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Manufactured Bliss I

Posted on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 @ 7:12am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth
Edited on on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 @ 7:12am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 14 at 1300
4807 words - 9.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Anorra was a fascinating world, to say the least.

It was a melting pot of cultures, primarily Vidiian, that all came together in a touristy exoticism of what they likely were on their home planets. Then again, as a resort world, it was meant to appeal to the tourists and visitors looking for a good time and a way to relieve some stress. No one was necessarily looking for a fully authentic experience. It was about making money for the owners of the resort.

So with some surprise and excitement, Sovas found that surfing was offered here. Not just a wave pool, holosuite, or the like either. Honest to gods surfing proper surfing on waves. It was at the resort's more extensive beach, and given there was no moon to create tidal currents, the waves were artificially created. It was supposedly based on seasonal data taken from some off-world facility. Still, he'd been spending time on the beach and in the water, having fun riding the waves on his board after wiping out learning the rhythm of the alien waves. He rode his board in from a wave that had just finished cresting. He watched aliens engaging in the sport while walking backward before turning around to jog back to his spot on the beach. He was stripped to nothing but his swimming trunks, his lean but tautly built form glistening under the alien sun. At the same time, his dark hair was slicked back, and a board tucked under his arm before planting his board in the sand to pick up his water bottle and drink from it.

Another enjoyable day at the beach after a short shift on the Vengeance brought relaxation and interest in equal measure. Ilan had been enjoying her time sampling the local flavors offered to her by a resort such as this, and it wasn't just the food she had been sampling. Though Ilan strived to be recognized as truly Terran without any blood impurity marking her line - given that genetically there wasn't - she didn't really hold to the Terran values of not indulging with lesser species.

Then again most Terrans didn't either. Especially the men.

Today for her haunt, she had set up on one of the areas of the oasis that apparently actually had waves; artificial or not, she loved the sound of waves crashing on a beach and it wasn't a disappointment in the slightest. People were surfing the waves, but she paid them little mind. She was there to bathe in the sun and the attention her barely there bikini would get her. Ilan cared very little for the opinions of others regarding her sexual nature. It didn't interfere with her life or work, so it really was nobody's business. She had stretched out in one of the lounge chairs wearing sunglasses which she used at the moment in favor of the sun shade built into the chair. The glasses were so dark that it was impossible to tell that her eyes were open underneath them, so she had the pleasure of watching people slow down or even stop to look at her. One had even stopped to take a few pictures which she "just so happened" to shift and move to show off her assets.

Ilan liked attention, there was no doubt about that in the slightest.

Sovas reached his spot on the beach, which had become more crowded since he first arrived. He didn't begrudge any of the new arrivals since his stuff was still where he'd left it, and he did take a moment or two to appreciate the fairer new arrivals. Once his attention was focused back on the lounge chairs, he couldn't stop the smile on his lips as he saw Ilan relaxing a few seats away from him. He stowed his board as he took a moment to get a drink before he turned his attention to the rather lovely and scantily attired science officer.

"You appear to be quite dressed down, Ilan." He teased the dark-haired woman as he removed the wrap around his ankle, pausing to take another drink.

Ilan lifted her glasses to maintain the illusion that while she was sitting there her eyes were closed. She smiled up at Sovas, her eyes running over his body without any shame at all. "Sovas, how nice to see you again. I didn't take you for a surfer boy. Is it something you just decided to try or have you done it before?"

"Something I've done before. I picked it up right about when I entered the Academy; a couple of beaches always had the best waves back on Earth." Again his gaze matched hers in lack of shame as he let his eyes run over her enticingly curvaceous form.

"Try to hit the waves when I can using the holodecks, but there's nothing like riding the real thing, even if they use some tech to induce the waves." His gaze shifted out to the water and the waves rushing in. "So what brings you down here? A little bit of sunbathing with a bit of taking some of the lovely and enticing sights?"

As he said this, a rather striking alien man strode by, his head turning to take in Ilan as she lounged, shooting her a lascivious grin before he was pulled away by a couple of others in his party.

Ilan had been about to reply when she saw the attractive alien walked by, she leaned to the side in her chair to look at him and returned the lascivious look in kind, but when he was pulled away by his friends she looked back up to Sovas and grinned in an unashamed fashion. Her body shifted slightly, and the navy and white striped bikini strained as if it were threatening to burst free from her body at any moment.

