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All Work, Maybe Play III

Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2022 @ 3:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Petty Officer 1st Class Jackie King
Edited on on Sat Oct 22nd, 2022 @ 10:46pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: Mission Day 28 at 1945
2574 words - 5.1 OF Standard Post Measure


He had brought her to the point where the frustration of denial almost spilled out and ruined the moment, but just as it threatened to do so, Lyra felt him slide the rest of what he had been withholding into her depths. Her hand immediately came up on reflex and she covered her mouth, muting the low, satisfied moan that escaped past her lips. Her eyes had briefly fluttered closed but opened as she felt Andrei grab the wrist of her offending hand and pull it away from her mouth and pinned it down to the desk above her shoulder and next to her head. She looked up as he leaned over her and she instinctively laid back to maintain his angle inside of her. His thumb slid up her wrist and into her palm, making her open her fingers which she found immediately laced with his. It was an affectionate gesture and as she looked at him, she saw once again the intensity, the singular purpose, and under it all what appeared to be genuine affectionate love just as she had seen when he had taken her in his new quarters after their promotions.

Perhaps he really did love her. Such a thing would have been extremely hard to feign in this raw of a state. They weren't incapable though.

Any thought that may have continued in that vein evaporated as he began to drive himself into her with force that shook her body. One foot left the desk and she wrapped her leg around his hips. Her free hand found his wrist where he was holding her hips. She used the leverage of her foot on the desk and her trapped hand to rock her hips up to meet his motions. She was never idle unless he pressed her to be; his pleasure, watching it play on his handsome features and knowing she was the cause was just as intoxicating to her as most anything else they did. The slight lapse in attention had backed her off of her release for just a moment, but as driven as he was in his demand of her, he brought her right back to it. Her hands flexed, her body writhed, and she gave him his reward for his efforts.

A passionate cry escaped her lips as the intensity of her release washed over her. Her whole body bucked up off the desk then fell back; those perfect lips of hers remained parted in an expression of exquisite bliss. Her eyes closed as they rolled back, but they didn’t remain closed. She opened them halfway, looking up at Andrei through those long, thick black lashes of hers; her eyes glittered with desire, affection. She was breathing hard, and as she looked up to him and saw the satisfaction on his face, she became aware he had stopped moving for a moment and instead held himself inside of her, each inch of his prodigious member enveloped snugly in her heat. Maybe he was afraid of hurting her in the midst of such intensity, or maybe he wanted to just enjoy the sensation of her sex squeezing around him. It didn’t last though; she felt him shifting his legs and heard him finally kick off his pants and underwear so he could be free to move as he wanted. He then leaned over her and caught her lips, and she returned the embrace with passion that matched his. He started moving again.

Perhaps she loved him.

Another half an hour passed and they thoroughly christened Andrei’s desk. He found his release inside of her once, but had been far from done with her, spending the few moments he needed to recover teasing and tormenting her. He loved to press, so did she, and she would get him back for it they both knew. They danced along the line off “too much” with finesse and grace unparalleled. The more they were with each other, the more attached they grew, the deeper their connection became was directly related to the amount of satisfaction their intimate encounters were giving them. He recovered, they went again until they were both covered in sweat and moaning breathlessly. He was half up on the desk with her, his arms under her and holding her tightly in place. His hair had come down over his shoulders and concealed her face. She tangled one of her hands into his hair while the other drifted between her own legs to enhance her own pleasure. Perhaps it was a silly teenage type fantasy or something more fitting to a romance novel, but she wanted to topple over that edge with him and she could tell he was close by the way he would falter in his motions now and then and the raggedness of his breathing.

With the addition of her efforts, she got her wish and as he erupted inside of her, she too fell into bliss again. The office was filled with their moans and other sounds of their pleasure and there was no way that they were not heard, but by now it was obvious neither of them really cared. She could feel him panting against her neck and shoulder. The moment had been intense for him too. She began to run her fingers through his sweaty hair slowly. For a long moment she didn’t say anything as they both caught their breath, but finally she coaxed him to lift his head so she could look into his eyes.

“You make me very happy, Andrei.” Her voice was soft, the smokey quality deepened as a direct result of their intimacy. “I’m proud to be by your side.”

Andrei had enjoyed every moment and his heart beat intensely. He had moved in her with great passion, and when they made eye contact, it only improved the experience. He'd been with many women before, but it had never been like this. As looked at her and listened to her genuine statement of attachment, he smiled and kissed her again.

"Well, currently you're beneath me." he stated jokingly, still laying atop her. He supported his own weight, but was still very-much inside her. From the next room, the yeoman's office, he heard female voices and a series of giggles. He smiled and looked at Lyra again. "It seems we put on an entertaining performance."

Lyra lifted her head just a bit to look at the wall of the office, then put her head back down and smirked up at Andrei. "You wanted them to hear." She accused him playfully and flexed the fingers of the hand he had pinned when she tried to use it to muffle her voice against his that were still interlaced with them. "Maybe we'll have to make it a scheduled listening for them. They can bring popcorn and drinks." She grinned, obviously joking, and leaned up to kiss him again.

"Perhaps next time we'll be on their desk. We could sell tickets, you know. It's quite a show." he said, chuckling playfully and leaning down to kiss her again. He then released her hand and moved back until he fell out of her sex, pleased with even that sensation. He smiled at her and then strode over toward the door between his office and the administrative one. Pressing a button, it opened, revealing Jackie and two female slaves. All three of them paused in their smiles and their eyes rested on his face, then slid down slowly in concert until they were all staring at his appendage.

