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A Matter of Taste II

Posted on Wed Dec 7th, 2022 @ 3:58am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Dr. Daniel Brasken
Edited on on Wed Dec 7th, 2022 @ 3:59am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Mission Day 25 at 1935
3013 words - 6 OF Standard Post Measure


"For the grade they were given, that is correct. For the top marks necessary to graduate top of their class, I expect more than to the letter." Daniel quirked a brow, inviting a response to the contrary if Lyra had one to offer.

“And she was supposed to know that how, exactly, when any other teacher would have been very clear about their expectation? From what I understand you have not worked closely with her given she is a cadet close to graduating and is no longer in the classroom environment; given that fact how should she know you expect more? It is the poor teacher who sets a student up to stumble and fail. You might not see it as a failure that she could still graduate, but I guarantee you even the lowliest of slaves on this ship know of Mika Petrova’s goal to graduate at the top of her class so I highly doubt you were unaware. That goal is at the moment the only thing that girl has to cling to some sort of normalcy while she is out here, so why did you choose to take that away from her saying because she couldn’t read your mind about wanting more, she doesn’t deserve it?”

"I've never known a teacher that gave top marks for doing just what was asked. This should not be some new revelation to Mika, unless she has been allowed to slide because of her family name. I gave her a second opportunity to show growth and insight and achieve the top marks that she wants and she again failed to do so." Daniel narrowed his eyes slightly as he tried to understand exactly what Lyra's angle about all of this was. "You cannot tell me that you would promote someone that could execute a perfect kata and is a master marksman, but failed to anticipate an opponent when faced with a challenge."

"Every teacher I have known would give top marks for something executed flawlessly, yes. I also know many teachers would give top marks for something that wasn't flawless, but showed imagination in the way you describe. You're penalizing her for not having an active imagination." Lyra's expression didn't change at his narrowing gaze. She remained calm and unreadable, though her dark eyes were mildly unsettling as ever. "That comparison is why I asked you about practicality. I would never ask one of my people to write about katas or marksmanship to assess their actual knowledge of the topic and I certainly would not sit there and insist that they pull random scenarios out of the air to theoretically respond to."

"Do you make your staff sit there and write papers when you aren't treating the wounded and have them think of all the scenarios that might come up?"

"As a matter of fact, that is approximately what being in science is all about. When not actively dealing with a problem, looking at the possibilities and trying to figure out what could be....and then writing a paper about it for others to examine." Daniel was not comfortable under her gaze, but he would be damned if he would show it.

"So you give them assignments to sit there and stare at like they are first year Academy students?" Lyra asked, finally quirking a brow.

"I do not give them specific assignments, no. As mentioned earlier though, this is something that will make someone stand out in my department for promotions as opposed to just a technician who can press buttons." Daniel finished his drink and then leaned forward again. "Do you disagree with how I run my department?"

"Do I think sitting on your asses staring into space dreaming up hypothetical scenarios or happenings is a waste of time compared to the fact that you could be actively working with the people in your department to improve their practical skills and knowledge of what is right in front of them here every day? Yes." Lyra simply continued to look into his eyes, her expression never once wavering and her tone remaining even.

"But in the end, Daniel, I don't give a damn how you run your department in general as long as you can put the broken back together. What I do care about is that you somehow view your methods as superior to the Academy standard. You are aware that were we on Earth, Mika could and would appeal this grade and she would win based on your explanation of 'well she just should have known to do more' correct? I know you've been out of the Academy for some time, but you know that isn't how things work." She leaned in closer to him.

"Let her either redo the paper or give her another assignment, but make your expectations clear and keep the high and mighty bullshit out of it - you're a teacher in this case, not a department head. If she comes short again, then that is on her and she will have to accept the grade she is given."

"Did they fail to mention that they were given another assignment in an attempt to get them to explore outside the box thinking? When they complained about their grade not being high enough another option was given where they submit an equally static paper that was not self-examination or thought expansive." He leaned back and continued to analyze her tone and stance in relation to the words.

"Sure, though. Another chance, why not?" Daniel's brow furrowed as his eyes darkened again. Nepotism wins again and the greater good gets pushed aside.

