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Veiled Intentions

Posted on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 6:45pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasper Branson & Immy
Edited on on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 6:45pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: Branson's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 3 at 0100
2720 words - 5.4 OF Standard Post Measure

After Jasper and Immy had made love again, they fell to the bed once again and then, after a few moments of laying in each others arms, had taken a shower and returned to the bed. Immy took it upon herself to change the bed linens and the two of them laid down for a good night’s sleep.

A few hours after they’d fallen asleep, Immy awoke from her slumber in the gentle blue light of the room which provided enough light so she could see Jasper’s sleeping face and the sheets they were on. She had talked him into replicating a pale blue negligee nightgown for her that left very little to the imagination. It hadn’t been a hard sell. As a result, she was no longer naked when she slipped out from between his arms and went into the bathroom.

When she returned, Immy walked behind his small desk instead of laying down again, having made sure Jasper was soundly asleep before she sat and opened his computer. She logged on with an unknown name, certainly not her own, and started to surf, her eyes occasionally moving to the man she was sharing a bed with that night to make sure he was still soundly asleep.

Jasper was sleeping quietly in the bed, but the absence of her heat next to him was starting to register with his unconscious mind. He shifted, and his hand moved to where she had been laying as if looking for her, though he still seemed to be asleep.

Immy had been reading but noticed the stirring immediately as she had been attuned to his every move. She didn’t bother to log off, but she did stand up and moved over to the bed. Climbing in, she placed a hand on his chest and spoke to him softly.

“Jasper, wake up.”

“Hm? What?” Jasper questioned, startling awake since he wasn’t used to someone waking him. He looked around and then with a groan out his head back down with his arm over his eyes.

“What time is it?”

“Around 0100 hours.” She said, speaking quietly so as not to disturb his likely sensitive ears. “I don’t want to wake you so early, but I need your help with something.”

“It’s oh-one hun-,” Jasper let out an exasperated sigh. “Immy what it the name of the gods could you possibly need help with at this time. Go back to sleep.” He sounded less than pleased.

She nudged him, not accepting his dismissal. She looked at him with puppy-dog eyes and even stuck out her lip a bit.

“Jasper, come on, wake up.” Immy said with a sigh. “I really need you.”

While the face might have had some sway on him when he was more awake, it did nothing to help her in the slightest in this moment. He took a deep breath and spoke slowly, obviously measuring his voice so he didn’t snap at her and gave her one more chance to bail out. “Immy, if I get up and see whatever it is and it isn’t a time sensitive emergency, I’m going to be extremely unhappy.”

She frowned then, her jaw setting. There was more than sadness there. There was anger in those green eyes.

“Go to sleep then. I can do it myself..” She said, more hurt in her voice than she’d intended. She was off the bed in an instant, stomping away like something between a woman in heavy boots and an angry child, moving so hard that her ass cheeks jiggled temptingly. She went back over to the desk and sat back down, continuing her search on the computer. Her brows were knit and she didn’t look back to Jasper.

Jasper rolled over to do just that, but after a few moments of just laying there while Immy was doing gods knew what in the other room was enough to make him get up and walk out to where she was. When he saw her on the desk terminal, he frowned and moved around quickly to see what she was doing.

“What is this?”

“Are you done with your beauty rest?” She asked, her tone biting as she continued moving through financial reports without answering his question in the slightest. “I wouldn’t want you to get very upset if it isn’t up to your standards.”

Jasper wasn’t an especially patient individual though he tended to extend more courtesy toward women than men in that regard. He’d been looking at the screen, but when she gave her reply, his brows went up and then his face hardened. Blatant disrespect and dismissal? Who did she think she was to him that she could behave in such a manner? They’d been friendly less than a week and she seemed to think she was somehow owed the patience and understanding of a significant other. He’d been patient, kind, giving, and this shitty attitude and complete disregard for his needs was not something he would abide.

Apparently he’d been too kind.

