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Saddle Up

Posted on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 5:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasper Branson & Lottie & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Immy
Edited on on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 5:10pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: Command Office
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 1720
4771 words - 9.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Only a few days had passed since Immy and Jasper had spent time together in his quarters. The night was still on her mind, as was he, but she had been very careful not to let her feelings for him show to anyone else. What’s more, Lottie had been quite observant of all of her behavior, likely trying to protect her. As a result, she’d barely shared more than a suggestive glance at the man in the past several days.

She had just finished processing a pile of pads and doing simple data entry. Her job was often tedious and never felt like it was done, but it beat every other role she’d had up to this point. She walked off to the bathroom and was only gone for a few minutes, but when she returned, she found that both Lottie and Jackie King had left on various work. Jasper was the only one left in the room. She looked around once more, nervously, just to make sure, and then she settled her eyes on him. She hesitated, her breath speeding up.

“I’ve missed you.” she said quietly.

Jasper had been very focused on his work today; not just that, but also the request Lyra had made of him to work on fulfilling. He had been slightly apprehensive at first, but in the end he figured why not - if it didn’t go over well, the brunt of the blame would be on her and if it was received well, she would likely put in a good word that he had helped. He had noticed that Jackie and Lottie had gone off, but he barely registered what Immy had said given he was so focused on his work. He didn’t respond, looking at the screen, and then very suddenly seemed to realize what she had said. He looked up to her quickly and then gave and easy smile while motioning her over.

“Have you now?”

“Well, not too much, obviously.” she said with a grin, her anxiety about being caught talking to him softening. “After all, I do like a man in uniform.”

She stepped over to his desk and stood in front of it, looking down at him with a smile to match his.

His hands moved up to her hips and settled there immediately. “Yes, you do.”

With a chuckle on his lips, he pulled her closer to him though still remained in his chair. “Your friend keeps eyeballing me whenever I look at you, you know.”

“She thinks you’re hurting me.” Immy said in return, her own hands finding his arms and then his shoulders. She felt the muscles beneath and was clearly not lacking in interest. “Many slaves have no pleasant experiences at all with sex. She’s just trying to look out for me.”

With a slight tug to her hips, Jasper brought Immy down into his lap and wrapped his arms around her while she sat on his legs. “Well that is quite a shame, but nice she is looking out for you I suppose.”

Immy really did seem fond of the younger slave. “I’ve missed you too.”

“Have you now?” she asked, parroting the question he had posed when she’d said the same to him. She raised an eyebrow and leaned down, kissing him gently on the lips and using her legs to straddle him more closely.

“Of course.” It seemed honest enough and it was, more or less. Women loved to hear it though, so what was the harm in saying it. His hands slid around her hips to her backside where they settled and squeezed firmly. “You make it hard to keep focused sometimes.”

“And why is that?” she asked, her fingers finding the place where his nipples would be located under his uniform and circling there teasingly a few times. She gave him a coy expression. “Are you distracted by my wit?”

“Definitely your wit.” He agreed and moved his hands up to grab her hands so he could kiss her palms and then each fingertip. “And just what are you hoping to accomplish with these little hands of yours, naughty girl?”

“Just trying to get a rise out of you, Jasper.” she said with a quiet giggle. Then she shifted her hips suggestively. “Looks like its working.”

“Of course it is, especially when you do that.” Jasper replied, unreserved, and released her wrists to put his hands back on her hips. “How have you been the past few days? Feeling alright?”

“I’ve been alright. A bit preoccupied…having trouble focusing as well.” she said, concealing more of the full truth. She had been thinking of him nonstop. It was embarrassing really, and she kept it to herself.

“Why is that?” His hands moved to her backside which he groped firmly again, then his warm hands slid up the back of her shirt along her spine. “What could be taking up so much of your thought and time?”

“The thought of your hands on me; the memory of your moans; the feeling of you deep inside me.” She said quietly, femininely, her eyes daring him silently. “You wouldn’t happen to know where Lottie and Mistress King are off to, do you? Or how long they might be?”

“No idea, but I do know that Cassiel has a meeting with Andrei… soon.” He noted, grinning with genuine amusement at the thought while his hands moved up her back. “You know… those things don’t have to be thoughts and memories.”

