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Ways of the Sensate II

Posted on Sun Sep 25th, 2022 @ 7:38am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant JG Corvin Hartjin
Edited on on Sun Sep 25th, 2022 @ 7:39am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 11 at 1725
3183 words - 6.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Corvin nodded and smiled at her attentions as she walked her fingers over his skin before placing an arm behind his head as he looked to his lover while they relaxed together. "Are there any that you are interested in knowing the story about?" He offered her gently since it seemed that she did like his scars and was keenly interested about their origins.

"I'm sure I'll learn about all of them in time." Ilan said, her voice almost holding a note of promise to it while she continued to simply relax and run her fingers over his body and his scars. "Though if there are any specific ones you'd much like to tell me about, I am all ears." Men liked this. They liked the attention, they liked feeling valuable, though she supposed what person didn't. Women loved it too, men were usually just much too self-centered to realize it. Too devoted to the conquest.

"Mmmm, well there is just one more," He chuckled softly while guiding her fingers down to a pattern of jagged scars around his belly button that just barely seemed to make a design rather than just be poorly healed wounds but she would be able to feel that despite their roughness, they were shaped like the others. He guided her fingers over the entire design before he spoke, reaching out to coax her into a kiss as he let his hands start caressing her body again.

"This is known as the Ring of Molor, twelve combatants are placed in a lava filled ring and forced to fight on a platform that can be dropped into the lava with only one left standing." He began and let out a deep breath while a slight smile formed on his lips as he remembered that day, the acrid stench of sulfur in the air and the feeling of the weapons in his hands as he fought for his life. It had been rather exhilarating. "I was chosen by my owner to represent their house in a yearly celebration that brought all the noble houses on the planet together and entered a champion and I remember fighting against the other slaves, feeling exhilarated at being in combat, terrified of not escaping my column in time or taking a misstep and falling into the lava below, I managed to survive by dragging myself up the body of another slave who had tried push me off but we both ended up going over the edge."

"He asked me to not let him die and for a brief moment I considered it until I saw a glimpse of the blade he had been holding ready to stab me, I helped him lose his grip and became the champion of the Ring that year and survived a rather brutal contest."

Ilan noticed how proud he seemed of this accomplishment of violence and brutality, but she supposed with a life like his, why wouldn’t he be? Perhaps he had never truly broken himself out of that cycle, or maybe he was just a Terran who enjoyed violence - it wasn’t out of the ordinary. She smiled at him, kissing his shoulder and tracing her fingers along the scars. “Then it is good that you had a quick eye to see the threat. I can’t imagine death by lava would be very comfortable.”

Though such thoughts and self reflection was the farthest thing from Corvin's mind as he was focused on the rather gorgeous specimen of a woman lying beside him as he shifted to kiss her before gently guiding her to lie on her back. He started to run his hand over her side and stomach once more. "So tell me Ilan, what motivated you to become a scientist?"

“I seek to bring glory to the empire.” Ilan replied with a chuckle and looked up at him as he touched her. His hands were rough, but she didn’t mind. In fact she liked the feeling against her soft skin. “I’m not much of a fighter, but my family have always been scientists trying to find new ways to benefit and bolster our people and their longevity, quality of life.” It was vague at best, but she had a feeling he wouldn’t really notice in the state he was in.

"Mmm, glory is always nice." He chuckled and leaned in to start kissing along his lover's collar bone as he breathed in her scent, it was pleasant and soft, enticingly sensual as he nuzzled and nibbled at her while they relaxed in bed. He traced his fingers over her perfect skin that stood in stark contrast to his own as he teased the underswell of her breasts with the backs of his fingers, making a soft, appreciative sound. "All of those do sound like they would be boons to the Empire, did your parents use their research to help perfect you or was it more likely that you were born this perfect?"

She couldn’t help but laugh at that, shaking her head and looking over at him as he teased her body. It did feel nice, but right now her amusement trumped everything else. “Are you accusing me of not being all natural, Corvin? That’s a little rude, don’t you think?”

"I would never accuse you of any such thing," He smirked while meeting her gaze before it moved back down her body along with his hand. "I'm merely wanting to confirm my suspicions that this perfection is au natural." It truly was nice to be with a woman this relaxed and not worried about making a scheme, planning a coup or plotting a murder and just enjoying being physically intimate with him.

“I don’t know.” She said and crossed her arms as if she were annoyed, though she was still smirking. “I think that was very unkind. You’ll have to make it up to me somehow.”

He pulled back as he watched her display of mock annoyance while keeping his hand lightly caressing her abdomen and enjoying the feeling of her soft skin under his touch. "Mmmm, I would be more than willing to make it up to you, how might I be able to do that?"

