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Hands On Experimentation II

Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2022 @ 3:48am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant Dr. Daniel Brasken
Edited on on Wed Nov 16th, 2022 @ 3:48am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 16 at 2145
2929 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure


It was not often that Ilan found herself handled in such a way; more often than not, she was the one doing the handling even if she was taking a submissive role in the main event. He moved with a purpose that almost left her breathless, and before she really knew what was happening she found herself lifting her hips and then her lower body suddenly bare. She was just starting to sit up as she was pulled forward, so went falling back and then before she knew it she felt his mouth between her legs.

"Gods..." She breathed out, her hand finding the back of his head. "Certainly a man who knows what he wants."

Daniel didn't stop to respond, instead he kept at his activity with pointed energy and allowed a low rumble in his throat to roll up through his jaw and lips as he continued for several minutes before straightening up and pulling her closer for her legs to grip his waist and then lifting her up and making their way to the neat and tidy bed. He turned his back to it and sat down so she could rest on his legs as he kissed her hard and a hand made its way into her tank top to tease her breasts as well.

She had to admit in the moment that she was truly quite taken with him. It had been a while since she had been with a man who was truly this assertive with her. Most wanted to tease and in turn she would play coy, but Daniel most definitely did not seem interested in such a game at this point in time. It was fine with her. It didn’t always have to be a quest; sometimes fun suited her just fine. As he lifted her up, she wrapped herself around him and teased his neck. When they sat she adjusted slightly so she was comfortable and found herself locked in a hard embrace with him. When his hands moved up under her top, he found nothing but flesh under the fabric. A soft moan passed her lips and she kissed him again. She was quite content to let him set the pace for now. He was good at it where so many men faltered.

Daniel continued the kiss as his other hand managed to lift up the tank top and then broke away as it required passing between them to be removed from her completely. One of his hands moved around and up into her hair, gripping firmly to pull her head back gently as his other hand and mouth moved around her neck and breasts. Lips, tongue and teeth making themselves known to all of her exposed flesh as he held her head back. He figured she would let him know if something moved badly and continued on his way, eventually letting go of her hair and leaning back to allow himself better leverage to raise his hips in a rolling motion underneath her. "Admittedly not a standard massage methodology, but then what fun is standard?"

“Not much.” Ilan smirked and placed both her hands on Daniel’s chest, shoving him back with surprising strength and then lifting herself up enough that she could open the towel he still had around his hips. Pleased to find him nude instead of sporting underwear, she slid off his lap and down to the floor in front of him. Her hands on his knees, she pushed his legs apart so she could get between them and slowly started kissing and nipping her way up his strong thighs. She took her time, her cheeks and hair brushing up against his manhood now and then but she didn’t give it the attention it so obviously craved.

Daniel was quite content to lay back, his hands moving behind his head and focusing on his breathing. Still, he was unable to stop the shivers and twitches that crawled along his thighs at her attentions. He resisted by keeping his breathing slow and steady, enjoying the sensations while resisting pushing further for now.

When Ilan caught on to his pointed efforts to resist and draw out what she was doing, she pulled back with a smirk and never gave him what he was hoping for. He was playing that he wasn't eager or that interested, and so she would respond to that disinterest. She pulled back from him and placed her arms on his thighs with her breasts nearly pressing into his groin, but not quite.

"No?" She asked simply and innocently, though her green eyes glinted mischievously as she looked at him.

With a low growl, Daniel sat up quickly and grabbed her hair quickly and looked into her eyes. They practically glowed with intensity that bordered on anger if it weren't for the small wrinkle around one side of his lips to suggest a reflection of her own mischievousness. While staring at her eyes, he simply pulled her head forward into his lap. He was hardly about to let his prize get away that easily.

A soft, pleased sound escaped her as he grabbed her hair roughly and she finally allowed a smirk to blossom on her face as she held his gaze. Her fingers dug into his thighs in retaliation, but she didn't fight as he pulled her head back toward his lap. Instead she just chuckled softly, "Well, alright then."

For the next ten minutes or so, Ilan gave Daniel most of what he wanted. She was skilled with her mouth, but unfortunately for Daniel she was skilled enough that she could keep him on the very edge without pushing him over. If he tried to press, she would simply stop. Eventually, she grew tired of this particular game and pulled away from him. Sitting back on her calves, she looked up into his eyes and wiped the corners of her mouth of her saliva with her thumb.

