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A New Face

Posted on Tue Mar 14th, 2023 @ 11:46pm by Endia & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:18pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Date 2371-07-24 at 1600
2735 words - 5.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Elana had retreated to her quarters to change from her ceremonial outfit and then dressed in what she termed ‘casual clothes’ which was tailored black slacks and a dark purple blouse with low heels, and her hair pulled into a high ponytail, the tail of which flowed down her back, she exited her quarters and strode with determination to a place she often liked to hide as a child and young teen. The Arboretum was one of the best places on the Imperial Flagship and Elana had spent many hours there.

Her mother had forewarned her of the events, it would not do for any member of the royal family to be caught unawares and she also knew that her mother had watched her reactions, though Elana had given only a short laugh about Giana’s fiance calling him boring and annoying before heading off to her own rooms, her disdain for the match clear but she had spent the past few hours playing the part the happy sister, the quiet one, and now she needed her space.

She entered the Arboretum and found her way to the small seating area near a grove of bamboo.

A small group of four men walked together, all wearing somewhat casual clothing, though it was obvious that their clothing was still expensive and designer. One of the two men in the middle seemed to be leading the conversation and the others laughed at something inaudible he had said. He was a brown-skinned young man in his mid twenties. Fit enough that the shape of his muscular body could be seen through his clothing, and quite handsome. He had a short moustache over his full lips to match the buzz cut on his head. A military man if one was ever seen. He wore a black V-Neck that hugged his torso and blue jeans that sagged low enough to expose the waistband of his boxers. It was a somewhat brazen way to dress on the Imperial Flagship, but appropriate for a common man in a common place. He didn’t seem to care, nor did his friends.

Elana made her way to the bench seating and took a seat even as she noticed the group. She knew from her files who the man was. And she knew he always had a group of people around him. She forbore making a scene, she was here to be alone and making a scene prevented that. She settled onto the bench and took a breath of the air that flowed around the bamboo trees.

Khalon had been so busy with his story he hadn’t noticed Elana sitting on the bench. When one of his friends indicated her, he stopped his story and looked at her. As the group drew nearer, his gaze remained consistent. When he caught her looking back, he gave her a handsome smile, easy, quiet, and confident. Then he looked away. It was inappropriate to stare at a princess.

Elena calmly inclined her head to the others who gave short bows. She had felt quite disconcerted by his gaze, not that it showed. She glanced past him, noting the imperial guards that had filtered in and bit back a soft growl. She wanted peace and quiet. She really should go back to the China House and live there. She then chose to be a bit brasher than normal and she stood. “Lord Khalon” she said, her tone almost like her mother's.

Since he’d been addressed, he stopped, as did his friends. He tried to get a read in her from her greeting, something about her reason for giving him the time of day, but he saw nothing.

“Your Highness.” He said, and leaned down to kiss her hand gently. “Sorry I was staring. I don’t normally make a habit of eying beautiful women so…obviously. Normally I’m much more subtle.”

His friends grinned broadly at the flirtatious comment. Khalon was a kind, good man, but he wasn’t known for his hesitation.

Elana noted the grins and raised an eyebrow but merely nodded. “Oh I am sure you don’t make a habit of such things Lord Khalon.” She replied making it like she believed him. “Are you enjoying the celebrations?” she asked out of politeness.

“I’m still getting used to all the ceremonies again, to be honest. Starfleet had them, but nothing this opulent. To be honest, I felt pretty out of place. The arboretum helps though. A natural scene and a good walk can’t be beat.”

“Yes, I can agree with that.” Elana replied “It's why I spend so much time planetside. Regardless of the planet” she added. She had spent time on Mars' planet side, had, prior to the events, enjoyed the planet’s terraformed gardens. “But you will have to get used to the Ceremonies now you are High Lord of Mars.”

“I’m resilient if nothing else.” He said with a nod. “Ceremonies must be your life. How do you cope with all the..meaningless talk?”

“One.. learns who is best to speak with.” Elana replied. “And to make sure you know how to reply to those who want something, something they are not deserving of, Your attention,” She smiled a bit brittley “You will need to learn who you can trust as well”

“And how do you know when someone is worth your attention?” He asked, his eyes searching her face for a moment, his friends still gathered around, but forgotten.

