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Home Is Where…

Posted on Mon May 15th, 2023 @ 11:42am by
Edited on on Mon May 15th, 2023 @ 1:10pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: ISS Vengeance, CPO Finley's quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1800
2860 words - 5.7 OF Standard Post Measure

It was the end of the day and Muri had finished her chores in Flight control, and using the summons from Chief Finley, made her way to his cabin, to begin her nightly chores. She entered the cabin, knowing he would not be there yet, and set about cleaning.

A short while later, Chuck entered his cabin, removing his uniform jacket as he did so. "Ahh... finally home!"

Muri came out of his bedroom, wearing nothing as normal. "Did you have a good day?" She asked.

Turning to see Muri dressed, or not dressed, Chuck smiled happily as he met her in the middle. "It was okay. We are still going over the shuttles to verify that that all the systems are free of any more sabotage."

"That is good. The last thing you need is to be blamed for that man's actions." Muri replied warmly.

Chuck frowned at the mention of Pulmer. "He's a piece of garbage. While I know assassination is a unspoken method of advancement, we are all alone out here. The only Terrans within seventy thousand lightyears are on these three ships. Well, four if you count the Robertson's scout ship."

"Men want power no matter what their station. Perhaps he thought the boy was not worthy?"

Hearing her tone, Chuck moved closer and slid his right hand up into the hair on the back of Muri's head. He then closed his hand into a fist and jerked her head backwards as he growled dangerously. "That boy, as you call him, is not only an Imperial military hero, but the chief of the department and your superior." He forced her down to her knees then kept speaking. "Don't force me to punish you for blatant disrespect!"

"You called him a boy first," she reminded him her gaze on his. "Or do you forget what you said to me when I was given to you?" She knew he could kill her, she doubted he would. "That you were a man and he is a boy."

Chuck pulled his left hand back to strike Mur'Trolla, then froze. He realized that she was right. Clenching his jaw a few times, he lowered his hand and released his hold on her head. Straightening back up, he looked down at her, a fire burning deep in the back of his eyes. "Be careful what you say, even in here. His woman is the Chief of Intelligence, remember? You think it would be difficult for her to plant listening devices wherever she wanted to?" He moved over to the single overstuffed chair and dropped his large frame down into it.

After a few beats, he looked over at her. "Come here, sit with me."

She walked over feeling wary but still confident that he would not hurt her, at least not in an harsh way. She sat down on his lap. She knew that despite it all, she was still a slave, and no matter how much he professed his love, that gap remained there.

After she sat down, Chuck lifted his right hand to her head again. Though this time, it was gentle, lovingly caressing the left side of her face and neck. "Please forgive me. I'm very stressed and I treated you poorly. I promised you that you would be safe with me, and look what I almost did. I am sorry, my love. My actions were inexcusable."

She smiled at him. "You didn't hurt me Chuck," She said softly. "You were quite masterful in fact."

Seeing her smile at him, caused Chuck's spirits to soar. "I never want to hurt you, Muri," he said softly. "At least...not in a bad way." A playful look flicked behind his eyes.

"Do you want to hurt me in a good way Master?" she asked him noting his look.

As soon as she asked the question, he shook his head. "Not tonight, my love. Tonight, I just want to enjoy our time together. Take a shower, have some dinner, and relax before we go to bed." He paused, then added, pulling a data crystal from his pocket. "That reminds me, I spoke to the slave master and told him that you would be staying in my cabin indefinitely, as I require your assistance in keeping my energy level up, especially since Pulmer is now in the brig and the Flight department is down a pair of hands."

"Oh that sounds like a wonderful thing Master," she said with a grin. "I believe you will enjoy it as well."

"I hope you will enjoy it just as much, Muri," he replied softly, as his hand slid to her back.

"Hmmm of course." She leaned closer and chose to be bold and brush her lips across his.

Chuck moved his arms around Muri and be kissed her back, a soft purr sounding in his throat.

Muri nipped at his lip and smiled. "Are you still mad at me?" she asked softly.

"How could I stay mad at the woman I love?" He replied softly, while his right hand continued to moved over her bare back.

"Hmm shall I start dinner?" Muri asked softly. "Or do you want to do other things first?"

"Let's eat first. Then a relaxing shower together."

Muri slid from his lap with a smile. "I will go start it."

