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Hands On Experimentation I

Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2022 @ 3:48am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant Dr. Daniel Brasken

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 16 at 2100
3208 words - 6.4 OF Standard Post Measure


After consideration throughout the day, Ilan decided instead of her quarters, she would invite the good doctor down to her room on Anorra. Why waste the precious days being cooped up on the ship if she could help it? Much to her delight, he had accepted, so she had taken a bit of time to get everything ready. The resort hadn't really questioned why she asked for a massage table and supplies to be brought up, it was a common enough occurrence after all, so she had everything set up neatly in her small but entirely adequate room. They also had room at the small table to work, and she had of course made sure the bed had been fitted with fresh and clean sheets.

Just in case.

She did a couple last checks to make sure everything was ready and smoothed out the tank top she was wearing and the yoga pants hugged her hips and thighs like they had been painted on. Not clothing she had to worry about getting oil or anything else on. Her hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail, and she just embraced the casualness of the encounter to come. Daniel had been a bit harder to read than most, but by the time he had left, she was confident he was just as open to possibilities as most were around her.

The walk from the main transport location had been enjoyable enough. This was actually Daniel's first time planet side at this particular location as he had kept himself busy on the ship rather than avail himself of the available accommodations. There had been plenty of scenery to watch of both flora and fauna variety and so he hadn't rushed himself and yet still made sure to arrive at the new location a minute early.

Instead of using the bell, Daniel used the back of his hand on the door to announce his presence before smoothing out the vest, a shimmering blue atop his beige pants of similar craft, he was wearing by running a hand over it. The smooth and cool touch of the silk and linen blend vest he had worn was enough to make him smile a bit. Along with the loose fit pants he wore it was an outfit designed for range of motion in its simplicity as well as being easy to don or doff depending on the activity.

Ilan moved to the door and opened it, smiling as she saw Daniel standing there. “Well don’t you look handsome. Come in.” She stepped back and gestured for him to enter the bright, clean room where she had everything prepared for the evening and whatever activities they might want to partake in. The window tint had been brought up to a medium level to cut out some of the bright light of the sun given the hour. “I know you probably didn’t see too much on your way up here, but it’s really a pretty nice place, don’t you think?”

Daniel's eyes flicked over her place as he stepped into the room, a responding smile to her own on his face. "I clean up pretty well. I know it must be so difficult to tell in Sickbay." Taking note of the setup for the massage as well as the table he gestured to both in turn. "So, where would you like to start?" He finished with his hands out to either side, letting the vest open to expose his chest.

Ilan’s eyes immediately went to his chest as his skin was exposed and she had to tear her eyes away and put them back on his. With a flirtatious smile, she stepped closer and wound a strand of her hair around her finger. “Well, I suppose it depends on how tense you are, really.” She offered with suggestion in her voice. “Though perhaps you’d like to get some shop talk out of the way before we get to… relaxing.”

"Well, did you make any significant progress on the gene cluster in the past few hours?" He rolled his head to the left and then to the right, stretching out his shoulder muscles as he let his hands drop down to his sides. The effect of his movements had accomplished what he had hoped so now he made a show of testing his muscles. "If not, then I think the shop talk can wait for a bit. My shoulders at least could use some attention sooner than later."

She gave no answer to the progress she had made on the genes and instead smiled at him deviously. "Well, I am happy to provide attention. Just the shoulders, though? I give a wonderful back and leg massage too." She moved closer still to him, her eyes animated but restrained. "I've had quite a lot of practice. I worked while I was in school."

"Tell you what..." Daniel made a show of carefully removing his vest with her so close to him and then tossing it to land on an open chair back without moving away. "How about you start on the shoulders..." He paused and pivoted to face the massage table while somehow shifting closer to her. "And stop where you feel best."

Ilan stepped up behind him, bringing her lips up to his ear and speaking quietly to him. "Well if we are going to do that, the pants will have to come off too, Daniel. Don't worry, I have a towel for you." She grinned and pulled back, curious to see how brave he was and how far he would go.

Daniel toed his simple shoes off and gently kicked them under the massage table before turning to face Ilan with a smirk. "You don't expect me to just reveal myself that easily, do you? Savoring the meal to look forward to dessert is really the best way in my opinion." He reached over and grabbed a towel from the massage supplies and wrapped it around his waist before leaning over to tug his pants off from the legs and also tossing them over the chair with the vest.

From there he half sat, half rolled onto the massage table facing up and looking over at her with an inquisitively raised brow.

"No, that's why I offered the towel." Ilan smirked and watched him without shame. If he didn't want to be watched and tease her with his little act, then he would have gone to the bathroom. "Roll over onto your chest, I'll start with your back, then we can move to the fun bits, hm?"

