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Heart To Heart II

Posted on Thu Sep 8th, 2022 @ 11:19pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Thu Sep 8th, 2022 @ 11:19pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 16 at 1820
2586 words - 5.2 OF Standard Post Measure


"I proposed to my father that the magnificence of the Terran in the Delta Quadrant could only be increased if all Terran Officers were given means of their own. That means when we take something and sell it, the money is divided among the officers of the Fleet based on a distribution scheme." he smiled, his voice raising excitedly. "Essentially , we will act like pirates in the 17th & 18th centuries. Roaming from place to place, finding a way at every stage to consolidate power and enrich ourselves. And the more money we handle, the more we will be able to convince the aliens of this quadrant of our power."

"Look at you flexing those Executive Officer muscles." There was a note of approval in her voice and she kissed his shoulder over his robe. "That sounds like an excellent plan, darling. Where did you come up with the idea?" While some women may have asked simply to flatter him, she actually seemed quite interested in his reasons and methods.

"Simple self-interest, love." Andrei said with a smile. "I wanted some of the money and I looked for a way that everyone would be alright with me having it. The solution: Everyone gets some. The Captain likes it because pay is a given in the service anyway and, since we've entered the Delta, we've all been working for free."

They'd been working to survive. She turned so she could face him fully, a playful little smirk on her face. "I see... and what are you going to do with the crystal you pocketed in the caves? I haven't decided what I want to do with mine yet."

Andrei's smirk was bigger. In fact, it very soon exploded into a laugh.

"Wait. You mean you kept that?" he asked through bursting exhales.

“Well of course I kept it. I crawled and twisted myself through some alien disease riddled cave to find them after all.” She crossed her arms and pouted playfully. “I found it, it’s mind. Nobody said I couldn’t.” She then grinned and lifted her wrists up and pressed them together in front of her as if they were in shackles. “Unless the new XO is going to arrest me and see me punished.”

"He will. Mad Maddie has to pay." he said, a flirtatious grin on his face. "Of course I'm joking. I have mine too."

His hands started to explore her thigh through the red robe, making his way slowly around the innermost part. He leaned into her, his eyes following the bronze trail from her defined collar bone into her cleavage, but his journey was interrupted by the silky red robe.

"A less merciful XO would report you to the Captain, but...this one will take care of you himself."

“Oh will he?” Lyra smirked and reached down to the tie on his robe, undoing it and brushing the sides open so she could see more of his chest. “Well then I am quite grateful for his mercy. Perhaps I should show him how grateful.” She leaned in to kiss him then, hungry; her hands started to move over his body.

"Yes, you should." he said, touching her as well, moving his hands over the silk of her robe. He returned her kisses, his body responding in the way it always did when they were in contact. He reached around and smacked her bottom hard. "Shame on you, Lieutenant. I owe you forty lashes...or forty licks, I can't remember."

As he smacked her, she grinned and shifted into his lap. "You know," she began, looking down into his eyes while perched over him, "you're lucky I like you so much, or I'd have taken off your hand for that by now."

"Yes. Well you do like me, don't you?" he asked rhetorically, grinning as well, his hands finding her hips. He leaned forward, his lips touching her softly. "So I'll do what I like."

"Will you?" She asked, her hands going down to grab him by his wrists. "I do think that goes both ways, darling. On all fronts." Smirking, she leaned in and kissed him, pulling his hands from her hips and lacing their fingers together.

He kissed her back, his hardness meeting the thin silken layer between them. For a space of several moments, he allowed her to indulge herself in pinning him down, struggling lazily against her restraining hands to let her feel powerful. He bucked his hips underneath her. But suddenly he pushed her arms back, his powerful body moving quickly as he lifted both of them up and flipped her on her back on the couch as well. He climbed between her legs, pushing her legs open with fast arms and arching himself on top of her, grabbing her wrists then with much stronger grips. Leaning down, he kissed at her neck and bit, and kissed, and bit again.

"Does it?" he said, tightening his grip even further. His manhood was against her, and he felt the warm wetness at the meeting of her toned thighs. He made no movement to enter her.

Lyra let out a soft moan as he began to bite and kiss her neck, enjoying the feeling for a moment and his hands holding her so firmly. Still, Lyra was no push over and he would know that quite well. She twisted her body underneath his and pushed up with her feet, using her weight and momentum to roll them both off of the couch and down to the floor with Andrei now on his back under her.

"Yes." She confirmed. his hands still on her wrists as she leaned down to kiss and bite his neck in kind.

It was his turn to give a moan, breathy and soft as she returned what he had given her. He watched her head move, his hands moving up and down her back. Then he got a devious look on his face and he grabbed her by the hips, lifting her off of him and tossing her lightly toward the couch. It was a short distance so she wasn't airborne, but landed on her knees before the couch, her torso laid down across it. Before she could move he was there behind her, his sensitive parts pressed hard up against hers, his hands pulling her back slightly by the shoulders and grabbing her breasts through the robe. He felt her intensely, but with a soft grin, using them to take control of her body's motion and thrusting his hard body against hers three times, causing a smacking sound between her bottom and the base of his abs. He leaned down and kissed and bit her neck. For a space he lingered, and then brought his lips to her ear, whispering something quiet and very dirty.

"I don't know, it seems that I'm rather doing what we both like, doesn't it?" he said more audibly, and then went back to her neck.

Lyra chuckled breathlessly and pressed her hips back to his as he moved roughly, rudely in her. She moved one hand back to grab him by his hair, the other snaking down between her legs for her own pleasure. "Well, I suppose I can't really deny that." She smirked and pressed her head gently against his as he kissed her neck, offering no more resistance to him in their shared moment.

