
Swords and Sons

Posted on Thu Apr 27th, 2023 @ 5:42pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Thu Apr 27th, 2023 @ 5:42pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: XO's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 2030
6657 words - 13.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Lyra had been mildly surprised that she and Andrei had been the ones selected to go on this assignment rather than perhaps Kassandra and Andrei, but she was by no means going to complain about it. The meeting had taken place quietly amongst Ivan, Andrei, and Lyra after the electromagnetic storm they had passed through had compromised the ship more than Lieutenant Jones had originally anticipated. It wasn’t to the point of worry, but there was definitely more than a little frustration and strain between the engineering, science, and operation departments that had bloomed from it. It had been decided that she and Andrei would head out to Banea - a planet not far from the Sikaran station - to assess the potential and lay the groundwork for a possible military alliance with one of the warring sides. There was a bit of a downside in that they would miss the celebration for the Emperor’s birthday and that being away from the station also negated any opportunity for them to try out hunting again, but this trip could provide its own amusing possibilities.

She was in her quarters putting the last few articles of neatly folded clothing into the duffel bag she would take. She wasn’t one to grossly overpack - there was just no need when one had a replicator readily accessible - but she made sure she had enough for the couple days of travel and then a few more for their stay. On top went a bag of toiletries and to finish off were a few PADDs for reading depending on her mood. After making sure everything was locked down in her quarters, she picked up a small cylindrical device which she slid into the pocket of her silky, flowing black lounge pants, picked up another PADD, and then grabbed her bag.

“Computer, lights off.” She slid into her comfortable black ballet flats as she spoke the command and when the lights went out behind her, she stepped out and into the corridor. The door locked behind her, and she took the eight foot straight line walk to Andrei’s quarters. He was expecting her so this wasn’t a surprise visit. The plan was she would pack up and go to his quarters and they’d leave together in the morning. She input her access code and the door opened; her eyes immediately looked for Andrei but she didn’t find him. Considering music was playing however, she knew he was likely in the bedroom finishing packing himself. Putting her bag down by the door, she slid out of her shoes then walked over to his mounted display of swords. He had such a good eye for blades. She picked up the shaksha that looked the most worn and the leather bundle from the bureau underneath the display which she placed on top of the PADD she was still carrying before finally making her way to the couch and sitting down. They did “together but separate” very well, taking pleasure and comfort simply in the other’s presence but not necessarily directly engaged together. She felt no need to go to him, he would be out soon enough.

Lyra pulled her legs up and criss-crossed them; the shaksha went onto her thighs and she opened the leather bundle with all her sharpening and polishing supplies before she placed it down next to her on the side table. Before she started though, she pulled out the device from her pocket and began to scan the hilt of the blade and then the blade itself. It was slow, methodical; she hummed to the melody of the music as she sat there working.

Andrei had the Beethoven bug and his ear this week in particular, and was listening to the third movement of the musical genius’s third symphony. He had no indication that Lyra was there as the music was loud enough to drown out any noise she was making. He packed his own bags, all the whole singing along to the bombastic, almost rebellious rhythmic theme. Music was a language in itself, and it was one they both spoke.

He had only just taken a sonic shower after his day of work and was standing shirtless in black gym shorts which he tended to put on without bothering to grab underwear first. It had been a habit his mother had always hated but, not true to form, he had continued to perform.

He closed his bag and reached for the bowl of large black grapes in a green porcelain bowl. Picking one up and eating it, he exited into the main room. Seeing Lyra immediately, he offered a smile as he noticed her task of service with his sword.

“You keeping yourself busy over there, love?”

With an easy smile on her beautiful face, Lyra looked up at Andrei and into his eyes. He had taken long enough that she had finished up her scans and had moved to the actual sharpening and polishing of his favored weapon. Her long, delicate fingers worked with skill and ease and the metal sang in response to her efforts as if praising her for her attention. On the arm of the couch next to her was the PADD she had carried in which she was glancing at while working.

“All of your swords like my attention, darling,” she replied with a coy smirk. Her eyes lingered on him, taking him in, delighting in what was hers, “and I love giving it.”

