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Continued Pain...

Posted on Wed Apr 26th, 2023 @ 11:10pm by Caeda
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:50pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Alliance POW camp, location undisclosed
Timeline: Date 2371-07-30 at 0830
2832 words - 5.7 OF Standard Post Measure

In the small cage that he was being kept in, Edward could only curl into a ball. He was being brought out less and less, though the torture was still occurring. He was woken at all hours, cold water was thrown on him, even some of the guards would relieve themselves on him, laughing as they did so. Through it all, he kept his discipline strong, holding onto the smiling image of Giana in the center of his thoughts.

The door to the filthy room where Edward was being kept opened up and an elderly Terran man in tattered clothes entered the room. His nose wrinkled immediately at the stench and he paused. Then a hand made contact with his shoulder from behind and he stumbled forward, nearly losing his balance in the process. The door was slammed shut and the man looked behind him. After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, he pulled up a chair in front of Edward's cage and gazed at him, his haunted eyes saying nothing

Edward watched the old man move in and sit down infront of him. He didn't say anything at first, but then asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm called Theo. I was once the younger brother of the Lord of Greece....a long time ago. Now I'm a slave." the old man said, offering a kindly smile. "Why I'm here with you? I'm afraid I don't know. I was hoping you might actually be able to tell me."

Edward shook his head. "I've either been tortured, humiliated, or left in this cage since I've was captured." Though it was a small comfort to be speaking to a fellow Terran, Edward wasn't stupid. He knew they were being watched. He also knew that it was a very real possibility that this man was not even Terran, but a cosmetically altered piece of Alliance filth, no doubt sent in to see if Edward would reveal any secrets. He decided to play things close, for now. "How were you captured?"

The older, haggard man was silent a moment, his face scrunching as if he were truly trying to remember the answer to that question. “I was on a ship… the ISS Meade near the border. We were attacked. I… I don’t remember much. I was injured and I remember fire all around. When I woke up, I was in a cell much like this one with my wounds tended enough only that I wouldn’t die.”

He looked to Edward. “What about you?”

Edward grimaced slightly as he tried to shift in the small cage. "I was shot down over Vulcan. We were pushing the Alliance back out of our territory and one of my pilots was in trouble. As I took care of the damn ridgehead that was trying to kill them, two more locked onto me." He shook his head slightly.

"After they shot me down, I managed to evade their search party for a few hours. After they found me, I killed two of them, before their pack leader beat me in hand to hand. Next thing I remember is waking up here, with two Bajoran bitches trying to get information out of me."

Theo considered this a moment and eventually nodded slightly. “I see, they must think you can be useful then… the Bajoran women are the least of their interrogators. You may want to spare yourself the pain and give them what they want… because they will get it from you boy. One way or another.”

Edward sneered as he heard those words. "Never! I am a loyal son and warrior of the Terran Empire! I will never yield, so long as there is breath in my body!"

The older man’s eyes took on a considerably distant look and his expression became drawn. His lips trembled slightly as if he were going to say something, but some unseen force stopped him. “They all say that. Everyone says that, boy, but in the end they will take what they want. No one is coming for us. The Empire - the Emperor - has forgotten us. We will die here.”

Edward looked at the old man for several beats, his expression one of anger and a growing thirst to exact vengeance upon their enemies. Keeping his voice low and steady, he looked directly into the old man's eyes. "Listen to me very carefully, Theo. The Emperor has not forgotten about us. We have started to reclaim the areas of space that once belonged to us. As soldiers in His Excellency's military, it is our job to continue to against our captors. We will return home one day, I give you my word of honor. You, me, and every other Terran that is being held here. Do you understand?"

Theo smiled slightly, but it was a bitter one that was without hope. “I was never a soldier, boy, and I’ve heard more than my fair share of men speak those words. Perhaps you will be different than the rest - I would welcome it - but I will not hope for it.”

Edward gave the older man a level stare. "We are Terrans. Every single one of us is a soldier. We are destined to rule the entire cosmos! One doesn't need to be on n actual field of combat to be a warrior. Everyone fights, in their own way, to ensure the Empire survives and flourishes."

What had been a bitter smile turned into a touch of amusement that the man hadn't felt in years. It was twisted, yes, even he would have to admit that, but it was there. "I don't know about that, young man. I hardly imagine any of our women to be warriors; though I suppose if you count them opening their legs to provide comfort to men or birth more sons for the glory of the Empire, I can give you that point."

