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Bonding Trio...

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 11:01am by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, Anderson's quarters
Timeline: MD 04 / 2210 hours
2776 words - 5.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Kassandra had finished her shift and had all but raced from Intelligence, wanting to make sure she was not seen by her department chief. She made it to her cabin and pulled her belt off eagerly, not wanting to feel that agonizer against her skin. Kass went to her closet and opened it. While the rest of her cabin was austere and without personality, her closet was not. It was stacked with clothes, tops, skirts, dresses. Some her designs others from other designers. She studied her clothes carefully. She grabbed a dark green lace top and then grabbed a black leather mini skirt. She placed them on her bed and headed for the shower.

20 minutes later she was sliding her feet into stiletto heels and checking her reflection in her mirror. She had brushed her hair and it hung straight down her back. Then, grabbing her jacket, she left her cabin and headed for the turbolift.

10 mins after that, just as the clock struck 2210 Kassandra knocked on Johnathan’s cabin door.

Johnathan was finishing the final touches of getting his cabin ready for whatever the night would bring them. As he lit the last few candles, his door chime rang out. After having the computer start to play some soft, sensual music, he moved to the door, double checking that his outfit was spot on as well.

Reaching up, he pressed the control to open the door. As soon as his eyes landed on Kassandra, an excited grin started to fill his features. "Wow!" He exclaimed softly. "You look amazing!" He moved to the side, "Please, come in."

Kass tentatively entered the cabin, "Sorry to be late. My supervisor was a bit crazy."

Johnathan reached out and gently pulled her to him. After wrapping his arms warmly around her, he gave her a tender, yet passionate, kiss. Then, he said, "No need to apologize, my dear. I take it he has not caught on about the modification to your agonizer?"

"He.. uh got a taste of his own medicine. The Second officer got a report that showed my agonizer was extremely active." She did not go into the humiliation Morrison had forced on her before the Second Officer. That was bad enough.

Johnathan smiled softly, though he had a feeling there was more to the story. However,if Kassandra didn't want to tell him, he wouldn't press. Placing his forehead gently against hers, he spoke softly. "You will always be safe here, in my arms, Kass. I promise you that.

Kass kept her doubts to herself. So she nodded in silence and forced her form to relax.

Johnathan gave her a genuine soft, caring grin. "Good," he said softly. "Now, would you care for something to drink? Are you hungry?"

"Just a white wine thank you." Kass replied with a small smile.

Callie arrived at Johnathan’s door, pressing uthe chime she stood eagerly awaiting an answer. She was looking forward to seeing John again she’d enjoyed their time together. She was wearing a short figure hugging black dress, with a low neckline that she thought Johnathan would like. She was a little nervous about adding Kass into things, she wasn’t sure how to feel about it yet.

Johnathan looked over at his door when the chime rang. "That must be Callie," he said as he finished handing Kass her drink. Moving over to the door, he pressed the unlock control and the door slid open, revealing the stunning knockout that stood there.

Johnathan’s eyes opened larger as he swallowed, thoughts and feelings of desire quickly filling his mind. "Callie..." he said a huge grin filling his face as his eyes moved over every inch of her. "You look...stunning! Quick, get in here!" He reached out and, after taking her hands in his, he pulled her inside, closing and relocking the door.

Kass turned and smiled at Callie as she entered. "Hi Callie, love that dress."

Callie smiled warmly. “Thank you, to be honest I wasn’t sure what to wear. I like your leather mini skirt, I don’t have anything leather...yet!”

Kass smiled. "One of my own hand made. I can make you one if you like,"

“Really?” Callie looked at Kass in surprise. “No one has ever offered to do anything for me before.” She smiled and nodded eagerly. “I’d appreciate that, thank you.”

Kass smiled at that. "I'll uh,.. get your measurements later" She said with a small smirk. "how was your day after the events at Lunch?"

“About as expected” Callie sighed. “Having to play tough and order slaves around, as well as watch my own back is never much fun. I’ve been looking forward to being here all afternoon.”

Johnathan smiled as both women talked. It was clear, even now, in this setting by itself, that these three officers were going to be very good friends. He moved back to the replicator and ordered up two more drinks. A mojito for himself and the drink that Callie had had the other night, down in Maelstrom. Moving back to Callie and Kassandra, he handed Callie her drink. He then lifted his in a toast. "To us. May we always stay close, no matter what life throws at us."

Callie lifted her drink. “To us.”

"To us" Kass replied with a smile and sipped her wine.

