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Getting to Know You

Posted on Wed Dec 7th, 2022 @ 11:57am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant JG Andrea Carrington
Edited on on Wed Dec 7th, 2022 @ 3:37pm

Mission: S1 Episode 4: The Cloud
Location: Ready room
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1530
1049 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Andrea was in Ops when the call for her to report to the Captain’s ready room came through. Taking a deep breath she spent her entire trip to the bridge wondering what she might have done wrong. Her agoniser hadn’t been activated, unless the Captain was waiting to see it face to face. Straightening her uniform she pressed the door chime, not wanting to keep Petrov waiting any longer. Hearing Petrov’s voice call her to enter she walked inside stopping in-front of the desk with a crisp, smart, salute.

“Ensign Carrington, Reporting as ordered Sir!”

Ivan had been saddened to learn of Callie’s departure from the fleet, but he really did understand her motivations for leaving. Family was a crucial important thing, and some thought it was unwise for Starfleet officers to start having children aboard this ship. They felt it would distract them from their duties, and they were right. But, what other options did they have? a 70 year journey ahead of them called for atypical action. As Andrea stepped into his office, Ivan stood up and stepped around his desk.

“Ensign Carrington. Good morning. There’s something important I wanted to talk to you about. It’s a potential big step for you, and a big change for a ship and fleet. Why don’t you come on in and have a seat, and we will discuss things?” The large man said, gesturing to the couch near the windows at the front of his Ready Room.

Andrea nodded and offered a smile. Walking over to the couch she took a seat. “I have to admit, I was wondering if I’d done something wrong but I see now that’s not the case. At least I hope not.”

“No, if you were in trouble, you’d be in the Commander’s office right now and not mine.” Ivan said with a smile as he moved to the couch, sitting down next to her. “He gets the raw end of the deal, I know.”

He cleared his throat then. “So, Ensign, how are you adjusting to life in the Delta Quadrant so far?”

“So far, okay I guess. I’ve concentrated more on my duties in Ops.” Andrea shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not one for socializing much, though I do go to the lounge every now and again.”

“Have you done alright making friends so far? Any friendly acquaintances or romantic interests to pass the time and give you emotional support?” He asked then.

“There’s no romantic interests, I err... have trust issues where that is concerned. My personnel file will explain my reasons.” Andrea paused. “As for friends I have a respectful working relationship with my Superior Officer, though it’s not exactly a friendship. I guess I do need to socialize more.”

"You should find some, yes." he said with a nod. "Having people who are close to you is a great help for a person. I would assume you knew that already, yes? You are trained in psychology and are a certified discipline inspector."

Andrea was surprised. “You’ve obviously been looking through my file Sir.” She nodded. “I’m half Betazoid, it’s a natural trait to dabble in psychology, and Discipline Inspection is a class I excelled in at the Academy. Though as you know you’re expected to excel in everything at the Academy.”

“And why, then, as a sensitive, smart, understanding person, are you not putting more effort into your relationships?” He asked, staying on the margins of the conversation rather than getting to the point.

“They always say therapists make the worst patients Sir, when I was at the Academy several female students including myself were kidnapped. We spent months being used and abused before we were eventually found and rescued. Life for me after that was depending on myself, I interact with men on duty but I still have trust issues. I’m getting there.” She offered a brief smile. “The situation here is unique, this crew are more or less family now, we have to rely on each other.”

"That's true." he said in response to her statement. "That's very very true. I know of your history at the Academy, Andrea. That's why I brought it up. Callie Marshall has just resigned her commission to focus on her family, and I'm deciding between promoting one of the DI's in the department or going for someone I already know a bit. You're my choice, but my biggest hesitation is your trauma. Physician heal thyself, and all."

Andrea looked at Ivan wide eyed. “Me? As Chief of Discipline Inspection?” She was very surprised. “I understand your concerns Sir, I’ll volunteer to speak to someone. Our Chief Medical Officer is the logical choice if that would suffice?”

"No, that won't be necessary. Though I appreciate your tenacity." Ivan said, waving a hand. "I would recommend, instead, that you make an attempt at genuine friendship around here and see where it leads you. Can you do that?"

Andrea nodded. “I can do that Sir, I have put my life into limbo in a way it’s time I started practicing what I’d be preaching as a Discipline Inspector. It would be up to me to help those who need it, I’d be a little hypocritical of me if I didn’t try myself.”

Ivan pulled out a small wooden box and handed it to her. In it was a half pip to accompany her solid one.

“Congratulations, Lieutenant. Go ahead and pop that on, but first, you’re going to need a change of uniform color.”

“Lieutenant!” Andrea was surprised as she nodded and smiled. “Of course, I’ll get myself a new uniform sorted out as soon as I leave here. Thank you Sir! I won’t let you down.”

“I believe you, Andrea. Just take some time to acclimate yourself to your new department, meet your staff, and get your schedule organized. Dismissed.” The Captain said, standing up finally.

“I will, Thank you Sir!” Andrea offered a smart salute to her Commanding Officer before heading out of the office with a beaming smile on her face. She was finally a part of the senior staff, a dream come true.



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