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Uncharted Waters I

Posted on Sun Sep 25th, 2022 @ 7:46am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 17 at 1530
3608 words - 7.2 OF Standard Post Measure


After the encounter at the bar with Corvin and sensing Andrei’s irritation with it, Lyra had decided to lead him away from the busier part of the beach in front of the massive resort and instead walked with him a little ways to a quiet area. Most people didn’t want to walk too far from the hotel proper, and by the time they arrived at the small cove, they had really only passed two people. “See, I told you it would be worth the walk.” She said, leaning to kiss his cheek and squeezing his hand. She let go of him then and walked ahead, moving under the shade of a giant palm and looking into the beautiful blue water. It really was quite lovely here and especially in a private setting, it could really pass for home. She put her bag down in the sand and opened it to pull out the extra long and large beach towels she had gotten for the both of them. Average beach towels wouldn’t even fit her height much less Andrei’s, nor would they comfortably fit his bulk anymore. She put them down side by side in the sand and shifted to take a seat on her own. Stretching her legs out, she looked up at him and smiled.

“You look nice, you know.”

Andrei had watched her body move as she sat out their towels, his attention fixed exclusively on her. He hadn't tried to help, but merely took the role of a spectator until she sat down. When she complimented him, he offered a small smile and moved to his own towel next to her. His hands immediately found her back which he touched lightly.

"I only wish this planet would give us a sunset." he said, looking at her. "You would look so beautiful in a sunset."

"It would be nice, yeah." She leaned into Andrei slightly, kissing his shoulder and briefly closing her eyes. "I do enjoy fun in the sun, but evening and night can be just as fun. Everyone's circadian rhythms are going to be totally off too, guarantee it." Her eyelashes brushed against his skin as her eyes fluttered slightly. "Do you like to swim?"

"I love it." he said, pulling her slightly closer to him. He kissed her cheek and then, slowly, her neck. Then he let go and stood up, pulling her up slowly with him, before he moved off toward the water quickly, Lyra hand-in-hand in-tow.

"Woah there, tiger." Lyra chuckled, pulling her hand away for just a brief moment so she could pull off her cover up and toss it back to the towels. This left her in that suggestive red bikini he had so liked on her and nothing else. She took his hand again, allowing him to lead her down to the water. "I used to swim nearly every day when I was young. Even in winter."

“On second thought,” he said, looking down unreservedly at her breasts. He admired them with displayed pupils; even the bionic eye seemed to enliven. “Dressed like that, you make a man want to take a very different kind of plunge.”

After he spoke, he forced his attention on the warm water as it met his feet. He released her hand and stepped into the water up to his waist, before turning around. “In the ocean or in a pool on your estate?”

"Both. The pool more often in winter, but sometimes I couldn't resist. My governess would get very upset with me for going to the ocean in the winter... I can't deny that wasn't part of the allure." She grinned and watched him moving into the water. She stepped in after him, immediately sighing at the warmth. There were no specific memories it brought up, just a jumble of feeling from her youth and being in the water.

“Yes, well, my Governess rather started giving me too much of what I wanted.” Andrei said with a shrug as he moved in further and the water started to creep over his chest. “That's why my mother fired her and replaced her with a brutal taskmaster, a retired Imperial Officer. That was a difficult few years.”

"I can imagine. How old were you?" She asked curiously and walked into the water after him. She didn't rush the moment, wanting to savor the feeling of actual water against her skin that wasn't a shower or bath. Catching up to Andrei quickly, scrunched her toes in the sand underneath them. Memories wanted to come, but Lyra wouldn't allow anything concrete to take hold. Not right now.

“Twelve to Fifteen.” He said, watching her move into the water slowly, savoring the sensations of the moment. He wondered what was going on in her mind in the moment. “My awkward years. But I learned a great deal of personal discipline from that man. He left to tend to his family more closely and was replaced.”

