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A Bump In the Night

Posted on Mon Dec 5th, 2022 @ 8:42pm by Giuseppe Orsini & Princess Jessica Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:37pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Patriot Manor, New York
Timeline: Date 2371-07-12 at 0030
4251 words - 8.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Jessica Silva Orsini sat on the couch, her legs folded underneath her, a bowl of popcorn in her lap, and a tall glass of pink wine in her hand. I’m the screen before her, the romantic comedy flashed the familiar face of the protagonist woman sitting with her friends in a local diner discussing the man of her desire. She was long haired, blonde, and desperately emotionally stunted. Jessica shoved a handful of popcorn between her pouty lips. She sat in a short pink lingerie garment made of a silky hot-pink material with matching painted nails and toes.

Waiting for Giuseppe to come home had become an extended affair as it so often did as he was out doing gods knew what with gods knew who and she was left, gorgeous, famous, wealthy, and very much alone. Her desire to add some of his spark with her own personal attentions had failed this evening, as he was no where to be found. She decided, for once to indulge herself into the wee hours of the morning and hope the popcorn, wine, and bad writing would dull the pain. It hadn’t really.

Jessica would be left for another fifteen minutes of peace and then the hurricane came sweeping in. It was obvious he was angry by the way he was stomping around. He breezed past her without so much as greeting her and headed down the hall toward the nursery. His steps gentled, and he walked inside to go and see his son. Truthfully the boy was the only thing in this world that he loved. He stood over the cradle, just watching him sleep and trying to find some semblance of calm.

Jessica watched with surprise as Giuseppe came in, tracking his movement from the door to the entrance to the nursery. She found herself annoyed that he didn't notice her, but even more annoyed at the possibility of him waking up Antonio. She took a sip of her wine and placed it on the nearby coffee table with her popcorn, sighing. She stood then, pulling her silky garment to its lowest point on her upper thigh, just shy of showing her matching panties and revealing a healthy amount of cleavage at the top. She walked after him, entering the room in silence and placing a hand on Giuseppe's shoulder.

"Welcome home, darling." she said sweetly, pretending happiness.

Giuseppe reached up and wordlessly took her hand, kissing the backs of her fingers and then holding it against his shoulder. He remained there with her for a few moments, watching Antonio sleep, but did eventually turn and escorted her out of the nursery. He closed the door behind him and spoke in a stern voice, “We need to talk.”

"Okay..." she said, her eyes wide in obvious fear. Giuseppe wasn't predictable and he could be as harsh as he was gentle. She had experienced both pleasure and pain at his hand, and she was never certain which one was coming.

He either didn't notice or didn't care about the fearful look in her eye. He simply held her hand firmly and guided her toward their bedroom so they could have privacy. Once they were inside, he closed the door and began to strip out of his suit. He tossed the pieces onto the chair to be taken care of by their slaves and spoke in a still terse voice. "The meeting did not go well today. Lord Godwin is considering pulling his support."

"Why?" she asked, dismayed clearly by the news. "Has something changed that I haven't heard about?"

She watched him change out of his suit, her hands placed in front of her, clasped. She had just as much skin in this game as him, if not more.

"Not that I am aware of. It seems more like he is simply getting cold feet." Giuseppe noted, stripping down to the basic white undershirt he was wearing on his top and moving over to the dresser to find more comfortable pants than what he was wearing. "Stupid man. Perhaps you can sway him back."

"I'm not sure what I can say to him that you haven't already said.." she said, thinking about the matter at hand. "I can't make a man brave, Giuseppe. I wish I could."

"Maybe you don't have to say anything." He said pointedly and looked over his shoulder at her as he pulled out a pair of his silken lounge pants. The situation seemed to be becoming desperate, and he would use any means necessary to take what was rightfully his, in his mind.

She blinked at him, silent for several seconds. She was clearly not picking up what he was laying down.

"I don't understand.."

“What do you mean you don’t understand?” He asked and undid his belt. “I’m telling you to go to him, talk to him, and see if fucking you would bring him back to our side.”

This time, her expression was one of surprise and dismay. Her full lips parted, those huge sparkling eyes went wide, and she stammered for the space of several seconds.

"Uhh..uhhhuh.." she started. "Giuseppe, are you joking?" she asked, but she knew he wasn't. "I'm your wife..I'm a princess, not a prostitute. I can't believe you would even ask me something like that."

She covered her self with her arms, suddenly wanting to be hidden from him in ways she had previously hoped to reveal to him. Sometimes, she hated this man. Sometimes, he was worse than a monster.

She turned from him and walked back over to the coffee table, grabbing her class of wine and drinking more of it in excited, anxious gulps.