At that, Edward grinned and chuckled. "You'd be surprised how vicious the women in Starfleet can be, old man." He then took a moment to look around the area surrounding his small cage. "If you help get out of here, I'll even introduce you to a few of them."

"I'm afraid you're on your own there, boy. I can't help you." Theo replied and stood slowly, his knees cracking audibly and making him groan. "I tried for years."

"Possibly," Edward conceded. "But you never had me to help. If we work together, we can get out of here and go home."

At that moment, a pair of guards walked in. "Slave!" He growled at Theo. "Get away from that prisoner!" He jammed the business end of his pain stick into Theo's side, the power level set to its medium setting.

Theo yelled and jerked away from the stick, trying to get out of range of it as he moved toward the door. He hit up against the cage Edward was in, and then moved to exit the room before he was assaulted again. Unseen by the guards, he'd left behind a metal rod that was several inches long and very thin, perhaps a tool Theo had used in his own attempts and was now giving to Edward in a fashion.

While the guards were solely focused on abusing Theo, Edward had been quick to notice the drop of the tool. Whether it was intentional or by accident, the warrior would ensure the opportunity was not wasted.

With the guards continuing to beat and torture Theo, Edward quickly got to work on the lock securing his small cage. Thankfully, he had done exceedingly well in his SERE training, and had the lock open in seconds.

As quiet as a caged panther suddenly released, Edward exited the small cage and stalked over toward his prey. Though he wasn't in his top physical shape, after the continuous torture, the adrenaline rush he was feeling now made up for any deficiency. In one fluid movement, he reached his arms around the neck of the closest guard and twisted hard. He was rewarded with a loud and satisfying crunching sound, after which the guard collapsed in a pile of flesh and bone.

The second guard saw his comrade go down and turned, his eyes going wide in rage and surprise, seeing the taller Twrran warrior standing over him. He reached for his disruptor, only to feel a blade, his comrade's dk'tang to be precise, pierce the front of his throat, quickly, stricking his spinal cord from the less armored underside.

Once the blade was buried deep enough, Edward activated the spring-operated talon blades, then he yanked the now wider blade back out of the Klingon, ripping his throat wide open.

In seconds, the room grew quiet again. Edward quickly stripped the klingons of anything useful. Thankfully, the first one killed was his size so, though it stunk to the heavens, he donned the uniform and, more importantly, the armored boots. Once he was done, he decided to go a step further.

Reaching down, he took hold of the Klingon's head and expertly scalped him. Then, wiping off as much of the excess gore, he donned the scalp like a hat. While it wasn't a perfect disguise to say the least, it could buy them a few precious seconds.

Looking down to Theo, he extended his right hand to the older man. "Can you walk?"

Theo had been huddled on the floor just trying to minimize the damage that he could. When everything went quiet he looked up and jumped slightly at Edwards appearance, and then he began laughing like a man who had definitely lost more than a little of himself along the way. "Boy what do you think you are doing wearing that like a hat." He grinned and moved to stand without Edward's help. "They'll skin you alive."

Despite their situation, Edward managed to chuckle at Theo's comment. "They'll have to catch me first." He then jerked his head towards the closed door of the room they were in. "What's waiting for us outside? Number of guards, facility layout, shuttle locations, other prisoners?

“I… really don’t know. Other prisoners yes, but I can’t tell you how many guards exactly. These animals all look the same and you can’t tell the women apart from the men.” He paused and scowled. “They don’t post maps in here, boy. I don’t know any sort of shuttle locations, and really only know the way to the yard they sometimes let us out in. Otherwise if we are allowed out of our cells we wander the halls until we end up back where we started.”

Edward frowned slightly, wishing he had been with a prisoner of similar military training. However, he would make do with what he had. "Fine. Take me to the guard control room. I imagine you at least have seen that?"

Theo just stared at Edward for a long moment and then shook his head gruffly. “Of course I don’t. Best I can do is point out the areas I see them leaving through more often than not.”

Edward sighed internally, thinking that this old man clearly couldn't save himself if he fell into a box, with the top completely open and a map with point by point directions on how to get out. Gritting his teeth slightly, he nodded once. "Then do so, now." There was an unmistakable tone of command and authority in his voice.