Elana gave a half shrug. “I personally have people who tell me information and then I make my own determination.” She glanced at his friends and raised an eyebrow. She was expecting an introduction.

He didn’t deliver an introduction and, for the most part, he didn’t seem to pay them any mind at all. He smiled at her answer.

“Sounds like you’re a bit of a spy, Your Highness.” he said, offering a smile that was strikingly attractive. “I don’t mean to be too forward but…you recognized me. What have your whisperers told you?”

Here her lips curved slightly a bit more. “Oh many things” she said casually. “That you are loyal, which is very important and that you are interested in many things most of the High Council of lords are not.”

“Oh, that’s interesting.” he said with a grin. His friends seemed to turn, knowing what his singular focus on the Princess meant. They were no longer on his mind and they weren’t here to watch him flirt all day. They remained, but began to have their own conversations. “I have many interests, ma’am. Many many. To which are you referring?”

She calmly let her gaze wander towards the guards noting that they still kept their distance, and then returned her gaze to him. “Your military service, a shame it was cut so short, but it gives you an insight to the fighting man, and from your... dress, the common man.” And here she let her smile reach her eyes for the first time. “Something I have in common with you it seems”

“The Common Man is the true Terran.” he said with a smile. “Fancy parties, expensive clothes, and multilingualism aside, they are the ones who we should care for. It’s our most important job.”

He said, and then he smiled and shrugged, an innocent gesture. “But I’m not much for politics, ma’am. I’m a simple man with simple interests. A drink with friends. A walk in the arboretum. Simple clothes. A pretty girl. Nothing more than any man can enjoy.”

And smarter than he made out. Elana merely let that pass as she could see and hear his interest in those things. “I see.” She smiled at him. “And I see you avoid the toadies that normally attach themselves to High Lords of the Council.”

“Forgive my crudeness, but kissing ass isn't my favourite pastime. The way I see it, what comes to me comes to me. And, when I really want something, it normally isn’t sitting on a Council that meets every month to say yes to whatever a man says. Even if he is the Emperor.” he said with a shrug. “I can take that or leave it.”

~Interesting~ Elana thought as she assessed him. “So you will not be attending Court very often then?” she asked curiously.

“To be honest, ma’am, I come around when I’m called and when there’s an interesting reason.” he said, raising his brow. “So, if I were coming often, it’s because I’d have an interesting reason.

He was cute and suggestive but easy-going and certainly not forced. If she wanted to, Elana could choose to interpret it as being forward or quite matter-of-fact.

She smiled at that. “Well then we shall have to make court life more interesting for you.” she noted an aide heading her way and bit back a sigh. “Shall we walk, My Lord?” Anything to avoid the toady heading their way.

He smiled and offered her his arm. It was a normal gesture, but it gave them an opportunity to touch one another, something the two of them were at least passively interested in. He eyed the aide, his expression not unkind, but he read her as she approached.

“Just call me Khalon when it's you and me, ma’am.” he said, taking a step forward on the path away from her aide and his friends. “My Lord is my father’s name.”

Elana chose to make a very unusual choice. “Elana” she said as they walked away from the aide. “Ma’am is my mother, obviously.” She had linked her hand through his arm as they walked. “My father’s announcements will give your people more opportunities. Is that correct or not?”

“Not.” he said, chuckling. “It will give the common people more opportunities. Joining a reestablished Senate is a huge step for the people. But the Council of Lords is being cut from 30 to 11. The lords still on it will be more powerful than they have been, I think. But, as far as I know, less seats mean less opportunities. But, if you’re waiting for me to get all puffed up and mad, you’ll be waiting a long time.”

She merely smiled. “I was not waiting for anything of the sort Khalon. I was merely asking questions. One can learn a lot by the answers given.”

“Well, what are you learning, Spygirl?” he asked. He was very familiar, though still respectful in a common way. He clearly wasn’t being manipulative and was treating her normally. That was a dangerous thing to do with a princess, however. She seemed to like it.