Nodding, she turned to face him once she was next to him. “Perhaps overall good then. Children - especially boys it seems - need a firm and guiding hand in those years.” She didn’t ask where Ivan had been. The man was a career Fleet officer after all. She lifted her legs up and started to wade around, seeming to quite enjoy herself in the moment but never fully taking her attention off of Andrei. Just as his life had been difficult then, those had been the most difficult years for her as well.

“Why did you end up joining the fleet?”

"Momentum and ambition." he said simply, his eyes focusing on her as they drew near each other. "There's no better way for a lord's son to improve his dignitas in Rome. Serving the Empire gives one bragging rights, after all. How about you?"

Lyra didn’t answer right away and instead looked out to the water for a moment. Her gaze was much farther away though. After it almost seemed like she might not answer, she spoke. “It was a funny thing, really. I wanted to join up when I was in my early teens, but was told under no certain circumstances could I do that. Then a few years later, we got word that Christoph had enrolled, and then next week I found myself in my first Academy class.”

“I remember seeing you in my Security Systems I class. Of course, I was often sitting next to Christoph. He did follow me around then.” Andrei said, smiling. “It’s strange to think we were responsible for his death. I certainly never saw it coming.”

Lyra chuckled at that and came up out of the water, shifting onto her back and simply floating at the top. It put her entire body on display to Andrei, but obviously she didn't care. "I was in nearly all of your security classes, Andrei. You just had enough sycophants in front of your face that you never bothered looking behind you." She smiled slightly and closed her eyes.

“Yes, it was difficult to see around them.” He said with a chuckle as he placed a hand on her stomach gently. He watched her floating with her eyes closed. “If only I’d known then what I know now.”

"Mm..." She acknowledged softly, but didn't open her eyes at his touch. She seemed rather subdued in the moment. Truly, the much more likely reason that he had never noticed her was that she specifically did not want to be. Christoph had never once noticed her, and her name had been lost in a sea of cadets so that it was unfamiliar. What lords' sons would care about a merchant's daughter, after all?

Andrei tan his fingers slowly up her bronzed wet torso, making them dance with practiced skill as he shamelessly circled her nearest breast, then made his way up to her neck. He took up position over her head as he feet still reached the bottom, and ran his fingers in light massage motions along her long neck. He could tell she was relaxing, so he found nothing in particular to say. He just began, sweetly, to hum a song as he touched her, his eyes traveling the expressive slopes of her breasts framed by that tempting red bikini.

As he began to hum, Lyra turned her head just slightly to bring one of her ears up just out of the water so she could listen to him. Even though he was humming, she could tell he had a lovely voice; the tone was rich and appealing. A small smile appeared on her face, though she didn’t open her eyes or react in any other way. She just continued to float there and listen to him. Her body warmed to his touch, but nothing intense; simply the enjoyment of being touched by someone one had fondness for. After a few minutes when he had hummed through his song, she finally opened her eyes and her smile grew.

“You have a wonderful voice, Andrei.”

“Hmm?” He asked, the fog of his daydream fading as her voice brought him back to reality. The water was quite pleasant and warm, providing an easy environment for one to drift into their heads. He smiled a small smile. “You know how the Antoninian Court is, love. Singing lessons, dancing lessons, and whatever else was necessary for me to look good.”

"I do." She said and shifted from floating so she was now in the water facing him. She lifted her wet hands and placed them on his cheeks, leaning in to give him a gentle kiss on the forehead. "That doesn't make your voice any less wonderful, darling. Sing for me, sometime."

“I haven’t sang for anyone in years. There hasn’t been a reason to.” He said, grinning at her touch. “But maybe I will at some point, if you’d really like to hear it.”

“I really would.” Lyra’s voice was warm and genuine. She kissed his forehead again and then his lips, keeping it gentle and not pressing for more. As she pulled back, she grinned playfully. “For now though…” She shifted around to his back, lifting her legs up to press against his sides and wrapping one arm around his chest. Her other arm came over his shoulder and she pointed forward. “Onward, noble steed!” She said with a giggle and nuzzled under his ear.