"Ah... well alright. Let's see here." Theo put his hand to his chin and began to look around then stepped out into the hallway. "Ah yes just down this way is a rather well patrolled hallway... so we should probably not go that way, hm?"

"Follow my lead," Edward said gruffly as he reached up and grabbed the back of Theo's neck. He then forced him down the hallway while grumbling threats in common Klingonese.

Theo made a sound of distress as he was roughly handled by the younger man. "Excuse me what exactly are you do-"

He was cut off as he continued to be pushed forward.

As they continued down the hall, Edward saw what he was looking for. A control room up ahead on the left. Inside was a single Klingon, a very thin and old looking Klingon. As they reached the door, it slid open, due to Edward carrying the dead Klingon's commbadge. Without a word, he shoved Theo inside.

"Ack!" Theo exclaimed, stumbling inside and falling to the floor.

The other Klingon reacted slowly. "What is this?" He asked in a confused tone.

Before he could get a good look at Edward's disguise, the Terran pulled the dk'tang he was carryimg and hurled it at the Klingon, striking him in the throat.

While the Klingon dropped into a pile of soon-to-be-rotting flesh, Edward quickly closed and sealed the control room door. He then movedover to Theo and helped the older man back up to his feet. "Sorry about that. Needed complete surprise there."

"How dare you handle me and push me around like I'm some common lout!" Theo protested loudly. "The nerve of you military types. Despicable."

Edward gave Theo a look that could melt duranium. "If you want to get out of here alive, you will shut up and do as I say. Do I make myself clear?" The command authority in his voice was unmistakable.

Theo sputtered slightly and looked like he was about to say something and then thought better of it. Instead, he stood there with his arms crossed pouting and seething silently as he waited for Edward's next part of his plan.

Seeing that the old man wasn't going to be any help, even in his own escape, infuriated Edward, though he kept it inside. Now was not the time to let that out.

Moving over to the consoles, he quickly looked over them. After a few beats, he had found what he was looking for. A diagram for the facility. After looking it over, he saw that there was a staff of about twelve guards, two of which were already dead. There were a few dozen cells, and around fifty prisoners. Next, he found the method of their escape, a b'rel class Bird of Prey! It was currently sitting on the facility's landing pad.

Next, Edward found the controls to unlock the cells. After first ensuring that the armory would only open by his command, he grabbed the disruptor rifle that was in the control room. He then looked over at Theo. "Get ready to move." He then found the transporter controls. After devising a beautiful plan of revenge, he set the transporter computer to lock onto any Klingon or Bajoran bio signs, and beam them into one large, gruesome mass of flesh.

"Move? Where are we going? What did you find?" Theo asked, his voice slightly less demanding than it had been before given now there actually seemed to be a real possibility of escape.

Edward pointed to the screen, showing the Bird of Prey. "Our way out of here." He then activated the controls to open all of the prisoner cells. He then activated the comm system. "Attention! All Terrans, hear me! I am Imperial Starfleet Marine Captain Edward Fredricson. I have freed you and disposed of the Alliance filth that thought themselves our betters! Now, head to the south end of the facility, where the landing pad is. We are leaving this place and going home!"

He then turned to Theo. "Let's go," he stated in s commanding voice as he strode out of the Command room, removing the klingon armor as he moved.

"They probably aren't going to believe you, you know." Theo pointed out but followed Edward nonetheless. "This is a trick they like to play on the prisoners sometimes."

"I figured as much," Edward replied as he continued towards the landing pad. "That's why I beamed the Alliance filth together in front of the cells." They continued walking together until they reached the door leading to the pad.

Once they stepped through it, they saw all of the prisoners, gathered around the loading ramp of the Klingon ship. When they saw Edward step through the hatch, they all started the kneel in respect.

"On your feet!" He called out as he walked among them. "You are no longer slaves! You are free men and women! Everyone get aboard the ship. Anyone with any experience serving aboard a starship, report to the bridge!" He looked over the released prisoners one last time, then made his way up into to ship.

Less than twenty minutes later, the Bird of Prey's engines fired up and the scout ship lifted off of the pad. As it's wings transitioned to cruise mode, the ship climbed up out of the atmosphere. Once they broke orbit, the warp engines were engaged and the ship jumped into high warp.

Their destination...home.



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