Daniel did as instructed and rolled face down, putting his face in the available pillow encircled hole to look at the ground. One hand holding the towel in place as he did so and then joining the other stretched out over his head once he was settled in. "So do you like to talk to your subjects or is this a quiet moment?"

"I don't mind a little chat." Ilan said as she watched him move onto the table and settle. "At least with interesting people." She touched his back, sliding her hand slowly up his spine in an almost curious fashion. There was a pause and then she shrugged, picking up the bottle of oil she had and giving it a spin through her fingers. Without hesitation, she applied some to her hands and set into the massage.

"So, what has you so interested in genetics?"

"Why not?" His voice hitched slightly as at her touch before continuing. "Optimizing our bodies ahead of the evolutionary curve seemed like a worthwhile area of study as so many in the fleet seem to be wanting to have the work done." The muscles on his back rolled slightly as she started work and he tried to settle in to the massage properly with a deep breath. "Besides that, the puzzle it presents is fascinating and the appeal of subduing nature is not to be overlooked."

“Just relax, Daniel. I’ll take very good care of you.” Ilan promised with a sultry purr against his ear. Righting herself, she continued her work on his back. Her hands were quite skilled to be sure.

“It is strange to me that so many are still very against genetic augmentation, but I suppose the scars of the Eugenics Wars still run deep and long in the fiber of Terran beings.” She noted and sighed. “Though nature can be a right bitch sometimes, bending her to our will does have a certain appeal.” Her knuckles pressed in on either side of his spine and she worked the muscles there firmly and directly.

A groan escaped before he was able to accept and relax into the attention right up against his spine. He had neglected to stretch before coming down so his muscles were tighter than they could have been. " seems you are an adept hand at bending to a will..."

“You just let me know if I’m being too rough with you.” Ilan said with an almost amused, teasing note in her voice. Her knuckles moved down slowly and then she flattened them back out to her palms. “Though you seem like a man who might be more than a little into that kind of thing.”

"Mmmm..." Daniel responded with a pensive sound as he thought on how to respond. "Admittedly I'm a man of varied forms of enjoyment. Depends on the partner I suppose more than anything." His eyes closed and his back visibly relaxed into her hands before he spoke again. "And yourself? Why your interest in genetics?"

"It has been the profession of my family for generations." She replied, smiling as she felt him melt into her hands. "While I would have been supported in any path, I too found joy and interest in the field. There's a certain allure to knowing exactly how to unravel a person by the very fiber of their being." Her hands moved and she began to make small circles down his spine and was careful not to press in too hard. "Or built a new person all together, I suppose."

"It has a certain artistry to it, doesn't it? Also, a bit of a Mary Shelly vibe comes to mind that I just cannot get past." His arms moved from next to his sides to cross on the rest that hung beneath his face from the table. During the movement, one bumped into Ilan's thigh. "My apologies for that."

Ilan just gave a chuckle at his apology. Her hands moved up to his neck and shoulders to focus there for a while. “So what else do you have an interest in, Daniel? Reading, I assume, given the mention of Mary Shelly.”

"Indeed, though generally it comes more in the audio or holodeck version rather than the text or bound version. I prefer to move when I'm not in the lab so while I enjoy a good story I prefer to experience it either directly or while I'm doing some other activity. Yoga is always good or a good swim as well." Daniel waited for Ilan to move closer to his head before letting his hands drape loosely from the table to allow his shoulders to relax further. "I'm also a student of pathology on top of genetics, though admittedly the two are fairly closely linked."

"That they are." Ilan agreed. "So, what does your family think about your chosen hobbies and professions, hm? Do they even know? I know some families simply do not approve of playing with the very fibers of life." She chuckled softly and by the tone she had said it in, it was a phrase she had heard often, though not by her own family given they were in the same line of work.

"Surprisingly my family is full of scientists and supports me fully. You could almost say it is in my blood." He smirked to himself, his face still in the protected circle on the table. Schooling his features into basic amusement before lifting his head and rolling face up as a hand moved to secure the towel as needed. "Would you mind?" He motioned to his chest where the muscle meets the shoulder.

Smirking, she looked over his body as he turned over. She wasn't trying to be subtle in the slightest and it seemed neither was he. "Not a problem." Her voice was sweet and lilting but there was an undertone to it that held so much more. She put just a bit more oil on her hands and began to work his chest and shoulders. "It is nice to have the support of the family, hm? Going into the family business as it were? What kind of sciences do your family members pursue? All geneticists?"

