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Whatever Will Be

Posted on Sun Apr 30th, 2023 @ 10:20pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasper Branson
Edited on on Sun Apr 30th, 2023 @ 10:20pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: After Eleven
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 2100
2963 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Fiona did not get that much time to herself since joining the squad. She had come here to relax and relaxing she was. She had replaced the black thigh high boots of her uniform with red ankle boots better described as cute, though they also had a bit of a heel, a black minidress, and a matching jacket. She had a Scotch in front of her and was sitting so she could watch the bar. She never really liked having her back to anyone, but she was also people watching more than a little. She was interested in observing the crew. It really did take all kinds, it seemed. At the moment, she was more amused than anything else. A smile playing over her full lips.

It had been another long day and Jasper was looking forward to a little time to wind down. He was dressed casually in a pair of dark blue jeans just a bit rough around the bottom from well loved wear, and a simple long sleeve black shirt that fit snugly, but not enough to look like he was trying to show off his body. He immediately moved to the bar, ordering his drink and then turning around to look out at the lounge. He wasn't looking for anyone and anything in particular, perhaps just something interesting. He shifted so he could put his elbows on the bar and simply lean back slightly.

Fiona glanced over. After all, Jasper was a person. He fell well within her people watching. She took a slow sip of her drink and smiled. "We have an interesting crew," she said. It was a little ambiguous if she was addressing him.

For a moment, Jasper gave no reply since the comment wasn’t directed at him but was only spoken in his vicinity. His eyes were of course naturally roaming over everyone, lingering on the women - especially the ones who were dressed to attract attention - but when nobody answered the pretty little thing nearby, he took a sip of his drink and answered easily.

“Well that’s a word for it, sure.” He gave an easy, charming smile and looked at Fiona. “That’s a nice dress you have there.”

"Thank you," she said, smiling back, a coy, playful smile. "I don't get much free time. I thought I might as well look nice for it."

“Not much free time, hm? What is it you do that occupies your time so then, lovely?” He asked with a slight smirk on his lips. His deep, clear blue eyes settled on her more pointedly now, taking her in with interest.

"I'm on Shadow Squad," she said. "What do you do on the ship?"

“Shadow Squad eh? Lieutenant Cassiel’s pet project?” Jasper’s lips tugged in amusement and he took a sip of his drink. “I’m the XO’s yeoman. So how do you like being on the elite squad?”

"I suppose that's one way to put it," Fiona said. "I am loving it so far. How do you like working for Commander Petrov?"

"It's fine, honestly. At lot of work but better than being stuck in the bowels of the ship playing Tetris with cargo containers and listening to people piss and moan about being stuck out here." Shrugging, Jasper took another healthy swig of his drink and let his eyes run over her again. She was younger he could tell, but obviously she was going for attention and he was happy to give it to her.

Fiona smiled brightly. She didn't seem to mind the attention one bit. Her eyes were also on him. "I remember Tetris," she commented idly. "So you're not inclined to the pissing and the moaning about our oh so lamentable fates?"

"No, not really. I find it obnoxious and not helpful. No amount of it will fix the situation, so I really don't see why people bother." He said and shrugged slightly. "What about you? Do you enjoy a good piss and moan session? Or are you more inclined to just moaning sessions?"

"It is occasionally beneficial to get out of one's system," Fiona said coyly, leaving it to Jasper to decide just which of his two questions she was answering.

Jasper laughed quietly at that and shook his head. "Oh I couldn't agree more. So, are you just here to people watch or are you looking for something else, miss firecracker?"

"Well, let's just say I'm open to finding something interesting," she said, crossing her legs and shifting slightly to the side. Leaning against the bar "How about you?"

"A good stiff drink first, and since I have that, something interesting." He agreed and looked down at her, his eyes going to her cleavage and then back to her face. "What's your name anyways?"

"Fiona," she said. "How about yours?"

"Jasper." He offered up easily, considering her for a moment and then rolling his shoulders. "Tell me about yourself. You look awfully young to be on an elite squadron."

"Because I'm awfully good awfully young," Fiona said. No pretense of modesty on this one. "I'm the sniper."

"Well aren't you a fancy girl." Jasper smirked, finished his drink, and ordered another when the bartender wandered close enough. “What got you so interested in guns so young?”

"My father was a marine and I didn't have any brothers," Fiona answered. "We also lived in a rural area so he would take me hunting. There's not that much..." She paused and downed the rest of her drink. "I don't wanna get all philosophical tonight."