"Good Gods, I hope you don't expect us to go next." Jackie said, not shy at all like the two slave girls who looked away for the sake of modesty though they each stole inadvertently obvious glances every few seconds. "Not sure if you know but, I'm into girls so I've got no practice."

"You've mentioned it once or twice." Andrei said with a nonchalant joking smile. He'd always enjoyed Jackie's company and was happy they now worked so closely together. He wanted to ask his father if he would switch yeomen with him, but knew it would never work. It would have been a demotion on her part and a real loss for the Captain. "One of you girls will need to get this cleaned up in a few minutes."

"Your office, sir, or your giant fucking elephant trunk?" Jackie answered again, the slave girls not daring to speak. She giggled hard and they couldn't help themselves either.

"I'll handle the trunk, Yeoman." he said, rolling his eyes, the smile still on his face. He then turned around and walked back into the room, mindlessly offering a glance at his muscular butt before the doors closed again. He looked at Lyra and grinned. "I used to shower naked in the locker room at school at the academy. Establish evolved as you might think Terrans are, you might be surprised how often it worked. In the end, we all have our base nature. Power, sex, money, position. It was more effective as a teenager though."

Lyra had remained on the desk though she had sat up and watched Andrei move to the other door. She didn't bother to try and cover up as it opened to the three giggling women. She merely sat there and basked for another moment in the deeply satisfied sensation she was experiencing; it was more so than anything she had felt in any of her previous encounters with men or women. Her head tipped back slightly, her eyes closed, and she let out a sigh as they spoke, soft and distracted. If Andrei was trying to push buttons either showing himself off to other women or showing her off without her permission, it wasn't working. People could look all they wanted, touching was an entirely different matter.

When the doors closed she opened her eyes and smiled at him again, listening to what he was saying even though he was telling her something she already knew. She didn't mind. For now. "Yes, I imagine that trunk of yours was mighty intimidating for most teen boys."

She slid off the desk, the evidence of their activities left plain where she had been sitting up for a moment, but she just left it and moved to the attached bathroom to clean herself up.

Before she'd really started, he slipped in behind her in the small bathroom and took up position behind her, his body pressing up against her rear and his arms coming around to hug her. With his muscular arms, he pulled her in slightly and kissed at her ear before turning and looking at the two of them in the mirror again. Their embrace was warm and familiar.

"I used to do what I could to get one up on my peers." he said quietly by her ear. "I suppose I still do, hmm? Or is it just feminine inspiration that convinced me to be nice to my father for a change?"

Lyra smiled and chuckled softly in her throat. She looked into his eyes through the mirror and brought one hand up to touch his cheek while the other arm slid over his. "Maybe a little inspiration hastened you to what you were already going to do, hm?"

"Of course that's what happened." he said with a grin, his tone not making it clear if he was serious or being ironic. "Now, I need you to hurry and get out of my office before I bend you over this sink and take you in front of the mirror. We are dangerously close to that."

He growled now, low and sensual, and she would feel his manhood begin to stiffen again against her shapely rear.

"Besides," he continued, "I need to go talk to Branson about a billet switch, hmm?"

Lyra licked her lips and then briefly bit the lower one, still looking into Andrei's eyes. She reached back, grabbing his hips tightly with her fingers, her nails digging slightly into his skin. "Yes... yes you do need to go do that." She said, her hips starting to sway just slightly so his hardening manhood pressed and rubbed against her rear end even more. "Very important."

She pulled away from him suddenly then, grinning that devious little grin he had become so familiar with. "After your shift, let's grab a little something to eat and then we can work on pounding those lumps out of your mattress, hm?"

"I still owe you a date, after all." he said, his face seeming irritated at the tease, but in a good way. He was always a better lay when he was angry anyway. "You were right about the promotion and won our deal; I haven't forgotten. But if you're a very good girl, we can pound the lumps out of a holographic mattress."

He reached for a sonic cleaning attachment connected to the shower and turned it on. The high-pitched hum started and he directed the stream to cleaning himself.

“Tonight?” She asked with a slight note of surprise in her voice. He hadn’t mentioned it to her, and for just the briefest of moments she was mildly annoyed though she didn’t display it in the slightest. It was a horribly inconsiderate maneuver really, but she chose to tell herself it was Andrei’s attempt to have it be some sort of romantic surprise. Though even as she thought it she didn’t believe it for a moment. She smiled warmly at him. “Well I guess I better go back to my quarters and start getting ready. I know you’re very particular in how my pubic hair is curled and I’d hate to disappoint. What should I wear?”

"I'm tempted to say nothing at all, but I'll say something formal instead." he said, watching her. He understood the possibility she might not like that the date was set without warning but he didn't pay much attention to it. He liked to surprise. "I'll be wearing a court-standard suit with a royal blue pocket square."

“Alright, darling, I’ll wear something nice to match. What time? I assume you’ll come and collect me?” She quirked a brow at him.

"2100 in a Golden Chariot." he said, finishing his cleaning. Then he went to her and kissed her forehead, placing her hand in his. "It will be memorable, I assure you."

"I'm sure it will." She smiled at him warmly and kissed the point of his jaw. Giving his hand a squeeze, she stepped back out into the main officer to collect her clothes. She slid on her panties, bra, and undershirt, then picked up her skirt. Seeing it was unusable, she just shrugged and tied her jacket around her waist along with his tattered undershirt so it made a mismatched covering around her and threw the skirt over her shoulder. "Have fun with Branson, darling."

Without waiting for his reply or tempting more teasing, she left his office and took the extremely short walk across the hall to her quarters.

Andrei watched her get dressed as he rearranged the most important parts of his work which had been swept from the desk. Then, when she was gone, he pulled on his own clothes and went to his quarters for replacements for ripped parts before heading down to the Cargo Bay.



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