"Not all, no. My mother was a general physician with an eye more towards infectious diseases. My grandparents were the biggest influence on my hobbies." He contorted his face as she pressed into the muscle to exaggerate the pain he was feeling. " thanks. I over-extended on a vault the other day and it has been bothering me since." Sure, he was a doctor and could remove any problems in the sick bay and no one would ever know. That wouldn't allow him to appear like everyone else though.

"A vault?" Ilan asked, a note of amusement in her voice. "Now what were you vaulting over, dear doctor?" She looked down into his eyes, continuing to work the muscles of his chest and shoulder. "Or is that a euphemism?" Her tone clearly indicated she was joking on that front and she was aware he probably had done it actually vaulting over... something... but she couldn't really resist the chance to tease.

"My dear, I personally would never use over as a euphemism. Through or other such things, but not over." His head tilted slightly as he considered his words before speaking again to add, "Well...not in regards to myself." He smirked and looked pointedly up into her eyes. "To answer your question, however, it was a standard pommel horse in the gymnasium. I misjudged the distance and didn't get a solid hold before the turn."

“Well I didn’t think you’d be doing the vaulting alone, handsome.” Ilan returned easily, enjoying the banter and the look he was giving her with those gorgeous eyes. “Misjudged the distance? Some girl in yoga pants get you distracted?” She teased.

"Sadly I have only my own hubris to blame as I was alone at the time. Though if you were fishing for a compliment, I am certain that in your current outfit would have been enough to accomplish the same thing." Daniel sat up and tilted his head slightly as he looked her over quickly. "No, I do not believe that is what you were doing. Too sure of yourself for such an overt thing such as that."

"Heavens no, I'd never. Besides," she smirked deviously, "I don't need to fish." Giving him a wink, Ilan picked up a towel to wipe him down from the oil left on his body and then wiped her own hands on a clean space. "Feeling better then?" She asked and nodded toward him.

"Well enough to return the favor if you are interested." Daniel reached over to take the towel from Ilan and then took the same hand and raised it up to spin her and turn her back to himself before sliding his hands up her back and pressing his thumbs in along her spine.

"Mmm..." Ilan all but purred at his touch, a smile forming on her lips and a soft chuckle following soon. "That is very tempting, though we did want to talk shop." She looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes lidded and the smile leveling into a more sultry expression reflected by her green gaze. "Unless you'd like to skip that part. I'm afraid I'd be after a much more thorough massage."

Daniel stood quickly as his hands moved around her waist, one arm pulling her back against himself as the other moved up over her stomach and chest before his hand rested on her neck before leaning forward to kiss her. The kiss was firm without being rough as his arms slowly tightened around her before finally pulling his head back. "I'm up for a break for shop talk between rounds of massages..."

Ilan returned his kiss with keen interest, one hand moving to rest on his hip. He was strong, dominant. She liked that. She stood in his arms and looked into his eyes. A smirk tugged onto her full lips and she lifted her hand to touch his cheek. “Your words say that… your body says something very different, handsome.”

"We cannot take a break until both sides have had their opportunity for a proper massage." Daniel smirked back at her before turning them both to lift her easily onto the table, his hands moving down to slide up the outsides of her thighs while pressing in firmly against the muscle there while being careful to allow the fabric to slide beneath as well.

"Well, who could say no to that." She all but purred, shifting her legs apart a bit and placing her hands on his hips to draw him closer to her. Her lips found his and she held the kiss for a few beats, then pulled back and grinned. "You're good at that, you know."

"So I have been told." His hands settled on her hips as he pressed his thumbs in to hit the tendons and such that made up the hip sockets before then bringing his hands up and around so his thumbs ran over her ribs and massaged the delicate muscles that ran across the fine, soft bones. "It gets better." Daniel grinned as he then leaned in and quickly dug his teeth into the back of her jaw in the thin, vulnerable skin behind the jaw hinge.

Ilan gasped softly at the bite to the sensitive skin behind her jaw then immediately licked her lips and grinned. He was certainly direct in that very sexy way. Her body shifted under his hands, and her own began to move up his sides in almost a mirror motion to his own. “Prove it.” She challenged with a glint in her eye.

Daniel pulled back with a grin, his hand moving up and clamping down on the back of her neck to use the leverage to then step back and use his other arm to scoop up her legs and lay her down on the massage table. From there he moved to the end of the table, his hand from her neck trailing down and hooking the top of her yoga pants and pulling them off as he reached his destination. Pulling her down further on the bed by hooking her knees and then leaning down to bite her thighs from the knees towards her hips, ending with pulling one leg to the side and his mouth claiming the apex of the inside of her thighs.



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