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Less is More II

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 5:55pm by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Petty Officer 1st Class Jackie King
Edited on on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 5:55pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Ocara's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 23 at 0015
2517 words - 5 OF Standard Post Measure


"Okay well that actually sounds absolutely awful when you make that comparison, so I have a lot of appreciation for what you do, suddenly." Ilan laughed. Their leisurely walk took them only a couple of minutes to get to her quarters. Tapping in her code, the door opened to the small room. There was a double bed, a small table that served as workstation and dinner table with two chairs situated with it in one corner, and on the back wall was a loveseat with a coffee table in front of it and next to that was a small cabinet. One door likely led to a closet while the other to the small but private bathroom. Ilan was one of the lucky ones as her quarters were on the outer hull meaning she actually even had a small viewport to see out into space instead of being stuck in a box.

"So, red or white? Make yourself comfortable."

Jackie walked in as she was bit, her eyes falling on the decorated room and scanning from one piece of furniture to the other. Smiling, she looked at Ilan, offering an expression that was anything but innocent, before moving with slow strides over to the loveseat. She sat down, curling her legs beneath her and doing a poor job of sitting in a polite-enough position that her panties weren’t showing. They were black silk, the kind one could be sure she wore only very rarely.

“White.” She said, her eyes finding the other woman’s with interest.

"Your wish is my command." Ilan smirked and bent slightly to pull out a bottle of white wine. It was a good middle-high grade of wine that she enjoyed that wouldn't break the bank. She poured two glasses and turned to the love seat where Jackie was sitting. She just looked for a moment, delighted at what she saw as her eyes leveled at the show of silk between Jackie's legs, but she pulled her gaze back up to the other woman's eyes. Taking a few steps closer, she handed off the wine and took a seat.

"Well now, what should we toast to?" She asked with a playful note.

“To experiments.” Jackie said, with a smile, placing her glass against Ilan’s gently. “Oh, and pussy.”

"Copious amounts of both." Ilan agreed, touching her glass to Jackie's but instead of sipping her wine or allowing Jackie to either, she leaned in and stole a kiss from the woman. It was heated, passionate, but oh so brief. She pulled back just as quickly, and took a sip of her wine. "Delicious."

The sudden kiss had set Jackie’s heart to pumping hard in her chest and started a wave of heat between her thighs. When it was over, so much sooner than she’d hoped it would be, her lips remained in a kissing position for a split second after until she caught herself and opened her eyes again. Her face was slightly flushed and she held the wine glass lightly. She brought that to her lips instead and sipped, her pretty eyes locked on Ilan’s.

“I like taste experiments too.” She said, and then took a deeper sip, clearly enjoying the wine and taking half the glass in one go. She swallowed unapologetically and leaned back confidently on the couch. “What makes you feel so experimental suddenly?”

Ilan had watched Jackie’s expression linger just for that fleeting moment and was emboldened by it, though for the moment she was content to tease and hint. She shifted a bit closer to Jackie, her green eyes dancing with amusement and desire. “See that’s the thing. It is far from sudden; I am always feeling experimental. It is simply finding the right people to include in those experiments.”

“Oh, I understand.” Jackie said, leaning forward herself this time, pressing her lips against Ilan’s herself ever-so-gently, her sweet wine-scented breath dancing over the other woman’s lips. Her hand found Ilan’s leg and lingered there, sharing her own passion and letting out a high-pitched, somewhat pleading moan before she pulled back, smiling hungrily and leaving her hand on the other woman’s leg. “You found her.”

"I see that." Ilan said and put down her wine glass behind her. Without hesitation, she reached out and slid an arm around Jackie's back, the other hand moving under the woman's rear, and with ease she pulled Jackie up and into her lap. Once she was settled, the hand on Jackie's backside moved to the front and began to trail upward from her knee and under her skirt.

Jackie’s hands likewise roamed to Ilan’s collar as she climbed up into her lap. Her own finger strayed the line of Ilan’s scoop-neck dress all the way to her breasts. When there, she moved her hands out over them slowly, more teasing than shy, and began to massage them gently over her clothes.