Wordlessly, he reached over her and deactivated the monitor with the touch of a finger and with the other hand he spun the chair she was sitting in around so she was no longer facing the terminal. “It is time for you to leave, Immy.”

She offered a resentful expression and shook her head, not in refusal but in irritated disbelief.

“You’re a complete asshole.” She said with a hurt expression. “I can’t believe I thought you were worth it. I can’t believe I..”

Her eyes grew watery and she lowered her head slightly, looking away from him. She stood up despite the fact he was standing close to her and attempted to move around him to the place where she’d put her belongings.

I’m an asshole?” He asked incredulously as he moved out of her way. “You wake me up at one in the godsdammed morning for no actual good reason, and then when I DO get up to come see what you want, you act like a bitch. So yeah, that makes two of us in the disbelief department.” He crossed his arm and watched her go to get her clothes.

“I said I really needed your help, you fuck.” She said, really angry after he called her a bitch. One could see in her eyes that it wasn’t a small thing to her. “But you were whining about being sleepy. So you can go back to sleep and I’ll find someone else to help me.”

She grabbed her uniform from the couch and started to pull it on over her clothing, having turned away from Jasper, hot tears began to rebel against her self control and roll down her cheeks.

“And I came to help you, only for you to be snide, disrespectful, and rude.” Jasper remained where he was, unmoved by her tears. “Of course I’m tired, it’s one in the morning and I was asleep. I asked you twice what was so important and you didn’t answer either time, so frankly Immy I don’t know what the fuck you want. I told you I don’t play games.”

“You forgot to mention I was being a bitch.” She said, looking at him with her eyes reddening. “And I wasn’t playing games. I just didn’t expect you to be so mean and impatient with me. I assumed us being together would at least get me the benefit of the doubt that when I wake you up and tell you I really need your help, I actually might.”

She pulled the uniform over her head and reached for her underclothes.

“Whatever. I shouldn’t have come here.”

“In case you missed it, I’m literally standing here talking to you, so not asleep. I did get up, but did you expect me to be fucking sunshine and daisies when you woke me up and then refused to answer me when I asked you what was going on?” Jasper shot back, the irritation still plain on his face.

Immy didn’t say anything. She wanted him to be gentle with her; she wanted him to be kind. But the signs that he wasn’t as dedicated to their pairing as she was, even after so little time, became obvious. He enjoyed having sex with her and nothing else, it seemed.

“I’m going to go.” She said, her voice small and her anger giving way to more tears. Her sadness didn’t soften him and she didn’t feel safe or even remotely loved. “Goodnight.”

Still she wouldn’t answer or accept any wrongdoing on her part or her attitude. Jasper hadn’t wanted to hurt her, really, but he wasn’t going to apologize when he had done nothing wrong and was in fact the slighted party here - no matter how many tears she tried to cry at him to soften him. They weren’t in that kind of relationship; she wasn’t his girlfriend or anything of that nature that would have warranted the softness and patience above and beyond the norm.

“I’m walking you back to your room.” He said and moved toward the door just in his long pajama pants and still shirtless.

“I don’t need you to. I’ll be fine.” She answered, moving to the door. She didn’t want his pity and she felt very silly for having put so much stock in their connection.

“I know you don’t need me to but I want to and am going to make sure you get back safely.” He insisted and opened the door so she could step out and he would follow.

She looked at him with an irritated expression, hating him for being chivalrous in the moment. Nevertheless, she complied and stepped out into the corridor ahead of him and started walking down the hall.

Jasper gave her room as he followed her as he didn’t want to give her cause to turn around and snap at him some more. He was tired and irritated, and he still didn’t have any idea what she even wanted since now she was just being childishly stubborn. This was why he preferred the casual thing, but apparently four days was enough for Immy. He shook his head slightly, but said nothing.