They were rough, passionate, possessive; marks were left with intent on both of their bodies. The power they felt after their day spent together showed in the movements of their bodies, the determination to "win" in this game of pleasure. After going at each other on the floor and the couch, they ended up on the wall. Andrei's hands gripping her hips like a vice and their mouths crushed against each other. Finally they pulled back, both panting and spent as Andrei's manhood finally slid from her.

Lyra kissed Andrei's neck gently and carefully slid her legs from around his hips and back down onto the ground. Being with him was, for her, an intensely unique experience that she found deep enjoyment and satisfaction in, something that had been quite missing from her life. She smiled at him, kissing his sweaty forehead without a care and brushing his black hair off his skin and away from his face.

He stood, his arms around her as she groomed him. She did it often, and he knew it was affection as much as it was establishing what was hers. As much as he got around, never had quite this much fun. Most women were quite boring and a pretty face could only take one so far. They were charmed by him and wanted to impress him, but they weren’t at all impressive to him. Though he had to admit he cared some for a few of them, chief in his mind, Karen, that was nothing compared to this. He cleared some of her hair off of her face as well.

She made a quiet, pleased sound as he returned her gesture in kind, wanting him to know that she enjoyed it just as much as she liked to bestow it. She gave a parting kiss to his wrist and disengaged from him, walking back toward the bedroom and into the bathroom so she could clean up again. Her mind tried to wander, tried to question, but she silenced it. What would be would be and there was nothing she could do to change it. She leaned on the sink and looked in the mirror, touching her neck and looking at her sides and hips where a few bruises were starting to appear.

Andrei took their glasses and added more ice and then grabbed the bottle and moved everything to the bedroom. He then went into the bathroom. He soaped up a washcloth and started to clean himself. He looked at Lyra and smiled gently, finding himself suddenly lost about them and their future. What would become of them?

Lyra finished inspecting her body and the dappling of bruises on her caramel skin from his fingers, though she didn’t seem to mind. If anything she seemed to enjoy them. As Andrei came in, she looked at him through the mirror and fought a smirk as she saw her own marks left - scratches and marks from her nails digging in mostly, but with a near sense of pride she noticed a few bruises of her own left on his pale skin. Finally, she turned to face him, her brows lifted. “So, will you be paying the crew in a lump sum, or distributing it like salary over time?”

"I think the Captain intends to pay it all at once." he said, washing the soap out of his rag. "After every act of piracy or profit, the proceeds not remaining for the Fleet treasury will be divided according to shares. And, it seems, we'll all get back to Terra wealthy people."

Of course he was already from a wealthy family, but personally he had little more than an apartment he would no longer be able to make payments on and a motorcycle that was gathering dust at a friend's house.

“Well then I’ll steel myself for the influx of random beatings when people gamble away all their money and then get mad about it.” She said with a note of amusement followed by a sigh. Her expression shifted to one of thought and she stepped closer to him, placing a hand on his hip.

“You asked me how I wanted to make ‘us’ known. The truth is I’m not sure. I know a large part of how you work is through your charm, especially to women, and I don’t want to geld you off that completely though there are many women who would fall for the charms of the involved man even more. Some women like to be home wreckers, it seems.” She shrugged. “At the same time though, it could also make a statement if it were made public. People might be less inclined to move against you if you have a known, stable ally at your back.”

"I don't think people will move against me anyway." he said with a shrug. "And I'm not sure the women I appeal to would like to think of me as that much of a bastard. Most like to pretend I really care about them."

Andrei moved his fingers along the ends of her hair and sighed.

"I want to keep my plan going....but I want people to know as well." he said, looking at her. "Especially the men."

"Perhaps it is time for a new plan, then?" Lyra asked curiously and tilted her head. He did genuinely seem to be set on this path and frankly she was surprised, though she was still guarded. Words were easy to speak falsely, they both knew that very well - it was a fact of who they were. In actions the truth would be found, though even then they had to be considered carefully for deceptions.

He was interested in gaining more power, not in losing every bit he had. A change of plans could seriously interfere with the way of things and that he couldn't stand. He knew she was aware of this, so he was slightly guarded too.

"It might be, yes. But to what exactly?" he asked, wanting to see what she'd suggest. "What else is truly left to me?"

"Working to position yourself to take your father's place, should the opportunity arise. I don't know your father, obviously, but I would be less impressed with a son who focused his efforts on bedding and manipulating women than earning true respect of the people, not just their envy or some phantom love." Lyra then shrugged and smiled slightly. "But perhaps I am wrong and that would just be the expectation I would have of my own children. He did sire a bastard daughter on another woman after all." Sighing, she leaned back on the vanity and looked into his eyes.

"If you want to stick with what you have and keep it more of a secret though Andrei, I'll accept that, but do so with the knowledge that I will also be doing the same. I will not be with another man while I am yours and you are mine, but I will not be above letting men think that it is possible that they could be with me if they try hard enough." Both would be happy or neither would be happy, there were no half measures.

Andrei turned his eyes toward the mirror, his eyes following the contours of her back and then becoming sightless as he got lost in his thoughts. He seemed to weigh his options, considering his newly rekindled relationship with his father along with the authority he’d been given on Vengeance. Judging by the lack of available positions outside of XO that would suit his experience let him know there was no way forward but up. It was time for him to make a change.

“We make it known you are mine and I am yours.” He said, pulling her closer.

Lyra shifted closer to him with ease, sliding her arms around his shoulders loosely and looking into his eyes. Suddenly, she smirked. "Are you a betting man, darling?"

“Only if the stakes are high.” He said, winking at her.



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