“Hmm. I know you do.” He said with an expression of self-assurance, but it was also a vote of confidence in her genuine care for him. Eating another grape, he moved over to his desk and activated his computer terminal. He sighed and shook his head. “This damn computer situation is nerve-wracking. Leaving this situation in Johnathan’s hands is doubly so.”

“You don’t trust your Blood Brother to be up to the task?” She asked, the note of amusement plain in her voice. Her eyes followed him to his desk and then returned to her work. “I don’t particularly feel comfortable leaving Corvin in charge of my department either, so I sympathize.”

“Blood Brother, right.” Andrei said with a smirk of his own. “I don’t doubt his loyalty. Let’s just say he’s so young and inexperienced.”

It was a funny thing for a 26 year old man to say, and the intended irony wasn’t lost on either of them.

“Perhaps we’ll return to a smoldering ruin.”

“Then we would just make something terrible and beautiful from the ashes.” Lyra spoke as if it were a simple thing, and perhaps she truly believed that it was. She raised the sword and tilted it to catch the edge on the light to inspect it. “I’m looking forward to the mission.”

“To new challenges or to time away?” He asked, taking another grape into his mouth. He typed something into his computer terminal, seeming to read what was there even as he made conversation with her.

“Both, darling.” She replied and switched to polishing the blade. “Looking at anything particularly interesting over there?”

“Oh, of course I am. But I’m afraid it’s of a sensitive nature. Administrative eyes only.” He said, looking over at her with an amused expression that didn’t indicate whether he was joking or just liked the idea of obviously having a secret.

Lyra looked up at him and with a playful smile, she stuck out half of her tongue and then resumed her attention on the blade and PADD. After a moment, she spoke again, though slightly distracted. “You who wants seven sons over there; have you ever given any thought to names for them?”

“Naturally, yes.” he said his grin deepening as he lowered himself down into his desk chair, the coldness of the leather making contact with his naked back. He inhaled slowly, looking to Lyra again. “Obviously I favored Russian names, but the kind that translate to Latin are, of course, at the top of my list. After all, I am a man of considerable ambition. Why do you ask?”

“Yes, you are.” She smiled thought didn’t look at him, simply considering her lover’s towering ambitions that she was eager to help him achieve. “What are your top two or three?”

“Mikhail, Pytr, and, of course, Andrei.” he said in response, turning his eyes back to the screen and reading. “I haven’t bothered to name the others.”

She glanced over to him for a moment and saw him staring at the screen. She was, of course, intensely curious as to what he was looking at, but she knew better than to pry. Her attention then moved back to the PADD beside her and she picked it up, her thumb moving over it a few times until she was satisfied. The polishing and sharpening tools went back into their places inside the leather wrap and she stood with his shaksha in one hand and PADD in the other. With ease and confidence, she walked over to him and moved behind his chair. Leaning in, her arms went around him, one still holding his sword while the other brought the PADD up in front of his face far enough that he could read it when he focused, but near enough to block his view of the monitor.

Her lips found the sensitive skin just below his ear and she spoke with an amused, playful voice. “Well then, congratulations, Papa Dre.” She giggled softly and then began to kiss and nibble under his ear. On the PADD were the four red matter weapons now labeled with names: Mikhail, Anxo, Pytr, and Valerio.

Andrei winced at first when the PADD was put in front of him, though only his natural eye needed time to adjust. His bionic one read quickly and his quick mind did the test. He chuckled, his hand finding the back of her neck from its place behind his shoulder and playing in her hair.

“We should get a scribe to write this down.” He said, turning and returning her kiss, but on her lips instead. “We are making history after all. For the Empire; for us.”

He hadn’t reacted negatively to her using the nickname she had only heard his mother use for him; she took that as a positive. She’d used the moment as a bit of a test for it, and had he not liked it she likely would have been able to just playfully apologize her way out of it and promise to not do it again. She returned his kiss with a smile. “Yes, we are.”

Lingering but a moment more, she kissed him again and put the PADD down on his desk as she did so; pulling away, she walked the shaksha back over to the display to put it back in its proper place. As she moved, her hips swayed slowly, her hips and rear end accentuated by the black fabric that covered and hugged. She glanced over her shoulder at him, seeing where his attention was.

