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Seeds of Retribution II

Posted on Mon Dec 5th, 2022 @ 8:41pm by Princess Royal Giana Orsini & Emperor Antonius VI
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 7:16pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Rio de Jinero Palace
Timeline: Date 2371-07-11 at 2355
2837 words - 5.7 OF Standard Post Measure


“So, in other words, we need to build a case that punishes him for something he can be punished for without the rest of the family losing face.” Richard said, his voice still neutral. “Two birds with one stone. Hopefully, though, we can find some actual evidence.”

Silas just looked around at his colleagues, his disbelief growing along with his anger. His fingers pressed into his arms as he tried to steady himself, but eventually he simply couldn't just stand there anymore.

"How do we know this is remotely true?" He finally demanded, bringing all attention to himself.

All eyes indeed went to Silas and, in the long moment of silence that followed, the tension seemed to raise tremendously. There even seemed to be a cold chill. Antonius, in response, moved directly in front of the Director of Internal Terran Security and stared at him, eye to eye.

"Our daughter does not disgrace herself on purpose. She is prideful and prickly, and it is outside her character to tell this kind of lie, especially to a man she thinks cares nothing for her, especially to a room full of central government figures who will judge her accordingly." He said pointedly, his consonants particularly distinct with a rare tinge of aggression. "And, to be honest with you, Silas, even if it were a lie, the fact that I find it believable is reason enough. You will order his immediate arrest under my authority and hire a special investigator, a top man, to find anything they can connecting him to rebellion. And then they will submit their findings to the Imperial Tribunal who will promptly schedule a trial. If they find him innocent, he will be released...if they don't, he will appeal. And then We shall decide his fate. And, as you know, We never err in our execution of the law."

Antonius' statement wasn't prideful, but a statement of religious dogma. The Empire believed that the Emperor judged correctly in all cases, for he was a God on Terran soil. But the men and women in this room actually knew him. And they knew that right or wrong was a matter of who wrote the history books.

Silas stood stoically as Antonius spoke to him with a not often heard tone. He didn’t cower, but when Antonius was finished he bowed his head in acceptance of the order. He was still obviously quite displeased and skeptical of the entire thing, but he wasn’t completely stupid. What he had said needed to at least be said. Antonius was obviously ready to get rid of his son and drag his name through the mud no matter the truth behind it or not.

And they had to accept that.

“Will the arrest be public?” Colleen asked evenly.

"I would caution against that." Richard said, scratching his graying head. "It would rouse his few allies, cause them to flock to his aid."

"My thoughts exactly." Antonius said, his eyes glimmering strangely. He looked back to Colleen. "If we were to indicate to some journalist we know to be...less than pleased with the government's decision, someone foolish enough to risk coming up on the wrong side with CJ, do you think they'd be able to cycle the news of his arrest around among the politically conscious in the Empire before they are inevitably stopped and censored?"

It had been an open question with no sign of emotionalism. Antonius was known to be a reasonable man. He wasn't the most predictable fellow in the world, certainly, but he could be talked to straight with respect and he would listen. Everyone knew he was making no attempt to intimidate the people in the room. He was, if anything, expressing himself and he wouldn't make a decision based on his emotions in the end. Whether he was right or wrong was a different story. Time might tell, or maybe it would not.

"Father, I have a question, if I may?" Giana asked, looking to Antonius for permission. Her tone had been unobtrusive and polite given she knew he had told her to just sit quietly, but there was an eagerness and curiosity in her blue eyes that the man hadn't seen since she had been a child keen to learn.

Antonius looked at her with a searching glance, seeming to be trying to figure out what she was going to ask before it came out of her mouth. He gave a tense nod, his eyes locked on her.

When Giana spoke, she was not challenging; instead her tone was inquisitive, a rarity to be sure. "Would it not be best to do it publicly so you can expose his allies and deal with them as well? If they support Giuseppe now, I doubt they would support Paolo at any point even if this were done quietly... doesn't that risk making them even more incensed?"

Antonius nodded as he listened to her, and he seemed to really be listening. When her question was done, he considered it for a second before speaking in turn.

"If we move against him publicly, they will know his goose is cooked. The Emperor does not arrest a family member in front of the entire Empire, tell people, and release him. They will know he is in grave trouble and they will go into hiding. Remember, Giana...Our boldest enemies died on Mars at that table. The rest are in the shadows, playing it safe and waiting for a chance to use surprise force. And, without a doubt, if they exist, they are waiting on word from him."