“So, we’re done with drinks then?” She asked, kissing her again. “I was making a bet with myself about how much of that I would get in you.”

"I can multitask." Ilan grinned and kissed Jackie's neck at the point of the back of her jaw while her hand trailed up higher and then shifted to her other thigh; in the process her fingertips just barely grazed over the silk of the woman's panties, then the backs of her fingers began to trail down the thigh toward her knee.

Jackie thrilled at the intimate touching, but instead of responding verbally, she leaned forward and began to lick and kiss slowly and deeply on Ilan’s neck, moving down slowly, from her jaw to her collarbone and moving back slowly again too. On her second pass down, she started to kiss the top of her breast.

“I’ve been thinking about this all day; wondering what you would feel like.”

Ilan let out a soft, moaning sigh as she felt Jackie's lips on the soft skin of her breast. There was an earnestness there that made her smile, and she wouldn't keep Jackie waiting for her to get answers to all her wondering questions. The hand on Jackie's back moved up to find the zip of her dress and in one swift, skilled motion, Ilan pulled it down. Her hand slid through the open fabric and settled on Jackie's back.

"Well wonder no more, beautiful." Ilan purred, the hand under Jackie's skirt going back up to firmly cup her sex. She pressed her palm into it, her fingers flexing slightly and then rubbing pointedly through the silk where she felt the spot of damp already present.

Jackie, now excited beyond the small amount of control she still had to her name, pulled down Ilan’s dress top, and with lips and tongue, she directed all of her skill at the newly revealed part, teasing her nipples at first and then, after a few moments, fully pleasuring them with long licks and flicks.

Ilan just grinned, unable to help herself. Some may have been disappointed in the apparent lack of challenge, but truthfully she could not have cared less. Challenge was fun, easy was also fun; in the end it was all just about the fun of it. She lifted Jackie up a bit and the woman's dress was gone in a skilled instant.

"I'll take good care of you." She promised with a smirk and shifted to lay Jackie back on the couch, her hands finding the woman's panties and pulling them down.

For the next solid hour and a half, that is what Ilan did. Of course Jackie got her turn as well. They were both quite skilled at what they did and very eager to share in the moment with each other. Lips, fingers, tongues - all were used in their quest to bring each other to the heights of pleasure. The small room was filled with sounds and entreaties of passion and need punctuated with small breaks of wine, giggles, and innuendo before they were back at it again. There was no need for connection on any sort of intimate level, it was all just fun and games - very fun.

Eventually, Ilan could see that she had tired Jackie out and simply sat with her on the couch. Her back was against the arm of the couch and Jackie was pressed up against her chest and sitting between her legs. Ilan held Jackie close, feeling the petite woman's body still trembling just slightly against her. One arm was around her waist and her other hand was running through Jackie's short, sweat-matted hair without any concern in the world. Ilan bent to kiss and nuzzle Jackie's shoulder.

"Feel good, beautiful?"

“You’re much stronger than you look, you know.” Jackie said, feeling a unique cocktail of emotions. Aggressive, confident, and somewhat masculine as she was, she was always the ‘dominant’ one in her own experiments. She normally went for the kind of girl who wanted that, but Ilan had surprised her; and now she was surprised with how it felt. “It felt better than good. How about you?”

"Wonderful." Ilan kissed below Jackie's ear gently, arm moving up from her waist so she could trail her fingers up between Jackie's breasts slowly. Ilan herself was far from spent, but she was satisfied and had that glow about her. "You are delightful, you know. I've never had someone do that thing with their tongue before."

“Practice, sugar.” Jackie said, a proudly calm look in her eyes. “But my stamina is lower than I remember, sad to say. I guess, after Daddy died, I lost most of my drive to become the biggest most offensive lesbian he’d ever seen.”

"Not too big of a fan that you prefer the taco to sausage?" Ilan asked with a smirk and kissed Jackie's jaw again. It was lighthearted, but not dismissive.

