could go back to my room at the hotel. I could cook you something, then we could either stay in and have drinks, or go back out for them."

"I...." Tuli hesitated. Saundra had a good point about the food, but there were other things that followed from eating in her room. She was nervous. "Yes, let's."

Saundra smiled, then took Tuli's hand and started to lead her away from the bar.

Before they got too far, however, they were intercepted by a rather hideous looking alien. He (if it really was a he) spread his arms, blocking the women's path.

"Such lovely creatures," he said, his voice sounding annoyingly high-pitched, yet gravely at the same time. "You come with Fooosta, you have good time."

The creature, as Saundra saw it, looked like someone took a rat and made it into a humanoid...mostly. It had an elongated snout covered in whiskers, several sharp teeth, some of which looked broken and infected. Standing a full head shorter than Saundra, it was leering up at her, clearly having only one thing on it's puny mind.

"Get lost creep," Saundra sneered down at the animal. "Before I neuter you in front of this lovely woman." She indicated Tuli as she spoke.

Tuli looked between Saundra and the creature. "Interesting that..." she started, cut off as he continued.

The creature wasn't deterred in its course of behavior. "Now, now, if lovely creature doesn't learn to behave, Fooosta will have to punish." It reached out and ran a single long, hairy finger over Saundra's left thigh, licking its lips as it did so.

Without hesitation, Sandra grabbed the offending finger and jerked it up, clearly breaking it, causing the beast to howl in pain. Saundra, however, wasn't finished. Reaching over to a nearby table, she grabbed what looked like a large steak knife. Flipping it in her hand, she spun back to the whimpering creature and slammed the blade home into its groin...or at the very least, where Saundra figured it's groin was.

The creature howled in agony as the rest of the bar patrons scattered, inexperienced in this level of brutality.

Sandra then twisted the blade sideways and wrentched it free, causing the creature to collapse into a heap of quivering flesh.

Saundra then reached down, grabbed the creatures head with both hands and twisted it suddenly. A sickening crunch could be heard, then the creature went still.

Sandra, breathing a but heavier from the exertions finally tossed the blade away and stood up, glaring at the guests brave enough to stay. "Never touch a Terran woman without her permission!" She then turned towards Tuli, stared at her for a beat, then moved in and kissed her...quite well.

It took Tuli a second to respond. She was a little stunned by the sudden violence herself. But then she parted her lips, eagerly kissing Saundra back. When her lips pulled away, she asked, half-joking, "I have permission, right?" Only half-jokingly.

There was a lustful look in Saundra's eyes as she slowly licked her bottom lip, then sucked on it gently, enjoying the sweetness of Tuli's kiss that still lingered there. She started to smile, then reached out to take Tuli's right hand in her left. "Oh, definitely!" she drawled out hungrily. "Let's go back to my room." She then turned and started gently pulling Tuli along behind her.

Tuli took her hand, still smiling, though also a little surprised. She had not expected her evening to go this way but it was exciting. She gripped Saundra's hand and followed her. "You keep rescuing me!"

Looking back over her shoulder, Saundra grinned. "Maybe I'm just protecting something that I want really badly." She wink at Tuli as she spoke.

"You'd have done it anyway," Tuli said confidently.

Saundra stopped and turned to face Tuli. Pulling her into an embrace, she said, "You're right, I would. However, that I have wanted to be with you since the first time I saw you." She then kissed the other woman deeply and passionately. They stayed there for several beats, enjoying the taste of one another.

Tuli pressed her lips to hers, kissing back fiercely. She just stayed there for a moment, enjoying Saundra's presence. "I had no idea," she said softly and honestly.

Pressing her forehead to Tuli's, Sandra replied in a whisper. "There was never a good time to tell you how I felt. Then, plumer...." She snarled his name. "I knew that wasn't the time either. You had just been attacked." Her face softened as she remembered seeing the fear in Tuli's eyes. "I will never let anyone touch you like that again!" She was adamant in her statement.

"Thank you, Saundra," Tuli says softly, just standing there another moment, being held, enjoying the strength of it.

