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When the Sun’s Out, Is It Still Dinner?

Posted on Sun Nov 6th, 2022 @ 4:13am by Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth & Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar
Edited on on Sun Nov 6th, 2022 @ 6:12am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Soaring Crescent Restaurant, Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 9 at 2000
3438 words - 6.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Sovas had found a restaurant on Anorra with a menu that wasn't dominated by Vidiian cuisine. He was somewhat thankful for that, given he'd instead have eaten recycled waste straight from the processing modules. It wasn't that he'd rather eat recycled waste; it's just that he found the idea of Vidiian food so revolting that recycled waste was infinitely more appealing. The restaurant he found was intriguing as it was housed on a rather large anti-grav platform that spent its time transversing the oasis. Several of the tamed regions of the planet outside the resort, allowing them to witness the preserve where one could go hunting along with the glittering glass fields that remained as evidence of some high heat impact or exposure in the past. The floating restaurant itself was an engineering marvel all on its own. Its diners were never directly exposed to the ever-present sun by a large canopy with a masterfully painted mural on the underside that depicted a rather stunning alien landscape at sunset. The central portion of the restaurant was divided into levels with varying amounts of privacy, with the main floor being open plan. Tables were spread out to give some privacy between people save for the dance floor and the stage, where a well-dressed band was playing a sedate alien melody that was piped through to the other levels that rose in semi-circles.

Sovas and Revena were on the third level in a curtained booth giving them a bit of privacy for their meal. Currently, the curtain was open with the half-Vulcan sitting across from his date, waiting for their meals to be delivered. The cuisine had seemed somewhat similar to Levantine food, and he hoped it would be a unique culinary experience. He was dressed in a tailored gray suit paired with a white button-up shirt and a pair of expensive dress shoes. The ensemble wasn't the norm for his wardrobe, but he kept in mind the lessons of his etiquette teacher - A man should have at least one good suit and a fine pair of shoes. So he had ensured that he always had that one suit, with two others to spare. It wasn't too tight and certainly wasn't too loose on his body, tailored to fit him.

The half-Vulcan took a sip from something that resembled Romulan ale in appearance but was a bit stronger.

He gave his lovely companion a warm smile as he set his tall glass down, taking her in again, curious about what the evening might bring.

Revana had put on a lacey black slip that started beneath her green shoulders, traveled across her chest, and then plunged deep down the middle to her mid-cleavage. It hugged her substantial curves until it reached her hips and flowed out for a more candid look. A slit ran up the center as well. She had applied her makeup meticulously and looked more like a model than an Imperial Officer.

"You're staring again, Sovas," she said, grinning at him, and then she brought her glass full of pink alcohol to her red-colored lips.

"Hmmm?" He perked up as she spoke, his eyes meeting Revena's as he chuckled softly; his eyes had been drifting over what he could see of her over the table, which had meant his gaze had inevitably drifted to the lovely valley of her cleavage. "Just admiring the lovely view, which I might say you do look quite fetching."

He gave her another warm, easy smile while he relaxed back into his seat, waiting on the beginning of their meal to be brought out. The cuisine here was anything but the revolting Vidiian fair, with it being closer to Terran than any of the other species they'd encountered so far, which Sovas had been thankful for. Because of what the Captain had paid, they were allowed VIP access to places like this restaurant. "So what do you think of the restaurant? It's unique."

"It's far better than I expected regarding their food. The flavors and textures remind me a bit of home. Of course, they're still foreign, but I'm a girl who likes adventure." She replied, her eyes meeting his unwaveringly. She smiled, slow and sultry. "Do you like adventure, or are you more reserved?"

"It depends." The half-Vulcan gave a diplomatic reply since adventure could mean different things to different people as he took a sip of his drink while considering how he'd reply to her. However, he did love that low, smoky tone to her voice as it had a rich, seductive quality. "Adventure is a word that means something different to everyone, but I do enjoy the excitement and experiencing something new."