“Never tried the sausage. Never wanted to.” She said with a shrug. “I wasn’t going to be putting on his flowing dresses and being a pawn in his political alliances. So I cut my pretty hair, got some tattoos, and started fucking his Secretary.”

“I like it. I’m sure he was up in arms over the audacity of it.” Ilan gave Jackie’s side a gentle squeeze. “I like a rebel woman who knows exactly what she wants.”

“I knew what I didn’t want.” Jackie said, avoiding the rest of it. “He was pissed. Had her arrested and totally ruined her life. He sent me to military school, telling me he would ‘give me the discipline I need’. It didn’t work, in some ways…but…I suppose, in some ways it did.”

Jackie’s hand found the mound of hair over Ilan’s sex and tan her fingers over it gently, avoiding anything that might tickle.

“But, what I learned first was how to make a girl cum in thirty seconds. It seems military school was the solution for a lot of disappointed fathers.”

Ilan made a soft sound of approval as Jackie's fingers quested, but kept her attention solely on the conversation for now, or at least would try to. "It seems like you made the best of it, but I'm sorry that your father was a prick about your life choices. So many are with their daughters, it seems."

"And their sons too." Jackie said with a half smile. "But they're too moonstruck at wanting to replace them to really think about it. Me? I prefer the egalitarian life."

Her fingers moved down over Ilan's sensitive parts then, flicking skillfully in motions that had learned Ilan's body from the way she had seen her move. She could tell she still had energy and Jackie had a terrible habit of demanding full completion of her experiments.

"It's the only life I've ever known, but I don't think I'd choose to be nobility if I had the choice. It seems like a terrible hassle." Ilan commented, her breath hitching slightly as Jackie became more direct in her teasing. "Though I will say the skills you learned in military school... well... I am very grateful for those."

"I learned how to get up early in the morning and to file timely reports too." She said, joking. "Depends on what your kink is."

Laughing softly, Ilan kissed Jackie again, running a hand up and down her side slowly. "Hey, I could be into it." She teased in return and smirked, reaching down to give Jackie's rear a squeeze.

Jackie chuckled, then there was silence, and for the next several minutes, she focused specifically on Ilan's needs, showing her that the thirty second promise was real and that they could very easily be successive. When the science officer looked nearly exhausted, Jackie kissed her stomach and stood up, moving quickly to the bathroom to wash her face and hands. When she returned, she started pulling on her clothing wordlessly.

Ilan gave a long, contented sigh. She’d have to have the couch cleaned, but she didn’t care. She pulled her throw blanket off the back of the couch and stood, wrapping it around her body and walking closer to Jackie. Reaching out, she helped her zip up the back of her dress again. “I had a lot of fun tonight. I hope you did too.”

“Hells yes, I did. You’re incredibly sexy.” Jackie said, her expression bright and fun, but there was something about her demeanor that seemed to suggest her fun was over. She wasn’t lying, she enjoyed herself, but it was time, in her mind, to move on. Pulling on her shoes, she turned to Ilan again, leaning in, kissing her lips slowly, and playfully smacking her bottom. “Maybe we’ll do it again some time.”

Ilan returned the kiss and giggled at the slap to her rear. “That would be fun.” She replied in turn, honest but noncommittal nor demanding. She enjoyed Jackie’s company, but as per her usual she was also fine with a one and done type deal if that were to be the case. Absolutely no part of her was disappointed Jackie was rushing out; some people liked to linger and talk and cuddle for a little while after, some didn’t. It didn’t matter to Ilan in the end. She walked Jackie to the door and stole another quick kiss from her.

“I’ll see you around, beautiful. Bye now.”

“Bye bye.” Jackie said, pleased Ilan wasn’t the clingy type. She’d enjoyed her time with her immensely, but felt she should go. She enjoyed the last kiss and then offered a seductive smile in return. “I expect top placement in your dreams tonight, Ilan. If I’m not there, I might have to come back and try again.”

"You're welcome any time." Ilan gave a grin, stole one more quick kiss, and then turned to head to her bathroom to clean up from the evening's exploits.

What a fun little distraction.



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