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Ya no Kona II

Posted on Sat Sep 17th, 2022 @ 3:38am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant JG Corvin Hartjin
Edited on on Sat Sep 17th, 2022 @ 3:39am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 11 at 1550
3603 words - 7.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Corvin chuckled at her telling him to be charming with Lyra while guiding them through the resort as the sounds of music, exuberant crowds and other festive sounds were growing steadily louder as he looked over to Ilan smirking as he quirked an eyebrow at her statement wondering if it was meant as just a compliment or if she might have been admiring her for less than chaste reasons. "Oh her old body was quite lovely but I'd agree her new one is a twenty out of ten."

They soon rounded the bend in the street, the music and sounds of celebration having grown much louder as vacationers were moving both into and out of the street festival as performers were putting on shows of acrobatic skill, manipulating holograms to create spectacular light shows even in the daylight as an alien man and woman with rather flamboyant feathers in place of hair came over to them with a colorful scintillating pattern around their eyes that was rather mesmerizing, their eyes golden and had a distinctive avian look to them while their ears were crests that rose along their jaw line. Their bodies were barely concealed but the intricate and shifting layers of brightly colored beads as they moved to greet Corvin and Ilan.

"Welcome, welcome our offworld friends Ya no Kona!" The male greeted them as he motioned forward another female of his species one presented to Ilan a beautiful shimmering blue robe with a breathtaking pattern on it as Corvin was presented with the same but the aliens were looking at him and frowning, which caused the Terran man to immediately suspect something from them as he squinted at them but decided for the moment to bite his prejudice since he was with Ilan and he didn't want to ruin his progress with her.

"Something wrong?" He asked, his tone probably a bit more pointed than it needed to be but that was him being polite to an alien that was giving him the side eye, or at least what he thought was the side eye.

"No, no nothing his wrong my Offworld friends its just, you are a bit overdressed for wandering the festival of Ya no Kona." The male avian humanoid tried to state in as friend and diplomatic a way as possible as the female that had given Ilan her robe was smiling flirtatiously at the dark haired woman. "Your lovely companion is dressed quite well for a journey through our streets."

"Well I hadn't planned on coming by Ya- Ya no Kona." Corvin stated as he glanced at Ilan to see what she was making of this or if she was even watching him.

Ilan was quite enraptured by the pretty woman giving her attention but did seem to be vaguely aware that Corvin was not embracing the spirit of the moment as quickly. She pulled her eyes from the woman and looked at Corvin, grinning and chuckling. "Well, you're here now. Maybe they'd have somewhere you could put your clothes and you can dress in something more festive?" She still thought it was very strange he came to a beach planet dressed as he was.

"Yes, your lovely companion has the right of it, we do have a place where you can safely store your clothes and we have more festive attire." The male cheered happily as he motioned for Corvin to follow him, the Terran man hesitating for a beat before he saw Ilan still grinning at him as he nodded and followed after while the two female aliens moved in closer to his companion. He headed into a side building that was well kept by the alien man, who took him to a changing room and provided him with an appropriate outfit after locking away his other clothes.

Outside the alien women were most definitely flirting with Ilan and it was more than merely a friendly front as they cooed and laughed with her, sharing stories of the Ya no Kona festival. "We have never seen kind like you and your mate before," One of the women with bright purple feathers tilted her head at Ilan and smiled. "He seems rather strange to wear so much on a gorgeous planet like this."

"Oh he's not my mate." Ilan laughed. "Just a companion for the day. He is a little strange, yes. I think maybe a bit shy." She looked to the woman with the bright purple feathers and grinned devilishly, reaching out and placing her hands on the woman's hips, but not grabbing her in case she wanted to pull away. "I, however, am very much not shy. Tell me more about your little festival here."

The purple feathered woman returned the devilish grin and easily moved forwards and pressed her lithe form to Ilan's as she reached down to guide her hand under the beaded skirt to the naked flesh of her rear beneath. "I am This is Ya no Kona, a celebration that our people hold every year as a celebration of the passions and joys of life, before we give remembrance for forty days and nights to the First of us who went to walk among the stars as their family did before the journey began."

