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A Walk Amongst the Flowers

Posted on Tue Mar 14th, 2023 @ 11:47pm by Amalie Cochrane & Crown Prince Paolo Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:22pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Arboretum, Imperator
Timeline: Date 2371-07-24 at 1730
9436 words - 18.9 OF Standard Post Measure

After he had met with his father, Paolo tried to flush his mind of the lessons taught with little success. He was determined to meet with Amalie and wanted his mind free from the clutter of deep thought which tended to plague him as they so often had his father. It seemed, at times, he could do nothing but think for days at a time if he had been permitted.

He arrived at the main entrance to the large apartment afforded to the Conchrane family and pressed the chime, making every attempt to disguise his anxiety.

The door was opened, and the middle aged man who did so was startled, his eyes widening slightly when he saw who was standing at the door. “Ah! Y-your Imperial Highness!” He bowed hastily. “How may I serve you?”

Paolo was growing somewhat used to a larger degree of bowing and honoring than he received before, but it still made him terribly uncomfortable. He didn’t let it show. He didn’t like attention really, and wanted to rush through the ceremony and custom he knew was needed.

“I’m here to call on Miss Amalie Cochrane. I was hoping she and I might be able to speak briefly.”

“O-of course. Of course. Please, come in.” The man stepped aside into the small foyer. “I will go and alert Lord Cochrane that you are here.” He didn’t give Paolo a chance to really answer before he quickly retreated.

A few moments later, Bernard appeared down the hall and walked toward Paolo. Behind him were Rachel, Amalie, and bringing up the rear was Royce.

“Your Imperial Highness.” Bernard greeted with a slight bow to Paolo. “Welcome. To what do we owe this pleasure?”

The last thing Paolo had wanted was an entourage of her family coming to the door to greet him. It was embarrassing and he looked down for a brief moment before deciding to stand tall and fight through it.

“My Lord.” He began, and licked his lips. “I have come to ask your permission to take a walk with your daughter in the arboretum. It is the most glorious in the empire and is currently replicating the nighttime sky. I thought it might be a good chance for she and I to get to know each other better.”

“I see.” Bernard nodded.

To her credit, Rachel was paying very little attention to Paolo and was focusing everything she had on Amalie and making sure that every hair was in place for her to be presented to Paolo. Royce seemed to be focusing his attention anywhere else, having sympathy for Paolo in this situation.

“Very well, I will allow it.” While he knew Paolo could make it an order, Bernard seemed to have faith in Paolo that he would respect Bernard’s position as Amalie’s father. “Royce will escort you both.”

Of course he would. Paolo knew there was no way they were getting out of this without an escort. Her brother was certainly the expected option, but he was hoping it would be someone not from the family. He nodded, praying Royce would give them space enough to talk unheard.

“Thank you, my Lord.” Paolo said, and then made an attempt to look past the new Lord of America and find Amalie.

Rachel was continuing to fuss over Amalie, but it was Royce who came to rescue her; he herded her away from their mother whether the woman wanted to let go or not and guided Amalie up to stand next to their father.

“Prince Paolo would like to go on a walk with you, Amalie, if you would like to go.” Bernard smiled down at his daughter.

“Oh, yes, I’d love that.” She replied with quiet enthusiasm while her eyes remained on Paolo, only briefly looking up to her father when she realized she hadn’t.

“Wonderful. Run along then, don’t be back too late.” Bernard gave a jovial smile and gently moved her forward with a hand on her back toward Paolo.

As he laid eyes on her, Paolo couldn’t help but smile. He nodded his head to her deferentially, keeping his eyes on her own. He stepped aside to allow her out of the apartment, but quickly lifted a large book which was bound in green leather with golden page edges. It was clearly created special and not one he had picked off of a shelf.

“I got this for you. You said you were interested in Japanese culture and this book came to mind.” He said, offering the tome to her. “It’s a history, beautifully written, and I thought you might like it. At the very least, you can peruse the parts that catch your interests.”

“Oh this is beautiful!” Amalie cooed excitedly as she took the book from Paolo and ran her delicate fingers over the cover slowly, inspecting it. After just a moment, her eyes came up to his and she gave him a beautiful, sweet smile. “Thank you, Paolo- I mean, your Highness. Should… I bring this with us or leave it here?”

“I want you to call me Paolo..if you’re comfortable with that.” He said, placing his hand in the book near hers. “It might be a bit too heavy to bring along without a good reason.”

Amalie nodded, pausing to take in her gift one more time and smiling at it. She turned to her father and handed it to him. “Please, Papa?”

“Of course.” Bernard took the book, his expression one of beaming happiness and pride.

Royce stepped up beside his father, giving a nod and friendly smile to Paolo but not taking away from the moment. Luckily for Paolo, Royce had never really struck anyone as the overbearing big brother type, and he didn’t seem like he had a great interest in trying to manipulate or con people. He was content to be.

When Amalie returned, Paolo turned and slowly started to lead the way away from their apartment through the fabulously decorated corridor.

“I have just the place for us.” He said to her quietly, looking at her as if she was a prize jewel rather than a girl.