“Oh?” she asked as she slipped out of his grasped and moved off of his lap. She moved to the desk she shared with Lottie and grabbed a green scrunchy off of the surface, lifting her arms, she wrapped her gorgeous red hair in it in order to get it out of her way. She returned to him then, her wide hips swaying as she came and then, suddenly, fell to her knees in front of him. Her hands made contact with his thighs and moved up slowly. She looked at him them. “I hope you wouldn’t get in trouble if someone came back.”

Jasper’s eyes immediately widened and he shifted automatically in anticipation. “I mean… Jackie would probably say it was gross, but I doubt I would be in trouble…” He looked down at her beautiful face, but made no move to help her just in case she was teasing him since she seemed to like being difficult like that. “And just for future reference, I don’t mind holding your hair out of the way.”

He grinned then, and ran his finger over her cheek.

“Master, I’m down here to clean the floor. I can’t imagine what you’re thinking.” she said with a wide smile. Her hands reached their destination and played with the considerable bulge at the meeting of his thighs. Slowly she reached for the zipper, and even slower, she started to pull it down.

“Oh is that all? My mistake.” He wore a hungry grin, but returned his hands to the armrests of his chair so as to not interfere with her “cleaning”. When she played with him through the fabric of his pants, he gave a soft grunt of approval and leaned forward a bit in anticipation. As she pulled the fabric down, his manhood sprang out and smacked her lightly against the forehead given her proximity. It was risky, but he loved the thought of this whole thing.

What he didn’t like as much, however, was the sound of the office door opening.

Lyra walked into the office, her attention focused on the PADD in her hand, but of course she looked up to Jasper, then her eyes moved down to Immy on the floor with Jasper’s dick on her face. She stood there for just a moment, looking between the two as Jasper returned her look at a complete and utter loss. After a few beats, she just shrugged and walked into Andrei’s office.

Immy was quite dismayed at the door opening and, though Lyra left soon, her heart was still beating inside her chest. Nevertheless, there was an aching need between her legs and her head wasn't on straight. She grasped his manhood with her hand and began to work it slowly.

“Did she look mad?” she asked, a slight expression of fear and excitement on her face.

“I…” Jasper breathed out as she began to stroke him and his eyes traveled over to the door where Lyra had disappeared. “I don’t have any fucking clue what that was, to be honest with you, and right now I really don’t care.”

“A bit too distracted, huh?” she asked, and spat on her hand before returning it to his manhood and increasing her speed slightly. “Come on, Jasper, get your head in the game. Your career might be on the line.”

She grinned unreservedly, her wild playfulness coming back. She watched him with eager curiosity, seeing his eyelids flutter.

“Might be worth it, really.” He sighed out the words and licked his lips. One hand went back to her face, cupping her cheek but he didn’t dare try to coax her forward to do what he truly wanted her to do. She would pull back to spite him.

She leaned forward, her tongue finding the base of his manhood and running up slowly. Part of her face was hidden during the process and her hands dropped from around him. She moved over him with pursed lips and slow licks of her tongue, but nothing that would give any satisfaction. Then she paused at the tip, her lips pressed there, her eyes on his.

“It will be.” she said. And then she gave him exactly what he wanted.

Lyra sipped the tea that Andrei had graciously “prepared” for her, the heels of her boots on the corner of his desk as they worked through her reports and various requests. She didn’t look at him, but she did speak.

“Is your yeoman out there fond of receiving blowjobs from the mongrel slave?”

He raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised about the information. He looked toward the door, but made no move at all.

“Is that…is that something that’s happening?” Andrei asked with a somewhat dumbfounded look on his face. It morphed into a smile. “You can’t mean Lottie. She seems like she thinks a blowjob is a quick way to make paint dry.”

“Of course not Lottie. Immy.” Lyra didn’t make distinctions between Lottie and Immy’s blood - to her, they were all little more than animals and certainly vermin. “That is most definitely what was happening. She was on the floor and popped his cock out of his pants right as I walked in.”

Andrei had certainly taken note of the beautiful little slave girl and he had noticed the body she had on her as well. Of course, if he didn’t have Lyra, he was sure he’d be the one with his cock in her mouth right about now. It was an idea he liked, but he minded his expression. Lyra was sure to be offended by any signs of interest. He smiled.

“I’m assuming my yeoman is like any man when it comes to blowjobs.” he said. “If he doesn’t like what he sees, perhaps he closes his eyes.”