“Well, you’re a smart man, aren’t you? You should figure that out yourself.” She flashed him a grin and then slid her arms behind her head, simply looking up at him with an expectant green gaze.

Corvin licked his lips and smiled at his lover before he began to touch and caress her while he thought about what kind of attention he would give her. He decided to focus all of his attention on her body, to worship her. He started by nuzzling her and then nibbling at her jaw and worked down to her neck and collar bone with his lips. His hands moved over her body with a bit more amorous attention than before as he worked to apologize to his lover.

“I’d say that’s a good start.” Ilan said with a chuckle and wrapped an arm loosely around his body. He was quite single minded. It was a useful trait in many cases, but not in others. Still, it was something of note. She slid her fingers into his grey hair and cooed at him softly, her green eyes watching him with amusement and interest.

He shifted away from her collar bone, unable to resist the draw of her soft lips and the sweet, playfulness of her tongue, though his hands continued to caress the lusciousness of her nude form. His hand had reached the rise of her shapely, womanly hip and began to move back up over the curve of her body to the ample swell of her generous breasts. His hand cupped and gently massaged it as he started to fondle her, squeezing it softly as he felt the peak of her nipple pressing against his palm. He pressed his body closer to her.

“Mm… you are very good at apologizing.” She purred out in pleasure, her fingers moving over his back slowly and easily. Smiling, Ilan touched his cheek and coaxed him up to kiss him again with delicate passion. Despite being a brute, he was rather considerate it seemed.

"Well, I do want you to know that I am sincere in my apology to you," His reply was breathy and husky with his own arousal as he looked down into her bright green eyes, seeing the amusement and arousal mixing together like an intoxicating cocktail. He pulled his hands back then and started to move down, his lips and tongue finding her breasts and then moving lower and lower. While he may have let her drive him, now he had his own set goal in mind and he would not fail.

They continued like this for the better part of an hour, Corvin doing his best to “apologize” to Ilan while she drank in every moment. They rode the heights of pleasure together, living in the moment and worrying about nothing else. In the back of her head though, even through the blissful peak, Ilan wondered how Corvin would end up reacting when he inevitably found out the truth. What would he do?

A long, soulful moan escaped Corvin's lips as he reached his completion within Ilan one final time and his stamina had reached its utter limits as he held onto her hips for a moment as if trying to will himself to find some forgotten reserve, some last little bit of energy. His spirit was ever so willing to continue, but the flesh was weak. Swaying a little, the Terran man carefully eased himself from within his lover and shifted himself down onto the bed. He lay there next to Ilan, spent in a way that not even repeated fights in the blood pits could have matched. His chest was heaving, his steely hair was slick with sweat and his body glistened. His arm flopped down on the bed while an ear to ear grin had formed on his features. He turned his gaze to his lover.

"Fuck me…" He panted out and reached out to touch her hand with what little energy he had left. nodding and holding her gaze. "I could go get something from the doc, if you know… wanna wait."

Ilan started laughing at that. She was worn, but far from spent. Still, she shifted and rolled down onto the bed as if she were, her brown hair sticking to her face. She brushed it aside and gave a sigh. "I somehow don't think the doctor would give you anything just so you could keep going. Maybe if you couldn't get it up in the first place, but you definitely don't have that problem." She grinned and put her hand on his chest. He had definitely been an enjoyable lay, something different than the usual flavors.

She would be able to feel how hard his heart was beating as it slowly returned to its normal pace, his breathing starting to take on an easier and more normal rhythm as he made a deep, throaty sound and then chuckled at her as he shifted and drew her into a brief kiss. Save for their hiccups earlier, their afternoon together had been quite enjoyable and he had never been with a woman like her or one that had left him as completely spent as he was right now.

She was a remarkable woman indeed.

"A guy could dream, but you have worn me the fuck out, ridden hard and put away spent."

"Well, I'd apologize, but I really don't think I need to." She smirked and leaned back against the headboard, looking down at him and running her fingers through his hair. "You seem much happier than you were when I first ran across you." She traced her thumb over his lips and gave him a smile and wink.

"Mmmm, I wouldn't let you even if you tried." He gave a breathless chuckle before kissing the pad of her thumb while staring up at his lover, though she would be able to see the lusty desire for her in his gaze as he finally let his eyes close as if he trusted that she wouldn’t just up and disappear on him like some rather intense wet dream he might be having. "Well, a good vigorous afternoon spent with a gorgeous woman can have some amazing effects for a man's mood."