"No, she did not fail to mention that part." Lyra replied and paused as one of the slaves brought over another plate - a proper bruschetta this time - and placed it down on the table. She shifted it to the middle and then picked up one of the laden bread slices and brought it to the plate in front of her. "Exactly why did you assign such a thing to her, is my question really."

"As I said, the goal was to get her to actively examine herself beyond the text. Her enthusiasm for ways to get the grade up was worrisome and I was hoping to convince her or at least teach her that there were those that would take advantage." Daniel did not partake of the new dish as he was annoyed at this point.

She had taken a bite when he explained and took her time on it, savoring the proper flavors and textures of a well done bruschetta. She put what she hadn't eaten back down on the small plate in front of her and politely wiped the corners of her mouth.

"What exactly did you want her to do for her extra credit paper, then?" Lyra asked. Of course she knew what Mika had told her, but she was giving Daniel a chance to give his side once more as she had up to this point - it was a courtesy that wouldn't be extended to him likely by anyone else who would deal with the situation. Not genuinely at least.

"To take an honest look at herself. Examine why she was where she was and why it upset her so much. What was scaring her so much that not meeting this goal was worth offering herself to me? Even after I told her to explain the paper to me and what my goals were, she refused to try again." Daniel sighed and shrugged slightly, ignoring the food as he explained himself. He had to admit he appreciated the fact that the questions were being asked.

"Offering herself to you?" She asked over the rim of her drink and finally she quirked a brow, really the only shift in her expression the entire conversation at all.

"Physically, in hopes that I would change her grade in exchange for sex." Daniel shook his head again and continued. "Which was precisely the behavior I was attempting to draw her attention to and how easily she could be manipulated. Of course when I pointed that out to her, she got defensive and refused to listen."

Lyra continued to just quietly listen to Daniel as he spoke. She was both surprised and not by the fact that Mika had done such a thing, really. Even with the conversation that she had shared with Mika where the girl had confided in her that she found the idea of sex more or less gross, using sex as a means of getting what they wanted was something women were taught much too early in life in the Empire. Perhaps Mika had done it consciously, perhaps not, but she didn't find any reason to doubt Daniel at this juncture. He had been willing to have the conversation with her in the first place and his story really hadn't differed from Mika's complaints.

"I happen to agree with you that the particular problem referring to most certainly should be addressed, however," she leveled her gaze on Daniel again, "your attempt to do so was hamfisted, foolish, and displayed a serious lack of judgment. When Mika first came to me weeks ago to tell me about this paper, I advised her not to do it at all. Obviously, she didn't take that advice, and instead of making it a proper teaching moment for her, you merely leaned into it and made her more sure than ever that you are simply trying to take advantage of her or make her beholden to you in some way. You aren't trying to do that,"

The unreadable look in her eyes finally coalesced into something understood; it was cold, ruthless, but restrained. Anyone who had any semblance of self preservation would have at the very least been concerned by it, but there was little doubt that such a look could cause those of weaker minds to tremble.

"Are you?"

Daniel's head tilted slightly as the look settled into what he had expected this conversation to come down to after the last set of exchanges. He was uncomfortable having the look aimed at him, mainly because he knew he did nothing wrong but also because he knew this person could back the claims it was making. "That is not my flavor of conquest, no."

As quickly as the look had solidified, it evaporated in an instant and was replaced with something warm, almost friendly. She didn’t feel it of course, but it was impossible to tell just by looking at her as Daniel was doing. “See, I thought not. You don’t seem like that kind of man. Now, unfortunately, that doesn’t really negate the fact that your attempt at this particular lesson went very poorly. You’ve lost any trust you could have possibly had with Mika and I believe you are intelligent enough to know to pray that the assignment you gave is currently only known by the two of us and Mika.”

"I purged it from my database after I was done with Mika. The plan was never to hold something over her and you are welcome to check for yourself if that will reassure them." Daniel was annoyed but kept his features a mask of civility. It was true that the cadet was intelligent as far as memorization and books went, but as of now he was writing off anything further to be expected. "I will update the original paper and push through their graduation in the morning."

Lyra noticed the detached way Daniel was now speaking regarding Mika as an individual. She barely restrained an eye roll from becoming visible; men were such godsdammed babies when their pride was hurt. It was disgusting really, and lessened them when they did this.