After they each took a drink, Johnathan smiled softly and said, "Why don't you two get comfortable? I'll replicate some finger foods that we can pick on."

Callie nodded and walked over to the sofa. She took a seat and made herself comfortable waiting for Kass to join her.

Kass sat beside Callie, making sure they both were not squished just comfortable. "So..." she said to Callie. "what clothes do you have?"

“Apart from the uniforms, my usual trousers and varying tops. I replicated the dresses I have after I got here, I’ve never needed them up until now!” Callie grinned. “My father used to supply my evening wear when I was aboard his ship, I err...had the task of entertaining his guests.”

Kass looked her up and down carefully, "Hmm... time to change that." She said with a smile. "Give me two weeks and you will be dressed as well as the Emperors wife."

Callie smiled warmly. “I’d like that, but you’re going to need to take my measurements in order to make clothes for me.”

Kass smirked. "Callie, I don't need to measure you. I can tell you are a size 4"

“Wow! You’re that good by eye alone.” Callie smiled. “You’re right. I can squeeze into a 3 at a push if I have to but 4 is better.”

Kass sipped her wine and smiled warily "I was going to be a fashion designer" She said wistfully. "Had a scholarship to a university in Paris."

Callie was surprised. “Really? So how did you end up serving in the Empire instead?”

"My father" Was all Kass said as she placed her glass down. "same as you."

At this point, Johnathan returned from the replicator. With him, he brought a tray full of tasty snacks, as well as some food items that could be better enjoyed...with others.

"Here we are!" He said with a smile. "So, Kass, you're a clothing designer? That's so cool! Could you create anything for me? Or, do you just make women's clothing?"

"Mainly female. Male fashion in the empire leans towards black and sombre." Kass smiled, "But I can try"

“Fashion isn’t something the Empire cares much about.” Callie grinned.

Johnathan nodded his thanks. Then, he looked for a place to sit. "Is there room on that sofa for one more?"

Kass smiled and moved so he could fit between them.

His smile growing, the young pilot moved towards them and carefully lowered himself between the two beautiful women. "So," he asked softly. "What shall we do to enjoy ourselves tonight?" He hoped he was being smooth, but suddenly worried that he sounded like an idiot.

Kass had to smile at that. "You know Johnathan, sometimes things just happen naturally, without interference from us."

“Indeed” Callie smiled as she leant closer to Jonathan, offering him what he was looking for as she gave him a romantic kiss.

Johnathan made a pleasing sound as he tasted Callie's kiss. As they continued to kiss on his right, with his left he reached out to Kassandra and started to gently rub her right thigh.

Callie grinned as she ran her fingers over Johnathan’s shirt, she knew this was what he was wanting but she wasn’t sure if Kass wanted to join in or not. “Why don’t some attention to Kass?” She smiled as she motioned Jonathan towards Kass’ side of the sofa.

Kass gave a soft laugh "He is fine. I like where his hand is." She said to Callie. "But if we get him naked..."

Callie grinned and nodded. Her fingers trailed to Jonathan’s shirt gently pulling it free from the confines of his trousers, she was quick to help him out of it. “Be my guest” She motioned to Kass to help with the bottom half.

Kass slid so she was on the floor and set about undoing Johnathan's pants and wriggling them down his hips.

Johnathan gasped as both women started to undress him. Not that he struggled any. On the contrary, he easily moved to allow them to have their way. "Now, ladies, I shouldn't be the only one free of clothing."

Kass smirked. "Oh really?" she taunted as she continued her work.

Johnathan growled softly as Kassandra continued to undress him. He was fully aroused by the attentions that Callie and Kassandra were giving him.

Kassandra was about to take matters in hand when her comm, pinned to her skirt, chirped. She frowned and rocked back on her heels, giving Johnathon a glimpse up her skirt, showing nothing but bare flesh as she did so. She stood and picked the comm up. "Selin" she said her voice calm.

[[AH Ensign, Did I wake you?]] Lionel Morrison's voice came from the comm.

"No Lieutenant." She said as she clenched her hands and turned her back on the pair on the couch. Her shoulders hunched. "Is there something I can help with?"

[[I forgot to mention, I swapped off my gamma Shift with you. So you need to be on the bridge at 0h00. That's in just under 1 and half hours Ensign]]

Kass's spare hand clenched. Oh for the love of Zeus! "Yes Sir" She said her tone level. "I will be there on time"

[[See that you do.]]

Kass closed the connection and lowered her head with a muttered swear word.

