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Koi Pond Confidential

Posted on Tue Oct 11th, 2022 @ 4:10am by Crown Prince Paolo Orsini & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:21pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: China House
Timeline: Date 2371-07-09 at 1100
2448 words - 4.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Paolo had some time to sit with the news of his brother's ouster and his succession to the role of Crown Prince. Despite the many meetings and event he had already excitedly attended before the deed had been done, Paolo found himself completely bombarded with position seekers, sychophants, and those who wished, more than ever, to be his close confidant. He had ignored them all, save one, and had spent much of his time in seclusion. His attempt to reach out to Giana for support had been completely unsuccessful and had result in him storming out with tears in his eyes like a little boy. Even Jessica had seen him. Now, he would speak with the only sibling who he had any chance with anymore, it seemed.

The Royal Shuttle landed on the pad outside China House, the trees surrounding the compound and obscuring the view from anyone outside. His platoon of Imperial Guards streamed out of their own shuttles and folded into the security already present as the door opened. Paulo stepped out dressed in a smart black suit with a royal purple tie and matching pocket square. He had bags under his eyes, but he was still young and full of energy.

Elana's Aide Maria came out "Your Royal Highness" She curtseyed. "Your Sister has asked me to direct you to the garden. She is by the Koi pond."

Giuseppe and Giana would have been annoyed about being met by a servant, but Paolo showed no sign of this annoyance. He merely smiled at the woman.

"Thank you, Maria." he said, and reached out for her hand. Grabbing it, he held it for a moment. It was a friendly and humble gesture. He then released it. "Be so kind as to show me the way. I haven't been here in years."

Maria nodded and led him to the garden where the Koi pond was.

Elana was dressed in in a multicoloured skirt and white peasant shirt. She smiled as she saw Paulo come towards her. She stood and curtsied, "Brother" she said brightly.

"Sister." Paolo said, daring to smile, trying not to get his hopes up. He knew how their family loved to wound, after all. He only hoped that Elana was going to be different. "It's good to see you. You look well. Have you been eating?"

"Yes I have. You look like you need to take a holiday." Elana replied. She waved a hand to the seat beside her "Having issues back home?"

"Those people won't leave me alone." Paolo said, sitting next to his sister. "And I'm reasonably certain Giuseppe is going to try and have me killed. I've been locked away a bit too much for my taste. Though father has allowed me some official company and I now receive a daily government's full of exciting things."

Elana nodded. "Those people, by those you mean nobles with daughters your age? And I think we can place money on Giuseppe doing something foolish. Either to you or our father."

"Nobles with daughters my age are dealing with Mother...I mean the Secretariat. I have meetings with government leaders on a regular basis. I think they're all trying to show their face and make sure I like and trust them." he gave a strange expression; a distant smile, but quickly turned away from the thought. "And Giuseppe seems to be without friends at court. If that's truly the case, it's sad. He was Crown Prince for seven years and no one has lifted a finger to support or defend him."

Elana took a breath "And where has he been for the last seven years? In the military. I would also say, that if they are friendly with him, they would keep it quiet." Elana studied Paulo's face. "Do you trust the nobles in the government?"

"I trust their ambition." Paolo said. "I also know they have far more to gain throwing their hat in with me than risking a murder coup with Giuseppe. He has always been a wild-card to them. I represent stable rule; the status quo, and a continuation of Father's politics, as far as they know."

Elana nodded. "And the military? How will you know if you can trust them?" She asked curiously. She wanted to know what her brother was thinking. He was 10 years her junior but she knew he was smarter than their older siblings.

"I can't. Giuseppe has the edge there." Paolo said. "But the Admirals and Generals aren't the same as the rank-and-file. They answer directly to the Emperor. Father will make them sign a loyalty pledge to support me in the succession. Giuseppe only has words. I will have Golden Crowns and a crown of gold."

"Paulo, for now you have it. Giuseppe thought the same. You need to cultivate allies yet remember that you will one day rule in Father's stead." She just hopped their father lived to see Paulo's majority. She had no idea who would rule if their father died before Paulo turned 18. "And while father makes them pledge, once he dies, they can ignore it if it suits their purpose."

"Then we must make sure it doesn't suit their purpose, Elana." Paolo said, looking at her more seriously now. "Giana is too self-absorbed to help me. I'm coming to you, asking you to support my claim for the throne and to assist me in solidifying my position."

Elana studied her brother. She knew better him than Giuseppe. "And what do you think I can bring to the table Brother? I have no military support to give you. And I am a novice in the politics of the court." She was careful in her words. "That said, I believe you are way better than Giuseppe."

"I have a plan for the administration of the Empire before I reach my majority. But I need people in the family; people I can trust." He said, leaning toward his big sister. "People who will stand with me when it is brother against brother. We can't count on strangers to rule. It sets a dangerous precedent."

"And what Father has done also sets a dangerous precedent. Leaving Giuseppe and his son alive gives people cause to doubt our Father's choice." Elana replied. "You have my support Little brother, no strings."

“I’m very glad to hear that.” He said, smiling at Elana. She had always been his favorite for obvious reasons, but she had resented him as much as the others. He was skeptical, but he certainly didn’t let it show. “I hope we can settle this without any bloodshed. But I’m prepared…if a little blood is needed.”

"Good. Because our brother will not let this stand. Blood will be shed." Elana said calmly. "You need to be prepared Paulo."

Paolo looked at her as she spoke, his brow knit with some tension, but less than one might expect. This sort of politics was normal in Terran history, and he loved the histories. He understood what could be before him.

“I didn’t ask for this, but it’s mine now. And there’s no going back.” He said, reaching out and placing a hand on his sister’s. “I’m very sorry about your loss, sister. Very very sorry.”