He paused as their appetizers were brought out, some silver dollar-sized stuffed mushroom caps with a savory, almost rich spicy scent as the server bowed his head, touched his lips, holding his hand to them before leaving. An apparent custom of the reptilian humanoids that worked in the Soaring Crescent as the staff. "Though I believe there is a certain charm that comes with being reserved, such as quiet confidence, being a steady presence, and knowing when to act."

He gave her a coy smirk before picking up one of the caps and taking a bite, enjoying the savory and spicy flavors.

"Yes, there is something to be said," Revana confirmed as she picked up one of the spicy round morsels and popped it into her mouth. She chewed slowly and smiled. It was the best-tasting thing not from one of Vengeance's replicators she had eaten down here. "With us leaving Terra on a secret mission and then being spun out into the middle of nowhere for the long haul, I've been living a disciplined and predictable life for longer than I can stand. Honestly, I felt like I was going crazy on that ship. Now that I'm free, I want to have some fun and maybe get a little wild. Just for a few days, even."

"It's always good to let loose and enjoy yourself when you can; let your hair down, as they say." He chuckled softly before taking a sip of his drink and enjoying the rich flavors of the appetizers. It was an experience to savor; the rest of the food on the planet had proven to be so bland and unappetizing. It was a wonder that the Vidiians could keep anyone alive in this resort world. "Any ideas on what you might want to do, or do you want to go more freeform, be a leaf on the wind, and see where it carries you?"

His question was one of genuine curiosity; he did enjoy being adventurous. It just tended to be more on his terms since his past had seen him taking on thrilling and dangerous activities at the behest of someone else who had no regard for what fun might have been. It was the things like that that tended to make one hesitant and gunshy.

"I have a few ideas on my checklist, but for the most part, I'm being spontaneous." She answered. "Like when I asked you to help me with my oil. That wasn't planned, but we made it into an adventure, didn't we?"

"Mmm, yes, that was quite the entertaining adventure." He agreed with a wry smirk, and while it had left him a bit on the unrelieved side, it had been rather alluring to have brought the woman to her peak in public without doing much more than massaging her. The half-Vulcan ate another mushroom cap as he considered the woman sitting across from him and wondered what kind of trouble she might be getting into. "Though I wouldn't mind seeing what trouble we might be able to get into together."

"It's been quite a while since I've gotten into trouble. People assume I do so all the time, but if you want to hear a secret." She leaned down a little bit, her luscious lips coming apart and her foot brushing against the leg of his pants. "I've been a very good girl. And I stay good until something interesting comes along."

Revana pushed her plate away slightly. She enjoyed the dish's flavor, but it wasn't her favorite, and she wanted to save room for the main course.

The hybrid man was attentive to his companion as she spoke slightly conspiratorially, watching her lush lips parting even. At the same time, he could feel her foot brushing up against his leg, and his eyebrow jumped a little. "Well, there is an old Terran saying about what happens when someone goes about assuming,"

He gave her a warmer smile before taking a sip of his drink; he gave her his full attention, not allowing it to wander from her eyes at present. "I've found that those who are very good tend to be the ones that let loose in interesting and intriguing ways."

"I've found the same thing." She said with a wry smile as the waiter brought out the main meal. It looked something like big juicy steaks and large-cut fries. The smell was slightly different, but it was pleasant. Revana took her utensils and started to cut into the tender meat. "What lengths did you have to go to to find a restaurant with good food on Anorra? Or, maybe you know about it now because you already brought some girl here?"

"You wouldn't be the first to ask someone from Imperial Logistics and Operations how we work our magic." The half-Vulcan chuckled while pulling his plate closer to him, enjoying the savory scent of the meat and the potato-like fries. After taking a moment to lay out his napkin, he began to cut into the steak to reveal a sweltering, pink center before he took his first bite and nodded his head in approval. He'd done what Operations did in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, making deals and garnering supplies and other things that could prove valuable to them for morale purposes and as trade commodities.