"You are what I made you, Jessica. You're a princess at my pleasure and no one else's, and right now my pleasure is that you play the good little slut like I know you used to for the sake of your son if nothing else." Giuseppe's voice was cold and he squeezed his belt in his hand slightly.

She was aghast, but she understood his mood and she knew that, if she gave him any resistance, she would have bruises to cover up again. This time, maybe even worse. Giuseppe was on the edge; he was getting desperate, and she knew that it was possible she would get hurt. She pushed down her fear and her anger about how he had insulted her and drew near to him. She smiled, playing the good actress.

"I'll think about it, Giuseppe. But, to be honest, I was really hoping to be your little slut tonight." she said. She deserved an award. Right now, he disgusted her, but she was learning to hide that fact very well. She placed her hands on his chest, despite his intense and terrifying demeanor. "You're so stressed. Let me make you feel better."

At least it would buy her some time.

Giuseppe didn't react right away as if he were considering what she was offering, but in the end he turned to her, his belt remaining on one hand while he brought the other up to grab her face by the chin and jaw. "Lord Godwin, Jessica. You will do this."

“Giuseppe, you’re hurting me.” She said, her voice shaking slightly before, pushing his hands off of her face, and taking several steps back. The anger was there now, and they disgust. Two things she'd been hiding from him for a while. “Perhaps I will. At least his not pathetic like you. I bet he doesn’t let other men fuck his wife, for example.”

It hadn’t been shouted, but said, in a calm voice. It was meant to be cutting, as it’s so often used to be, and they would argue before. She had Giuseppe well in hand for a while, but the pressure was getting the better of him, and now he had her in his crosshairs. At times like this, she considered switching sides.

When she backed away, he remained where he was, but when she spoke to him in such a disrespectful manner, he was instantly up to her again. He grabbed her forcefully by her hair and dragged her toward the bed. "Fine, you want me to fuck you? I'll fuck you, but first you need to remember your place."

He spun her around and shoved her face down on the bed, then brought his belt up and then struck her hard on her backside with it.

Jessica didn’t fight the attack. There was no way to calm the man down, she knew, and if she couldn’t do so at first, she had to let him boil over. What he wanted was power, and she would give it to him one way or another. As she felt the sting of the belt, she cried out in pain. So often, he did something like this and immediately went to forcing himself on her. Even with the sting, her body anticipated it and, if she were truly honest, much to her shame, she found she liked it a bit. So, hoping to divert his energy into something less damaging, she assisted him in giving him assess to her bottom. It wasn’t a spank she wanted, but she was playing a mind game.

She looked back at him, anger in her eyes. He was desperate and angry, and the walls were closing in in him in his mind. She needed to go along with it in order to survive, but she didn’t have to be nice.

“Gods, I fucking hate you. You can swing a belt, but you still fuck like a little boy.” She said. She was trying to poke him, she knew, but if she could just get him inside of her, she knew she would be safe.

It seemed perhaps he was not amenable to her mind games this time, as when the words left her mouth, he lifted the belt again but this time the strike came down on the side of her head and face. He pulled the belt back, and hit her across her back with it. "Shut the fuck up, Jessica. I don't need to be good to you, I don't need to fuck you how you want to be. You should be grateful for the favor I give you at all!"

Jessica cried out with a loud yelp at that, the kind that would have alerted the staff. Those men and women who tried not do hear might be so used to t their fighting that they might not come to save her life.

“Then go ahead and beat me, Giuseppe! Big man, mad because he can’t beat his little brother, so he beats his wife instead” she spat, her hand on her stinging eye. She barely restrained herself, but in her heart, she was done. As soon as she could get away, she would pack up Antonio and flee to the Emperor. Once he got a look at her eye, he would take her in and Giuseppe would truly be alone.

"I am going to wring the life out of that little boy soon enough, bitch." He leaned over her then and spoke into her ear, his voice cruel and dangerous. "But perhaps I need a bit of practice first, no?" He brought his hands up and around her neck and began to squeeze with his considerable strength.

Jessica then began to struggle indeed, kicking at him the best she could and her hands went to her throat. She gasped for air as her hands went to her throat, fighting to oxygenate her blood.

“Pl…please.” She eeked out, trying her hardest to maintain consciousness as she started to doze and become weak. The darkness was closing in to her vision and, in that moment, she knew she was as good as dead. Would Giuseppe survive the fallout from murdering his wife? Not likely. Who would raise her son? Who would raise…

As she stopped struggling, Giuseppe continued to squeeze for a moment, pressing in harder and gritting his teeth. Quite suddenly though, he let her go and gave a cry of frustration. He pulled away, began to pace the room, and then made his way out of the room to head back out into the main living areas.