"Oh yes. I've been enjoying the sights quite thoroughly."

"Seems you've become part of the lovely sights as well." The half-Vulcan chuckled before moving to take a seat as he wondered if the fabric of her bikini was about to burst apart and put on display all the lovely treats the dark-haired science officer was keeping hidden away. He highly doubted that would be the case with how careful and calculated Ilan was with her wardrobe. She was a bit of a tease and liked the attention her outfit choices brought her if the rumor mill and his own experience were anything to go by.

He took a moment longer to appreciate the sight of her in the smaller-than-normal bikini, it wasn't quite as tiny as the one Revana had been wearing on their first encounter on the beach, but he thought it was just a step above that. "I didn't take you for a sunbather, or at least not a clothed one."

Though he'd had every intention of turning his attention away from her, he felt that familiar heat creeping through his body once more as he continued to admire her scantily-clad form with a lusty look before finally meeting her eyes once more. The memories of the lengthy time they spent in his quarters washed onto the shore of his mind like the waves of the nearby beach. He had to shift a little as the front of his shorts began to tent.

"No? Why is that?" Ilan asked, amusement in her voice as she looked at Sovas in the eyes, and then her eyes began to drift down. She noticed the tenting in his pants, and her eyes came back up, a smirk now curling onto her lips.

"Not that you seem to mind."

"Oh, I most certainly don't mind at all." He matched her smirk with one of his own as he let his eyes wander her body again before looking back into her eyes. "Well, from our previous encounter, I don't remember there being any tan lines - fading or not - and let's just say your adventurous personality makes it seem like nude sunbathing would be more your flavor."

“Sovas.” Ilan began and sat up, leaning toward him and smirking. Her breasts bounced and swayed dangerously with the motion, but she didn’t care in the slightest. “We live on a starship. Where exactly would I get tan lines from, hm?”

"Some use the holodecks, disable the safeties to allow for the natural UV light that one would find on a beach." He offered up a smirk while he marveled a little at the strength of the seemingly flimsy fabric of her top before looking into her eyes.

"Holodecks just aren't the same." Ilan shrugged and then sat back. "Trust me; I've tried."

"No, they aren't; nothing quite beats being out under an open sky with a real sun beaming down your body." He replied while letting his gaze run with an appreciative lust over her near-naked form. Taking a moment to ponder his lovely company, the half-Vulcan finally decided on a particular course. He felt the presence in his mind calling up the memories of their passionate evening together and how good it felt to feel her body under his, hands running of her sensually supple form. "It's important to ensure your skin is protected from the sun."

"I'd be happy to offer my delightfully dexterous attention to help apply any lotion or oil you might have." Sovas shot her a playfully mischievous smile.

"Oh so you're 'delightfully dexterous' are you?" Ilan chuckled and watched him with amusement in her lovely green eyes. Shifting a bit, she put herself in a slightly more eye-catching position - not that he was having any trouble looking at her. She wanted to entice him further to see just what he would do with that growing bulge in his pants. "I'm already all lubed up. Thank you though."

The half-Vulcan made no effort to hide his lusty gaze as it moved over her mouthwateringly lovely form before meeting hers once more. "Well you did seem to enjoy my hands previously and I thought it might be fun to play with some alliteration."

Ilan chuckled and shook her head. "Full of surprises then, aren't you, Sovas." Smirking, Ilan sat back and crossed her legs slowly. "So have you been getting into all sorts of trouble down here?"

"I've been keeping myself busy," His eyes moved back to her legs once more as she shifted her position. At the same time, he did find all of Ilan to be rather gorgeous, and he found her legs to be one of her best physical features, then again, when she had the whole package as she did, there wasn't really a need to play favorites. "I've been enjoying the opportunity to hunt some of the local and imported wildlife, managed to get a few new trophies for my collection which you'll have to come by and see."

After a moment's consideration, Sovas shifted over to take a seat on the edge of her lounge chair, mindful that while these seemed to be sturdy and well-built, balance was something that did need to be taken into account with them. Once settled he reached out, resting hand on her shin while starting to teasingly run the tips of his fingers over her pale skin. "As for surprises, I've a few tricks picked up from here and there."