Immy was pretty much determined to avoid Jasper from here on out and paused outside the turbolift, reaching and pressing the button without a word. As tears streamed down her face, she wiped them away with the back of her wrist and waited for the lift. A group of female officers passed by and noticed her and Jasper together. They also seemed to notice she was crying and looked with interest. Immy lowered her head submissively, remembering that she was a slave. Subtly, her shoulders began to shake with chill and emotion, but she said nothing.

When he noticed the group of women walking by and staring, he moved to block her mostly from their view and put a hand on her shoulder. His focus was on the group and he shifted his head slightly to signal them Immy was fine and they could move on. When the doors to the lift opened, he coaxed her to step inside lightly and moved in after her, closing the doors so no one else could join them. “Deck fifteen.”

His hand had moved off of her shoulder when they were out of view and he stood against the wall with his arms folded while not really looking anywhere in particular.

Immy cast a glance at him after the turbolift started moving; it was appraising. Being a slave made her act against her nature almost constantly. If she were free, if she could act without the possibility of being punished like a slave, she would kick Jasper directly in the balls. But, as it were, she was a prisoner to good behavior and submission and she knew she had to play the role.

“I never sleep with masters for a reason. They don’t value slaves.” She said, looking away from him, her jaw set. “They don’t wake up for us, they don’t care if we cry, and the second we become inconvenient, they throw us away. I thought you were different because I’m fucking stupid and got…emotional over a man who stood up for me once.”

She looked angry, more at herself than anything.

“I’m a slave. I’m supposed to be sunshine, and rainbows, and obedience, and blowjobs.” She said, looking at him. “I forgot my place.”

The look of resentment was gone and, left there, was an expression of defeat and sadness.

Jasper wasn’t exactly a patient man, he really never had been. He tried harder for women because he knew that was not only what they wanted, but by their very natures they needed more patience. Still, even he would admit he wasn’t very good at it which was a large factor in why he preferred the no strings attached approach. He looked down at her, still frustrated with her and her words, but the look on her face softened him again, and he resolved to try and extend a bit more patience and grace, but not to the point of apology.

The lift stopped and he stepped out with her, but he didn’t continue walking. He reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose, collecting himself and making sure his voice was calm before he spoke. “This has nothing to do with you being a slave, Immy. You asked me not to treat you like one and I haven’t; if you were being honest with yourself, you’d agree. I would ask any woman who did what you did to leave. It was rude to begin with, and then you turned it into outright disrespect after I did get up for you. I wasn’t particularly happy about it, but I did it, and that didn’t matter to you and apparently still doesn’t.”

She saw clearly what she had feared. He cared nothing for her in particular. She liked him, but she could do nothing with that. She turned to him and smiled, placing a hand on his chest. Her expression was tired, but she was still very beautiful.

“I can’t hide my free spirit, I suppose.” she said, and then she leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Imagine how disrespectful I’ll be when I’m free.”

“I love your free spirit, Immy… just… maybe not at one in the morning.” He took her hand and kissed her fingertips. “I’m sorry I got upset with you for waking me.” A moment ago he hadn’t been, but it seemed even the essence of an apology from her had been enough for him. “Let’s just chalk tonight up to a little spat and get some sleep. If we have time in the next few days, let’s talk about what it was you needed, okay?”

Immy looked up at him with sparkling eyes, watching as he kissed her fingers. She smiled easily; dazzlingly, as if all was past. Her other hand found his waist as she leaned forward again. This time, her lips found his slowly, temptingly, and she exhaled slowly through her nose. She didn’t have to say anything else, her face said it all.

“Goodnight.” She said softly, her sultry and almost -musical voice sounding in her mild Irish accent.

“Goodnight, Immy.” He gave her a smile and stepped back from her door so she could go inside and Lottie wouldn’t see him as he had the first time he had brought her back home. Granted, that was under better circumstances, but things were as they were. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“You’re a big softy, you know that?” She asked with a wink as she turned and granted herself access to the room. She walked in and, turning to him, gave him a feminine wave goodbye.



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