Elana's face shifted from the calm facade to showing the pain but it vanished quickly as she got control over her emotions. "Thank you. It was to be expected."

"That's true." Paolo said, wondering in his mind how he might hurt the people he loved when he came into his throne. He knew that some things like this were unavoidable. His father had wanted a peaceful family and a strong Empire, but he wasn't successful in one of those areas. How would young Paolo fair against the pressures of the Crown with his family at each other's throats? How long before he had to do what he most wished to avoid? "Are you planning some revenge?"

"What good would that do anyone?" She asked. "There are other things to be worried about then planning a revenge that will never happen." she was honest. There was no revenge plan. "Giuseppe is however most likely planning revenge."

"A lack of logic hasn't stopped most revenge." he said with a frown. "There must be a reason Father sent you here beyond healing. I assume you made some threats when during the massacre."

"no threats, just that I hope he understood what he had just wrought and that they, he and Giuseppe were both dead to me.."She replied. "Frankly I am rather surprised Giuseppe survived the night himself."

"It's no small thing to kill family." Paolo said as explanation, but kept his words simple and didn't go beyond. His own thoughts stopped him from being too judgmental or wordy.

"I fully expected him to try to kill Father. He may yet still try." Elana replied. "After all, he could make a play to be your regent."

"Contessa says there's no way that would happen with other family members, particularly mother, in the picture." he said, pausing at having mentioned the name.

"Maybe not from Father, but Giuseppe will have no such compunction" Elana replied as she remembered what Giuseppe had done to Giana and even her over the years.

"Yes, but he isn't well liked at court. He also seems to be refusing to take his role as Lord of America seriously." Paolo said. "I think its his pride. He thinks its beneath him."

"From Crown Prince to that rank, of course it is Paulo. It would be beneath you as well." Elana said softly. "had he applied himself, worked for his rank though, he might not be in this position."

"Pride is the enemy of victory in my mind." Paolo said. "I avoid it like the plague. It's difficult for a young man my age, actually. We are naturally arrogant. And I'm incredibly intelligent as well, making it even harder."

"Yes, I can see modesty is your greatest flaw brother" the sarcasm was light and laughing. "And Victory for you before Father gave you your new role? Would you have been content at third in line to the throne? Behind an incompetent Crown Prince and his infant son?"

He smiled and nodded, his hands placed squarely on his lap in an orderly fashion.

“Yes.” He answered simply, no hint of deception in his face or voice. “There’s more to life than power and glory, sister. My intention was to find that other sweet something and to take hold of it with both hands. Now, however, I am playing a game I never wanted to play. And if I don’t win, I will die.”

She nodded. "More than you will die Brother. I know not what Giana will do but it is highly unlikely she will support Giuseppe, and I will not thus both of us face death as well should you fail."

“Then, as Benjamin Franklin once said, ‘we must hang together or we will all most assuredly hang separately.’” He said, a grin look on his face. Perhaps you will have more luck than did I convincing Giana of that fact.”

"Oh maybe but I am not sure she will listen to me. I am her annoying little sister who reads too much." Elana sighed. "But I will try, though she knows what the alternative is. She may just be holding out to keep Giuseppe guessing." Elana suggested.

“I have an alternative.” Paolo said. “Since Giuseppe has been disinherited, that makes her second in line to the throne until I have children. She may have her eyes…on gold and glory. Perhaps she’s grown tired of magazines and perfumes, and wants real power.”

Elana considered it. They all wanted power in some form. Be it power to lead their own lives or to rule. "That might work, but you would have to find out what real power she wants though."

“Based on the situation, I can only speculate she wants the throne.”

"May the gods protect us from that." Elana said softly. It was not something she wanted to even think about.

“Yes. But I’ll not wait on them to do so, sister.” Paolo said, standing up. His face was serious and unusually unamused. “If our sister doesn’t make a friend of me soon, I shall have no choice but to suspect her my enemy.”

Elana looked at him "You need to understand what we had growing up Paulo. Our teachers told us we were not to try. Not to do anything except be Imperial Princesses. Our parents never had a hand in our education like Papa has in yours. It has caused a few rifts over the years Paulo. But I know, it is not your fault."

“I have understanding plenty.” Paolo said, sighing. “But it doesn’t change the fact that this is a zero sum game in the end. With respect, it’s time for all of us to get over our childhood hangups. I have…I have forgiven you all for mistreating me all these years. Now you must pick sides; I’m sorry about that.”

"Don't be. Better your side than his" Elana replied. "Giuseppe has no hold over me, no secrets to exploit. Our father knows all now."

"Then you are free." Paolo said, eyeing the Captain of his guard. "Or more enslaved than ever before."

Paolo took several steps away from Elana in an obvious attempt to leave. He turned, instead, and eyed his sister again, his eyes sort of haunted and silent. His eyes then fell on Maria, taking in her beauty.

"I will try and...speed the day of your release from this gilded prison."

"I am okay here Paulo. Its my favorite place on Terra." Elana said standing. "Just protect yourself. I would not trust Jessica's family to take this situation very well. Though they are quiet now, she was married to our brother with one goal in mind."

"I hope they don't do anything foolish." he said, his eyes going wide, looking strangely like their father. "Or I shall be forced to make them a head shorter."

With that, he turned and proceeded back toward his shuttle, his large guard taking up ceremonial protective positions around him. Something had begun here, though they knew not what.

Elana watched him go and turned for the house hoping he had the guts to do it before they did it to him. She would send a letter to their father, informing him of her support for Paulo. And if Giuseppe came a calling.. then she would take other steps.



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