A few moments later, Saundra released her hold on Tuli and took her hand again. She then led Tuli to the hotel and up to her room. Once she has it opened, she pulled Tuli inside, then shut it again, pressing her up against the wall with her own body and started to kiss her again, this time the exchange was much hotter as Saundra started to slowly undress the other woman.

Tuli took Saundra's hand and walked with her. Her warm, full body was pressed to the wall and she pressed her lips back against Saundra's as the other woman kissed her. She felt her hands eagerly undressing her as her own moved to take off Saundra's already revealing bikini. Her hands moved eagerly over warm, hot flesh.

In moments, both women were free of their clothes and had moved to the bed, laying side by side, as they continued to kiss each other and move their hands over the other's body.

It was a couple hours later when Tuli lay sweaty in bed next to Saundra, grinning at her. She hadn't expected that. Not even when she first agreed to come to her room. "You know..."

Saundra was equally satisfied and content to shut out the rest of the cosmos, so long as Tuli was here with her. Reaching over, she gently moved a few stray hairs from her lover's face that had been plastered to her forehead. "Hmmmm?"

"You promised me food," Tuli said, looking over to her partner with an impish grin.

Saundra smiled and giggled softly. "You're right, I did! And I am a woman of my word." She leaned in and softly kissed her lover, enjoying everything about this situation. "And what would my delicious morsel like to eat? Anything you want and I'll get it down here immediately."

Tuli kissed her back gently, smiling. She looked thoughtful. Trying to decide. "I'll let you pick, Saundra," she said. "Surprise me."

Saundra arched a sculpted eyebrow and smirked playfully. "Well, in that case, it'll be finger foods that we can eat in bed."

"There's a dirty pun to be made there..." Tuli said, grinning.

Saundra gave her a flirty wink. "Take it as you will, lover." She then slid from their bed and padded overvto where she had left her commbadge. The light from the sun, which was diffused through the curtains, gave her tanned skin a healthy glow.

After she gave the order to one of the Flight Control slaves, she sauntered back to bed, crawling like a cat from the bottom, up to the headboard, when she moved over Tuli. As she gazed down at the older woman, Saundra's eyes softened some. "You truly are beautiful, Tuli. I'm glad we found each other out here."

Tuli grinned up at her as Saundra crawled over her like a cat. She reached up and stroked Saundra's cheek gently, smiling. "I am too, Saundra. I am too."

Saundra lowered herself down and kissed Tuli deeply, her tongue slipping inside Tuli's mouth and against her tongue. Soft whimpers came from Saundra's throat. She couldn't get enough of this woman!

Tuli kissed her back, grinning. She reached up to run a hand along Saundra's cheek and then blushed a little. "I really had no idea you were even interested before tonight. You are very good at subtle."

Smiling softly as she looked down at Tuli, Saundra replied in a quiet voice. "Well, when your parents don't agree with your life choice, you tend to become very good at subtlety."

Suddenly, several trays of various hors d'oeuvre, along with a few bottles of wine, materialized on the nearby table.

"Very good at it," Tuli said with a grin. Then she turned to the food as it appeared. "Ooh! That looks good!"

Saundra looked over as well. "It does," she said with a grin. She then climbed off of Tuli and stood up, offering her hand to her.

Tuli grinned and took her hand.

When Tuli took the offered hand, Saundra gently pulled her up to her feet, then into her arms, where she added quietly as she looked into her lover's eyes, "Though not near as good as you do." She then leaned in and kissed Tuli again. It had quickly become one of her most favorite activity.

Tuli kissed back and grinned, pressing into the younger woman. "Not as good as you either," Tuli said, but she nonetheless reached for the food, trying one. "I like it."

Saundra smiled, her cheeks blushing slightly in happiness. "Why don't you make a few plates for us, while I pour some wine? Then we can eat and go take a relaxing bath together."

"Yes, Saundra," Tuli agreed, preparing a couple of plates of the delightful little foods. She was somehow more aware of her nakedness just walking around than she had been in bed.

