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An Evening Rendezvous I

Posted on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 5:22am by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasper Branson & Immy

Mission: S1 Episode 4: The Cloud
Location: Branson's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 2145
4949 words - 9.9 OF Standard Post Measure

After her shift, Immy had gone down to the slave quarters and exchanged her uniform for something more fitting. She had promised to meet Jasper in his quarters in the heat of an emotional moment after he had saved her from certain abuse in the cargo bay. She’d been so moonstruck by the fact that he actually protected her that she lost her mind a bit, and throughout the day she went back and forth in her mind between hesitant skepticism and the fantasies about him that kept playing in her head. She had a reputation to uphold, really, and she was putting that on the line for what was possibly just one mediocre night with a master. She looked in the mirror and sighed.

She had put on a silky blue halter top that displayed her toned arms and cleavage that immediately caught the eye, and draped down her torso to just above her navel. Then, since she couldn’t find a blue skirt in her size, she pulled on a short black skirt that came up just above her mid-thigh. As she gazed at her shape in the mirror, weighing the esthetics, she appreciated how the oil she wore on herself made her pale skin glisten. Then she decided to do her hair. She opted for a dramatic flowing style which she restrained with two braids which became one larger one in the middle. With a spritz of some perfume she had been “gifted”, she smiled at herself. Finally, she grabbed a long black shawl and covered everything she could up with it. It was highly possible, as a slave, to be stopped and harmed on her way.

Lottie had just finished a bit of a later shift; it was unusual, but certainly not unheard of for her to be working a bit later some evenings helping the Mistress tie up any loose ends from the day. It was also not uncommon for little rewards to be given for doing more than what was a typical slave shift. Today that came in the form of two peanut butter cookies which she decided she would share. Stepping into the private room she shared with Immy, she was already speaking as soon as the door opened.

"Hey, Immy, I got a couple of cook- oh." She stopped, the door closed, and she just looked at Immy. "Um... are...are you going somewhere?" Lottie asked, holding one cookie in each hand and continued to stare.

Immy had been hoping to avoid questions from her curious but innocent roommate and, up until the doors to their special room parted, she had succeeded. She looked over at Lottie who stood in her slave garments holding two peanut butter cookies, her eyes locked on Immy.

“Emmm…nnnooooo.” She said with a guilty gaze, but then her bubbly personality took over. “Well, yes. But nowhere exciting, really.”

"You're dressed up awful pretty for nowhere exciting." Lottie noted and took a few steps forward, extending one of the cookies out to Immy while taking a bite of the other herself.

“You’re very sweet, Lot. But I want you to keep it. You earned it after all.” Immy said with a smile, pushing the hand with the extended cookie back toward its owner. “I’m going somewhere potentially exciting, I suppose.”

The look wasn't exactly completely dejected, but Lottie did look a bit sad at the refusal of her gift. She had fun with Immy the evening before and had wanted to give her something in return that would make her happy. At least she hoped it would make her happy.

"Okay..." She moved to sit down on the edge of her bed, but was still watching Immy. "Where are you going?"

Immy noticed the dejected look at her rejection of the gift. It was the opposite of her intention, hoping that Lottie would enjoy the treat herself. Immy approached the younger girl but stopped short of her bed, reaching over and taking half of the offered cookie. She smiled, taking a bite.

"This is really good, Lot. Where'd you get it?" Immy asked, and then offered her bright smile to the younger slave.

"Mistress Petrova gave them to me as a thank you for staying late and helping her with her family dinner." Lottie said and smiled up to Immy. "But I think you're avoiding my question."

The girl was smarter than Immy had hoped in this moment. It would be hard to get out of this with any deception at all, so Immy just put on a cut face.

“Maybe I’ll tell you later. For now, it’s a surprise.” She said, finishing the portion of cookie she’d taken. She would have to remember to bring her something in return. It was nice, once in a while, to give rather than to take. “But anyway, I have to go.”

Lottie didn’t seem exactly pleased with the answer, but given who she was she accepted it with a nod. “Okay… well, I hope you have fun.” She paused and looked up to Immy’s eyes. “Just be careful, Immy.”

”Girl, I’m always careful!” Immy responded with an exuberant grin. “Careful is my middle name. I’ll see you later…but don’t wait up.”