The Emperor took a step toward her and turned it into a pace across the floor.

"But if they think we tried to take him in secret and failed, they will feel a dire need to do something drastic, but not too drastic to regain their footing. Perhaps they will try to reach him for marching orders, or perhaps they will gather in a panic. And we will be able to monitor all his communications and, quite possibly, we will be able to get some information out of him as well. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, father. Thank you." Giana nodded respectfully and actually seemed to mean the words and take them to heart.

Colleen had waited patiently for the two to finish and then looked to Antonius. "I do in fact know of someone who I am sure could accomplish that, yes. There are quite a few who were still rather disgruntled by the promotions given to both CJ and myself. It would not be hard to tip them into doing something like this if they thought it would serve them somehow."

"A leak from the inside to the media. One disgruntled ministry employee breaking their oath to embarrass a superior. The media personality will try to float it out without it being caught and, for the love of all things sacred, their bosses will say no. And we'll be right back where we damn started." Richard said, his voice filling with emphasis and a bit of subtle feeling. "We'd better be careful here, or we ruin someone else's life for no reason at all. We have layers of people in place meant to stop press like that at its source. We'd have to make sure it went to one of the outliers...maybe a news network on a recently reconquered world."

"What good is it if Vulcans hear the gossip but Terrans don't?" Nadiya asked, folding her arms. "I think we would do better leaking it to a tabloid. They're low control low impact, and exactly the sort of people who would be stupid enough to run with it."

"A tabloid is probably the best option for that reason. It would spread like wildfire to be sure." Colleen pointed out and clasped her hands in front of her, standing easily among her older peers. "But that wildfire would also come with wild theories which once caught, can be very hard to deal with."

"Theorizing will keep them busy. And the shots that are taken of him being taken in will attract eyes before our people catch it and shut it down." Richard added. "I'd suggest we hold him in a minimum security location in New York City, so as not to arouse too much suspicion in most people's minds and give his allies some sense he might get out again. Then, if we catch any communications between him and them, it'll be a great clue. We should have Princess Jessica watched closely as well."

"Will we be doing something with Jessica and the boy?" Silas finally asked, his tone terse and his expression still quite disgruntled which was certainly unusual for him. "She wanted her son to be emperor, I doubt she will be going quietly, so what are we doing with her and the child when she does inevitably do something stupid?"

"She and the Grand Duke will come to Court and remain close by. Nadiya will arrange an apartment for them in the palace and her staff will be rotated out for new ones. Her movements will be subtly monitored and her calls will be logged. We will handle anything that results as a first step." Antonius stated, looking back at Silas. "We intend that Our grandson should grow up like a proper royal. He has done nothing wrong and, We believe, his mother can be reasoned with."

"May he be better than his father." Giana muttered softly and looked off around the office. She wanted to say more... she wanted to say because growing up like a royal had done so much for the boy's father... but perhaps that would have been her bitterness speaking.

"An excellent plan." Colleen said quickly, though it wasn't obvious if she had heard Giana or not. "That will bolster the image that perhaps Giuseppe will be freed."

Antonius eyed Silas then, looking at him for several seconds until it was clear he was going to engage him.

"Speak your mind, man. You've always advised Us well in the past. Don't stop now."

Silas' jaw tensed and he didn't speak for a long moment. He had position with Antonius, yes, but he had also never openly defied something the man was clearly set on. This though... this he was finding incredibly hard to just accept. Impossible even; but he was still trying.

"You've been given good advice by the others. I don't have anything substantial to add." He deflected.

"Come now, man. That can't be so. You're far too smart to have nothing at all to add." Antonius said, his eyes seeing the man underneath the words. The one who was frustrated with something going on. "Tell me what has your jaw set."

Silas just stared at Antonius through his heavily lidded eyes. His jaw worked. Fine, if that was what was wanted… fine. He was damned if he did, damned if he didn’t at this point since Antonius had focused his attention onto him now.

“Very well. I think your daughter is a liar and I find it incredibly hard to believe that you actually believe her. There is no evidence that Giuseppe has ever raised a hand to a woman, so how do we leap to the abuse and rape of his own sister?” He asked, using the very pointed words. “Giuseppe may be a brute and not the brightest man, but this? This is either some desperate move or cry for attention from your daughter. Maybe both.“

Giana stood very slowly from the chair.