She paused and reached out to lightly caress Ilan's side while holding her gaze as the other woman stepped closer and began to play with Ilan's hair. "As part of the festival, we introduce ourselves to each other because we are all one family, one people no matter the world, I am Jiagga."

The other woman with green and blue feathers gave Ilan another flirty smile as she brought a hand up and coaxed the Illyrian woman to look at her. "I am Dunje, it is a pleasure to meet someone so eager to take part in the festival...many require a few drinks to really let go and truly experience the fullness of Ya no Kona."

Ilan smiled and moved one hand from Jiagga’s hip and over to Dunje’s hip, pressing the two women together so they were now standing hip to hip and in front of her. “No drinks needed here, lovelies. My name is Ilan.” She introduced herself and stepped closer to them. “I very much enjoy learning about other cultures… as deeply as I possibly can. All aspects. I’m a scientist you know, we are very curious.” She looked from one alien to the other, spreading her attention so neither of them felt left out.

Both women cooed as they reached out to gently caress and stroke her body with not obviously amorous intent but all it would take was a little shift here or there for it to turn into more. Jiagga's eyes had lidded, licking her lips as she made another soft sound as her hand drifted down Ilan's spine to her lower back. "As seeker of knowledge, you will be most welcome here."

Jiagga trailed off and Dunje drew Ilan's attention back to her as she lightly ran the tips of her fingers along the Illyrian woman's jaw, purring softly. "We would be most pleased to help you indulge and sate any curiosities that you might have,"

She leaned in to embrace Ilan before Jiagga coaxed the Illyrian woman to her after a moment, embracing her before pulling back until their lips were just touching and she was looking into Ilan's eyes. "During Ya no Kona, one must never leave...unsatisfied"

Ilan returned the kisses from both women without hesitation and matching interest. She shifted her attention to each as they willed it - they seemed to be playing nicely together and without jealousy. She looked to Jiagga and smirked. “My kind of festival, then.” As she spoke, her hands slid down at once to each woman’s rear and she groped both of them together.

She was, unfortunately, vaguely aware she had misplaced Corvin. These two ladies were quite distracting, but she didn’t want to be completely rude. “I’m starting to wonder if my friend got lost.”

It seemed that she had a sixth sense as Corvin and the male alien came walking out of the building together, the alien looking quite happy to have helped his guest and the Terran man seeming like he wasn't quite sure if he was up for this. His scar covered torso had been bared, he was wearing a pair of sandals and what appeared to be a garment similar to a piupiu skirt that reached down to just above his knees and was made from the same colorful beads as the outfits of the aliens.

Corvin nodded and cleared his throat as he looked to Ilan to see what she thought as Dunje and Jiagga both made appreciative sounds as their eyes ran over him. "Your friend is quite handsome and he must he a great warrior to have earned so many scars." Dunje cooed though she stayed pressed close to Ilan for the moment still.

"I, yes I have been in many battles and faced many enemy warriors and these scars are the proof of that." Corvin answered the woman, his Terran pride needing him to answer and from how close he was stating that, Ilan would be able to see that the scars on his arms weren't random or haphazard but were part of an intricate pattern that covered not only his arms but his torso, down his body to his legs and if she knew anything about Klingon culture, that these scars were earned in the blood pits.

"Well look at you, that's entirely more festive." Ilan chuckled, turning and placing herself between Dunje and Jiagga, her arms around their hips while all three women all looked over Corvin all dressed up in his festive attire. Her green eyes ran over Corvin's scars and while she didn't understand the significance, she did notice there seemed to be a distinct pattern to them. That kind of scarring most likely meant some fascinating stories to go with them. Ilan loved a good story just about as much as beautiful people.

"Corvin and I serve on the same starship. I'm a scientist, he works in security to protect us all from anyone who would hurt us." She explained, trying to talk the self conscious man up a bit.

Corvin wasn't ashamed of his body, in fact he was rather proud of his physique and the intricate trail of ritualistic scars that covered his body. It was more so openly showing it to the eyes of so many aliens. He attempted to focused his attention on Ilan and her curvaceous form though as he watched the exotic alien women pressing close and clinging to his companion he felt a swell of lust intermingled with revulsion, making it rather bittersweet as he did find the alien women rather alluring but his bigotry poisoned it because they weren't Terran or slaves, which would at least make it more acceptable.