"Though the beach seems to be the place where I'm finding the most enjoyable trouble,"

"Mmm have you now? So is that trophies then or 'trophies' for that special collection of yours?" She asked with a smirk. She looked to his hand on her shin but didn't react otherwise. "Who have you spent your time getting into trouble with, hm? Maybe I'd be interested."

"Trophies for both." He gave a throaty chuckle as his fingers continued to move up the length of her leg, reaching her thigh as he tried to gauge her reaction to his attentions. Shifting closer to the dark-haired woman, the half-Vulcan finally returned her smirk. "A few lovely treats I encountered here at the resort."

He let his statement hang there for a moment as he worked his hand up higher, towards her hip but still making sure to offer her thigh his attention as well. "As well ending up being more than a bit naughty with Ensign Nazar,"

Ilan was actually shocked that Sovas had come right out and said who he was with so much so that she struggled to keep it off her face. Instead she leaned into it and allowed a grin to settle on her features. “Revana, hm? Well you have good taste. She is gorgeous.”

Still she didn’t react to his touch, curious to see exactly how far he would go in the situation and being out in public. She could see the hungry look in his eyes though and there was no missing the protrusion in his swim shorts.

Sovas hadn't been meaning to tell Ilan, whom he had been with so bluntly, but before he could even stop himself, it had come rolling off his tongue as the presence in his mind had seemed to flex itself. There was just the briefest moment that the half-Vulcan thought he saw something akin to shock or surprise. Though it disappeared behind the coy expression that came next as he silently fought with the presence in his mind, likely making the system monitoring his mental state go crazy with all sorts of criss crossing signals.

"So what about you? Any trouble of your own? I can't imagine you've been sitting idle with all the lovely and handsome people." He smirked, focusing on the moment and on Ilan as the presence seemed more keenly interested in this dark-haired companion than Revana. His hand continued to move over the portions of her bare skin before he trailed his fingers down her stomach to the top of bikini bottoms, teasing the edge a bit while his thumb began to work its way down over the thin fabric, holding her gaze still.

“Oh I find the most delightful bits of trouble.” She laughed and leaned forward toward him, bringing her face close to his and letting her eyes linger on his.

“All in the name of science, of course.”

"Yes. That is an important detail that we remember it is for science." He purred in playful agreement since he didn't doubt there was possibly something within it for her, though the man also knew she immensely enjoyed it. Closing the distance between them, the Half-Vulcan embraced the dark-hair woman with a slow passion, pressing her down into the lounge chair as his thumb shifted lower and began to stroke her barely hidden sex. He wasn't necessarily being overt with it since his body obscured what his hand was doing, and only if someone came up directly to the area they were would it be clear.

Though he was also keenly aware that they were in public, his mind whirring with ideas if Ilan wanted to take this elsewhere.

Ilan allowed herself to be pushed back and as she returned his kiss, her breath hitched as she felt his thumb pressing into her sensitive areas. Ilan did like to be adventurous from time to time, but so out in public was a bit too adventurous for her taste. Sure there were probably clubs in the subterranean “nightlife” area that would cater to such… tastes… but up here Sovas was already pushing the envelope. As she pulled back from their kiss, she licked her lips and looked into his eyes.

“My aren’t you friendly today.”

Continuing to gently stroke her with his thumb, the half-Vulcan made a soft sound in response to her statement before leaning into teasingly nibble at her lower lip. "Quite friendly, though I think we might be a little exposed out here in the open for more... friendly activities." His dark eyes smoldered with his desire as he felt the urging from the presence in his mind for him to do more, to take here, though he eased his thumb back with a smile.

"Why don't we find somewhere more private so I can show you just how friendly I'm feeling." He purred, his tone and gaze filled with a lusty promise that she wouldn't be disappointed.

Ilan noticed the look in his eyes and felt her body respond to it immediately. She licked her lips and almost gave in immediately to that smoldering look, but with a devious grin, she pulled back and stretched back out on the lounge chair. Her hands went back behind her head, and she watched him closely. Sometimes she did enjoy playing hard to get so she could see who would rise to the occasion and who didn’t like to put in the effort.

“Hmm… perhaps… though you did look like you were enjoying your surfing out there.”