“Should I be offended when you close yours?” She asked, her tone playful, her dark eyes keen. She wasn’t a fool. Andrei had sullied himself before and his eyes still wandered to their lessers more often than she liked, but she had remained true to her word of looking was acceptable. Touching was not.

Why he would debase himself in such a way though, she didn’t understand. Terrans? Fine. These… creatures? He was so above it all.

“Oh heavens yes.” he said with a chuckle. “That’s always a sign of disgust and dismay. Tell me about the look on his face when you walked in. I’m dying to know.”

“Like-” Lyra started and then paused, grinning deviously. “Well.. we could go find out you know.”

“Oh, an adventure.” he said with a grin. He stood up and gestured for the door. “Lead the way, tough girl. This is going to be the highlight of my day.”


In the next room, Immy continued her work. Though, at first she had a hard time relaxing herself, eventually she fell into a practiced rhythm as her full lips wrapped around his thick manhood and bobbed intensely. As he made contact with the back of her throat yet again, she looked into his eyes. Her gaze was possessive and drunk with sex. Her hands had long traveled between her legs and moved aside the soaking wet slave panties she’d been wearing.

Jasper was quite content in heaven as Immy worked him in ways that most women weren’t able to and he couldn’t help but briefly wonder if when she was made a slave, she had been altered for this purpose somehow - usually women would gag on him if they took that much. One of his hands rested on her head but he didn’t try to guide her. He wanted to see what she could do on her own. This time, he was completely unaware of the door opening, his eyes were on Immy and he gave a muffled groan of pleasure as her tongue hit all the right spots.

Immy moved down again at that moment, so involved in what she was doing that she didn’t hear the door either. As he reached the back of her throat she held him there for a while and then backed him out slowly, his thoroughly wet member left glistening even more distinctly. She grabbed him with her free hand then and worked him like she was an expert. The degree of skill was uncanny, more like a holoprogram than a real woman in some ways. She made noises to compliment her work and, despite the tears falling from her mouth and her other hand working her center quickly, she took him out of her mouth and moaned.

“Gods, Jasper. I want you inside me so bad.”

“Well, climb yourself up here and you can ride the pony.” Jasper joked with a grin.

Andrei was reconsidering the value of monogamous relationships, but decided to continue to ponder that thought later. Instead, he allowed the laugh that had been building within him to spill out of his mouth slowly. It was enough to get his attention.

“Is this how you keep the slaves in line, Jasper?” he asked, a smile on his face, his hands finding his hips. He made no attempt to hide the slight growth between his legs at what he was seeing from Immy.

Lyra had been gleefully amused by the extremely awkward situation, her dark eyes on Immy and Jasper, but when she looked back to Andrei that amusement evaporated on seeing his growing erection that wasn’t for her. He was too busy gawking at the mongrel bitch to notice, so she looked forward again. Her jaw set slightly, and she repeated to herself look, not touch over and over. She was working on it the best she could, but seeing it did make things difficult.

Immy was half up on him already, and Jasper just looked at Andrei, unsure for a moment, and then he shrugged. “Hey if it works, it works.”

“It works.” Immy said in a playful tone, though her heart was already pounding and her sense for self-preservation was starting to kick in. She didn't want rumors of this to get around and, even more than that, she wanted to avoid Lyra. That woman made her very nervous, for some reason, and she had taken special care to avoid the XO for just that reason. Her panties, now on the floor near a puddle that signaled her interest, were kicked slightly as she stood up rather than straddling Jasper as requested. She was flushed along with her freckles and her eyes went straight to the front of Andrei’s pants. These two men were a pair for the three legged freak club, it seemed. She looked at Lyra, and then cast her eyes down. “I would very much like to go now.”

“Oh, no pony ride today, hmm?” Andrei asked with a smirk, his eyes remaining on her instead of watching her body.

“I’m very sorry, Master. I live to serve.” she said, not really knowing what else to say or do but play the perfectly submissive slave. She had always presented that well. She even seemed passionate about it.

Lyra took a slow breath in, and then her annoyance gave way to what very much read as genuine amusement again, even to Andrei. “Well of course you should ride the pony, Immy. The stallions aren’t for slaves.”

She turned toward Andrei and patted his chest, then turned her head to look at Immy with cold, dark eyes. Mine. Stop even thinking about it. Or else. “Go on. Hop on.”

Immy’s eyes went wide. Her lip began to quiver slightly from the rush of adrenaline she was getting.