Andrei instinctively grabbed her legs as she jumped on to his back to hold her there securely and his lips let out a chuckle at her antics. He smiled brightly and started walking forward. He went slowly at first and then gradually began to pick up the pace until he was nearly running in the water so far as it would allow him. He made several horse sounds and his hands gripped her thighs tighter to keep her from falling. Then, going wild, he bucked back until they both nearly lost balance and fell backward, and then dove forward into the water.

To those who knew Andrei and Lyra on a superficial level (which truly was most people), to think of them being this playful and smiling with genuine happiness was unfathomable; and yet here they were playing horse in the water and simply having fun. Lyra laughed as he moved, holding onto him but not impeding his movement. As he tilted back, her arms and legs tightened around him which was likely the only reason she didn’t slide off of him as he lunged forward into the water. As they went under, she released her legs from around him though kept her arms around his chest. Her legs drifted up, keeping out of the way of his legs as they were completely enveloped in the warm, tropical water. Her fingers slid along his chest, pressing in as she moved down to press her chest against his back again. It seemed she wasn’t eager to give up her horse quite yet.

He wiggled a bit under water, but since he’d failed to shake her, he resurfaced with Lyra on his back. Spitting water slightly, he shook his head, depositing the extra water all around, including on her face. He smiled wider still.

“I knew you loved to ride, but I forgot how skilled you are.” He said, his innuendo obvious.

"Forgot already? I should be offended." She chuckled teasingly and moved to brush his hair from his neck, kissing him there a few times before she whispered into his ear. "Admit it, darling, you love it when I ride you. You'd never forget." She poked him in his side playfully with one hand while the other arm still remained around him.

Andrei wiggled slightly at the poke as it tickled, but he didn’t admit it. He only smiled forward and began to carry her again.

“I have a short memory, Love. I need to be reminded of these facts quite regularly or the cares of life simply push them out of my mind.” He said, getting lower in the water so that only their heads and shoulders were above. He released her legs, knowing he was going slow enough now that she would be able to keep on without any trouble.

Lyra noticed the way he wiggled at the poke, the slightest of smirks tugging onto her lips. Her fingers pressed into his chest. “I distinctly remember not that long ago wanting to continue to ingrain that in your memory and someone complaining ‘Little Andrei’ might fall off if I did anything again.” Her voice was teasingly accusatory; she poked him in his side again.

Again he jerked, harder than before, and his smile brightened.

“Well I’m sure I didn’t call him ‘Little Andrei’, so the accuracy of your tale is completely in question.” He said, reaching back and poking her side as well. “You’d better cut that out before you get in trouble.”

“Oh you absolutely did.” She grinned. “Said he’d fall off and you’d have to carry him around in a bag. I offered to take care of him, but I’m not sure you trusted my intentions. Very hurtful.” She spoke with mock hurt in her voice, letting it linger just a beat before she released him and instead now poked both of his sides a few times rapidly to tickle him. Instead of remaining, while he finished squirming from her assault, she used his back as a springboard - though did so gently - and kicked back from him, disappearing under the water and swimming out of his immediate line of sight.

Andrei turned around after recovering from being kicked forward and wiping some of the excess water from his face. Through his left eye, all he saw was a beautiful expanse of sea, but his right showed her head signature clearly. When she surfaced, not far from him, he used his strong arm to send up a wave of water, then watched it smash right in her face.

“Rest assured, he’s healed now, love.” He said. “But he’ll have to wait until after I’ve gotten you back for this, won’t he?”

Laughing, Lyra wiped the water from her face. It stung her eyes a bit but it didn’t linger. “He might. Though you’d have to catch me first.”

She winked at him, took a breath, and sank back under the water. She knew Andrei could see her and sneaking up on him wasn’t an overly viable option, so she would just have to swim. She began to swim down and away from him. She knew her body and it’s capabilities when it came to swimming and she knew she was very good at it, quick and able to hold her breath for quite a long time thanks to years of free diving, but she also knew better than to underestimate Andrei. To not sour his mood though, she knew she would probably need to let him win in the end.