"And I'll get the drinks." Once Muri had moved to the replicator, Chuck stood and moved to the small bar he had installed before they left Spacedock. Opening the cabinet, he selected a bottle of Romulan Ale, vintage 2200. "Supposedly, this was a good year."

Muri wouldn't know and she merely smiled and replicated their meals and placed it on the dining table.

When Chuck stepped over to the table, he poured two glasses. "My love," he began. "While I find your beauty without compare, you do know that you can wear clothes while we are alone. I want you to feel comfortable here, in our space."

"I am fine" She replied. "Besides, as you said, the Chief of Intelligence could be watching."

He shrugged. "You would wear clothing outside of my cabin. You are allowed to wear clothing, my love."

"Outside the cabin it is expected." Muri replied. "And I am a Slave. That is an unchangeable fact."

"Actually," he corrected, "it isn't unchangeable. Already two slaves were granted their freedom on this very ship. I will ask Lieutenant Anderson to see about doing the same for you."

"I have no skills other than my body, he will not agree." Muri shrugged. "It is what it is."

Chuck gave her a soft, sad smile. "That's not true, my love. You are a healer as well. You gave me back something I thought long extinguished." He reached over and lifted her left hand to his lips, gently kissing her knuckles.

"Illegally," she whispered. "If you tell them that, they kill us both."

Chuck got quiet. He knew that! It was just...he wanted to keep her safe from anyone else on the ship. And the only way to do that was to secure her freedom. "I know...I just..." he was starting to feel defeated.

Muri took a breath. "I have been hearing things, You need to show the higher ups you are loyal. That may mean you need to... find another to share your bed. A slave is not considered proper material if you are to succeed."

His eyes flashed briefly. "If my years of faithful service don't show that I'm loyal, then putting my dick in someone else won't change that fact!" His eyes softened some as he continued. "Besides...I don't want anyone else but you, Muri." He reached over and gently touched her face.

She nodded. "But I would have thought that if you played the game you would gain more power and... then maybe you could buy me?"

Chuck considered her words. Then he turned and knelt down before her. "My love, it would make me happy without end to do so. But, I will not sully myself with another woman to do it. You are the only woman I want to be with. We will find a way, I promise you." He stood and pulled her up into his arms, holding her against his chest lovingly.

Muri snuggled against him. "I know, but right now I am a detriment to you." She said softly.

He reached up and gently lifted her chin, so that their eyes met. "Never think that, beloved! I am a better man with you by my side than I ever was before we met." He leaned down and kissed her tenderly.

Muri kissed him back. She knew he needed to start thinking of his career. Gently she broke the kiss. "No one said you had to sleep with the woman," she reminded him, "And I am sure there are some around who are dumb enough for you to trick, or if not, align yourself with someone more powerful."

Nodding, Chuck considered Muri's words. "I will look into it, my love. But for now, let's enjoy our evening together."

Muri nodded and they sat down and ate their meal.


After dinner, Chuck moved to his small bar and pulled out another bottle. This time, a nice bottle of Port. He poured some into two sippers, recorked the bottle and carried the two small glasses back to the table. "Here, try this. It's Port Wine, a dessert wine. It's meant to be sipped."

She took the glass warily. "If they test me and find more than wine in my system." She said softly.

"They will not test you, my love," he said softly. "Remember what I said earlier? You don't have to return to the slave pens. This," he looked around the small cabin. "Is your home now." After speaking, he had a thoughtful look on his face.

She nodded, but she also knew that this freedom could be revoked at any time. She sipped the drink.

Chuck slowly sipped his wine as well, his mind working over their problem.

Muri didn't finish the drink, it was not really to her taste and she placed it down on the coffee table. "I apologise, I do not like it." she said honestly

Chuck smiled softly at her. "That's alright, my love. You don't have to like it. I want you to always feel safe enough to be honest with me."

Muri nodded and sat quietly. She would wait and see what he wanted her to do.

As he continued to enjoy his wine, Chuck noticed that Muri was being very quiet. Putting down the glass, he looked over at her and asked, "What's wrong, my love?"

She looked at him directly, "You know what we were speaking of earlier? That you need to find someone with more... clout than me? I want you to think on it."

Chuck nodded and smiled softly. "I will. I promise. But for tonight, I just want to relax and enjoy the evening with you."

"Very well." she said with a smile. "What would you like to do tonight?"