“If that is how you want to do it instead of making her write a new paper with clear expectations, then so be it.” She paused and studied his face. “I do have some concerns about how you are speaking regarding her though, Daniel. Exactly what problem do you have here?”

"Mika has shown that their interest in growth only extends so far until they run into resistance at which point they ran to the nearest superior. I attempted to explain myself and Mika wouldn't listen. Pray tell why should I consider them worth my time when they are not willing to see beyond themselves?" Daniel matched her gaze, uncertain how she would fall on his analysis of the situation.

Lyra quirked a brow at him. “Is that what you think happened here? No, Daniel, if Mika was running to a superior officer, the chain of command dictates something like this would be brought to the XO. Now, obviously, because nepotism runs rampant on this ship, that’s her brother. I don’t particularly think I have to explain what might have happened to you were Mika to go to her brother in tears over this whole incident, much less if it has gotten back to her father who has tremendous guilt about not being there to raise his baby girl.”

“After your approach to this, I find it astonishing that you seem to not be able to fathom why she wouldn’t listen to you or trust you; why you don’t really want to accept that perhaps you may have mishandled the situation.” She shook her head. “Mika didn’t come to me as her superior, she came to me as a friend for help instead of doing what she was supposed to do by going to her brother not only because she is very aware of how that would look, but because despite your mishandling of this entire thing, she still has some measure of concern for you. You might do well to take that into consideration before you write her off and treat her like a nonentity in your mind”

Daniel sat back and considered Lyra's words quietly. In truth he was annoyed that a lack of critical thinking on the cadet's part was being supported. Mika got defensive when he turned down her offer, not having been offended because she thought he was trying to get something from her. Still though, this could have been (and still could be), significantly worse as Lyra had pointed out.

Finally he let out a sigh and let the tension visibly drain from his shoulders and face. "Very well. I will re-evaluate my actions and own my mistake. That being said though, please do impress upon Mika that looking past the obvious is a valuable skill in the Empire."

"A skill that must be learned." Lyra reminded him evenly. "She is very young, Daniel, and she hasn't had to face these kinds of scenarios before; she isn't prepared for them. I don't know if she wasn't taught or if she was and still just doesn't quite grasp it. She's blinded by her goal of graduating top of her class because like I said that is one of the last shreds of normalcy she has - something she has worked diligently for years to accomplish. This," she tapped the table, "isn't the hill for you to die on. Compromise a little; you don't have to hand it to her. Let her rewrite the paper, be clear about your expectations like I suggested. If she doesn't meet them, then she doesn't meet them and that's on her. I will see if I can get through to her about the other paper. I couldn't the first time, but maybe now she will listen."

Sighing, she sat back and just looked across to him, studying his face. "I strongly advise you to move past this incident and find at least a courteous and considerate working relationship with Mika; I will advise her of the same. We have a long road home ahead of us and if we want to make that shorter, we need to work together as best we can and not let such petty things get in the way."

Daniel quirked a brow at the response at first but did not interrupt. Apparently he did not make himself clear in accepting blame for his own actions that he was not writing Mika off at this point. He would give her another chance and was simply wanting Lyra to deliver the message of awareness so that it came from a source that was trusted. Oh well, it happened from time to time. "I had no intention to die on a hill as you put it. To be honest, so long as it is communicated that she needs to be more active in looking beyond the obvious, then the paper that was submitted is acceptable to give her the marks to graduate top of her class."

A raised hand to signal and he placed an order quickly. "Now then, shall we return to the project we came here for? I think some hasperat and stuffed avocado will be a wonderful test for you..."

"I'll pass on the hasperat, you can surely find something from home that is just as spicy." She noted. "I will speak with Mika tomorrow after her shift. I have another engagement after this one. It may be prudent for you to assign her to some task not involving you if you want me to be the one to give her the news."

"Of course. I have some work in the science lab that I can do that will keep me out of Sickbay." Daniel snapped his fingers and grinned with an almost sadistic edge. "This one will require the replicator, but ghost pepper salted chocolate ice cream."

Lyra considered Daniel a moment and was instantly attracted to the look in his eyes. “I do believe you are trying to inflict hellfire on me with that combination, but let’s give it a try. Now, why don’t you try a proper bruschetta,” she pushed the plate toward him again, “and let’s enjoy the rest of our time.”



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