He watched as she arched away from him, gathering all the information he could about her intentions before he himself dove under the water in pursuit. He had learned to swim but wasn’t nearly as passionate about it as was Lyra. He followed her for a long way, his powerful muscles and stamina propelling him forward quickly, but his form was a bit sloppy and he could tell there was a cost in drag for his extra muscle bulk. Eventually he surfaced, knowing he couldn’t catch her, and thinking of another way to win at their little game.

Lyra looked up to Andrei from deeper in the water, waiting there a moment and seeing he had for at least a moment given up. She grinned to herself and maneuvered directly underneath him. She swam upward then, grabbed hold of his swim shorts, and pulled them down off his body with ease in the water. She finally surfaced behind him, holding his shorts against her body with her arms wrapped around her. She was grinning deviously at him, and spoke.

"You're right, he seems perfectly fine to me." With that, she threw his shorts up onto his head.

He hadn’t lost track of her so much as he had stopped paying attention. When her hands found his shorts, it was so sudden that he didn’t have time to grab at them. And before he knew it she had removed them from his body. He stood there, naked as the day he was born. When she surfaced, he shook his head.

“Perhaps I’ll do the same to you.” He said, and then swam directly for her, moving quick enough to surprise her and give himself an edge. It was a close call, but he got a hold of her bikini top with his fingers as she was fleeing and swiftly pulled the string to untie it. Then he leaned in and caught her by the waist, his fingers finding her sides and beginning to poke them gently enough to not hurt her, but repeatedly. Unrelentingly. “Got you!”

She could have probably gotten away if she had tried harder. Maybe. Possibly. But she hadn’t really tried that hard, not wanting to ruin their fun. As he grabbed her bikini top, she let out a squeak and brought her arms up to catch it out of reflex, not out of embarrassment. As he began to tickle her, she laughed and squirmed against him.

“You’re going to lose your shorts if you let them float away.” She managed between her laughs, finally she abandoned her bikini top so she could grab his wrists and pull herself out of his arms to escape his assault.

“So I’ll replicate another pair.” He said, hardening his grip around her and pulling her back against him. He kissed her neck then tenderly, slowly, notwithstanding the strong grip, and looked over her shoulder at her decolletage. “The real question is, should I let you go or tickle you until you pee?”

She shifted and squirmed in his grip, working herself until she was able to turn herself around in his arms and face him, deciding to change tactics a bit. She pressed against him, her hand starting to slide down his body and her dark eyes peering into his. “Are those the only two options?” She asked, her hand finally finding its target under the water. She took his bare manhood in her hand and began to tease him, a smirk touching her lips.

“Well, you’re very creative. I’m sure you’ll come up with something.” He said, blinking a bit longer than usual as he began to lengthen and harden in her hands. His eyes found hers, desire written in them. “But I’m hesitant to let you off too easy. I have a reputation to uphold, after all.”

“Well your body is definitely holding something up, that’s for sure.” Lyra replied with a suggestive grin, punctuating the point but circling her thumb over the tip of his member in slow, methodical circles meant to tease and entice. “Your lips say one thing, darling, but your eyes tell me a very different story.” She leaned in to kiss him then; slow, passionate.

He accepted the kiss with the same degree of passion, and let out a quiet sound at the movement of her fingers. His hands found her hips and moved them down to her bottom. Squeezing gently with his hands, he moved his hands slowly back up to her waist again and then began to quickly move his fingers there, going into an intense tickle.

“Eyes can lie too, love.” He said, grinning broadly; devilishly.

"You'd like to say they are lying but they aren't, I know better!" She insisted, keeping her voice steady though it was obviously a struggle as he tickled her. Brave of him to do with her hand around him as it was. She released him before she lost control of her body and squirmed as he tickled her. Pulling back as much as his grip would allow, she began to bring her legs up between them again, getting her feet onto his hips and using them to push off of Andrei, driving him down into the water while she flipped herself back and immediately dove down to escape him. She then became quite curious how deep this actually went, and actively began swimming down toward the bottom.



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