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A Long First Day

Posted on Wed Jan 26th, 2022 @ 11:18am by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Lounge
Timeline: MD 3, 1630 hours
1387 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy had come aboard seven hours ago. Most of the morning had been obtaining his lodging, getting his physical sorted and starting his walkabout of the ship. He was one who wanted to get the lay of the land, not just geographically, but also to get a feel for the people who lived there. It was a useful trait that could mean the difference between life and death.

Even now, with his stop in the lounge at the end of the day watch was a calculated stop. He wanted to see who was stopping in for a drink immediately after shift.

Troy crossed to the bar and took a seat at the far end from the door. He wanted to observe those coming and going. He sat there casually looking about as if he were any other officer or crewmember after a long day at work.

Ami looked up from where she had been cleaning glasses and with a professional smile moved down the bar to him. "Good evening Lieutenant. What can I get you to drink?" she asked as she skidded to a stop.

Troy looked at the attractive bartender for a moment before glancing at the array of visible bottles of beer and spirits on the shelves behind her. "Mmm...How about...Budweiser Classic, 16 ounce aluminum bottle."

She gave him her bartender smile and nodded "Sure, Coming up" She reached below the bar and pulled out the frosty bottle. She popped the top and placed it before him. "Welcome to the Maelstrom Lounge Lieutenant. First beverage is on the house."

Troy chuckled as he lifted the bottle to his lips and gave it a steep tilt. It was a good five seconds before he placed the bottle on the countertop. "It just so happens that when someone tells you it's free. That is when it is the most expensive."

"Maybe but not in my bar." She replied. "I do not do shady deals."

Troy breathed a sigh of relief. Civilians aboard Imperial warships was often a hindrance to security and he had the feeling that his job would be difficult enough with the Captain's son as his Deputy Chief of Security. He glanced about. It would be nice to have a place to come and relax after stressful days. "I'll take your word on that." He turned back to Ami. "So how do you like running a tavern?"

Ami flashed a bright smile at him. "I love it. Its a great place to people watch and I meet so many new people!"

Troy returned her smile with one of his own. He glanced at the door as a pair of uniformed enlisted stepped in and sidled up to the bar. He turned his gaze back to Ami. "Put their first round on me."

Nodding Ami shifted down the bar to take the pair's order. She was efficient and professional with a warmth not normally seen in the Empire.

Troy went back to his people watching as he sat at the end of the bar. He was actually enjoying a quiet moment when the two enlisted folks made their way over.

Ami passed the pair their drinks and moved off to serve another person.

Moira moved to thank the Lieutenant. "Thank you Lieutenant, for the drink" she said with a smile.

Finley stepped over as well, holding the beer in his artificial left hand. "Yes, Sir. Thank you for this." The Chief Petty Officer then asked, "Forgive me for asking, what was this for, Sir?"

Troy gestured at the pair with his beer. "Despite reputations that Chief Security Officers are hard-wired to be arrogant sycophants for Command, not all of us are. Plus, it is beneficial to have friends in all ranks throughout the ship. We all are, after all, servants of the Empire."

Finley thought about it for a few beats, then nodded. "As you say, Sir. Thank you." He extended his right hand in greeting. "Chief Petty Officer Chuck Finley, Shuttlebay Manager, Sir."

"Crewman Moira Hartha, Analyst in Intelligence." Moira said.

Troy looked at both of them for a moment before smiling. He glanced at Chuck. "I do appreciate the rendering of military courtesy." He then glanced at Moira. "I believe the lovely crewman here has the spirit of what the lounge is for."

Troy stood up from his chair. "Oi, everyone listen up." He pointed at the door. "You walk through that door while off your watch standing, you leave your rank outside." He turned to Ami. "I will sign a memorandum for this and have it you to post at the entrance by the end of the hour."

Ami merely smiled. "Sure, no problem." She said "Oh and can we limit security oversight?" She asked impishly. "Some crew get drunk and happy drunks make more money."

Troy chuckled. "I'll take it up with the Chief of Security." He gave Ami a wink. "What's in it for me?"

"the friendship of a grateful bartender" She slid fresh drinks to the trio.

Troy nodded his head. "We have an accord then Madame."

Ami flashed him a warm smile and moved down the bar.

Moira meanwhile sipped her drink. "She runs a good establishment."

"Aye," Chuck agreed with a smile. He then lookedback at Troy and nodded. "Thank you again." He raised his beer in a toast to the other man.

Troy returned the gesture before retaking his seat. He brought the beer bottle to his lips for a sip as he returned to his people watching. He waved Ami over after a couple of minutes of sitting by himself.

Ami walked over carrying a tray, on it was several bowls of bar snacks. She placed them down as she walked over and placed the last one before him. "Yes Lieutenant."

He gave the young woman a friendly smile. "Could you keep my tab open for the next hour. First drink for the enlisted will be on me. Just tell them the person who is buying their first round prefers to remain anonymous."

"Sure. Lieutenant Marshall right?" Ami said with a smile.

"That would be me." Troy winked at the lovely bartender.

Ami's eyes laughed as she made a note of the tab. "Just one hour. All noted. My servers will know this."

Troy nodded as he handed over his still full bottle of beer to Ami. "Thank you. Your hospitality to your patrons is greatly appreciated and matched only by your beauty and grace."

"Why thank you Lieutenant" She said cheerfully and dropped a curtsey even as she began washing glasses.

Troy pulled out his PADD and typed out the promised memorandum regarding off duty attendance in the lounge. He finished up by placing his thumbprint to sign the document before sending it to Ami.

The PADD She kept under the bar pinged. She gave it a glance and smiled at Troy. "Thank you."

Troy smiled back. "Call me Troy, especially since we know leave rank at the door."

"You can call me Ami" She replied. "Do you want another drink?"

Troy shook his head and gave the woman a wry grin. "Didn't drink the first one. No real need for a second." He glanced about the lounge at the 20 or so folks. "Just wanted to get a feel for the people who came in."

"They are pretty tame this evening" She said casually. "It can get busy closer to the end of Beta shift."

Troy thought perhaps he would come back later then to see how the lounge was at peak hours. "Well, thank you for the hospitality Ami. I am sure we will see more of each other." Troy rose from his seat and strolled out of the lounge.

As Troy spoke with Ami, Chuck turned to Moira and asked. "Would you like to move one of the tables with me, we could talk and get to know each other?"

Moira nodded and let him lead her to the tables.

When they reached the rear most table, Chuck pulled out onr of the chairs that had its back to the bulkhead. He offered it Moira. "I don't know about you, but I try never to sit with my back to the room."

"I am the same, most of the time." She replied and they sat and got to know each other.



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