Daniel stood and took her hand to pull her to standing and kissed her firmly. Fingers moving along her sides and digging in to pull her against himself as he broke the kiss and instead moved his mouth to her neck and shoulders as his hips moved to press himself against her body in a much more obvious way before growling low and taking her wrist.

A quick push on her opposite shoulder and twist on her wrist to turn her around and lock her arm behind her back as he leveraged her a couple steps to and then bent her down onto the massage table. He kept a firm hold on her arm as he then used his free hand to guide himself to sink inside of her slowly and intentionally in contrast to the more aggressive indications of his actions to this point.

Ilan hadn't been entirely sure what she had been expecting when initiating the doctor, but it hadn't exactly been this. She loved this kind of surprising twist. She offered no resistance to Daniel at this point and simply took pleasure in being handled as she was. She cooed at his kisses and when he turned her around and pinned her to the table, she bit her lower lip in anticipation. As he started to slide inside of her, she let out a moan and gripped the table with her free hand. She pressed her hips back toward him, biting her lower lip and adjusting her legs a little while she did so.

Daniel let out a low groan as he finished his entrance before growling low again. While keeping a hold of Ilan's one wrist, his other hand moved up and gripped her shoulder tight before he started moving inside her again. Each thrust building in intensity while varying speed and angle slightly. His grip only tightened as he continued more and more until finally he was slamming in hard enough that the table scraped on the floor and he let himself go and his frustrations with her earlier attentions were spent.

Usually, Ilan was laughs and giggles among the moans during these encounters. She brought the fun and enjoyed the fun in equal measure, but this was entirely different than her usual and she was loving it. As the table scraped the floor, she leaned into it more to keep it steady while still holding it with her free hand. She let out a low moan and her eyes closed.

"Fuck you feel good..." She murmured just loud enough to be heard over the slapping of their hips together.

Daniel finally let go of her arm twisted behind her back, but pulled on her shoulder to stand her back up. His mouth found her neck as his now free hand reached around her to stroke between her legs while he was holding still inside her. A low growl as he continued his assault on her neck and held her standing, pressed against him while his fingers worked with only one goal; to make her scream and collapse into his arms.

With the very pointed efforts of both his hands and mouth, it took no time at all for Daniel to reach the goal he had set. Ilan cried out loudly, her head pressing back to his shoulder and her body leaning into his. Her legs trembled, but steadied again after a few beats. She hadn't quite come down completely when she felt him starting to slide from her core. Once he had, she immediately turned on him.

"Oh hells no, I am not done with you at all." As she spoke, she shoved him with surprising strength back onto the bed and crawled over him. She wasted no time in taking hold of his member again and sliding it back into her slick womanhood. One hand went to his neck, the other to his chest and she held him firmly while she began to move.

A large grin spread on Daniel's face as he tightened his neck muscles and leaned into her hold, an almost feral look slowly appearing on his face as his hands moved to her thighs and his fingers dug in hard. His nails, though generally well trimmed, were long enough to dig into her skin and draw just a touch of blood as he used the leverage to match her movements with added intensity.

Ilan gritted her teeth slightly against the pain of his nails digging into her thighs and in response her fingers tightened around his neck. She moaned as she moved, enjoying the rougher experience she was getting with Daniel that had most certainly been unexpected, but not at all unwelcome. It wasn't the first time she had been surprised by a man's taste in bed, but it had been quite a while since it had happened. She liked this kind of surprise - usually.

The slight response to pain was all Daniel needed to see. His blood burned as he pushed further and his head lay back, the low growl becoming guttural before all his muscles tensed. Daniel's grip on her thighs tightened to pull her down onto him as he pressed up and held that position as all his tension focused to a single point in his body and then was released. He fell back a few moments later, breathing deeply and his hands falling to the bed as he attempted to control himself.

A low, satisfied groan escaped from her lips as she felt that sudden tension in his body suddenly dissipate. She took a deep breath, her head tilted back slightly and her eyes closed to just savor the moment. When she opened them, she leaned down over Daniel; her hands found his and pulled them up, pinning them with her own on either side of his head. She leaned in to kiss him, holding the embrace and tugging on his lower lip.