And, with that, she walked out and started for his quarters then, her mind going for the thousandth time to the feeling of his lips against hers, his hands on her bottom, his hardness pressed against her through their intrusive clothing, and she felt another wave of arousal. Then, as she stepped onto the lift, she thought of how he’d hurt that man in the cargobay just for her, and her delicate complexion started to flush. When she rang the chime to his room, she fanned herself slightly. She needed to keep her head on straight.

"Come." Jasper called from inside his quarters.

The day had been long and tedious which wasn't that surprising given the amount of paperwork and reports that had been flying into the XO's office as a result of this whole anomaly business. It was nothing that he couldn't handle easily enough of course, but that didn't make it less tedious. Then of course there had been the incident with Immy in the morning; it still made him mad when he thought about it, but mostly he had moved on. Then there had been... after... with her on the turbolift. Things were going well and then they weren't; she pulled back and demanded love and special treatment. He'd been left confused and truthfully he was still rather confused about it all, but he hadn't complained about the show she had given him during her shift.

When she left, he had put her out of his mind and only occasionally had the thoughts of her crept back in - the feeling of her body in his hands, the feeling of her lips against his. There had of course been the slap, a test that had annoyed him of course, but he was willing to take it in stride this time. In the end, she was a woman. Mercurial was their nature so he expected nothing. He had just finished a shower after returning from some time spent in the gym to unwind. He wore only a pair of navy lounge pants made out of a soft but not silky material; he didn’t know what kind of material, that wasn’t his thing, he just liked that they were comfortable. He was bare chested and around his shoulders lay the standard issue blue-grey towel and he was rubbing his deep blonde hair dry with one end as he walked out into the main room to see who was at the door.

Before the door opened, Immy had changed her stance to one that was provocative and drew attention to her frame. As it opened, she offered a devilish grin which told the whole story of her nature. She was trouble indeed, but often not the kind people expected.

"My compliments to your choice of outfit." she said, her eyes moving from his moistened face to his body.

Jasper actually seemed surprised to see Immy standing at his door and stopped rubbing his hair with his towel and instead ran his fingers through it a few times. "Immy, come in." He invited.

Jasper had an impressive physique in his own right, each muscle was chiseled exquisitely as if done out of marble like a master craftsman. Nothing was overly deep and he didn't give off the impression he was a man trying to hone his body into a ball of muscle and sinew more fitting on a useless body builder type, he was simply strong and broad; masculine through and through. His bright blue eyes ran over her slowly and unashamed, but he was obviously a bit guarded after the whole back and forth in the turbolift.

Immy walked in past him with the same expression on her face, stepping into his quarters for the first time and looking around. It wasn't the same size as the XOs quarters, of course, but it was still much bigger than the pill of a special room she shared with Lottie. She turned around on her heel and looked at him, some of that fire from earlier still in her eyes.

“I found something blue.” She said with a cute expression, gesturing to her torso.

“That you did.” Jasper replied and moved closer to her with a few nonchalant steps. His eyes moved down her body again and then back up to her face. “You look great.”

Jasper’s quarters weren’t particularly interesting. There were a couple of paintings on the wall of some old cityscapes, some decorative knick knacks and small artworks dotted around, and even a couple of plants that weren’t clearly real or fake at first glance. It seemed to be a mismatch of styles but nothing that clashed together awfully.

"Not too bad yourself." she said, stepping up to him shamelessly and placing her hands on his stomach. She smiled again. "You feel much better without that uniform in the way."

There was no give to Jasper’s stomach as she put her hands on him. He looked down at her, finally seeming to relax in the moment now that she was there and touching him. He still hadn’t let his guard down totally, though, and truthfully probably wouldn’t until they were finished. He moved his hand to her shoulder and plucked up the fabric of her shawl.

“Let’s see it, then.” He said and began to pull off the covering.

Immy’s eyes flashed something less happy and she stepped back suddenly, not liking the sound of “it” at all. When she was out of his reach, however, her smile returned, more flirtatious than before, and her own fingers went to the shawl to slowly unwrap it. She let the garment fall to the ground at her feet and stood in the blue top and short black skirt she had selected to match it. They looked good on her, better than most slave clothes did, and they showed how amazing her body really was in a way the slave uniform almost always hid. If she dressed like this more often, that attack in the cargo bay would have been a daily occurrence.