“I’m looking forward to it.” Her lilting tone was genuine and she smiled at him again. She had tried to be proper at the banquet and when they were in the public eye, but it seemed now she was more relaxed with him and obviously much more expressive. She did glance over her shoulder to see Royce trailing after them. He wasn’t too far off, he would be able to hear anything they were saying, but they were also simply walking toward the lift or wherever Paolo was leading them, so she had faith he would be respectful once they were there.

“I’m curious. How did your friends react when you told them we are to be married?” He asked, sounding slightly strange on the word ‘married’. They stopped in front of a lift and an Imperial Guard seemed to appear out of nowhere from around a corner. Paolo leaving the apartments without a guard was unthinkable. He called the lift without pomp.

“Well they - oh!” Amalie jumped when the guard appeared unexpectedly and grabbed Paolo’s arm on reflex. When she realized who it was that appeared, and more so that she had grabbed Paolo - the Crown Prince - without his permission. She blushed intensely and looked down. “S-sorry, Highness… I was frightened.”

Paolo smiled and warmed immediately at her touch. As the lift arrived, he placed a hand on hers to prevent her from releasing him.

“I should endeavor to have you surprised more often then.” He said as he led her inside the lift. As Royce followed, he looked at her and shook his head. “I want you to feel comfortable with me. Call me by my name; don’t treat me like a god. I’m not one; at least not yet. And, besides, if you are to be my wife, we should be close, should we not?”

“Umm… mm.. Mhm.” Amalie nodded, the blush on her face only deepening to a deeper scarlet. She didn’t try to pull away from him and instead relaxed next to him. After a moment, she licked her lips. “My friends were rather… surprised, given my age. I know it isn’t the most uncommon thing for betrothals to happen, but it is rarer for children of the… lesser lords of import like my father… well, like he was.”

Royce stood next to the pair, but busied himself on his Vox instead of just staring ahead or looking at them.

“I’ve heard it’s rare for others. Of course, for higher nobility and royals, it happens a lot. I know a lot of people were a bit annoyed that their high-ranking daughters were passed over for you.” He said. “At first, I had a hard time understanding why my mother would choose you, but after meeting you, I definitely understand.”

“Do you? I don’t.” Amalie admitted, averting her eyes again for just a moment but brought them back up, seeming determined to be a bit more sure. “I mean… what we have is a family name, I kind of assumed it was that.”

As the door opened, he gave her a nervous look, one which he had resisted directing to the floor with all the attention he had left over from his interest in her.

“You’re beautiful, and kind, and modest. The people will love you.” He said simply, walking out of the lift arm in arm with her.

They emerged in what might only be reasoned as a holodeck; they stood at the edge of a red-brick path lightly illuminated by moonlight. All around them was a garden as lush as any found in an imperial palace garden, and the holographic nighttime sky was cloudless and clear. A gentle breeze was even being replicated.

“You’re very kind, Paolo.” Amalie said after a moment, having to find her voice again after being charmed into a blushing silence once more. She held a bit tighter onto his arm and walked close to him, but not so close as to interfere with him walking.

Royce walked out after them and looked ahead then down toward the young lovebirds. “Just don’t try to duck away from me.”

He smiled with a friendly and warm expression and then waited where he was to give them a respectful amount of space so they could talk just the two of them as long as they were doing so at a normal volume.

Paolo grinned awkwardly at the order from Royce, understanding at once his desire to do just that and his complete unwillingness to do anything that would disrespect their family. Giuseppe would have thrown his weight around and done exactly what he’d liked, but that was the biggest reason he was out and Paolo was in.

“If I’m to be honest, I’ve had a hard time getting you out of my mind.” Paolo said as he led her slowly down the path as far forward of Royce as he reasonably could. “I’ve been more than a little distracted in my meetings. I hope that isn’t… weird?”

Before she answered, Amalie glanced behind them to look at Royce. It didn’t give the impression of a girl looking for her protector, but much more a sister making sure her older brother wasn’t being an ass as many older brothers would. When she saw he was sticking to what he said he would do, she smiled a small smile and looked back to Paolo.

“Um… no I don’t think it’s weird.” She replied and hesitated slightly, then continued, “I think about you quite often too.” It wasn’t something she would have admitted usually, but hearing him say it prompted her to speak truthfully to him. He had been occupying more and more of her thoughts and she knew he likely would for a while at least until the shock wore off. Obviously, they had quite a long while before they would marry so their infatuation would likely temper into something cooler, but not lesser.

The thought that she had been thinking about him in the same way as she made his heart flutter, though he would never admit that allowed. This puppy love was sweet, and chaste; full of innocence and interest. His rational brain had to fight him in several occasions, reminding him she couldn’t be perfect. He sighed.

“I can tell you’re uncomfortable with all of the attention you’re receiving. I think that’s normal but, honestly, I don’t know what normal is.” He admitted, looking at her and admiring the way the moonlight played upon her blonde hair. She was breathtaking. “You demure coyly for the camera and you blush, but soon the women in my family will want to train you. We must do more than show up in public. Marrying me will be a service to the Empire, suddenly. I don’t…I don’t know what power will do to either of us.”

“Does it have to do anything?” Amalie asked, naive and sweet. Her father had power, but it was a thousandth fraction of what power the Emperor would wield - that Paolo would wield.