He smirked and reached out with his hands to just caress and touch her thigh, something he had seemed to enjoy doing while they were taking breaks between their intense spikes of physical pleasure. "Maybe I could call on you again, down here or on the ship?"

"Already so eager to hop into my bed again, are you? You haven't even left this one." She teased as she looked down at him, not being overly physically affectionate but she certainly wasn't rushing him out the door. "I'm sure we'd see each other again, Corvin."

"Well I might need a day or two to recover, I most certainly wouldn't deny that any bed you're in could only lead to an amazing time." He shot her a grin, his hand gently massaging her thigh before eventually pulling away as he moved to sit up, feeling like he had some semblance of being able to move and not simply collapse.

Ilan simply smiled and reached a hand out to steady him as he moved to sit up next to her. “I appreciate an eager man. Usually.” She chuckled at her own comment. Sometimes an over eager man was quite less than charming. She pulled her hair off her back and over her shoulder and considered everything she had learned today. She wasn’t sure if it would be useful, though she had never been told that what she provided wasn’t useful in some way, so continue to provide she would.

"Well I promise to try and temper my eagerness." He smiled at her while letting out a deep sigh and making a soft sound as he tested his legs to see if they'd respond to his commands or if he'd have to lie here a while longer to recover. "Do you think you'll go back to the Ya no Kona? It did seem like your kind place."

“Probably eventually, but not right now.” Ilan rolled her shoulders and stretched carefully as she sat in the quite comfortable bed. “It was very vibrant and I’m sure it had better food than the Vidiian fare they’ve been trying to shove down our throats since we started staying here.”

"Oh don't get me started on that garbage." Corvin grumbled and shook his head at the mention of the rather disgusting fair that the Vidiians called cuisine, granted he wasn't some well heeled nobleman who experienced a bevy of exotic dishes but there was just something wrong with a dish if it consisted of something that looked like a bloated jellyfish. "I tried this jellyfish thing and it was just wrong, it felt like cutting into jello or something and it was nasty. Nasty."

Ilan giggled at that and shook her head. “The bread is pretty good if you get a chance to try it. A little sweet. It would make a good dessert bread I think, maybe some fruit and cheese.” She pondered this a moment and shook her head again. “Sorry, getting side tracked. What are your plans for the rest of your stay here? Besides coming back here, obviously.”

"Well I thought I might just wander around, see if there are any fighting rings or the like around while just trying to be good." He smirked, shaking his head a little at his own comment about trying to be good as he watched her. "I'll have to try the bread, see what I make of it."

“I feel like fighting rings and being good aren’t really conducive to each other.” Ilan chuckled and finally moved to get out of the bed and head to the bathroom to clean up. She’d call up room service to change the bed - they were after all quite used to her calls by now. “Aren’t you going to try to enjoy yourself on your vacation rather than get beat up or beating other people up?”

"Oh I wasn't going to fight, I was just going to watch and then go enjoy some of the local flavors with the alcohol, there had been some pretty interesting flavors." He chuckled, watching her walk away with appreciative admiration for her naked form, though gave a sigh after she had disappeared into the bathroom to clean up. He did eventually shift to stand up, legs still wobbly but steady enough to hold him up while he moved to join her in getting clean since he didn't want to overstay his welcome.

Ilan was just finishing cleaning herself up when Corvin entered the bathroom after her. She briefly quirked a brow, but decided to just let it go and gave him a smile as she finished up and put the washcloth into the laundry chute. "The alcohol is definitely one of the very few things they do right." She noted and then moved out to the bedroom again, stretching and grabbing her robe that was haphazardly tossed onto the dresser. She slid it onto her body, tying it and running her fingers through her hair several times to straighten it out from being so tousled.

Corvin cleaned himself and emerged a few moments later as he moved to start getting dressed again, into the skirt-like garment while moving to gather up his other clothing. "Though I think the alcohol is key to making this place go round." He chuckled before finally deciding that it didn't feel right to him to wear the skirt as he stripped it off and pulled on the reset of his clothes before folding the garment up.

"I'm glad you had fun and I definitely am looking forward to helping you have more." The Terran man gave her coy smirk though she wouldn't be able to miss him giving her a once over as she stood there in just the robe. "Though I'll leave you to relax,"

He made his way towards the door to leave, finding himself wondering what else she might get herself into, though he was feeling wiped out and wanted to find his own place and pass out for a while.

"Bye then, Corvin. We'll do this again sometime." Ilan said while playing with one of the ends of the sash of her robe. She gave him a wink and a quick smile. For all the sex they had just had, Ilan seemed remarkably untired. She watched after him a moment more and then turned away from the door to look out the window at the nice view she had.

That had been a very informative distraction.



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