Antonius didn't speak or make motion to speak, but merely turned to Giana and looked at her as if he was expecting some sort of reaction. He would give an answer if she didn't, but this was the first time he was actually seeming to invite her to speak. She might take it and she might not, but he was sure that, no matter what she said, it would be enlightening for everyone.

Collecting herself though obviously quite upset, Giana walked over to the group. It was a bit eerie in the way she did it, so calm and poised. She stopped in front of Silas, her bright blue eyes looking over him as if to gauge his worthiness. Finally, she did speak, her voice like ice. “Men like you disgust me, Silas. I may be bitter, catty, and arrogant, but I am not stupid. I am my father’s daughter. Do you think I would be foolish enough to try and lie to him? One of this magnitude? Do you think I would risk potentially ruining my own life if this weren’t true?”

She looked toward Nadiya and Antonius again. “When you bring Jessica in, you should have a doctor look over her. I guarantee Giuseppe has left his mark on her.”

Antonius gave Silas an understanding look, knowing he didn’t deserve the harsh treatment. It was his job to ask the right question in the room and then carry out orders, and he valued his counsel.

“This isn’t going to be a kangaroo trial, Silas. If evidence can’t be found for his treason, he will be released. We are many things, but We are not a liar. And We believe Our daughter.”

Though Giana's words were harsh, contrary to what Antonius may have expected, Silas actually seemed to soften a bit when confronted with them. It wasn't clear if it was some realization on his part that perhaps doubting a victim of something potentially this serious or if it was a reaction of respect to Giana finally showing her teeth in a way he understood, but he definitely was less hostile.

He looked to Antonius, the hostility was gone, but there still remained skepticism. "Very well, then."

“He should be arrested tonight. Silas, get your men in place. Coleen, feed whatever information you need to get someone with a camera there oro capture it happening.” Antonius ordered. He then turned his eyes to look at each of them. The Imperial Guard will take his family into custody and bring them to court. Are there any questions?”

Silas didn't answer right away, still seeming to wrestle with the entire scenario. Eventually, he reluctantly nodded. "I'll see it done."

"As will I." Colleen replied and then shook her head just slightly. "I have no more questions."

“I’ll find a good prosecutor.” Richard said with a nod. He already had some ideas in mind, but he would conference with his Chancellery first.

“Good. You all may take your leave.” Antonius said, and then rounded his desk, finally sitting down and sighing at the events of the night. Richard and Nadiya bowed in concert, respectful and low, and then walked out together. There would no doubt be some post meeting conversation between them, though what would be said was uncertain.

Colleen bowed and stepped out immediately after Richard and Nadiya. Silas lingered a moment, then bowed and also exited.

When the Emperor and his daughter were alone again, his eyes raised to her, slow and probing.

“How are you doing, Giana?”

Giana's attention turned to Antonius and just looked at him for a moment as if she were probing him right back and trying to figure out what he was searching for with his question.

"What happens if you don't find any evidence that Giuseppe has been plotting against Paolo?" She finally asked slowly.

“Then I will release him from prison…and kill him myself.” He said, no portrayal in his expression at all. Whether she believed him or not, he meant it. “Those requested documents will be here soon. Your support for Paolo and your appointment to Dominion Lord will be promulgated in a few days to avoid sending smoke signals to our enemies.”

She nodded and then seemed to hesitate a moment, considering what would be the best thing to do here for herself. She turned to look at a piece of art on the wall, but wasn't really looking at it. "Should we go meet with Paolo now then? I thought..." She looked back to Antonius with a hesitant frown. "I thought perhaps it might be a good idea to tell him... everything."

"That would be wise, I think." Antonius said. He knew his son was dutiful, but he was engaged in the daily politics of the Empire and, unlike Giuseppe, the 14 year old meticulously read and understood his government boxes. There was no reason to keep him on the outside, especially if they expected this deal to outlive Antonius himself. He stood then and gestured to the door. "Let's go then."

Giana nodded and turned to the door, but paused and instead turned back to Antonius. “Thank you, Papa… for believing in me.”

"Our healing must start somewhere." he said, a smile forming on his face that was quite warm and kind. "Our healing must start somewhere."



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