“Are you afraid of it?” The question was gentle, full of curiosity and interest. She didn’t really seem to grasp the gravity of what she had just asked him.

“Gods, yes.” He said, his face stone and sober, showing less of the emotion than his voice revealed. “My father will likely be executing his eldest son very soon. A few months ago, he orchestrated a mass execution of his political opponents in the lords. The throne is surrounded by corpses.”

He paused then, realizing that he was being a bit of a downer.

“But…there will be wonderful parts too. The chance to help people, for one.” He said, looking at the field of flowers coming up just before a mid-sized lake whose water reflected a rippling moon. “Bringing glory to the Empire; destroying the Alliance. Unimaginable wealth, if that’s what you care for.”

“Not really.” Amalie shrugged. “Though I suppose I say that from a place of never wanting for anything in life, so I can’t really say that.” She looked toward the beautiful scene ahead of them, deep in thought for a moment. “You know… you don’t have to do those things, I think. Not unless they are things you want to do. What your father did, I mean.”

“I don’t intend to.” He answered with a slight sigh. “But, I think, neither did he. I don’t think myself smarter than my father or better. Perhaps, I hope, more good. But I worry that goodness, in a role like his, might be more of a danger than a help.”

“I don’t know. Goodness always seems to be a strength. You can be good and still be strong; being good doesn’t mean catering to the whims of everyone.” Amalie shrugged and smiled at Paolo. “Sorry, I probably really shouldn’t comment. It isn’t my place and I really don’t know anything about it.”

He looked at her and shook his head, a sweet glimmer appearing in his eyes.

“My mother may not be privy to all information, as it isn’t her area of interest, but she has always been a constant counsel to my father. I’ve heard them talking at night as she..shouts down the demon on his shoulder and reminds him who he is.” Paolo said with a nod. “I think that might have something to do with why she picked you.”

Amalie blushed slightly, touching the expensive fabric of her dress absently as if she were trying to ground herself in the moment. The truth was everything felt surreal and many might have considered what was happening in her life to be a fairytale; it was to a point, but Amalie had a more practical head on her shoulders than to believe the times ahead would be sunshine and happiness.

“If it isn’t untoward of me to ask… would you tell me a bit about your family? We see what we are shown, but they are your family and you know how they actually are.”

Paolo looked out at the lake and paused their travel just before the perfect green grass started to slope down into it. White swans interacted in the center and everything seemed appointed as in a dream. Beside him, a pink tulip poked out, higher than the rest of them. He reached over, broke it at the stem, and turned to her with the elegant flower in his hand.

“The Imperial Family must remain like this flower; beautiful, natural, and in view. Yet it cannot be understood by the people, or they would be very much disturbed.” He said, somewhat cryptically. “If you are to join mother emperors yourself one day… you have a right to know some things. But only you. Anything I told you, hypothetically, should not be heard by anyone else at all. Not your Lord Father, not your brother, and not anyone else.”

With an obvious glance, he looked in Royce’s direction. Anything he told her, he expected to stay with her.

“I understand.” She replied, following his gaze toward Royce who had stopped a ways off given the young couple had also stopped. He was busy on his Vox, glancing up every now and then but he seemed to be without interest in the conversation, simply interested in doing his duty of looking after his sister’s integrity. He did not do so with the intensity of a man who was actually worrying though.

“Then ask away, and I’ll answer as best as I feel free to.” He said, giving a grin. You have been trained in secrecy about the family since he was born, so the answers were not likely to be terribly on the nose. But he could give her inclinations and hints.

Amalie took a moment to consider. She was curious about all of them, but decided to start with the member of the family who was least in the public eye and that hardly anyone seemed to know anything substantial about. “Tell me about your sister Elana? What is she like? What does she do?”

He thought on the question for the space of a few seconds, not rushing to answer nor thinking too hard.

“Elana is a quiet girl. She’s curious, but very private.” He said, trying to figure what else he should say. “She shares my sister’s somewhat…judgemental bent, but is much more politically oriented. She bends toward reform, but I think some rumors made that clear concerning the recent…unpleasantness with the Blues.”

Amalie nodded slowly. “I remember seeing some tabloids at the house that had some pictures of her and Lord King on the front page…” She didn’t continue the thought, but left it open for Paolo to expand on if he felt so inclined.

“I don’t know very much about it.” he said, angling his head away as if away from the subject itself. “When I’m emperor, I will also be head of the Imperial Family. I think I’m looking forward to that role even less than the former. My sisters can be…ungovernable.”

“In what way?” Amalie’s brows lifted slightly at the word, but her eyes were intensely curious and she studied him to watch his reactions. She wasn’t really keen enough to make anything in depth out of them, but she was a very curious girl and it showed in her reactions to situations just like this one.

“Oh, you know how girls can be.” he said, and then recognized who he was talking to. He considered retracting the statement and then decided against it. No one knew how girls could be more than a girl. “They feel unloved in the family and so they tend to lash out in small ways. It’s rarely enough to make a huge scene, but let’s just say it can be less than fun when everyone gets together.”

He looked at one of the swans as it dipped its head near that of another. They were beautiful creatures, which was almost certainly why they were selected.