"Well," he said with a grin. "As we have enjoyed a delicious dinner, I think we both have earned a luxurious soak in the bath." A bit of mischief twinkled in his eyes. "Don't you, my love?"

She smiled. "I shall go draw it." she stood.

Chuck smiled back at Mur'Trolla as she passed him. He then finished his port wine and took the glasses to the replicator to recycle and replace them with new ones. Once that was done, he put the glasses and wine bottle away, before securing the cabinet and making his way to the bedroom. As he moved, he started to remove his clothing. While he could just drop them on the floor for Mur'Trolla to pick them up, as was her duty as a slave, he decided to show her the respect to drop them into the reclimator chute himself. Standing in just his boxer briefs, he continued on to the bathroom, where he could hear the water running and Mur'Trolla was humming a soft melody to herself.

"That's beautiful," he said softly to her. "What was that?"

She blushed. "A childhood song from one of the slaves I knew as a child."

He sat down on the edge of the tub and looked at her lovingly. "Would you sing it for me?"

She shook her head. "No I do not sing." she said softly. "And it is in a different language that i do not know the words"

Chuck seemed a bit let down by this. This he asked, hope in his voice. "Would you keep humming it then? It was very beautiful and soothing."

Muri nodded and went back to her humming as she finished drawing the bath. "It's ready."

Chuck closed his eyes and smiled softly as he listened to the soft melody. He could feel his worries start to melt away. Then, when Mur'Trolla told him that the bath was ready, he opened his eyes and sighed quietly. "That was very lovely. Thank you for sharing it with me." He then stood and removed his underwear. He moved over and deposited them in the bathroom reclimator. He then moved back to the tub and climbed in, relishing the warm water. Before sitting, he offered his hand to Mur'Trolla, to help her climb in with him. There was more than enough room for them both inside.

She took his hand and climbed into the bath and knelt before him in the tub. She then ran her hands up his thighs gently.

Looking down at her, Chuck was quickly becoming aroused by her mere proximity to his member. The fact that she was touching him like she was and looking up at him as she was added fuel to the growing inferno that she was building in him.

Her lips curved and she shifted so she straddled him. But she didn't touch his member, instead she pressed her lips to his neck.

Turning his head to the side, Chuck moaned softly. His member, now fully engorged, throbbed against her warm center. He slowly moved his hands up and down her back, enjoying the softness and warmness that her flesh always seemed to possess. While he wanted to consume her, he would allow her the right to move things along. For now.

Muri felt him shift beneath her. She smiled and began to nibble on his neck and collar bone as she teased him.

Feeling her tease him, Chuck growled slightly, a playful warning to her to be careful. His hands slid down to her perfect ass and he squeezed both cheeks.

Muri wanted the man to come out and play, she wanted him to make her behave. She gently placed her fingers on his forehead even as her mouth brushed across his and she joined their minds.

Chuck gasped with pleasure as he felt their minds connect. While they didn't go all the way into their joined mindscape, he could feel how she was feeling.

Growling louder, he moved his hands to her hips and pushed her down onto his hungry member, filling her completely as he did so. ~You are mine!~ he spoke into her mind across their link. ~No one else will ever touch you again! If any try, I will kill them!~

Muri gasped as he took her and spoke to her via their mind link. ~Promise?~ She asked even as she began to move.

Looking into her eyes, he spoke with determination and fire. "I swear it!" He kissed her as they continued to move as one. Over their link, he opened his mind, to show her just how much he would do to protect her. He also showed her just how much he claimed her as his. He offered himself to her just as fully.

Muri did the same, showing him her thoughts, how she knew he needed to marry better than her, find someone who would bare his children and help him grow, because she could not.

The idea of someone else giving him children lit a spark of anger inside his mind. Reaching up with his right hand, he took a firm hold of her hair and pulled her head back so he could look into her eyes. "Whatever it takes, YOU will be the only one to give me sons and daughters!"

Her lower lip trembled. "And what if I cannot?"

With pure love and commitment, he replied without hesitation. "Then we will adopt!"

She nuzzled his neck and hid her face in his shoulder.

He held her close to him as they stopped moving for moment. "Muri," he said softly. "You are the only one I want to spend my life with, no matter the situation. I love you."

Muri nipped at his earlobe. "I love you" she replied.

Chuck growled softly and flexed his member, which was still buried deep inside of Mur'Trolla's warm center. He then started to thrust into her again and spent the next two hours loving every part of her.



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