He swallowed and nodded at Ilan's words, deciding to focus on his role on the ship and not the uncomfortably arousing situation he found himself in. "Yes, it's a job that I quite enjoy," He replied finally, though there was a nervous undertone to his voice as he privately wondered if the erection he felt growing under the skirt made him less of a Terran.

"He is quite handsome and has the look of a strong protector," Dunje purred as she pressed herself against Ilan a bit more though let her gaze run over Corvin's with obvious interest. The alien man smiled and looked to his guests as he bowed his head to them, his feathers were much more broad than his female companions and where an intense crimson color tipped and shot through with a scintillating green.

"My apologies for the lateness of my introduction, I am Harsu and these are my wives, though it seems you have become acquainted already." Hasru cooed affectionately while letting golden gaze travel over Ilan's form with a lusty hunger and seemed to be quite enjoying the sight before him.

Ilan simply offered Corvin an encouraging smile. She could see the mixed emotions quite plainly on his face; it wasn’t uncommon for a Terran to be rather torn and… confused when looking at obviously attractive people who were not Terran… but who were not less attractive because of it. When the male turned and introduced himself and mentioned wives, Ilan blinked, looking from woman to woman and then back to him. They all seemed perfectly happy and free, so she shrugged and grinned.

“Why yes we have. You have a lovely family, Hasru. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”

"Excellent, excellent!" Hasru grinned and turned his attention to both Ilan and Corvin "It is our pleasure to have you be able to join us in the Ya no Kona, this year is the biggest we have seen at the resort but I promise that there will be plenty for you both to enjoy and for our shy friend I think we may have just the remedy to help loosen you up a little so you can fully enjoy the festivities."

Corvin opened his mouth to object before Jiagga shifted to place her arm around Ilan's waist to start walking with her as Dunje shifted away as she moved to guide him, giving a warm and encouraging smile as she lightly touched his arm. "Even strong warriors must find their moments to relax and enjoy themselves, will you allow us the opportunity to honor you Corvin?" Her voice was soft and gentle, though there was a breathy tone to it as her eyes roamed over his form and couldn't help but admire him. For his part, Corvin again was conflicted as he frowned before nodding slowly even as his eyes moved over the svelte figure of the alien woman and he felt his manhood threatening to press through the front of the beads as he reached out and wrapped his arm around Dunje's waist and pulled her close to him as she made a surprised sound before grinning as she walked with him to catch up with the group.

The street festival was quite the affair with colorful costumes and clothes, bright flashes of light and so much exposed flesh that an Orion brothel would have seemed like a chaste abby by comparison as Hasru led the way for them as performers on stilts walked by the group and aliens of all stripes and colors were wholly enjoying themselves and giving themselves over to the moment. There were side tents where people were gathered, some engaged in varying degrees of intimacy, though none of them were outright having sex in the open but there were passionate sounds coming from areas that had been curtained off for privacy as Hasru disappeared and Corvin stood with Ilan, Dunje seemed to be respecting his shyness but she was still gently touch and tracing his body as she pressed herself close to him. The Terran man still seemed torn over all of this but as his companion brushed her fingers over his nipple of a particularly sensitive spot he did give a little gasp before trying to compose himself.

Jiagga was a bit more acid in her attentions as she walked with Ilan, her hands amorously exploring the other woman's body and caressing the underswell of her generous breasts with the backs of her fingers and even taking moments to steal little kisses from the Illyrian woman before she looked to Corvin and smiled. "He must take his duty very seriously if he doesn't even relax here."

Ilan was overjoyed and did not hesitate in the slightest to follow the beautiful aliens' lead. The colors and atmosphere were quite intoxicating to her, the vibrant colors especially stood out to her eyes. Her attention was certainly split between Jiagga and the performers around her, but she did eventually remember that Corvin was with her and he did still seem to be floundering a bit. "Ah, yes. His duty."

She grabbed Jiagga by the hip and pulled her along so she could be next to Corvin. Her other arm wrapped around his waist and she gave him a smile. "How are you doing, Corvin? Having fun?"