"Not that much... that a girl can't do that a boy can?" Jasper questioned, amusement tugging at his lips and tinting his voice.

"I was going to say not that much difference between an animal and an enemy," she clarified. "There are a few things a girl can do that a boy can't. Well, that a woman can do that a man can't."

“Well, that definitely went more morbid than I was thinking, but I suppose you aren’t wrong.” He chuckled and leaned against the bar.

"Well, you were asking about sniping," she teased him lightly. "I'm not the hugs and puppies specialist. That's more..." She laughed and shook her head.

"More....?" Jasper prompted again. He'd play this game, but not for much longer. She was cute... but not that cute.

"More someone else's thing," she said. She looked at him for a moment. Thinking. "I don't want to talk about him and I don't want to talk about sniping."

"Well then, what do you want to do?" He gave an amused smile as she seemed to flit from one thing to another, though perhaps now they'd figure out what exactly was to her liking.

"The conversation is really just a prelude," she explained. "Small talk. Getting to know you." Her smile was a little bolder now. Ok. No more word games. She placed her hand on his and lightly, very lightly, brushed her nails over the skin. She leaned in close. Her breath against her ear. "What I'd like to do, Jasper, is to be alone with you for awhile."

Jasper’s eyes became slightly more intense at her words, and he looked down at her while he turned his hand over so he could grab her hand. “That I could do.”

He moved his other hand to her hip and pulled her a bit closer. “I’ll even get you back before curfew.”

She slipped her hand into his and leaned closer, feeling his hand on her hip. "You better. Otherwise, they'll yell at me." She grinned and leaned forward to brush her lips agains this. Just a little taste of what was to come.

Well, he’d be an idiot to say no to any of this, and Jasper tried to keep his idiocy quotient very low. He returned the brief brush of her lips with his own and then, with his hand still on her hip, moved to lead her out of the lounge. “Well far be it from me to deny a lovely lady what she wants.”

She walked out with him, smiling. She had been looking for something like this. "You're a gentleman, Jasper." She smiled slightly at the alliteration.

"I try. Sometimes. Not all the time. Sometimes being a gentleman is a bit overrated." He smirked and looked down at her. He found himself quite glad for his change in position for moments like these; having private quarters - however small - was a luxury he thoroughly enjoyed.

"A girl likes to be treated like a lady when she's being walked through the corridors," she said playfully. "Once we're alone together, it's a different story."

“Oh, well then,” He offered his arm to her with a dramatic flourish. “For the lady.” He said, a teasing note in his voice and his eyes dancing with amusement.

She just grinned at his tone and linked her arm with his. "Much appreciated."

The two stepped onto the turbolift with a few other people for the short ride to his quarters. When they stepped out they were alone, and his hands went to her hips. He moved her in front of himself, and with his hands began walking her forward toward his quarters while he bent down to kiss at her neck and shoulder, following her.

Fiona enjoyed the feel of his hands on her hips. She enjoyed the kisses on her neck and shoulder even as he was walking her forward. She didn't say anything. At least she didn't say any actual words. There were little murrs of contentment, mostly involuntary. She was excited. It had been awhile and she was finding him rather charming. When they got to the door, she turned and put her hands on his shoulders, kissing him again on the lips.

Jasper returned her kiss and as he did so, he bent down slightly; his hands moved down from her hips over her rear end where he grabbed her with both hands and pulled her up off the floor. Still kissing her, he coaxed her legs around his waist and once she complied, he removed one hand so he could open the door and walked inside with her. The door closed and locked behind them, and he brought her to the nearest wall, pinning her between it and his body before he finally broke off his rain off kissing her.

Fiona kissed fiercely as she was bodily lifted up. She liked his hands just where they where as he carried her inside. She held him tight in arms and legs and grinned at him. "We're both overdressed, don't you think?" Her hands moved up a little to rest more solidly on his shoulders. Her eyes sought his. Her gaze was dark and deep.

"True." Jasper smirked and kissed her again, still holding her against the wall for a moment, but he finally relented and lowered her down to the ground. His hands found her jacket and he pulled it off of her then he leaned in to kiss along the side of her neck and shoulder. His hands moved to her back and he began to pull the zipper of her dress down with a sensual slowness.

