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Return to Court

Posted on Mon Nov 28th, 2022 @ 5:24am by Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:33pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: various
Timeline: Date 2371-07-11 at 1030
2323 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Released by her father, having signed what he wanted her to sign, Elana had spent two more days at the China House relaxing and finishing her current assignments. Now she, dressed in what she called her court clothes, of a pale peach coloured suit and matching heels, stepped from her chambers.

Maria who had spent the morning helping her Highness pack followed her out. She snapped her fingers and two servants hurried past and came out with the luggage for her Highness.

Elana looked at Kyle, a knowing smile on her lips. "We go to Rio," she said softly. Where the Royal court was currently situated.

Kyle bowed respectfully. "At once, my Lady." He then straightened up and commanded, "Pretorians!" As soon as he said the word, the rest of his team snapped to and formed a protective circle around himself, Princess Elana and her hand maiden, Maria. Kyle took his place on the Princess's left and one pace behind her. While there certainly wasn't any threat of attack here, he and his men would do there jobs to the letter no matter what.

The group moved out of the China House and quickly boarded the two waiting shuttles. In one was the pilot, Kyle, Elanna and Maria. In the other were Kyle's team. "Lift off and head to the Royal properties in Rio." Kyle instructed the pilot, then moved aft to speak to Her Royal Highness. "The trip will take about three hours, Your Highness. You might want to sit back and relax."

Elana nodded and sat in her seat for a moment before holding out a hand to Maria who handed her a PADD.

"The current list of courtiers, Your Highness," Maria said.

"And their allegiances?"

"As far as I have been able to ascertain."

Elana nodded and began to read.

Seeing that his charge was comfortable, Kyle returned to the front of the runabout and took up position in the antechaber between the cockpit and the rear cabin. There, he started to go over his own intelligence reports.

Elana and Maria spent the trip converseing in low tones about the various lords and allegiances. Elana was very wary of her sister in laws family. And she knew that Giuseppe was not to be trusted and that a wounded animal was the most viscous. They made plans for interactions with each of the major players and Elana knew that she was now a target for her brother Giuseppe and the Lords who want to extend their influence.

An hour into the flight, Kyle finished of his reports. He left the antechamber and moved forward, to check on the pilots and the flight. Afterwards, when he was satisfied with what he saw and heard, he moved aft again. Pressing the door chime on the aft cabin, where the Princess and Maria were located.

The door opened and Maria stood there a smile on her lips. "Yes Captain?" She asked.

A warm, lop-sided grin suddenly filled Kyle's face. "I was just checking on you both," he said quietly as his eyes swam in hers. "Wanted to ensure you both were comfortable."

Elana's voice from behind Maria said, "Yup, but you can take her, if you wish." There was a lilt of laughter in the Princess' voice. "I am not needing her at this moment."

Kyle's eyes widened for a beat, then he cleared his throat. "Ehem..yes, Your Highness. There are a few matters they Maria and I should discuss, prior to our arrival. In regards to your arrival, that is, My Lady." He blushed slightly as he felt like he was yamming a bit.

Maria laughed and pushed him out the door as they both heard Elana giggle.

As Kyle allowed Maria to move him back, he quickly turned the tables and pulled her into his small office, closing and locking the door behind them, before pulling her into his arms and kissing her deeply.

Maria gasped into his mouth and then after returning the kiss, drew back. "We shouldn't" she whispered.

"Why not?" He gave her an roguish grin. The Princess did say that I could take you, if I wish. I'd hate to disobey her." He continued to grin impishly at her.

Maria licked her lips. "We need to be presentable for court, having sex right now is not going to help that."

Kyle's eyes went to Maria's tongue as it skid over the lips he found so delicious. With a sigh, he conceded her logic. "Very well. You're right, of course. Though, if I don't mess up your hair or makeup....?" His impish grin returned.

"Tonight, once she is safely in her chambers" Maria whispered. "I promise."

He gently brought her hands up to his lips and placed tender kisses on her knuckles. "I'll hold you to that, my lady." He gave a smile that belonged only to her as he finished speaking.

"I will pay up, do not worry about that. And yes, Elana knows about us." She added for him.

He arched an eyebrow. "How did she find out? I know I haven't said anything to anyone."

"I told her" Maria said softly. "She has to know. The last thing we need is her believing we are plotting against her."

Realizing that, again, she was right, Klye nodded. "And I take it, she doesn't disapprove. I mean, her statement seemed to support that."

"No she does not disapprove," Maria said. "She is fine as long as we are professional."

Nodding, Kyle calmed down. "Then we won't disappoint her or abuse her trust in us." He leaned in and gave her a tender, loving kiss on her lips. A promise for things to come.

"No indeed" She smiled and kissed Kyle back gently. "Now you said we had things to discuss."

"Well, that was mostly just said, to get you alone," he grinned easily at her. "Though, perhaps we could have a quick snack, before we land?"

"Of course, let me take a tea tray to her Highness first." Maria smiled.

Nodding, Kyle replied. "I'll get something set up in here."

Maria smiled and headed off to prepare the tea tray for Elana.

After she left, Kyle made good on his word, ordering up a nice lunch for the two of them. Once they arrive, who knew when they would finally be able to have dinner, so he ordered accordingly. As he turned his small desk into a table, he ordered the computer to play a selection of Maria's favorite music that had a gentle beat to it. Next, he replicated a single orchid and placed it in the center of the food setting.

Once everything was set, he simply waited for her to return.

Maria delivered the tray she had made to Elana and once dismissed she returned to the small office. She smiled as she entered. "So what's for lunch?"