“Hop on what?” she asked, her expression slightly dim. She wasn’t sure what was next in the slightest and she was afraid to find out. “Does that mean I can leave?”

“Heavens, no.” Lyra replied with a chuckle. “You can’t rile a man up that much and then leave him out to dry. That’s cruel.” While she wouldn't have forced Immy to do anything in the end, she had no qualms in messing with the slave girl in such an awkward moment and by extension Jasper. She wasn't opposed to a little "workplace fun", obviously, but one had to be smart about it.

Immy looked behind her, her soft eyes resting on him. She was searching them. Did he want this? As far as she was concerned, she wasn’t sure what to think. She was experiencing so many conflicting feelings, she really just wanted a solid decision made for her on what she should do. The residuals of slavery, she supposed. The comfort of certainty.

Jasper looked to Immy and reached out to place his hands on her hips to draw her back to him. He wasn’t yanking her, but it was a steady, insistent pull. He wasn’t going to force her to do anything that she didn’t want to do, and he was relatively certain Lyra wouldn’t force her either even if she was fucking around with Immy mentally. “Listen, I’m alright either way. Or we could get out of here for a bit and you can have a private show.” He gave her an easy smile, trying to give her some comfort, and then looked to Andrei to see if he would grant some obviously much needed assistance in this situation to dismiss them for a “break”.

Andrei said nothing and made no sign in particular. He wasn’t quite the sort of man to pressure a slave to do something like this. In fact, much like everyone else in his family, he rather didn’t like slavery. It wasn't that he was uncomfortable with grinding aliens into the dust or that he didn’t like to be served and worshiped, gods knew, but just the fact that he really did have a mind bent toward treating people equally. It was something he knew Lyra believed was a weakness. But, for him, it had also proven a strength. Still, he said nothing, more interested in seeing what the girl would do.

Jasper wanted it, Lyra wanted it, and, on a certain physical level, Immy really wanted it. So she turned and faced Lyra and Andrei. She offered a coy smile, getting herself in the mood. If she was going to give a show, she would make it worth the watch. No one ever called her a bore. Then she turned and did what she was told, climbing onto Jasper and kissing him deeply. She reached around behind her, pulling up her uniform dress and sliding his tip inside her. She offered some of the same resistance as before, and her breathing spiked with a surprised sound. Still excitement and adrenaline would make things much smoother.

“Eventful day at work.” Immy said, her voice slightly shaky as she slowly lowered herself onto Jasper.

“Well okay then, you have fun there Jasper and you can thank me la-” Lyra began but paused as the main door opened.

Lottie walked in, an excited smile on her face as she held a plate of food. “Immy look I go-” Her eyes came up and she stopped dead where she was. Saucers didn’t quite cut it for how wide her eyes went, and she began making slightly distressed sounds.

Lyra burst out laughing, pure and genuine, and placed her hands on Andrei’s arm to push him back toward his office. “Come on, come on.” She managed to get out from within her laughter. “We were being responsible.”

Andrei had watched as Immy hopped up, as ordered, but when the doors had opened and Lottie walked in, he too couldn’t control himself. He started laughing just as hard as Lyra, and as they receded from the room, his volume actually increased.

The sound of the door opening and the sound of Lottie’s voice had stopped Immy in her tracks. She paused atop Jasper and her head turned only. As Lyra and Andrei laughed themselves out of the room, Immy froze, offering Lottie eyes almost as wide as hers.

“Oh, Lottie.” she said, half waiting for something to happen. Again, now that the chips were up in the air, she didn’t know what to do.

Lottie truly looked like she needed an adult to help her in that moment. She had stopped making sounds, the distress now silent. She looked at Immy, then she looked at Jasper who just looked somewhere between amused and exasperated. Her expression hardened into a determined one and she marched over toward Jasper’s desk.

“Stop that right now! She doesn’t deserve that!”

Jasper blinked, the exasperation now leaning more into the amusement. He could have immediately disciplined Lottie, but really he found it strangely endearing. “Stop what?”

“Th-that!” Lottie sputtered and pointed down toward where he and Immy were connected.

“Doesn’t deserve it, hm?” He asked, trying not to laugh.