“Doesn’t your family fight sometimes?”

For a moment, Amalie simply watched the swans and thought about what Paolo had said. She supposed it probably wasn’t really a leap that the sisters might have felt lesser in some way, because noble women were often treated as such compared to sons. Still, she wasn’t entirely sure what the two princesses really had to complain about.

“Sure we do.” She smiled and looked back to Paolo. “It is natural, I think. That doesn’t mean we love each other less. I imagine it is the same with you and your sisters?” Obviously not Giuseppe given… everything.

Paolo frowned a bit. He wasn’t sure how many people in his family were capable of love. Of course he was, and he felt it very strongly, but a lifetime of rejection from his older siblings told him not to put much trust there.

“Given that Giuseppe could betray the Empire proves he has no love in his heart for his family.” Paolo said, sounding rather matter-of-fact but convicted. In his mind, their family was the Empire. His father had taught him that, and he believed it; mostly. “I wonder if he’ll be pronounced guilty or innocent in the tribunal.”

“What would you do, if it was in your hands?” She gave his arm a gentle, almost experimental squeeze as he spoke of his brother’s betrayal. While he didn’t seem overly emotional about it, Amalie imagined it must have been hard for Paolo to face.

Paolo said nothing in answer for a while. He had thought of the question, of course, but never with the seriousness it probably deserted. Now that she posed the question, however, he gave it some serious consideration. After a bit of silence, he sighed.

“At this point, it isn’t…or shouldn’t…be in the Emperor’s hands. I would be involved enough to ensure the integrity of the legal process, but I would let the courts handle it. If there was a pronouncement of guilt, I would strip him of his titles and... then it would depend on the charges.” Paolo said. “Either way, it should be fair. His name shouldn’t change the result in my mind.”

“What if he was deemed not guilty, what would you do then? Welcome him back with open arms?” On this topic, Amalie seemed fiercely curious and her warm brown eyes were settled unwaveringly on Paolo. She wanted to know the boy - the man - she would eventually marry and how he would handle such an obviously difficult situation. It would be very telling and while of course there were intricacies she didn’t understand, she still wanted to know.

To this, he showed no hesitation, immediately shaking his head.

“I love my brother, Amalie..please try to understand…but he has no compassion in his heart.” Paolo said with a surprisingly sad expression. “If I know Giuseppe Angelo, and I do, he is longing for my death right now. If he were allowed to roam free, he would kill me, my sisters, and anyone who stood between him and the throne. I would bind him to his home and have him watched by loyal men.”

Frowning, Amalie squeezed Paolo’s arm again lightly. “I’m sorry, Paolo, I can’t imagine what that must be like for you, but I think it speaks volumes about you that you would not have him killed despite the threat he poses.”

He looked out into the distance, the sadness seeming to cement on his face, sitting like something unnatural. What he was thinking was hardly obvious.

“We’ll see.” he said simply. And he knew it was true. How would goodness stand up to power? He waited a while before the expression left him all at once along with the tension that came with it. He looked at her, admiring her beauty for several long moments. “What would you do with your time if you were the empress?”

Her eyes widened just a bit at his question as if she were startled by it; that particular fact hadn’t really taken hold of her yet: one day she would be Empress. She licked her lips and averted her gaze for a moment. Paolo had his whole life to know that his ascension was always a possibility; granted, it was only a for sure thing for a short time, but the possibility was always there .Amalie however had just learned of her own future a few days prior. “Ah…”

Briefly, she seemed to consider this question with great force and care, and then looked back to him. “I think… I’d like to help people. Some of the less fortunate who are worth helping.”

“Less fortunate?” he asked, giving her a questioning look like he wasn't’ exactly sure what she meant. Of course, he knew there was poverty, but he’d never really seen it with his own eyes. “What kind of unfortunates do you think you’d try to help?”

“Well, the poor for starters, I know there are more than anyone would care to admit and frankly not all of them deserve to be. I’ve known more than one person even in my own life whose families have been driven to ruin by the man of the house’s bad management. I don’t think women or children should suffer on the account of foolish men.” Amalie frowned and looked out to the swans which now seemed to be engaging in some sort of dance with their necks.

“What is your view on those not of pure Terran blood?”

“Empires suffer from foolish emperors, businesses from foolish executives. I don’t see how a family could be any different. I certainly don’t think its the state’s place to separate a man from his family and dictate their economic situation.” Paolo said, being very honest in his response. As much as he was infatuated with Amalie, he wasn’t pulling punches much. “My question is what should be done about such a situation? And I’m not obsessed with blood, but…as you know, the status quo is very dear to almost all Terans. Any attempt to change it could…remind people a bit too much of Spock.”

“So to save the face of a foolish man, you’d let innocent women and children suffer?” She asked, one manicured eyebrow lifting slightly.

He looked at her, an expression of mild confusion on his face.

“That’s not what I said at all.” he said gently. “The Terran family is sacred. The father has a responsibility of leadership; one that requires him to provide for his family, guide his family, and protect his family. It isn’t an easy job in the slightest.” he said and turned his head to the side. “Just like a mother, a father is irreplaceable. He certainly can’t be replaced by a government agency. What can I, as Emperor, do to insulate women and children from the missteps of their husbands and fathers without separating the family unit? I can think of nothing that doesn’t have cold men in suits robbing a family of their head, provider, and protector. It’s…it’s evil.”