Possibly surprisingly at this point, Daniel did not struggle against her hold as he lay there and enjoyed her touch with a deep and satisfied breath. Opening his eyes at the tug on his lip he smiled up at her, his eyes making sure to catch hers. "Told you it was more thorough than it started. Though admittedly perhaps we should have agreed on a stop word ahead of time."

"Mmm... probably." Ilan agreed with a chuckle and kissed him again while running her fingers through his hair. "We'll do that next time." Flashing him a grin, she stole one more kiss and then moved to get off of him. She stretched and rolled her neck, then got up off the bed to head to the bathroom to clean up.

While she cleaned up, Daniel did his own cleanup with the earlier towel after searching for a moment. Pulling his pants back on he called into the next room. "What do you think of the Kazon as a template? We have ample test material and it is hard to argue their more aggressive appearance might have some appeal for foot soldiers."

Ilan wrapped herself in the navy robe supplied by the hotel and walked back out to the main room while Daniel spoke. She brushed her hair back behind her shoulders and stretched. "I think with the species we have encountered so far, the Kazon are the best option. They are formidable and their body structure lends itself well to our goal." She took a seat in one of the chairs and looked out of the window.

"I wonder how compatible with Klingon DNA they would be." She mused to herself. "We have quite a bit of information on that to toy with."

"Mm, true. The redundant organs could certainly come in handy, but at the same time can cause all kinds of difficult genetic tangles to deal with." Daniel stood and moved to stand behind Ilan, his hands resting on her shoulders and letting his thumbs press into the muscles there gently. His gaze was out the window as well as he continued to muse out loud. "The real question would come down to making them loyal without removing all higher brain function."

"Well, it can't just be Kazon, that would be boring." Ilan chuckled and relaxed under his hands. "They don't need emotions. Reasoning can be a bit tricky - we don't want them to just walk into the proverbial cannon fire of course, that will probably be the biggest hurdle. Reasoning, but not too much reasoning."

"The options as I see it are cognitive limitations, chemical dependency or some sort of belief system. The first has problems that you already identified. Not much use if they cannot consider tactics and such, we might as well just design a bunch of drones and send them out." Daniel squeezed her shoulders one more time before making his way around her to lounge on a chair across the way. "Chemical dependency of course means making sure they are unable to recreate it themselves or they might start to think they don't need us."

"Belief system is easy enough and would be done anyways - a much more pointed version of re-education given to wayward citizens and slaves." Ilan pointed out. "Chemical dependency... maybe. You'd be in trouble if they ever ran out in a situation though. Withdrawals will make even the strongest of beings crumble."

"Wouldn't be much different than any other supply breakdown really. Underfed, medicated or armed will also collapse depending on how the dependency is implemented." Daniel rubbed at his chin as he thought further. "Perhaps something fat soluble, so it can store up over time and would then also take a day or two for its loss to be noticed by the body?"

“That would probably be the best choice if we decide to go that route, yes.” Ilan replied though she still didn’t sound convinced it was the right avenue. It was a solution to be sure, but it was an inelegant one that could cause more problems than potentially help.

“If they weren’t so irritating to design armor around, I’d say we could give them Cardassian necks just for the aesthetic value.” She giggled then and jumped on the bed. Rolling over onto her stomach, she bent her legs up and crossed them at the ankles. Her robe had flipped up enough to reveal a healthy portion of her still bare rear end, but she made no move to cover herself up.

"Clearly you are still too wound up to be taking this seriously." Daniel stood and moved over to the bed as his eyes ran along her form as she lay on her stomach. "Perhaps you are in need of another massage to help work out the excess energy?"

As he approached, Ilan rolled over again and looked up at him with sweetness in her expression. "Well, I wouldn't want to tire you out. Doctors aren't known for their stamina." Her words were teasing, but she knew exactly the outcome she was hoping to elicit by calling his ability to perform into question.

Daniel knew her barb was intentional to get a reaction from him and could have ignored the response it caused in himself. Instead though he leaned into it and grabbed her feet and pulled her off the bed roughly to the floor then straddled her stomach as his hands moved, one to grab her hair and hold her head against the bed as his other went between her legs. "Let us see just how much stamina you have..."



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