“Do you like?” She asked. Hopefully she wasn’t an “it”. She’d been trying to avoid that all her life, it seemed in one way or another.

Jasper was confused when Immy pulled away with unhappiness in her eyes but he didn't pursue her and gave her the space she wanted. He watched her as she unwrapped herself for him, not really understanding the issue with him doing it himself, but also not dwelling on it. Once she had revealed herself, his eyes moved up and down her body slowly, lingering on the blue shirt and he smiled. "It looks very nice on you, and you look beautiful."

“Ooo…flattery will get you everywhere.” She practically purred, her musical voice seeming to almost produce a melody. She may have told Lottie that she’d only been with slaves, but if the truth were told, it had been only one early on in her enslavement. Many times, it had come down to it in the moment and she had chickened out for some reason since. She didn’t know why. She wanted to take him so badly earlier, but she had ruined the moment in the turbolift and now something just wasn’t feeling right. She would stay and continue to push the envelope, and maybe something would change. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

Jasper chuckled and looked her over again. He took a step closer to her, but didn't invade her space and instead extended his large hand out to her to invite her closer, the same one he had used to defend her with earlier in the cargo bay.

"Of course not. Only the beautiful ones." He smirked playfully at her while he waited to see what she would do.

She offered him a giggle to show she did like the compliments. They were rare from someone in her position, and she didn’t have access to the kinds of resources free women always had to beautiful themselves. Makeup was a luxury item in the slave quarters.

“So, now that you have me here all alone, would you… like me to clean like I promised?” She asked with a bright smile, teasing slightly. The hand on his stomach moved down slightly to the place where his lounge pants began and ran her finger along the top of the fabric, causing it to lift up slightly as she went.

"No, I don't" He reached down to catch one of her hands and brought it up to his lips to kiss her fingertips. His other hand found her waist and he grabbed her there firmly, but not enough to hurt her as he pulled her closer to him. He looked down into her eyes and his hand moved around to the small of her back.

"What I'd like to do is see just how much trouble you like to get into."

“You’ll never see that. I’m a good girl.” She said, batting her eyelashes at him. As he grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him, her body responded in a similar way it had earlier. Her large chest was pressed against him and she could feel his still-slightly damp fit body against hers. She looked up into his eyes and bit her lower lip. Her fingers moved up his back gently, her nails slowly tracing lines there without giving pain.

“Hmm… well that’s a shame, but that’s alright. I do enjoy good girls too.” His hands moved down her back and then over her generous, sculpted backside. He squeezed her cheeks firmly and then his hands slid down to grab her by the backs of her thighs. He lifted her up easily, sliding her legs around his hips and trusting her to keep herself balanced up top. He didn’t start walking her to the bedroom and instead he took a few steps to the nearest wall and pinned her between it and the solidness of his body. He leaned in to kiss her, slowly at first to test her receptiveness. He could tell she wasn’t as enthusiastic as she had been in the turbolift.

Her slight reticence increased a bit when he lifted her, perhaps because she felt the chances of her having a choice in the matter were getting slimmer by the second. One couldn’t string along a master and hope not to get dominated by force. But when her back made contact with the wall and her soft lips met with his again in a gentle searching kiss, the fireworks started again within her. She felt an immediate surge of adrenaline and her aching desire to be filled came back with a vengeance, stronger than it had been earlier. She kissed him ferociously; hungrily, her tongue searching for his and, when finding it, dancing and twirling almost frantically. She wasn’t the picture of Grace or self control, but was a bit like an animal. Between their connection at the waist, her womanhood marked noticeably until she was putting off heat. She kissed his cheek and then down his jaw to his neck where she licked and gave a slight bite. Then her mouth found his ear and she moaned a desperate pleading moan.

“Oh Jasper, I want you so badly.” She said, her sultry musical voice low and full of honey. “I want you so deep inside me…”

Jasper couldn't help the low growl that rumbled through his chest at her words and the way her body reacted to him. His own reacted quite naturally as well and Immy would feel his substantial manhood shifting and bumping up against her thighs and womanhood as he shifted her slightly against the wall. He moved one of his hands now that she was snugly pinned and slowly slid it up from her knee along her thigh, to her hip and up her side, then up to her chest where he cupped one of her breasts and felt its weightiness in his hand. His thumb found her nipple through the fabric and he began to tease her while he kissed her again.

"Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you, Immy." He encouraged her. His voice was low, dominant, but not aggressive in its demand of her.

She returned his kisses eagerly, and even when he was speaking, she was playing her lips at his, seeming to beg him to shut up so that she could kiss him again. She answered his question without hesitation, her big brown eyes moving up to his.

“I want you to take my clothes off piece by piece and kiss every inch of my body like this.” She answered, and leaned in to kiss him slowly and passionately.

After returning her kiss, he pulled back with an easy, smirking smile. "I think I can manage that. I warn you though, I'm very thorough with my work." Even as he "warned" her, Jasper pulled Immy off the wall and carried her back toward his bedroom that was just behind a wall for privacy instead of the more senior officers' quarters that actually had separate rooms. As he walked, he kissed her passionately and his strong hands pressed into her thighs, his fingers squeezing her gorgeous rear end as he walked. Stepping to his bed, he carefully lowered her down to sit and just took a moment to stand over her.

"You really are beautiful." He smiled as he looked down at her with an admiring eye and then finally moved and slid his fingers into the hem of the halter top she was wearing and began to slowly lift it off of her but doing it in a way where he slid his fingertips over her soft skin. His hands and fingers weren't soft; they had the roughness of a man who had worked and fought in his life and despite his best efforts, softness would just never hold. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling for most women, though, so he didn't pay too much mind to it and opted to simply be gentle - to begin with, at least.

As he looked over her, Immy finally relaxed and gave herself over to the moment in her mind. She looked up at him, her eyes indicating every bit of interest without shame, her legs standing together in a somewhat lady-like fashion. He was being gentle and patient, and it made her feel safe; maybe even empowered. As he reached at the fabric of her halter and started to lift it slowly, she fluttered her eyelashes at the feeling of his coarse hands moving over her skin. This was no pampered lord, but a man who worked with his hands; the only kind she had ever truly learned to respect.

The blue fabric lifted her large breasts in the tension he was creating and, as the bottom of her pale orbs appeared, it was clear she wasn’t wearing a brassiere. Finally, when the resistance of the fabric had become great enough, they fell out and gave a less than subtle bounce and an impressive jiggle. Her nipples grazed the fabric as they came down, hardening them slightly and causing her to squirm and emit a playful and girly giggle, showing her age. She looked at him longingly, her teeth finding her bottom lip. She grabbed the halter then and pulled it slowly off of her own arms over her head, and then began to twirl it in the air, gradually increasing her speed and causing her supple breasts to wobble and move in a way that would cause most men to gawk.

“A little better than the uniform, right?” She asked and whacked him playfully with the blue fabric, smiling with a disobedient flare that bordered on fantasy for her.

Jasper first looked up to her swinging the fabric around and then his shockingly blue eyes settled exactly where she wanted them to and he just stared at her chest for a moment, watching the way her breasts bounced and shifted with her movements. When she smacked him with the halter top, he was shaken back to the moment and smirked as he reached out with his hand and quickly caught her wrist. He lifted it and used his other hand to take the top from her and toss it to the side.

"Much." He agreed and kissed her fingertips and palm before he shifted and lowered her torso back down to the bed so she was laying down. As he did so, he too bent and began to kiss down her neck and shoulder doing exactly as she had asked; it was slow, passionate. His hands went to her skirt and worked that off of her hips as she lay there.

Immy closed her eyes as he kissed her neck and her lips gently parted. Each kiss, delicate and slow, felt better than she imagined they would and she found herself moaning and whining quietly even on the simplest parts of her body. As he removed her skirt, she complied without hesitation, opening her legs obediently to make it easier for him. Her panties were standard issue for female slaves and, though they were an unpleasant dark tan, but they still left little to the imagination and were clean.

“I love the way you touch me, Jasper.” She said to him quietly, her eyes still closed.

A murmur of acknowledgement passed his busy lips as he continued to move along her body. He was in no rush. He pointedly avoided her breasts for the moment, though his hand did sneak down between her legs where he began to cup and massage the outer part of her womanhood through the fabric of her panties, tracing one finger between her lips and teasing her while he continued on his work on her torso though he was still gradually getting lower even there and eventually shifted to kneel down on the floor in front of her. He was doing an astoundingly good job at ignoring the ache in his own pants.

Immy accepted every touch he gave her, but the ones that moved over her womanhood were the most effective yet.