“I guess I don’t see how it is different from what I said. You’re putting the father paramount above the safety and security of the women and children he is supposed to be caring for, are you not, by saying you would not interfere in a situation where the man of the house is clearly failing in that duty and causing the rest to suffer? You say provider and protector… a man like that does nothing but spread suffering.” She asked, curious and intent.

“And what shall I do of failing women?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “Or failing children? Shall I legislate and order and decree and send men until all of the less-than-compitent family members are all rounded up?”

His tone was easy, but there was a hint of obvious passion. One thing was clear, this was no empty-headed girl. That was good. They would bore him to death.

“Don’t you see, Amalie? It’s unnatural. The Gods made man for woman and woman for man. They made the family for the society and society for the family. There is a place where a man’s power must stop; my father taught me this. We can write our degrees, shape laws and events, reward the good and punish the evil. But we cannot rule all in all ways. If an Emperor separates families, he takes apart something he can’t put back together again.”

“Why separate families?” She asked, tilting her head. “I don’t think that it should be done in except the most extenuating circumstances. Unless you also believe that if a man were to lay his hands on his wife or children… that also doesn’t hold enough weight for interference and breaking of the family?”

Paolo thought for a moment, considering her words.

“What does ‘lay his hands’ mean here? Touch, no. Strike, not necessarily. Have you never been struck for misbehavior? Shall we dissolve sacred unions over trifles? Of course not.” he looked at her more gently than. “I know you mean extreme cases, Amalie, but I would need to see the law first. Keeping people safe from a tyrant and giving people license to abandon their family can be so hard to distinguish between in interplanetary law. There are elements in our society that would take that crack and make it wider. And, soon, everything will change.”

He cleared his throat and looked out at the water again.

“My tutors and my father have always discouraged idealism. They say that big changes to society need to be organic, and if we try to force them, we give free reign to those who long for revolution and that same rapid change. They would see us Orsini replaced by a term-limited elected government whom they can pull down whenever they are displeased.” he said, looking at her. “You see, many children want to throw off their fathers simply because they wish to rule themselves. Should I feed the dogs that hunt me?”

For a long moment, she was quiet, and then slowly slid her arm from his. She looked into his eyes then, apprehensive, slightly fearful. “No, Paolo, my father never put his hands on me in the name of discipline. He never did with my mother, my sisters, and only with his sons when they did something exceptionally stupid.” She paused and licked her lips, averting her gaze again and looking a bit sad. “Will you strike me if I do something you deem as misbehavior, then?”

He was effected by her sadness immediately. The distance between the two of them seemed profound, and the sudden coolness of his arm was noted by him. He frowned too, and reached for her face without thinking. his other hand, lifting her delicate chin and inadvertently staring at her lips. He wanted to kiss those lips now, but he dare not.

“I’ve never struck a soul, and I’d not be starting with you.” He said, and then released her chin. “Would you strike me? That kind of thing can go both ways.”

“Of course I wouldn’t.” She replied softly, her sweet voice still tinted with sadness. “Do you see them as the same, though? A woman striking a man and a man striking a woman despite the way you see men and their role in your society versus that of a woman?”

“No.”he said simply. “A man must lead, and protect, and sometimes discipline. But not in any way he wishes. I agree that there should be limits, but we must be careful.”

He had never spoken of politics with a girl his own age. Most political conversation he had with a woman recently was with Callista Pennington. She was pragmatic and intelligent, but difficult to offend. Speaking to Amalie made him nervous. Already, he had made her sad.

Despite her sadness, Amalie was listening attentively and was still obviously very curious. She wanted to know these things even if they might not have fit in with her own personal ideas - or fairy tales as he likely would have thought them. “How do you think a man should discipline his wife, then? Children are one thing, of course they need a guiding hand, but what of his wife?”

She wanted to know what to expect, even if they were years out, it was better to know now to have time to come to terms with it all.

“A wife needs a guiding hand too.” he said, his conviction unshaken. “But, like children, a kind one. Children are taught from the cradle, but I think that any wife who would even need serious discipline should not become a wife at all. She should live a single life and avoid starting a family.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.” She returned with quiet patience. “How should a man discipline his wife?”

He watched her, really not wanting to answer the question. He could see she thought differently and wondered how deep it went. She did say ‘your society’ to him. Perhaps she was referencing his future status as emperor, but it was also possible she was distinguishing herself from it.

“The same way a wise man does anything. Incrementally. Trying everything he can to get what is required with patience and with love. For a man who rushes to punishment and anger can’t truly love his wife as much as he should.”

Amalie wasn’t an unintelligent girl nor was she not observant. She could tell Paolo was dancing around giving her a direct answer, so she looked into his eyes. “Why don’t you want to answer me directly, Paolo? You must have some idea how you would go about disciplining your wife - me. Am I not allowed to know?”