Sovas quirked a brow at Ilan as she relaxed back into her chair, seeming to display the lush treasure of her near-naked form casually. He took a moment to admire her before shifting closer as his thumb returned to teasing her sensitive apex, his other hand coming up to start caressing her body. She would be able to feel the strength in his hand as he moved it higher, cupping and gently groping her breast before it moved higher, caressing her lithesome neck as he looked into her eyes.

"And just what makes you think I haven't found something I'd enjoy much more right here." His voice was a low, throaty growl as he caressed her neck and moved it up to trace along her jaw before capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss. He tugged on her lower lip, smirking before pulling back.

Ilan returned his kiss and gave a breathy chuckle as he pulled back. Her green eyes danced with amusement and she wondered if Sovas was truly always like this or if it was the presence in his mind that drove him so lustfully to her. She was aware that they were now getting looks from the people close to them because Sovas wasn't exactly being overly discreet now. She flipped her hair back behind her shoulder and continued to just look at him.

"Maybe you did. You do seem rather... focused." She grinned.

The half-Vulcan matched her grin with his own before the next moment, he'd pulled back from the dark-haired science officer and was on his feet, drawing her up with him. He pulled her close, enjoying the feeling of her luscious form pressed against his body, his arm moving around her waist as he paused for only the briefest moments to retrieve his towel and had his board beamed back up to the ship.

"I know where there is a secluded grotto near here that I am certain you would love to explore." He spoke in a soft, conspiratorial tone with her so the others around them wouldn't overhear as he started leading her away from the lounge chairs after giving her a moment to gather any of her belongings she'd brought with her.

“Oh is there?” She asked and grabbed her towel, having not brought anything else with her besides that and the commbadge attached to it in case of emergencies. Clearly the man was on a one track mission, and really who was she to stop him? She chuckled as he pulled her along with the eagerness of a teenager about to get his first lay.

“Do you take all the girls there?”

Sovas couldn't help the throaty chuckle that escaped at her question as they followed the carefully laid out and manicured pathways of the resort. He glanced at the gorgeous woman next to him and shook his head, his eyes dancing with amusement, mingling with his other emotions from before. "Mmmm, you would be the first to visit it with me and I wouldn't be so crass as to recycle a location with other women, that smack of laziness and I like to try and be inventive with my lovers."

“Oh I see. Well then, let’s go see this fabled grotto that no one has seen.” Ilan chuckled. She didn’t really believe him, but she also really didn’t care either way. That was much too akin to jealousy, and that wasn’t really Ilan’s style. How could it be with how she lived her life?

“So do you have a thing for sexy green ladies? Or just sexy ladies?”

"I'd say it leans more towards just sexy ladies since a beautiful woman can come with any skin color." His reply came with a smile; Sovas wasn't prejudiced toward other races, mainly due to his own mixed heritage, though he also knew it was important that Terran supremacy was upheld. Unlike other crew members, he wasn't quite as vocal about such beliefs. They were on the far side of the beach by the time they had left the path; it wasn't as crowded here with resort-goers or staff.

A few were enjoying the calmer waters and the privacy that came with fewer people, but they seemed to be enjoying their own time and paid the pair little mind. Eventually, he led them to a small path that appeared to have been windblown and wove between a long rock wall that they would have been able to see was nearly the opposite side of the beach from the lounge and surfing area.

It was a simple enough task to navigate as the pair eventually emerged into a secluded inlet area with enough water to create a small pond-like space. On the opposite side of their entrance was the promised grotto that had in all likelihood been artificially created, though it didn't appear to have any official purpose to the casual observer. "As promised," He turned to look at his lovely companion to see her reaction.

Ilan had followed along with Sovas without complaint, her eyes wandering naturally to the people they passed, whether they were paying attention to her. She smiled as they walked but didn't try to talk to him as they walked unless she was spoken to first. He had a goal in mind, which was paramount to everything else. When they finally stepped into the grotto, she looked around with a smile and admired the cozy little place away from the prying eyes of the other guests. She wondered if this place was meant for such an encounter but quickly brushed the thought away. Likely it was just for private dates... though those tended to lead to one place anyways.

"This is beautiful."