“Mmmm” she moaned as his fingers traced inside her lips and ran over her center, causing an electric feeling. Instinctively, her fingers moved up and she began to play with her breasts herself since he had moved on to something else. She trembled a bit, her eyes opening and searching for his, full of deep longing.

As he was kissing down around her navel, he caught her hands moving to her breasts out of his peripheral vision. With one fluid and easy motion, his unoccupied hand swept up and grabbed up both of her hands and held them away from her breasts. He delivered two more kisses to the area he was in and then looked up to her with a teasing smirk. "Now, what happened to only being a good girl?"

Immy growled, a mixture of anger and pleasure appearing on her face as a pang of longing came so intensely between her legs that physical pain might have been an accurate description.

“I lied.” She said, her voice Smokey. “I’m a very very bad girl.” She said, attempting to pull her hands away to no avail. She could feel her heartbeat in her womanhood, which made her groan and please. “Fuck me, Jasper. I need you.”

She used the tenseness of his arm to try and scoot down toward him more, placing her soaked underwear very close to his face and bucking her hips in some animalistic attempt to pull him inside her herself.

Jasper grinned a wolfish grin as she tried everything in her power while restrained to get closer to him, to entice him into doing something, anything it seemed. He continued to hold her hands as he pulled her panties down off her legs and tossed them aside as well; his hand then returned to her womanhood, grabbing her in an almost rude way and slid two of his fingers into her, settling them into a firm, unapologetic rhythm. He released her hands and moved his other arm around her, pulling her up so she was now fully on the bed. He leaned in to kiss her passionately while his fingers worked, but all of a sudden pulled back just as quickly as he had moved her. He hooked his thumbs into his pants and slid them down, his manhood springing free and bobbing as if it were quite enthusiastic about what was imminently going to happen. He was prodigious and possessed a girth that most women found absolutely intoxicating.

He stood there a moment so she could take him in and then moved onto the bed with her. He slid one arm around her thigh, pulling her leg up and apart from the other to settle around his hips. He settled between her legs, teasing her entrance, but he didn't push himself in her. Instead he leaned in to kiss her slowly and passionately. Giving her one last chance to change her mind, it seemed.

Her anticipation had grown to a fever pitch as he removed her panties, but when he rudely inserted two of his fingers, she whimpered. Not only had it been a long time since she’d allowed a man to touch her, but she was a snugger fit than the average girl. At first it hurt, but within a few seconds, the pain melted into an exciting pleasure and she started to moan with enough volume that he would know his fingers were working for her. When he removed them and worked his pants off, she placed her own fingers on her womanhood and began to play slowly, using the visual of him standing with a sculpted body and a delicious extension that pleased the eye as much as it intimidated her. When he got between her legs, and teased her opening, then kissed her, she looked into his eyes.

“Uhmmm. I’m not really sure it’s going to fit.” She said, smiling badly even as she moved her hips in such a way that his manhood stood at the opening of her sex. She held eye contact, parting her lips gently as a slow exhale denoted even that felt good. “But I’m really excited to find out.”

"We'll take it slow." To start with, at least. It wasn't the first time he had heard a woman say something similar to him though he was never sure why; perhaps it was to stroke his ego... but women birthed babies and he wasn't that big. He shifted and carefully pressed into her, doing as he promised and not being boorish about it. He kissed her again, one hand moving down between their bodies to tease her clit to help alleviate any of the discomfort she might feel while he moved. Once she relaxed and seemed receptive, he began to move.

Immy moved her hand to grab his and take it away from her, feeling the extra stimulation was overwhelming as he slowly began. Her face said it all, as she took in half of him and breathed deeply in and out. Pain at first changed quickly to pleasure as he moved with her gently. Soon, she was experiencing something she never had before and the hand she had placed over his stomach to dissuade him from using even most of what he had slowly retreated. She leaned in, telling him in no uncertain terms several times how good it felt. She shivered, she screamed, she cursed, she blessed, and she did everything besides until she came to a sudden shaking and made a mess. Her embarrassment over that event was overtaken by a desire to enjoy him completely.

She pushed back on him with her arms and turned around, presenting him with her impressive behind. She looked back at him with a dazed expression and spoke in a musical tone.

“I’m going to make you fall in love.” She said, no sign of amusement on her face, as she waited, ready for him. “Get over here.”



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