At the edge of the estate, cars belonging to Internal Terran Security sped through the gates and down the drive to the mansion set aside for the Lord of America. When they reached the end, an agent emerged from the car in black riot gear, his face visible. Two other men were behind him. He looked at the lead guard who had drawn his firearm.

“Stand down. We have a warrant for the arrest of Prince Giuseppe. Allow us to enter and retrieve him by order of the Emperor.”

The guards looked to each other slowly. Their loyalty was to Giuseppe. yes, but now that they were actually faced with Terran Security at the door claiming to be sent by order of the Emperor himself, their will faltered. The lead guard stood firm for another moment more but eventually relented and lowered his weapon to allow them to enter.

Giuseppe had moved into the kitchen and was drinking scotch out of the bottle while he was reading something out of the government box. He was still trying to make sense of what had caused Godwin to back away and was paying exactly zero mind to the fact he had nearly strangled his wife to death in their bed.

“Take the Princess and Grand Duke to court immediately.” The lead agent said, handing a copy of the order to the guard, and then he and three of his men went into the house. They asked directions from staff and quickly located the Prince in the jet hen with a bottle in his hand. Their weapons weren’t drawn and their mode was professional. “Your Highness. I’m an officer with Internal Terran Security. Please put the bottle down and stand. You’re under arrest.”

Giuseppe stood but was in no way looking like he was going to cooperate. He stood and glowered at the man who had spoken. “What is the meaning of this?! Who are you? Guards!” He called out and looked past him, seeing others heading deeper into the house. “Stop right there! I do not give you permission to enter my home!”

"Sir, please calm down." The man said. "I'm Officer Brice Glick, and we're here to place you under arrest your wife and son will be taken to a safe location and will not be arrested with you."

Glick hoped this would reassure Giuseppe, but he didn't quite know how to tell him the Emperor had ordered the arrest. he didn't want to get involved, and he certainly didn't want to get on a royal's bad side at a time like this.

"ENOUGH!" Giuseppe roared and slammed the bottle down on the counter so hard that it shattered. "Bring your men back in here this instant and speak to me like men, not some shadows come in the night."

“No, sir.” Glick said, nodding at the two men beside him and watching as they moved quickly forward to grapple with Giuseppe. “My orders come down the chain of command from the Emperor himself.”

Giuseppe let out a guttural growl as the two officers advanced on him. Giuseppe was of course no slouch, he had been a high ranking officer in the security branch of the fleet and there was a reason for that. Despite being faced with two opponents, he held his own. He grabbed one of the men, using his forward momentum to bring him in close and then ram him face first down into the marble island. There was the crack of a likely broken nose or worse and he crumpled to the floor. Giuseppe turned on the second man, lashing out with a fist toward his face.

The second man took the punch on the chin and then immediately grabbed control of Giuseppe’s arm and attempted to use it to bring the man down. Glick, however, didn’t move forward, but pulled out his phaser and pointed it at the Prince; just in case.

Giuseppe saw Glick draw his phaser as the second man grabbed his arm. He quickly shifted and twisted his body to wrest control of his arm back and brought the man around in front of him. He shoved him forward toward Glick to shield himself from the phaser and also to shove the two men together and make them both lose balance so he could get out of the kitchen and go after the men who had gone down the hall.

Glick discharged the weapon and, as the beam struck the former Crown Prince, then man dropped to the floor unconscious.

“Get his legs. We’ll need to carry him out to the car.” He said to the man who hadn’t been completely knocked down as he grabbed Giuseppe’s arms at his shoulders in preparation to lift him.

"Glick! You should come see this!" One of the men called from the bedroom. He moved to the bed to check on Jessica, checking her vitals to make sure she was alive.

Glick waved for the third man jn their small team to replace him at Giuseppe’s arms and followed the voice that had called him all the way to the bedroom. First, he heard the screaming of Grand Duke Antonio who had woken up with all of the commotion and heard strange men milling around and making remarks outside the confines of his nursery. No one had gone inside yet. Glick arrived on the scene and his eyes went wide. He saw the princess laying face first on the bed in sexy lingerie of silky pink, her ass exposed, and no sign of motion.

“What the hell happened here?! Was there a struggle?” He asked, stealing another glance at the woman’s bottom which was red on one side. She was notably attractive and he had imagined what she might look like with less clothes on several times before.

“Well fuck if I know, Brice. I’ve been here as long as you have.” The other man retorted. “There could have been but some people are just into this kind of shit. It’s weird.” He moved to stand and went to the door. “You three women come here! He called out, motioning to the servants who had started to gather from the commotion. When they approached, he stepped back and pointed to Jessica. “Make your mistress look decent.”

The three women walked into the room, already quite bothered by the commotion and the cops, but when their eyes rested on Jessica, they reacted in surprise and surged toward her. They'd seen heard loud arguments from the room before many times, they'd seen her covering up bruises with makeup, but they'd never seen this.