“It’s okay, Lottie. We can talk about it later.” Immy said, a bit worried at the tone she was using with Jasper. In truth, she was horribly embarrassed and was just looking for an escape. Her innocence with Lottie meant a lot to her and it was very close to being shattered. The only consolation was the feeling inside her which courses as Jasper shook with laughter. “Can Lottie and I please have some time to talk? Just a break, and we will come back and finish our work.”

Jasper shifted Immy slightly so she could slide off of him easier. “Yeah, it’s fine.”

He wasn’t particularly happy with being interrupted again, but he was also fully aware this was a possibility entertaining the situation to begin with. Still, three times? He sighed internally and pulled out a few tissues to wipe himself off before he tucked himself back into his pants while Immy sorted herself out.

“You’re very sweet, you know.” Immy said as she pulled on her underwear and turned to Lottie. “Let’s go take a break, Char. Is that okay?”

“Um… okay…” Lottie replied, seemingly in a bit of a daze at the whole situation.

The two women left the room together and made their way to the turbolift. It opened immediately when called and they stepped inside, she looked at Lottie with substantial guilt and embarrassment in her eyes.

“He wasn’t hurting me, Lottie.” She said, lowering her head. “I was doing it on purpose.”

“W-why?” Lottie asked and then looked down, realizing she was still holding the small plate of food. She extended it out toward Immy automatically. “Do you want a dumpling? The nice mistress in the science lab gave them to me.”

“Maybe in a bit.” Immy said, eyeing the food. It looked so good, but she didn’t feel like eating at the time. “I was doing it because it didn’t hurt like you think. It was fun and it felt good…really good. Petrov and Cassiel sort of…pressured me to do it with an audience, but I was only continuing what we had started.”

The younger slave seemed unsure what to think of it all though pulled the plate of food back toward herself. She didn’t look at Immy, merely stood there with a frown on her pouting lips. “But… why do it there?”

“Because I’m stupid, Lottie. I don’t know.” Immy answered as the turbolift doors opened again. “Sometimes, I guess, the possibility of getting caught makes it more fun.”

“You’re not stupid, Immy…” Lottie stepped out of the turbolift with Immy and looked at her. “Does it make you happy?”

“What is happy?” Immy asked, a frown on her face. “I don’t know. It makes me feel good. It gives me chills. And he…he makes me feel…well, like a woman. A full one; not some slave girl.”

Lottie was quiet for several long moments, but wore a slight frown that Immy would know meant she was thinking. Eventually, she spoke up softly, maybe even a little sadly. “I can’t pretend I understand what you are talking about or that I ever will, but if it pleases you… then I guess it is alright?”

She gave a slight shrug and extended the plate toward Immy again.

Immy picked up one of the dumplings and popped it into her mouth. She smiled as she chewed it and nodded. It was good.

“That’s so good.” She said with a nod, and then smiled more sweetly. “I’m glad you aren’t upset with me. I guess your opinion of me..kind of means a lot.”

“I’m not upset. I’m very confused and concerned for you, but I’m not upset.” Lottie replied. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen sex before or even participated - however unwillingly - in the act so that part didn’t really bother her outside of being extremely embarrassing. Lottie simply just still couldn’t wrap her head about it being any sort of positive experience. With a bit of awkward silence between them, she simply walked with Immy back to their shared quarters for a bit of a break and reset from the rather eventful day.

Jasper, meanwhile, had more or less settled. He was still disgruntled and now on edge from being aroused and then denied, but he was simply trying to focus on work. For a little while, this task was easy enough, but as he sat there, the sounds from the other office began to filter in. His hand balled into a fist and he looked over toward the door. Lyra was a gorgeous woman. Had Andrei not had his claim, Jasper definitely would have made a move to take a chance with her. Beauty, power, danger; there was little to not enjoy about her. He was, however, not an idiot. His eyes continued to linger on the door and while it was just her voice, he listened and let his mind wander. She was very good at reminding Andrei why he had chosen to commit, from everything he saw, heard, and understood; and it didn’t hurt he was often privy to the hearing part especially. Andrei certainly seemed to like that part too.

He allowed himself his reverie, but as soon as Andrei’s voice joined Lyra’s in pleasure, Jasper’s expression soured. It was too blatant of a reminder that he couldn't have what he wanted. “Computer, play some random selection of music, I don’t care what.”

The computer chimed pleasantly and began to play an up tempo jazz song that he couldn’t place and really didn’t care to. It drowned out the sound well enough and he focused on his work.




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