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The Heart of the Matter

Posted on Wed Mar 1st, 2023 @ 10:50am by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Callie Marshall
Edited on on Sun Mar 5th, 2023 @ 4:02am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: Johnathan’s Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1700
914 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure


With her decision made, and resignation handed in Callie waited until Johnathan and Kass we’re off duty before making her way to see them. Stopping at Johnathan’s quarters with baby John, she pressed the door chime.

Inside, Johnathan and Kassandra were getting ready to have some dinner, when he heard the chime ring. "I'll get it," he squeezed to her as he moved from the table and pressed the door controls. He smiled happily, seeing Callie and his godson, John. "Hey!" He turned to give them room to enter.

“Hi” Callie smiled as she stepped inside the door. “I hope I’m not intruding? I err... I kind of came to say goodbye, though it’s not entirely goodbye...” she paused. “I’ve resigned my commission, I won’t be working aboard the Vengeance anymore. I’m just Mrs Marshall from here on out.”

Kass stared "Callie? What happened?" she asked shocked.

Johnathan was equally shocked by this news. "What...what do you mean you've resigned?! Your career just started!"

Callie walked over to the sofa with her son and took a seat. “When I was on the bridge listening to plans for this new unstable ore to be put aboard Troy’s ship, my home...” she paused. “I lost my objectivity, I wanted to argue someone out for it!” She sighed and shook her head. “I can’t work like that Johnathan, it’s not fair to Captain Petrov. My emotions as a wife and mother are clouding my judgement.” She offered a warmer smile “I’m just transferring, I’ll still be back and forth for you all to see and spend time with John. The Captain has already said it’s okay.”

Johnathan considered what Callie had just told them. He, of course, had no right to demand that she stay on the Vengeance. Looking over at Kassandra, he could understand the desire to be with the one you love. If Kassandra was ever transferred anywhere, he'd want to go with her as well. He reached out and gently held onto Kassandra's right hand and gave her a grin.

Looking back over at Callie, he smiled softly to the only other woman he had ever loved. "It's going to be strange, not seeing you on the bridge, or pop in to your quartets room spend time with John." He looked over at his godson and smiled lovingly. Then he sighed softly and looked back up at Callie.

"But I get what you're saying. Troy is your family, and you three should be on the same ship together. Besides, it's not like you're leaving to go to the otherside of the galaxy," he chuckled a bit. "You'll be less than five kilometers away from your family here. We can come visit you, just as easily as you coming to us."

Callie nodded and smiled. “That’s very true, you’ll be Welcome aboard the Rynall anytime. I’ll probably be stir crazy before long, but it’s what I have to do.”

Kass nodded as well. "I will be going between the various ships in the next few weeks anyway so I will see you a lot."

“Wonderful” Callie grinned happy with that. “You can spend your lunch break with us, I’m more than happy to provide food! You’re welcome anytime you know that.”

"And you all are welcome to come visit us too," Johnathan added with a grin. "John does need to learn how to fly this ship afterall." He chuckled softly as he looked over at his godson.

“Actually that’s something I hadn’t considered” Callie offered a melancholy smile. “If we don’t get home John will need to learn to be a member of the crew, to carry on in our stead.”

"Hey," Johnathan said softly as he moved closer to Callie, placing g his right hand on her left knee gently. "That's not what I was meaning. I just meant that he could play around on the holodeck. I'm sure the Captain will find us a way home. Heck, look at the Robertson's. Micheal went through two massive wormholes to go to a distant galaxy, then back again. I'm sure there is a shortcut home somewhere along our path.' He glanced over at Kass, who he knew had a better grasp on the intel of the surrounding space. "Right, Kass?"

Callie looked at Kass knowing that anything Kass said would most likely be guesswork at this point.

"We will get home. Its the goal of the Captain's. " Kass replied honestly. "I have my people working on it as well."

Callie nodded. “I know, and I appreciate both of you reassuring me. Anyway I guess I’d best head over to the Rynall.”

Johnathan nodded, smiling softly at Callie and little John. "Anytime you need some alone time, just call us."

Callie nodded. “I’ll do that, I promise.” She moved over giving Johnathan a hug, before stepping over to Kass and doing the same. “Thank you both for being there for me.”

"Of course," Johnathan said with a happy grin. We're more than friends...we're family now. And true family looks after it's own."

Callie nodded. “Anytime you need me just call, I’ll always be there for both of you.”

Kass nodded at her friend, "same goes" she was good at hiding her feelings.

Nodding Callie headed on her way, she had a lot of organising to do.



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