Corvin jumped a bit at feeling Ilan's arm wrapping around his waist; it seemed that he had been focused elsewhere and not entirely here as he blinked and looked over at the Illyrian woman as he remained stiff. "I'm," He paused and seemed to be looking for the right word as he swallowed as Dunje continued to lightly play her fingers over his skin, leaning in to gently nuzzle and nip at his shoulder and neck.

He looked to Ilan and gave her a thin smile that didn't quite reach his eyes fully. "I'm trying, you seem to be having a great deal of fun."

Ilan could see the discomfort in Corvin's expression and smiled at him. She unwrapped her arm from Jiagga and reached out to take Dunje's hand which she brought to her lips and kissed the backs of her fingers. Instead of just letting go, she purposefully moved the alien's hand away from Corvin and gave her a wink, hoping she would take the hint that Corvin was clearly a little overstimulated and uncomfortable in the moment. Her arm went back to Jiagga and she pulled Corvin a bit closer.

"I am, yes." She said and smiled. "Not like we get this much excitement on the ship."

Dunje tilted her head but then gave Ilan a warm smile, nodding as she reached out to gently caress the other woman's cheek as she gave Corvin some space as she looked for Harsu since she figured the he had gotten lost somewhere getting them their drinks as she signaled to Jiagga before leaving the trio alone.

The Terran man seemed to relax a bit when Dunje had stopped touching and kissing him as he let out a slow breath, nodding before looking over at Ilan. "Well not this kind of prolonged excitement. Usually it's intense moments and broken up by long stretches of drudgery."

Ilan couldn't help but laugh at that, squeezing Corvin's side with a grin and shaking her head at him. "Corvin, we haven't even been here twenty minutes. Is that 'prolonged excitement' to you?" She asked, genuine amusement on her lovely face. He really was uptight for all his bravado in his initial approach with her.

"There's a lot going on around us." He pointed out to her, a frown on his face as she laughed and he wondered how such a perfect and glowing example of a Terran woman was so willing to cavort and cling to aliens. The fact that he was willing to look upon them and feel...attracted to them was also troubling as a pensive expression formed on his features. He didn't feel comfortable here and then again he didn't really know what he had been expecting coming to the festival, well aside from wanting to bed Ilan.

She noticed the expression on Corvin's face shifting and changing as his thoughts rolled around. With a slight sigh, she looked to Jiagga and patted her rear. "Go join your husband and wife. I'll catch up, I hope." She gave an apologetic smile to the alien and then turned fully to Corvin.

"What's wrong?" She asked, trying not to sound frustrated. This had been his idea, if he wasn't up for it then why had he suggested it in the first place?

Jiagga frowned but gave Ilan a nod, looking to Corvin and wondering why he would come here if he wasn't willing to have fun and let so, to celebrate being alive.

Corvin looked to Ilan, his gaze shifting briefly to the retreating alien women before his brow furrowed again, this time with more than a touch of frustration. "I'm just, I thought this would be fun and it's all very," The Terran man looked around and motioned to all of the activity going on as he met Ilan's gaze. "I don't know if I can enjoy this and still be a proper Terran, if I can find these alien women attractive and still be a proper Terran,"

There was a pause while the situation weighed on him and his Terran pride while his eyes were filled with the conflict of passionate hatred and a hint to actually wanting to let loose. To be fun. To not be such a stick in the mud.

Ilan's eyebrows raised at his declaration regarding the women and she couldn't help the amused smile that appeared on her face. "Corvin, these women have all the visible biology that generally matters to men - big tits, shapely asses, and curvy hips. If you tilt your head and squint it does look like they are just Carnival costumes from what I gather. It's not really a wonder your dick is just as confused as you are. I don't know what happened to you, but I'm guessing these scars have something to do with your hatred for aliens."

She shrugged. "Not all Terrans hate aliens as vehemently as you do. If they did, would there be a bunch of half-Terrans running around on the ship?" She leaned in and smirked. "Would you tell Nolan Nazar he's less Terran because he fucked an Orion whore and put a baby in her that he decided to keep and raise as his daughter?"



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