
Request for Assistance

Posted on Sun Nov 27th, 2022 @ 9:06am by Captain Fergus Williams

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Marine County
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 0000
976 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Kori's Kazon were .... quiet, and that concerned her. After the issues with the other ship, she was not about to let her own command devolve like Andrei had. The ISS Klandell needed a firm hand one she was more than willing to provide but she had a feeling something was going down. She herself patrolled its corridors at night, using her abilities to cloak her true intent. But now she needed to show the hammer. So she found herself walking into the Marine County on the Vengeance. She looked around and asked a passing marine where to find the Marine Commanding officer.

The devil dog in question was doing another check other the marine stores. Just as he though someone was stealing away supplies that or someone had lost them. Twenty MRA missing and a crate of power cells. Someone's head would roll. " What can I do for you?" He asked as he heard the door opening.

"Captain Williams? Lieutenant Quevremont. I was wondering if you had a moment to spare me?" Kori asked politely "I have a ... well .. the beginnings of a situation on the Klandell that I wish to nip in the bud."

" Unless you can help me find who's moving the railway curry MRE's than sure I have time to kill what do you need?" The veteran marine said as he reached for a cigar on his belt.

She raised an eyebrow "Someone is stealing MRE's? Why would you?" she added with a mutter. "Check your transport buffers. Sometimes people store stuff in the buffers"

" The railway curry ones the best tasting one. Don't believe that rubbish about the vegetarian ones." The marine said as he lit his cigar. " Just devil dogs being paranoid most likely. So what can I help you with."

"I command the ISS Klandell and I have a crew of mainly Kazon. A few Terran officers swap in and out every few days but mainly the slaves help run the ship. And over the past few days, something has changed in them. They grow very quiet when Terrans are nearby, and I refuse to have a similar situation as the ISS Lovarr. I was wondering if I could impose on you to have your marines run some exercises through the Klandell, to... scare them a bit?"

" Any other signs that they may be planning a rebellion? " The devil dog inquired as he let out a puff from his cigar. " Anything gone missing?"

"not so much as missing as in moved. All under the guise of 'It helps with the flow of personnel'" Kori replied.

" Definity sounds like they're up to something. Grab a can of the paint on the second shelf," he said gesturing to said shelf.

Kori studied him and then walked over to the shelf. "Any particular colour?" Kori asked.

" Doesn't matter it's what it does that matters." the marine grinned as he replied.

Kori picked up a tin and returned to Ferguson with it "And what, pray tell, does it do?" she asked curiously.

" It has an ultraviolet coating. Always handing to identify who's been touching stuff they shouldn't." He replied his grin widening.

Kori's grin matched his. "Good. I like the sound of that."

" Now let's get over and see if we can shake some terror into the kazon shall we? " the devil dog said as he tapped in command for a fire team to assemble in the transporter room.

Carrying the tin of paint, Kori fell into step with Ferguson as they headed for the transporter Room. "I am sure this will indeed put terror into them."

By the time the two of them arrived a fire team of marines in light kit had assembled on the transporter padd. " Any particular creatures we need to watch out for?" He inquired as he stepped onto the padd.

Kori named a few, distaste in having to say their names clear. "they seem to be the leaders of the groups. They keep their heads down when I am around though"

Noting the names the devil dog nodded to the transporter operator. " Energise."

They beamed onto the now imperial ship and Kori's nose instantly wrinkled. She hated the smell. She stepped towards the door of the transporter room and paused. She frowned. And tensed. Something was off.

The marines sensed it as well as weapons were drawn and switched to armed. " How many of our side on the ship? " The devil dog said as he took a position on one side of the door as he indicated for the paint can.

"Last count, 10." Kori replied handing over the can.

" And how many kazon? " The devil dog said gripping the can tightly.

"150." Kori replied. "And I know that is a large number."

" Pity i'd hoped for a challenge." The devil dog replied grinning. Indicating to his team he threw in the paint can now with an added grenade attached to it. With a very loud bang followed by screaming kazon the marine was through the door phaser flying a Oorah on his lips.

Kori smirked and leant back as the Marines set about sorting things out. She stood and watched them work without batting an eyelid. Not all Kazon were involved and those who were not were learning a valuable lesson.

It took the marines less than a minute to secure the area outside the transporter room. Kicking a phaser from the hand of one of the downed slaves Fergus smirked. " Well, that was a terrible ambush."

"They never learn" Kori mused as she moved to stand beside him. "Do you think that is all of the traitors?"

The marine nodded to his men to search the ship. " Better safe than sorry."

Kori watched the Marines head out. "I wish we didn't have to rely on these beasts." she said softly. "But I guess needs must in this case."