As Tuli got the food ready, Saundra chose one of the bottles and opened itthe three bottle present represented her entire collection of Terran wine that she had been able to bring along with her. It would be a shame when they were gone, however, there was no one she would rather share them with than Tuli.

Tuli walked over with the plates. She looked down at the wine. "I can count the times I've had nonreplicated wine on one hand," she confessed.

This made Saundra smile warmly. Moving to give Tuli room to sit, she replied. "Well, I have two and a half bottles left, and I'm not going to drink them with anyone but you, my love."

Tuli smiled. "Love?" She was blushing now as she sat down by Saundra.

Saundra shrugged and smiled. "Can you think of a better term? We did make love, thus you are my lover, love."

"I know," Tuli said. "You're sort of sweeping me off my feet. I didn't know you were interested yesterday."

"I was waiting for the right moment," Saundra replied honestly. She started to blush a little. "Truth be told, I wanted to wrap you up in my arms that day on the ship, would not have been right or appropriate to do so. I'm...I'm sorry that I wasn't there to stop him sooner." She lowered her eyes in shame as she spoke.

Tuli shifting closer. Her thigh lightly touching Saundra's. Not quite with the heat of a few moments ago but with a gentle, quiet sort of intimacy. She set the drinks down and cupped Saundra's chin, kissing her softly, slowly, on the lips. "You have nothing to apologize for," Tuli said with uncharacteristic firmness. "Nothing. Not to me, anyway."

Saundra made a soft purring sound when Tuli kissed her. She then slid her arms around the other woman and hugged her lovingly. "I almost killed him when I stopped him," she whispered softly. "I wanted to, but I was afraid it would make you fear me."

"I was a slave. You were a Terran lady," Tuli said softly as she leaned into her.

Saundra smiled, leaning towards Tuli. Before she kissed her, she responded. "I'm no lady, my love." She smiled coyly as she slid her hands over Tuli's bare thighs.

"As you say, my lady," Tuli said playfully. She felt the hand on her bare thighs and she took it in her own, lifting it gently to press her lips along the knuckles, properly courtly.

Saundra felt a flutter in her core as she watched Tuli gently kiss her knuckles. She bit her lower lip as she took in a slightly ragged breath. Her eyes stayed locked on the beautiful woman in front of her.

Tuli smiled and looked down. She looked over and picked up one of the small finger sandwiches. She brought it to Saundra's lips gently.

A small grin pulled up the corners of Saundra's mouth at the tender gesture. Keeping her eyes locked on Tuli's, she opened her mouth and took a bite of the offered food. A soft, approving purr vibrated in her throat as she enjoyed both the flavor if the food and the way it was served.

Returning the favor, she looked down at the plate and picked up another of the small sandwiches. She then lifted it up and held it close to Tuli's deliciously full lips.

Tuli parted her lips and softly ate the small sandwich from Saundra's fingers. She smiled at her and leaned gently into her. "Mmmm..."

Sandra mirrored the lean in and gently kissed Tuli, savoring the combined taste of her lips and the food they were feeding each other. When they finally came up for air, Saundra gently leaned her forehead against Tuli's. "I never want to leave this room..." she whispered softly.

Tuli smiled gently. "We're going to have to eventually."

"I know," Saundra pouted playfully. "And then I won't be able to have you all to myself anymore. You'll have to actually go out and work duty shifts, instead of just staying in my bed." She smirked seductively at the end.

"But I'll come back to your bed," Tuli promised.

This made Saundra smile softly. "And there is no one I'd rather be in my bed with me than you, my love." She kissed Tuli again, before her stomach made it known that it was empty.

Giggling softly, she said, "Well, I guess I need to consume more than you right now, sweetheart." She sat back and picked up one of the plates, handing it to Tuli. "You need to eat to. We burned through a lot of calories today. I can't have you fainting on me from hunger."

"No one else better be in your bed," Tuli said as she kissed her lover again. "Yeah, I did say I needed to," Tuli agreed. She took a plate and started to munch.

For the rest of the evening, the two new lovers enjoyed the food, the wine and each other until, finally, they collapsed in each other's arms, completely satisfied and content that they weren't alone anymore.


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