“Because it's more important to me that you understand…than that you get the most direct answer possible.” he said now with a slightly furrowed brow. “What should a man do with someone who walks into his home uninvited? There is no answer in a vacuum. It depends on the situation, and the man, and the intruder. WIth love, I said, incrementally. Are you asking me how a man should discipline a wife who is as obstinate and disagreeable as she possibly can be or how a man should discipline a wife who forgets to fold the laundry?”

For all his patience, he was getting frustrated. This was quickly becoming an interrogation instead of a romantic walk. He looked toward Royce to see if he had noticed their conversation was now no longer pleasant.

“If they are different, then both.” Amalie said and sighed, reaching out to touch his arm again. “Paolo… I’m just trying to get to know you… to know what I should expect with our life, that is all. We don’t have to talk about this anymore if you don’t want to, because I know my role is going to just be… accept it.”

Royce did seem to be aware that things were certainly not as they had been, but to his credit he was remaining a respectful distance for the moment.

“Do I seem like I don’t value you or your views?” he asked, exhaling with some obvious signs of frustration. He didn’t understand why his answers weren’t good enough for her. “If you make a mistake, I will comfort you and help you fix it. If you don’t something you know to be wrong, I will warn you. If you don’t respect my warnings, I will try to prevent greater harm from your actions. If you are malicious or predatory in your actions and you refuse to stop, I will respond in the way most likely to turn you from your behavior. If nothing will, I will send you to China House to relax and think.”

He frowned again, not having responded to the touch in any meaningful way.

“I wish we could talk about something nice. I don’t want to map out all the possible ways we might deal with each other. To be honest, I want to dream.” he sighed. “I know that sounds simple and naive.”

When he didn’t respond to the touch she had given, Amalie withdrew her hand again and looked away. “I’m sorry, Paolo. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

She offered nothing else, simply looked out to the swans in silence.

The distance was there again. In his heart, Paolo was terrified she was withdrawing from him. He got the feeling he liked her more than she liked him already, but he was certainly concerned the little bit that was there for her was already fading. He was a 14 year old boy and, in all honesty, not the most sociable one in the world. He felt unworthy of female attention and was terrified of being rejected. He blinked and dared not reach out to her. He dared not look at her.

“It’s okay.” he said awkwardly. “I’m okay. You’re just trying to get to know me. I know.”

There was another pause. He shifted on his feet.

“You must be very scared. So many things are out of your control.” he said. Then he looked at her, blinking quickly. Still very scared himself. “I will never hurt you, Amalie. Never.”

“I am scared.” Amalie admitted quietly then went silent for a moment as she ordered her thoughts. “Paolo, until about a week ago, I was a girl of low nobility with aspirations reaching only so high as maybe marrying a higher ranking lord’s younger sons… and now I am to be… Empress over all someday. It is terrifying. I don’t know what to do with that. So.. I just wanted to get to know you, but then you started talking about how people are struck for misbehavior in the name of discipline… and how a man should discipline his wife… and then you just wouldn’t give me a straight answer…”

She frowned and shook her head. “The thought of leaving my father, a gentle and loving man, and being given to someone where I don’t know their views in life is a scary thing.”

“But I did give you a straight answer.” he said, placing a hand on her arm then. “Just not a simple one. And I didn’t want to talk about any of that. I was just hoping you’d see the swans and think I was romantic.”

He smiled and shook his head, recognizing how ridiculous it was of him.

“I am known to be a bit serious. I don’t do small talk well. But I don’t think anyone has ever called me cruel. For that, you might have to marry one of my cousins. Some of them can be quite hurtful.” he looked at her. “Try to really listen to my answer now. You are afraid, and I have a friend who tells me that fear ruins the mind and destroys our intuition. When you settle, you’ll know what kind of man I am. If you find you don’t want to marry me, just tell me. I’ll make such a fuss my mother will have to call off the match.”

“I do want to marry you.” Amalie reached out for his hand, but seemed to think better of it given his lack of response when she tried the last time. “And I do think the swans are romantic.” She smiled a little then. “What friend told you that?”

He smiled. Hearing that meant a lot to him and, though his response was quiet, it was clear. She wanted to marry him.

“A mentor of mine in the government. She’s tutoring me in economics and, oftentimes, other topics come up.” he said. He noticed her reach for his hand and took the hint. He reached out and grabbed hers. He didn’t know a hand could feel so good on his own. “I want to marry you too.”

Whereas many women would have immediately jumped to jealousy and suspicion, Amalie was still young and naive enough that such a thing never crossed her mind. She simply looked at him with interest in her beautiful brown eyes. The sadness was gone, the curiosity remained. “Well that sounds interesting. What else does she teach you?”

“Money, the cost of living, and the common people.” he said simply, not seeming terribly interested in his response. “Most people who teach me regularly like to get some extra time in now. They all want a closer relationship now that I’m going to be emperor. She always took interest though. It’s rare to care about a second son. I’m sure you know what I mean.”

“A bit, maybe, but I can’t pretend I know exactly. I’m a girl after all.” She smiled again and squeezed his hand. “It must be difficult for you now, knowing who you can trust and who genuinely wants to help you instead of who simply wants only to curry favor.”

“It is, yes.” he said with a smile. “I still haven’t figured out how to tell. My father seems to have that down to a science himself, however. He just doesn’t really trust anyone, except my mother. Well, maybe me too, but I can’t tell. It’s gotten more complicated now that I’m his heir.”