"I thought so too," He agreed with her, smiling while looking around before he turned to look back at her, "There's something else inside of the grotto,"

Outwardly he was just as eager and hungry for her, though inside his head was a little bit of a different story. Silently he was fighting with himself. Well, he was silently fighting with the influence of the presence in his mind since he didn't want every encounter with Ilan to turn into wanting to sleep with her. He certainly would never turn down the opportunity to share the dark-haired woman's bed, but he didn't want that to be all there was when they ran into each other since that would get boring. He hated boring, and Ilan seemed like the kind of woman that hated that even more.

"I found this place by accident while mapping the surface of the planet during one of my shifts. There are several around the oasis, but I haven't explored the others yet since this was the closest to the waves." He shared with his companion as he led them through the inlet area, the stones surrounding them the same pale white-gray as the other natural features of the planet.

"Well, I'm happy to be exploring, really." Ilan replied and walked carefully along with him while being quite mindful of her footing. It wasn't exactly the most comfortable place to walk and her sandals weren't made for it, but she wouldn't protest. "Do you always map the surfaces of the planets we come across? That seems like it would take a while to do a lot of the time."

"Not every planet, but ones that strike a note with me," He looked back to her with a little smirk on his face, though if he was experiencing any discomfort due to the uneven, rocky ground, there wasn't a hint of it in his expression. "Though I'm very good with computer systems, setting up an automated program helps immensely."

As he spoke of his ability to work with and program computer systems, she would be able to see that there was a different sort of pride he had in that from what she had seen as the hunter or survivalist. While there was certainly a passion for those activities given the décor of his quarters, it wasn't the same as the light in his eyes or expression as he spoke even so briefly about it.

Soon they made it to the entrance of the man made grotto, there were carved stairs leading up into a cozily spacious area that allowed for a little privacy as it was partially hidden from direct sight where they had entered, but one could be seen on approach to the grotto. The inside walls were covered in hand-carved statues and bas reliefs, all of them alien that depicted a variety of scenes from murals and statues of chaste lovers and companions to scenes of a much more lurid subject matter.

Ilan noted the way he spoke with pride about his work, but was still being careful with how she walked so she offered no more than a positive hum of acknowledgement. Once they were on more stable ground, she began to look around and noted the decorations on the walls and the stairs leading up to a more secluded area. “Well this is quite nice, but do you think these places are something you’re supposed to rent? Seems awfully purposefully designed to be a random finding.”

"I asked the staff about the caves," The half-Vulcan continued to look around, not having been this close to the statues and the carvings before his attention returned to his lovely companion. "They stated there isn't a fee to rent them, they are apparently here for the guest to enjoy as long as the grounds are respected."

Ilan just looked at Sovas and then smirked. "Oh I see. Does that mean you've just been hunting for a pretty woman to bring here then?"

Her tone wasn't accusatory; if anything she actually seemed quite amused by that particular prospect. She spared him another glance and then moved closer to the statues and murals on the wall, inspecting them more closely and tilting her head at their rather diverse but undoubtedly amorous nature. While she was no xenoanthropologist, it was still fascinating on a base level. She then looked over her shoulder at Sovas.

"Did you bring me to some kind of sex grotto, Sovas?"

"An interesting way to put it," His lips turned into an amused smirk while moving with her through her cavern. "It's more that I was hunting for the right pretty woman, someone who could certainly enjoy the experience and the ambiance."

The half-Vulcan examined the sculptures with her, standing just a little behind her and off to the side with his hand moving to the small of her back as he teased just above her shapely rear as he met his companion's gaze. He stepped close, reaching out to pull her back against his chest as he started to slowly caress her body amorously while she could feel his body's firmness against hers. "It seemed an acceptable alternative to the bedroom."

His voice was a low, throaty purr as his hands explored her body, most certainly lacking in any chasteness as he leaned into nip and nibbled at her neck and shoulder.

Ilan laughed and briefly leaned into his attention, but it didn’t feel right. Far be it from her to deny a bit of fun, but she couldn’t quite shake the feeling that it was just off. Her hands found his and she brought them around to kiss his fingertips a few times.

“Sovas,” she began and kept her voice easy, “you know I’m not shy about sex, but I have to ask if this is really you or if it’s that thing in your head? The only people I’ve ever seen trying to rush this fast into sex is someone who is paying by the hour and wants to hurry up.”



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