Kyle smiled and lifted the cover off of their plates, revealing one of her favorite lunches. He had certainly done his homework.

Maria kissed his cheek. "You amaze me." She said as they sat down to eat.

As they ate, they continued to talk about their lives, both in service and out. At one point, Kyle asked, "Do you think the Princess will pick a new courtier soon, to appease her parents, or remain chaste?"

"As to that I am not sure. I have not broached the subject nor has she." Maria said . "But if she is to remain in their good books, she would do well to find someone they approve of."

Kyle nodded slowly. "Whomever she ultimately chooses, we must do all we can to support her, obviously."

"Yes but we must also be aware of the fact that there are others at court who will try to use her, draw her in. I am not saying that is what happened, but I know the chance of it happening is there."

Kyle nodded again. "Then we will remain vigilant. I will do all I can to protect her from physical threats. You, as her trusted aide, will have to contend with the intellectual ones."

"Oh do not worry," Maria smiled.

Kyle smiled in reply.

A short while later, the shuttle pilot informed them that they would soon begin their landing approach.

"You'd best go tell the Princess," Kyle said with a smile. As they stood up, he stole a quick kiss. Not enough to mess up Maria's make-up, just enough to make them both smile at each other.

Maria smiled and headed off. Now the games began again.

When the shuttle landed, Elana exited the passenger compartment with Maria and headed for the hatch.

Kyle bowed to the Princess, then moved off ahead of her. Before he opened the hatch, he waited for the go ahead from his team, who had already landed and were securing the landing area. Finally, he nodded as he listened to the report through a hidden earpiece. "It's time, M'Lady," he said to her, as he opened the hatch and stepped out first, acting as the next line of defense in Her Royal Highness’s protection. Once he was satisfied that the area was safe, Kyle sidestepped to his left, allowing the Princess to exit the shuttle.

Elana took a breath and straightened her shoulders. She glanced at Maria who nodded. Then Elana exited the shuttle and headed for the palace.

As the Princess moved, her protection detail encircled her, keeping everyone at a safe distance from her, unless she instructed otherwise. Kyle stayed on her left side and one pace behind, his eyes constantly moving, looking for any sign of danger.

The group entered the palace to be greeted by one of the Emperor's flunkies. This flunkie was one of those Elana could not stand. He bowed, not deep enough, Elana noted but she chose not to say anything.

"Your.. Royal Highness" the oily man said with an ingratiating smile.

"Advisor Kyrt" Her reply was curt.

"His excellency informed us of your..... return. Unfortunately the quarters you would normally use are... undergoing refurbishment." he began.

"What a load of crap." Elana interrupted. "You lie well Kyrt. My mother assured me that my normal rooms are ready. Do you go against Her?"

The man paled. This Princess was meant to be the quiet accepting one, and the one in trouble with the Emperor. He had thought by keeping her away from the family, the rift would grow and it would be usable with him, to be able to show the new crown prince that his sister did not support him. But she obviously was not going to play.

Elana gave him a narrowed eye'd look and moved to walked past him.

He stepped into her path.

"Captain Reece?" Elana queried.

Kyle was already moving before the Princess had spoken. The rest of his team had also moved closer, closing the protective ring around Her Royal Highness. Kyle quickly and effectively secured the offending fool in a reverse arm lock with one arm and a head lock with the other. He then leaned back, lifting the smaller man almost off of his feet.

"Remove this... offal from my path and place him in the dungeons until I can speak with my father,"

"At once, my Lady." He then spun the man around to two of the closer detail members. They both rook firm holds of the man, and started to drag him away when Kyle nodded to them both. "Keep him separate from the other prisoners. No one is to go near him until I say otherwise."

His men nodded and dragged the sputtering fool away.

Kyle then turned back to Elana and dipped his head respectfully. "If my Lady is ready to continue?"

She inclined her head and with her group, moved further into the palace. As they walked several courtiers came out bowed and curtseyed but none approached. Looks and whispers filled the air after the group passed and they headed up the stairs to the main floors of the palace and down to the family wing.

As they grew closer to the Royal apartments, Kyle's team started to peel off and take guard positions along the hall. This far in, the Palace Guard was in charge of protecting the Royal Family in attendance. As the lead of her protection detail, he alone was allowed to accompany her further.

Maira paused and pressed the comm in her ear. "Their Excellencies have been informed of your arrival. Family dinner tonight."

Elana nodded. "As expected. Find out which of my siblings are here. And you can brief me later on it."

Maria nodded and headed for her office with a smile.

Kyle watched Maria peel off and head to her office, while he continued along with the Princess. While they were in the Imperial Palace, he knew that he was to stay silent, unless either spoken too or an emergency situation arose.

Elana walked to her normal suite of rooms and keyed the lock. "Captain Reece, would you sweep my room please make sure no listening devices are within"

Kyle nodded respectfully. "At once, Your Highness." He then reached into one of the pouches on his belt and pulled out a trio of small metallic orbs. After kneeling down, he rolled them into her front room. Once he stood back up, he activated the control mechanism on his left wrist, activating the orbs.

All three beeped twice, then sped off into three directions, scouring the Princess's apartments with sensor sweeps.

Less than two minutes later, they rolled back to him and his picked them up, putting them back in the pouch. Turning to the Princess, Kyle nodded once. "All clear, Your Highness."

She smiled, nodded and entered the suite. "Thank you Captain,"

He bowed his head respectfully, then stepped aside, to allow the Princess entrance to her secured apartments. He then took up his position outside her door.


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