“Why do you think he wouldn’t trust you?” It was a naive question, but Amalie didn’t really seem to realize it.

Paolo shrugged, demuring from the answer a bit before giving it.

“Because his death makes me a god.” he said with his grin fading. “Before, it just made me fatherless.”

What was a god anyways? It was a question she had always wondered but never asked, and while she really wanted to hear his thoughts, she certainly wouldn’t ask him given she had already annoyed him once. Instead, she just gave a nod and squeezed his hand slightly.

He looked at her with the squeeze; really looked. He didn’t look away for a long time and seemed to be watching every detail of her face and observing every change. He looked at her like she was an angel, and he didn’t even seem to realize he was doing so. Speechless.

When Amalie finally took notice of him staring, she blushed again, but her smile grew wider. “Um… I like it when you look at me like that. It makes me feel special.”

“You are special to me.” he said, sharing the blush in kind. “I…I wish I didn’t have to wait so long to marry you. I’m pretty well sold on the idea now.”

“I know there will be things we don’t agree on or see eye to eye, but I think we can work through them as long as we have a mind to. What are Terrans if not resilient?” She held his hand a little tighter and unconsciously shifted a little closer as she looked into his eyes.

It wasn’t the most romantic thing to say in the world, but he would take it for now. He scooted close to her until their sides were touching, and his was conscious.

“Have you ever had a boyfriend before?” He asked, enjoying the feeling of the warmth of her body next to his. It wasn’t really a defensive question, but a curious one.

Amalie made a small, shy and embarrassed sound. She was blushing again and looking down. “N-no, I haven’t.”

“I’m surprised by that. You're so nice and very pretty.” He said with a complimentary tone. “Is mother watching too closely for that?”

“I just wasn’t really interested, honestly, and my parents would prefer if we didn’t start dating until we were at least sixteen. At least that is what they always told me. I’m not sure if that is really a rule or a preference.” Amalie gave a shrug.

Paolo seemed happy about that fact. He certainly wouldn’t have been excessively jealous, but he was happy to be her first just as she was his. He smiled and then turned to the lake again. He was silent for a long while, seeming to be mulling something over. Finally, he spoke.

“I dare you to swim with me.” he said with a smile on his face.

“Swim? Like… right now? In our clothes?” Amalie asked, her eyes slightly wide as she blinked at him.

“No.” he said, and stepped forward slightly. “Well, at least, within reason.”

He quickly removed his sweater-vest and kicked off his perfectly polished shoes. He seemed to be in quite a hurry, more motivated by a desire to do something spontaneous for once before his reason caught up with him. Every now and then, the stoical boy wanted to feel alive. He unbuttoned his shirt and removed it too, leaving him standing in an undershirt and pants, both of which he left on. Then he turned to her and smiled.

“Well? How about making a memory we can tell our children one day?”

She watched him with curiosity and a certain degree of wonder as he pulled off his vest and shirt and kicked off his shoes. Apparently, they really were doing this. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t really have the benefit of taking off layers, but she did slight out of her soft pink shoes and began to gather up her skirt in her hands, pulling it up to just above her knees. Without waiting for him, she stepped into the water and let out a girlish squeak.

“It’s cold!” She laughed, not seeming put off by it as she took another step in, her stockings immediately soaked.

“It is, yeah!” Paolo said, stepping in deeper until the water waded up by his waist. He pretended to be tough until he adjusted to the new temperature. He turned around to look at her with a strained smile.

She took a few more steps into the water so it was just below her knees, looking at Paolo with a bright and innocent grin on her pretty face. “Do you like swimming, Paolo?”

“I love to swim.” He said with some excitement, lifting his eyebrows. “But I don’t like getting wet. See if you can figure that out!”

Her grin faltered slightly and she thought for a moment. A riddle, maybe? Or maybe something else and she just wasn’t understanding. Paolo was far more clever than she was, she realized that, and she hoped it wouldn’t bother him in the end. They’d had such different upbringings after all.

“Um… a reflection?” She offered up with a bit of hesitation. She didn’t want to appear foolish.

“Oh, no. I was just making fun of myself.” He said, and waded in until the water came up to his torso. He looked back at her and summoned her nearer with his head. “It gets better once you get used to it.”

“Oh. It sounded like a riddle.” Amalie looked away, embarrassed now, and looked at the swans floating along a ways away from them. When he spoke again, she looked back to Paolo and then down to the water. It was just holographic water, it couldn’t really hurt anything. She moved forward toward him though stumbled a bit. One hand let go of her skirt and reached out for Paolo’s shoulder so she could steady herself.

Paolo quickly responded, grabbing her and pulling her closer to him in the water. Her wet skin through her dress was a noteworthy feeling which he put out of his mind the best that he could.

“See? The water’s fine.” He said with a sort of charm he didn’t really feel. Inside, he was still worried about doing or saying something embarrassing that would cause the house of cards to tumble.

When Paolo pulled her close, she felt her breath catch slightly. Maybe it was silly to react in such a way, but she did. This was the person she was going to spend the rest of her life with as had been decided by their parents. Of course he had said if she didn’t want to marry him he would make enough fuss to call off the engagement, but what girl in her right mind would see such shame brought on her family? But, she did find herself enamored on some level, and being close to him stirred strange feelings in her that while similar to the ones she felt when she was safe with her father and brothers were quite different.