"Ma'am!" one of them exclaimed, taking hold of Jessica's arm and checking reflexively for a pulse. When she found it, she turned her over onto her back and straightened her nightie to hide her nearly exposed breast. Bruises were already starting to appear around her neck as she began to stir. "Ma'am, wake up."

Jessica's eyes flickered open, sleepily at first, and then at once she surged up in a panic, gasping for air and placing her hands around her throat. When she realized she was no longer being strangled, she noticed her servants and then the ITS agents standing in the room.

"Wha...what happened? What are you doing here?" she asked, her beautiful eyes filling with confusion and fear. "Where's Giuseppe?"

"In custody, ma'am." The officer replied. He had of course taken images for evidence on entering the room and now stepped back to let the women help their compromised mistress. One of the servants came out with one of Jessica's long, silky robes and moved onto the bed to help her into it so she wasn't so exposed with the strange men around her. "Do you remember what happened? Some sort of incident with your husband?"

"I..." Jessica started as she put her robe on, hiding her body from the detectives, she stood then, remembering who she was and what she was about. She considered whether she should tell the truth or not. For so long, she had defended Giuseppe, covered up his sins, and tried her best to control him. She could see now the game was over. Some how, for some reason, she had failed. Now it was only her and her son. "My husband beat me with his belt and strangled me."

She spoke simply and quietly, but the statement marked a huge step for her.

"He came home angry about a political difficulty and I tried to comfort him. He asked me to do something terrible and I refused. So he held me down on our bed and beat me like a child. When I protested, he put his hands around my neck..." she touched the bruises with her fingers gently, her eyes wide with fear at the memory. "I thought he was going to kill me....where's my son?"

Then she heard the screaming of the child coming from the nursery and she moved quickly, breaking into a run. She bunped into one of the officers, but simply bounced off and kept going without acknowledging it. She disappeared from their view and was in the room with her dark haired boy who was standing and crying, his hands extended to her. She picked him up and helpd him to her tightly.

"It's okay, meu filho. Mommy is here. Está tudo acabado agora." she said quietly to him as she rocked and bounced him. Antonio slowly stopped his crying and relaxed and cooed against her.

The officer didn't fuss at her when she bumped into him. Instead he merely followed her into the nursery and gave her a moment to calm her son. Once she did, he finally spoke. "Ma'am, if you will come with us, we have been assigned to take you to a secure location with your son."

"Secure location?" she asked, turning around, skepticism in her eyes. She knew that she and Giuseppe had been playing a dangerous game and she wasn't sure if they were there because of that or because someone had phoned the authorities about the abuse. "I appreciate you're doing your duty here, but I'm not going anywhere with you until you tell me exactly what is going on."

"Ma'am," he began patiently though it was clear it was already waning, "this is by order of the emperor. Now please, follow me." He was firm with her. No would not be an acceptable answer.

Jessica had been told to do by enough angry men tonight, and she had fought for her life before. She would do it again.

"From the Emperor? For what?" she said, her Brazilian accent getting stronger. "I demand to know why I'm being removed from my own home. Tell me now, or perhaps I will give him a call."

"Ma'am, please. I do not wish to remove you from this residence by force." The officer gave an exasperated sigh and just looked at her, pleading with her to cooperate.

"Well, go on then, you wouldn't be the first." she said, her tough act fading away. She turned away, pretending as if the man wasn't there anymore and holding her son. It felt like her life was ending; like normal thing, no matter how terrible it had been, was being snatched in the blink of an eye. She closed her eyes and thought only of her son. The man would do what he would.

The officer moved up to her and extended his hands, but he didn't grab her roughly. He simply placed one hand on her back and the other on one of her arms, careful not to disturb her son. He was trying the gentle route at first and tried to guide her out in front of him. "You're safe, ma'am. No one is going to hurt you and your husband cannot get to you. Please, let us help you."

"He's not the only one who hurts people, is he?" she asked, turning with him and taking cautious steps.

"Ma'am?" He questioned, obviously confused by her statement as he walked with her out into the hall. "Is there someone else here who has been hurting you?"

She said nothing else, deciding it might be best to be cryptic and keep her mouth shut. She walked with him more easily, whispering words of comfort to Antonio as she went. When stepped outside, the wind blew her robe enough that it opened slightly. She moved a hand to close it again, but the indignity was clear already. She moved to the waiting car and stepped inside with her son.

The officer helped her into the car since she was still holding onto Antonio. Once she was settled, he paused and looked around the area. There was a small crowd of course, that was to be expected. After a moment, he seemed satisfied, and ducked into the car. They all started nearly at once, and the caravan began to move out into the night.



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