Johnathan pulled away from Callie briefly, and stood, moving to console Kassandra. "Kass," he said softly as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his bare body. "That's it, he has to go. You should be running Intel. The conference he and I had, to go over the route was basically him acting like he knew best and how to do my job better than I did."

She shrugged. "I am ok. I will do my duty and one day I will watch his body be jettisoned out an airlock" she said in a low tone. "Oh and he has assigned me to work on that with you because its beneath him, that was thrown at me as well." She turned and kissed him gently on the lips. "I have to go. You two have fun and know I will be thinking about this while on duty. I should get changed and drink coffee,"

Callie offered an apologetic smile. “We’ll be thinking of you Kassandra.”

Kass gave her a smile. "Just have fun okay?" She said and headed for the door. She was so going to kill Morrison. She may even try to make it look accidental... maybe.

Watching Kassandra leave like that, Johnathan felt a little heartbroken. Not because he wouldn't be enjoying the evening with both women, but because he hated to see his new friend to be treated as Lionel was doing so. While he had no aspirations to move to Security, he nonetheless started to think on ways that he could eliminate the thorn that was in all their sides.

“Would you like me to go?” Callie looked at Johnathan with an understanding smile.

His eyes snapped over to Callie. "No!" He replied emphatically. Then, he started to feel vulnerable, standing there, nude as he was. "W-why? you want to go?"

“Are you kidding!?” Callie walked over to him offering a loving kiss. “I have no compulsion to go anywhere. I’m perfectly happy right here.”

Johnathan felt a flood of relief wash over him. As well as a strong feeling of arousal. Returning her kiss with equal passion and intensity. "Good..." he replied breathlessly.

Callie smiled as she briefly pulled back. “We haven’t known each other long, Johnathan, but you’ve become special to me in that time. Thank you for that.”

Smiling softly, Johnathan pulled Callie closer, embracing her lovingly. "You have as well, for me, Callie. Very special, indeed."

Callie ran her hands along Johnathan’s skin, letting her fingers gently caress and touch his body as he held her close. “So...What would you like to explore tonight? I’m willing to behave and do as my master tells me to do.” She grinned playfully.

A hungry grin suddenly filled the young pilot's face. He thought about it for a few beats, then leaned in and whispered all the things that he wanted to do to and with her. He then started to nuzzle and kiss her neck.

“Ohh yes please!!” Callie let out a quiet moan as she encouraged Johnathan. She loved his enthusiasm for enjoying everything and trying everything.”

Johnathan grinned even broader. He then picked Callie up and put her over his left shoulder. He then carried her into his bedroom, tossing her down onto his bed. "You are wearing entirely too much clothing," he growled at her hungrily.

“Oh am I now? In that case I’ll have to remove them for you” she playfully and seductively wriggled her way out of her clothing, tossing each piece onto the floor as she went. “Getting better...master?”

He replied by descending upon her, covering her body with his as the lights in his room dimmed, then turned off. For the rest of the evening, they both quelled their hunger for each other. They ended up twisted in the bed linens together, completely spent.

Callie lay cuddling with Johnathan, “It’s a shame Kassandra wasn’t able to join us. Perhaps she might be able to another night.”

"Yeah, if that prick Lionel would leave her the fuck alone," he growled softly as he spoke.

“Hopefully he’ll get what’s coming to him sooner or later.” Callie sighed. “There are times I wish I didn’t have this damn thing on!” She ran her fingers over her inhibitor.

Turning Callie's head gently, Johnathan started to look at the device. "You sure there’s no way to remove this thing?"

Callie shook her head. “No, the only one who can is the doctor.”

Sighing in defeat, he leaned in and gently kissed where the implant was in her skin. "Well, one day, I promise you, we will get this out of you, my love.

Callie smiled. “I hope so John, I don’t want to be stuck with this thing forever.”

He smiled at her and gave her another few kisses along the side of her neck. "No, my dear.... the only thing that you are stuck with me!" He gave her an impish grin as he spoke.

Callie grinned. “Just because I’m your first, it doesn’t mean that you’ll want to spend the rest of your life with me John. You might find another woman out there that you will adore more than me.”

He stpped and gave her a curious look. "Do you want me to find someone else?"

Callie shook her head. “Heavens! No!!” She gave him a loving kiss. “I’m just saying don’t limit yourself, enjoy life. I’ll be here regardless. You don’t think I’m going to give up enjoying this with you, do you?”

He sighed happily after the kiss. "I don't know what I was thinking. Forget I said anything?"

Callie nodded. “Of course I will. In-fact I’m looking forward to Kass joining us another time.”



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