She found her voice and spoke softly. “Yeah… still a little cold, but not so much now.”

“Are you planning to attend the dance tomorrow?” He asked, as his hand found her back. He thought of dancing with her, really wanting to spend as much time with her as possible.

“Oh. I hadn’t really thought about it. I’ve never been to one.” While it was open to all the young people in the nobility of the empire, she had never had too much interest in being around such a large number of her peers before and her parents had never pressured her at her young age. “Have you gone to one?”

“Gods no.” He responded, shaking his head as if the idea made him sick. He didn’t really like public occasions and only did them because his life demanded it. He hated speaking with people he didn’t know in large groups and preferred one on one interactions. It wasn’t that he was shy so much as he found it overwhelming. “But I’d like to go with you.”

Amalie studied his expression, her soft brown eyes curious and analyzing but not critical in any way. She was trying to learn, not trying to break down and that was obvious. “Do you not like such parties?”

“I hate them.” He said, lifting an eyebrow. “I prefer quiet evenings unless I’m among friends. And, to be honest, I have no idea who my real friends are.”

After considering a moment, she squeezed his hand and looked into his eyes. “Would you rather do something just the two of us instead of going to the party, then?”

Amalie knew the offer was forward, but she didn’t want Paolo to feel he needed an excuse - especially one he would actively dislike - to be with her. They could do something quieter and save the public appearances for what was “necessary”, in her mind. She smiled warmly at him.

The suggestion itself made Paolo’s heart leap in his chest. His eyes moved quickly to her brother, still sitting on his phone.

“Wouldn’t that mean your brother would miss out on the dance? I bet he’d want to go.”

Her eyes moved to Royce briefly and then back to Paolo. “I’m sure my father would arrange for someone else to escort us; perhaps one of the governesses or governors we employ.”

“I could always bring someone along, but I’m sure your father would prefer one of his own.” He said, moving his feet to find the uneven and rocky ground beneath the water. “I’d prefer to have some time with you over the party.”

“He would, I’m sure, but he would figure something out so everyone could be where they wanted to be. He’s very good at that.” Amalie assured him and moved with him in the water, her skirt shifting and sliding around while they moved. “We don’t have to go to the dance, and I’d rather talk with you more.”

“Then let’s not. The adults will figure out the rest.” he said, looking into her eyes and smiling. Beneath the surface of the water, the effects of their proximity and contact started to become obvious. He made sure she didn’t make contact however. “What shall we do then? There’s a water park that has a 1950s style malt shop we could go to.”

While such a thing might have seemed oddly specific to some, from Amalie’s perspective it was perfectly normal. Being from Bozaman, Montana, her world had always been full of “throwbacks”, especially those that were sure to draw a crowd such as a 50s style malt shop. She smiled at the suggestion and spoke with enthusiasm. “Sure, that sounds like fun.”

“Well then I’ll pick you up at the time the dance starts. We can go down together.” he said, releasing her and swimming away. He tread water for a few moments, a smile moving across his face. “Swimming with pants on is a….unique experience.”

Amalie remained where she was, not swimming out to him but smiling at him. “Yeah, it's weird in a dress too. I’m afraid everything is going to float up on me and that would be super embarrassing.”

She laughed at her own expense and waved one of her legs through the water experimentally. “I’m having a lot of fun though.”

He kept his mind far away from that particular thought. The two of them swam together for another few minutes before deciding to climb out, soaking wet, retrieve Royce, and head back to the apartment being used by the Cochrane family. As they approached the door, Paolo hoped he wouldn’t be seen by her mother more than anything else.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He stated, looking at her as a bead of water fell down his face from his hair.

“Tomorrow.” Amalie agreed with a warm shyness to her voice. She looked into Paolo’s eyes and then averted her gaze.

“I’d suggest you get out of here Paolo before my mother sees my sister’s dress. The first reaction is going to be one of horror and it would be best to miss that, I imagine.” Royce spoke up from next to the couple and then offered a smile and his hand toward the Crown Prince, trying to treat him more like a man than a boy.

Paolo looked a bit nervous at the idea of her mother being upset, but he extended his hand and gave Royce a firm shake. The fact the older boy was stronger was no surprise.

“Right. If she’d like it replaced, just have her send me the bill. I’ll replace it with my own allowance.”

Royce didn’t flex his strength into the gesture, simply kept it respectfully firm. “I wouldn’t worry about it, but we’ll let you know. Come along, Amalie.”

Amalie smiled and gave a respectful curtsy to Paolo for no other reason than she wanted to, then without a word turned to enter the apartment with Royce following her. The door closed, and the excited shriek of a woman came only a moment later before Paolo had really a chance to leave. It would come as no surprise her mother had been waiting very impatiently for her daughter’s return and all the details that would come with it.

Paolo took that as his cue and turned quickly to leave. He wasted no time hoping on the turbolift and heading back toward the Royal Apartment again. It had been a great night, and he smiled with a glow about him. Now to make tomorrow perfect..



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