"So I have been spending my time working after a fashion, ensuring that we have plenty of supplies for various reasons." Sovas began to explain while cutting off more of the steak. "Though that led me to discover this place, I've wanted to try it but didn't have a good enough reason until I encountered you on the beach."

"I like being your good reason." She said, looking at him with smiling eyes. It was a sweet statement with sweetness and the glint of something more than arousal for the first time. She took a bite of the steak and closed her eyes as the flavor came to her. She nodded as she chewed slowly, taking a deep breath. "Damn, that's good. I mean, really, really good. It might be better than steak."

Sovas couldn't help but chuckle at her near-orgasmic reaction to the flavor of the meat while taking his first bite of the perfectly cooked meal. It was tender and exceptionally flavorful, which, after the rather bland and unappealing Vidiian food, was like mana from heaven. A soft sound nearly akin to a moan escaped him as he experienced the savory richness before speaking up. "The meat comes from a creature called a Rozok here on the planet, something like a cross between a Terran bison and rhino that you can pay to hunt, but I will have to get more of the meat once we leave the planet."

"Some girls are partial to chocolate, but I've always preferred meat." She said, lifting her eyebrows and cutting off another portion. She seemed passingly interested in his lesson on the food. "You looked this up beforehand, huh? You must have put some energy into this date, then."

"I'm a curious man, but shouldn't a date be something that is given the best effort?" Her statement was countered with a question of his own; he did believe that one should seek to make an effort to give the person that you were out with a hopefully enjoyable time. "I thought I should at least show I'm not entirely the savage brute that so roughly manhandled you on the beach in front of everyone."

He gave a smirk and a little chuckle before eating a portion of his steak.

"Yes, you were so mean to me," Revana said, faking a pout. "That oiling session had me thinking about you for a bit afterward."

"Is that so?" The half-Vulcan smiled behind his glass before taking a drink while letting the remark hang there for a moment before a server appeared to refill their drinks, wanting to play it a little more reserved. However, as he began to consider what she might have been thinking about, he felt the slightly nauseating shifting in his mind. Like at the beach, his mind was filled with thoughts, memories, and images to convince him that the Orion woman would be nothing but trouble. With a capital T. It was trying to turn him off and steer him away from her. Like just at the beach, Sovas ignored his passenger as his thoughts turned back to what he had wanted to do with Revana, even right there on the beach if she'd allowed it to work off his own aroused interest before parting ways.

"So what kind of thoughts did I manage to inspire? Something salacious that might have required some aid to help relieve the tension."

"Well, there were many. The most pleasant of which was my wondering what it might be like to sit on your face." She grinned as if her statement had been something innocent and then cut into the food on her plate again. She didn't take a bite but instead cut several pieces for ease in the future. However, her eyes stayed on his, and she displayed a surprising skill in cutting perfectly without looking. Her green eyes were deep, with obviously unconquerable deviance in them. "Did our meeting on the beach leave you with any thoughts, Sovas?"

His expression was filled with amusement, accompanied by a warm chuckle while holding her smoldering gaze. It didn't take much to ponder the possibilities of being nestled between the thighs of the emerald beauty. The half-Vulcan leaned in, his expression becoming flirtatious while his mind eagerly recalled the things he'd imagined doing with her. "There were more than a few that our encounter conjured up, one of my favorites was the thought of seeing you bent over something with that little bikini tossed away and forgotten."

"Hard to toss something I'm not wearing in the first place, isn't it?" She asked, her eyes glinting over his. She pushed her plate away slightly, a smile on her face. "Dinner is good, but I'm ready for dessert."

"Mmmm, that is very true." A soft purr as his eyes moved over her body once more, silently hoping to have that dress crumpled in a pile somewhere utterly forgotten by them both. "Dessert does sound delicious right now. Should we order in or to-go?"

She would feel his foot touching hers lightly while his dark eyes bore into her, filled with a lusty hunger that he wanted to satisfy with her alluring form.

"To go," she responded, fingers playing at her hair and around her neck and then slowly tracing over her breasts and down her body.