Fiona arched her jaw to welcome to kiss along her neck and shoulder. Then, as he began to unzip her dress, she started to unbutton his shirt. As she bared his chest, she leaned forward to lightly kiss at it. She was grinning. Eager and quite heated. She let her dress fall and stepped out of it. She was wearing only her pushup bra and bikini cut panties, matching the dress. Oh, and her boots. She started to kiss down his chest. Along his belly. She sank to her knees as soft, tender hands freed his manhood.

His hands had started to wander over her petite body with interest when she kissed his chest. He liked the feeling of her lips on his skin, and he made a slightly sound in his throat that reflected it. He was about to reach for her bra when she began kissing down his abdomen and got to her knees in front of him. His eyebrows raised at her eagerness; of course he liked it and he wasn’t going to interfere in the slightest. He let her have the lead, and once she freed him his manhood sprang free. He was hardening rapidly in the moment and it was quite clear Jasper was impressively equipped in length but girth even more so.

“You’re beautiful, you know.”

"I know," Fiona said, never one for false modesty. She smiled up at him. A little impishly. Then she started with her mouth. It was maybe a surprising way to start for the brash young sniper but she liked to please her partners, to offer them, to give of herself. Even if it was just one night, as it often was. She lowered her eyes and lifted soft, gentle hands to him.

Jasper watched her for a moment, returning her smile and touching her cheek with a surprising tenderness. As she settled into her service to his body, however, he moved his hand and simply placed it on top of her head. He didn't try to guide her or pull her, he let her take it at her own pace and simply took enjoyment from her. He wasn't a selfish lover, he would give back what he received, but there were times when it was simply best to enjoy the moment.

She let him enjoy. She felt his surprising tenderness and didn't rush herself. She had a curfew but she was going to take proper care of him. But she didn't plan to finish like that. She pulled herself back, after a time, and slowly stood, placing warm hands on his chest as she stood up, pressing her body against his once more. "The bed?"

He blinked a few times to bring himself back into the moment instead of coasting on the pleasure that had been consuming him. As she stood, he looked down at her and gave an easy smile, his manhood trapped between their bodies when she pressed closer. His hands ran down her back and over her rear end then to the backs of her thighs where he grabbed her and lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around his hips. Once she was up, his hands moved to each cheek of her backside and gave a squeeze; his length bumped up against her sex but he didn't try to move into her.

"Bed." Jasper agreed and moved her over to it and then without preamble he tossed her bent forward and tossed her down onto it gently so she wasn't falling from his full height. Chuckling, he crawled in over top of her and let one hand run up her body while he supported himself with his other hand and his knees. He found her lips with his - he wasn't going to rush it.

"Let's see what we have down here." He grinned and began to kiss down her body.

Fiona grinned as he gripped her ass, holding her firmly. Squeezing the little bit of softness she had there and finding the underlying musculature which tightened. Her thighs were pressed tight against his flanks and her arms were around his shoulders. She kissed him again and then settled down on the bed. She kissed him back. Warmly. Eagerly. And then she felt his kisses moving down her body. Along her neck. Her collarbone. Over her heaving breasts and hard nipples. Down over her warm belly. She smiled as she looked down at him, her hands moving to his hair. Not pushing. Just running her fingers through his hair as he worked. She was shaven down there. Perhaps she had expected to go home with someone tonight? Perhaps she always maintained it?

Jasper wasn't bothered in any situation he found himself in this instance as long as everything was clean. He'd experienced enough in his life to not let such a trivial thing matter. He shifted her legs over his shoulders and gave a kiss to one of her wrists before he set to his own work. He'd return the favor she had given him, but unlike her he wouldn't stop and intended on sending her over the edge. He intended on doing that more than once in the next few hours they'd share.

She certainly appreciated it. She went over the edge again and again for him. When she could catch her breath, she wanted to continue pleasing him, to ride him, to press against him, to feel him inside her. She was eager to please though she made no apologies for relishing her own pleasure as well. When they finally lay panting and sweaty, she pressed her lips to his. "Thank you for a wonderful time," she said.

"I had a great time too." Jasper assured her after he returned her kiss. He brushed a few strands of her hair from her face and smiled. "I know you have to get back to your bunk. I won't keep you."

"I wish I didn't," she pouted, running her hand over his bare chest but then she reluctantly pulled it back and stood, reaching for her clothes. "But I do." She dressed hurriedly and leaned over to kiss him again. "One for the road. I guess I'll be seeing you around, Jasper," she said as she headed for the door, hips swaying demonstratively before she stepped out into the corridor.

"See you around." He replied with a smile and stood to head into the shower.

That had been a nice distraction.



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