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Like Old Friends

Posted on Wed Jan 12th, 2022 @ 9:44pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Deck 3 - ISS Vengeance
Timeline: MD 1, 0800 Hours
1167 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

With marked noise, athletic shoes made contact with the the deck plating in one of the residential corridors. Their owner ran down the passageway, his breathing heavy but rhythmic, his long mane of black hair tossing in a ponytail that reached past his shoulders. He weaved between crew members going about their own duties, his shirtless form providing a generous view of his healthy physique. He was tall with intense eyes and he held his head high and proud like he himself was the Terran Emperor. Andrei Petrov, son of the Captain, Security Officer, was on the move and he expected no one to stand in his way.

Unfortunately for him, Ensign Selin was not paying that much attention and stood in the hall, reading a PADD, engrossed as she did so. Kassandra was reading the latest reports on new crew and trying to keep the details straight as she had just finished her first shift. She didn't hear the running steps as she turned almost absently to move to another corridor and slammed straight into someone.

When their bodies collided, the relative difference in their speeds made all the difference. Andrei came to an abrupt stop and the woman he collided with was knocked down to the floor, her PADD flying out of her hand and bouncing several meters down the hallway.

“Oh God.” He remarked, now stopped and standing over the intel officer. He noticed immediately that she was beautiful, but saw nothing beyond the inconvenience she posed to him. “You were standing right in my way.”

Kass pushed hair out of her face and scowled up at him. She recognised him from the crew files, and other places and was NOT impressed. "I was walking, and even if I was standing in a corridor, so what? Its allowed." she replied coldly as she pushed herself to her feet and brushing past him picked up the PADD.

“Yes, but perhaps not a good idea, love. Go stand in your room and leave the corridor for those who have somewhere to be.” He said, grimacing with his handsome features. He placed a hand on his bare chest on the place her head had impacted with her. He looked at her as she picked up the PADD and relaxed his expression ever so slightly. “Are you alright? I mean, did I hurt you?”

Kassandra dusted off the PADD which born the sigil of Imperial Intelligence. "No you didn't hurt me. But you should note that hallways are for all people and as the runner you should be more aware of your surroundings. "

He looked at her while she was speaking, feeling no particular interest in what she was saying, but he realized in that moment that something about her was very familiar to him. He cut in, changing the subject with a somewhat charmingly curious grin. “Wait, excuse me…do I know you.?"

"No, You don't" came the reply as Kassandra checked her location on the wall computer. She was not going to give this guy the time of day, She had said what needed to be said, maybe the next person he ran over was a superior officer.

“No, It think I do.” He said, moving closer to get a better look at her. “I never forget a face and I’ve seen yours before.”

A hand, slim and well manicured shot up between them. "Personal Space, Lieutenant" she all but sneered it. "Don't you have a run to complete?" her tone now was saccharine sweet. And she moved to walk away.

She was fired when provoked it seemed, a trait Andrei had always liked to play with. He grinned ever so slightly and kept pace with her anyway, not carrying if she wanted him to do so or not.

“I’ll get to my run, Ensign, when I choose. Right now, however, you present a much more immediate mystery. I know I know you from somewhere. Tell me your name right now.” He ordered without hesitation, more like a man who felt entitled to everything than a senior officer. He walked with the same stride as her, his strong arms swinging and his ponytail bouncing side to side with each step.

Kass rolled her eyes at him and chose to give him one of her aliases. "Ensign Sara Fina." She reached the next Junction took her bearings and turned right towards the nearest turbolift.

Just before she could reach the turbolift botton, the shirtless man slipped quickly in front of her, blocking her way. He offered a smile, handsome and charming in a devilish sort of way. He crossed his strong arms over his chest and shook his head.

"Doesn't sound familiar. And I haven't seen that name on the crew roles in security." he said, looking at her with confident eyes, admiring her attractive face while still seeming focused on the topic at hand. "Try again."

"Oh so you can read?" She asked almost as if not caring. "I had heard different. "

"Oh, so you've heard of me, have you? Well...of course you have." he said, grinning a self-assured grin. "Come on then, love. Let me know your name. I can figure it out in five minutes if I liked, but I'd rather have you just tell me."

"if you can figure it out then it shouldn't be too hard, though that said, your life choices so far have not been that smart." Kass wanted to yawn in his face. "I am entering that turbolift, Lieutenant You can step aside or you can explain to the Chief of Intelligence why you see fit to block one of his officers."

"I don't give a damn what the Chief Intelligence Officer has to say about it." Andrei responded, lifting his head slightly to indicate his prideful response. Hearing her comments about his life choices, he lifted an eyebrow. She certainly knew who he was, though that sort of thing tended not to surprise him. He stepped aside slowly in order to allow her to press the turbolift call button. "I could order you to tell me, you know? Are you always this rude to your superior officers?"

Kass sniffed now, "Superior in rank only. You want respect? Its earned. Not Blindly given." she pressed the call button and the lift arrived swiftly. "And seeing you are so bloody curious, Athanasia Selinofoto" And she stepped into the lift.

He was unphased by her criticisms in the moment, but caught her name as she stepped into the lift. An expression of surprised amusement crossed his features as he stood outside the lift, the doors already starting the close.

"Common Kassie!" he said, remember the cruel nickname he and her older sister had given her. A flood of memories came back to him of her and her family. No wonder she seemed to hate him so.

The doors shut in his face. Kass rolled her eyes. "Common Kassie indeed" she muttered. "Deck 5"


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