She ran her fingers through her hair, along her neck, and the swell of her generous breasts, the half-Vulcan's gaze followed them with an appreciative smile while signaling for the check before he stood. He gave a gentlemanly offer of his hand to help his lovely companion to her feet as a low growl escaped him as his gaze fell into the valley of her cleavage.

Revana noticed his glances at her assets and liked the attention quite a lot. It wasn't the first time a man had looked at her that way, but this one had been more well-earned than in recent months. She accepted his hand and stood up, her own eyes finding his. She approached him slowly, standing next to the table, and inhaled slowly. Her perfume was intoxicating.

"Where to? I've got a big appetite." She said, her voice low and sultry like a cat's purr. Seduction was a specialty of hers, and her eyes told that story. She seemed to want him in every way.

"Then we'll have to make sure we can find a way to sate that appetite." He couldn't miss the alluring look in her eyes as he led the way to the transporters. They were soon returned to the resort proper and materialized a richly appointed hotel lobby where he'd made reservations for the 'night.' They weren't out of place, and only the hotel staff paid them any mind as Sovas led them to the bank of turbolifts on the far side of the lobby without saying a word but giving Revana a lustful glance. It was a brief wait for the lift, and the half-Vulcan had them in the car and the doors shutting before anyone could step on with them, wanting a bit of privacy, it seemed.

Immediately after tapping the button for their floor, Sovas's attention turned to his lovely companion, stepping closer to her until she'd been backed up to the wall. He didn't waste time with more words, instead leaning in to brush his lips against hers, teasing her with his breath while pressing his body closer. Just when it seemed like he might pull away, he slowly embraced her and started to make out with the Orion woman. She would feel his hands slowly caress her as the lift moved higher.

She immediately felt a warmth and pressure within her most sensitive parts; a desire to be filled. She moaned slightly, seductively, as their lips met and her arms wrapped around the half-Vulcan's shoulders. Her arousal was evident, and her pheromones became naturally much strong. They hadn't seemed to affect the Vulcan negatively on the beach, but that had been much earlier in the day when her blockers were active. She rather hoped it would affect his Terran side more.

As the doors to the lift opened, she shoved him rather aggressively into the hallway and launched out after him, growling and knocking him against the wall. She didn't check to see if the hallway was empty but started kissing him again in quick desperate motions, her mouth moving from his working down to his neck. She breathed there heavily.

He was entirely surprised by the unexpected aggressiveness as she pressed him back against the corridor wall. He returned her sudden, desperate embrace with an equal ardor while pushing away from the wall as he gave a breathy moan, looking for their room. There were a few other guests that had been startled by the woman's aggressive actions, though there were a few who seemed intrigued by what was taking place here. Though it didn't seem to be affecting Sovas, the Orion woman's pheromones appeared to have the intended effect on those in the hall.

With a firm push, Sovas moved away from the wall, and he pulled Revana into another embrace as they moved down the hall. Eventually, he had her back pressed against the door of their room, and with a bit of fumbling, not helped by his lover's questing hands, the half-Vulcan got the door open as he pushed her inside. With a kick, they were secluded from the rest of the guests as he started to make out with the Orion woman more aggressively. His hands were soon adroitly working to remove her dress, shifting away just enough to let it fall to the floor while giving a low, throaty growl as he pressed himself against his soon-to-be lover's lush form.

Revana had been wearing nothing underneath her dress, so she was stark naked when it was taken off her. A fact that seemed to fill her with delight. She smiled devilishly, her enviable curves and smooth, moisturized green skin all attracting the eye. She moved on him again, kissing his neck and then falling to her knees on the floor in front of him. She looked up at him with fluttering lashes and eyes full of lust as she unzipped his pants. And then, when she freed him, she grasped him firmly in her hands and showed her skill.

Sovas had been tempted to lean his head back, though he dared not look away as she began to work him, her skill drawing only the first of many, low throaty moans from the half-Vulcan.



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