“That you are very different from the others that hover around the Court. And you mask it well.” She said in a soft voice. “But not in a dangerous way.”

“And here I thought I was a tiger,” he said with a playful grin. “Roar.”

She had to laugh at that but it was a soft laugh. “There are different levels of danger in the court, Khalon, as I am sure you are well aware.” She most definitely was aware of the different levels in the court. Most thought her a low level which she liked.

“I’m not around to be dangerous.” he said with a shrug. “If I weren’t a military man, I’d tell you I’m a lover and not a fighter.”

“You were a fighter pilot, on the front lines. You served the Empire well.” she stated the truth. “Your knowledge of military matters would be a boon to anyone looking to support those fighting for our empire.”

“I piloted capital ships, actually.” he said, correcting her matter-of-factly. “And I think the military has tons of support. Your father’s statements made that clear. I just missed out on that 3 month bonus by a few months I guess.”

“Yes they may be supported but let's look at that support honestly. How many have actually served and not had their commissions and ranks purchased for them?” She asked idly as they wandered the pathways. “And it is those who order people into battles, into missions that end badly yet they never seem to be caught for it.”

Khalon said nothing to that, though his brow did knit a bit. He was a loyal military officer and never questioned what was happening there. He heard many civilians speaking that way on his side of the political aisle, but he found the military to be one of the most egalitarian institutions in the Empire if one was Terran. After all, almost all of the members of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which included Starfleet Command, were commoners.

“Like I said. Politics isn’t really my favourite subject.”

Then he would probably not last at court Elana considered. Unless of course that was a cover. “Well, then perhaps you could give me some names of retired military officers who might be interested in doing some talks at my orphanage?” she asked. “I have several young males who are interested in joining the Military and having people who have been through it would be a boon for them to hear from.”

He looked at her with a smile. The fact that she ran an orphanage was known to him already.

“I could definitely point some people your way, Elana. Hells, I might be willing to do it too, under..certain circumstances.”

~Ah the catch~ she thought. “Circumstances?” her tone was light, innocently so. “And what would they be?”

“That I would get to take you out to dinner afterwards,” he said. His charm was natural and tender, completely unforced. He had a charisma that was quiet and smooth and left the impression on people that here really was an in-control man with a great deal of humility. He was also no pushover, and his muscular build told anyone he could hold his own when things got physical.

She looked up at him. Dinner would be an interesting thing. “Very well. Though you are brave to want to be seen with me. Most would run the other way.”

“I'm not most.” he said in a decisive but quiet voice. “And, if you’re worried about being seen, a private dinner would work just as well for me. Maybe even better.”

That was forward, and dangerously slow, but he turned his eyes away from her, taking leadership in their stroll together. He paused under a large tree and looked up into the branches.

She followed his gaze and then said “Private might be an idea, if you can handle the fact that I have bodyguards that follow me everywhere.”

“I don’t mind bodyguards, Elana. As long as you don’t order them to break my leg or something like that.” he responded, turning and finding several Imperial Guards standing around and keeping an eye on them. They weren’t observing their interactions as much as they were watching his movements; doing their job.

“Ah well that is not my style.” Elana replied. “And as long as they feel you are not doing anything improper, you should be safe.”

“I’m very improper, but only in the way you see now.” he said, indicating his dress. “Now, I know you’re busy, so I’m going to let you get back to your walk. I’ve got plans with the men I was walking with and I blew them off enough.”

He stepped back from her a bit, his eyes finding her face again and he smiled.

“Just keep in touch, alright, Elana? Maybe I’ll get lucky and see you around the ship during the rest of the Feast. We have days, after all.”

She gave him a smile, a proper smile, it reached her eyes. “I am sure we will see each other again. Enjoy your afternoon Khalon.” She withdrew her hand from his arm and stepped clear of him. Then giving him another smile, she headed off, the Aide moving swiftly to intercept and from the look of the Aide’s face, to grumble at the Princess for ignoring them.

Elana merely inclined her head and moved towards the nearest exit, the Aide following her, as guards fell into step around her.


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