His eyes had followed her, as was normal and linger on her hips and butt as she reached to restore his sword to its rightful place. When he noticed her looking, his gaze lingered a second more before he turned it back to the screen.

“Another complaint comes in again about my new Yeoman. His reputation was fitting. The man sure knows how to infuriate people.” Andrei said with a raised brow. “Apparently he assaulted some crewmen in the cargo bay. They were…less than forthcoming about the details, it seems. They also curiously filed the report with my office directly, dispute protocol. Perhaps they thought you might ask too many questions, hmm?”

“Mmm?” Lyra’s brows raised and she meandered back over to his desk, leaning in to look though her eyes were on him for permission to do so before she turned in to actually do it. “See now I’ll have to ask even more questions… people should know better by now than to make me ask questions.”

“Perhaps they know I don’t care about their problems enough to pillow talk.” He said, shrugging. “But I thought you might be more curious than I am. I almost wonder what they have to hide. I could ask Jasper, but…again. I don’t give even half a damn.”

She skimmed the report with the mildest of interest, with the way she was leaning over, her breasts pressed against the burgundy fabric of her tank top. Andrei might have not given a damn, but it was her job to - or at least it was her job to tell someone else to give a damn. She’d have Corvin look into it while they were away and when she found out who had tried to bounce over her department well… she’d ask her questions.

“Hm. Well, who cares I guess.” She leaned over and kissed his shoulder gently. “Did you eat?”

“I grabbed a quick bite after my workout. Feel free to grab something for yourself, though.” He said, reaching up and turning off the console. He then took hold of her hips and looked up at her. Looking into her eyes with interest.

Lyra shook her head, her hands finding his strong, sculpted shoulders and resting there while she stepped between his legs to get closer. “I already had something as well.” She saw the look in his eyes and smiled, her head tilting a bit. “Something on your mind, darling?”

“Oh, I’m always thinking about something.” He said with a confident expression, his hands shamelessly moving to her bottom and squeezing. “This time, I’m considering your skills at handling my sword.”

The smile grew into a light, easy grin and her fingers flexed into his shoulders to massage him slightly. “Is that so? What about them?”

“You’re good, but there’s still more for you to learn.” He said, standing up slowly until he stood over her, his bare shoulders presenting a hard holding place for her hands. His own hands moved up to her hips. Then he disengaged and went to a chair in the corner of the room. Picking up a grey T-shirt, he pulled it over his heavy muscled form. “We might have more luck keeping my belongings intact if we go to the holodeck.”

His training was obvious when one looked at him. Not only was he ripped and strong, he also showed smoother motions that indicated he had done a considerable amount of perfecting his fighting skills. He moved like a man more dangerous than ever, and his eyes told the same story.

“I have more fun breaking your belongings with a different kind of sword practice.” Lyra grinned deviously, tracing along his muscles with her fingers through his shirt. “If you’re in the mood, darling, I’m willing to learn.”

While she wasn’t completely unfamiliar with swords, they were far from her weapon of choice; she had, however, been enjoying changing it up and learning to better her skills with them through their Viking adventures on the holodeck and more direct training with Andrei when the mood struck him. The spear was where her skills were paramount, though there had been more inclination to stick with swords. She did understand - the spear wasn’t viewed as something as elegant or noble as the blade, but in the hands of a master it was one of the most deadly.

And master she was.

“Let me put on some better shoes.”

“By all means.” He said, and turned himself to go grab appropriate pants and shoes of his own.

Lyra followed him into the room and moved to “her” closet to pull out appropriate boots for what he had in mind and a pair of socks. As she put them on, she spoke, “It is a bit sad we are going to miss the celebration for the Emperor’s Birthday while we are away. I’d kill to see you all dressed up again.”

She had been quick about what she was doing and stood up, grabbing a hair tie to pull her hair up into a high, secure ponytail and turning to look at him to see if he was ready.

“It is a shame, yes, but we can make our own fun when we have the time.” He said, agreeing with her but being positive. He was clearly ready, and indicated by turning and walking toward the exit, trusting she would follow closely behind. It wasn’t his way to double check, and he didn’t do so now.

Lyra followed him easily, walking behind him at first and then after they exited the turbolift, by his side properly. They talked and bantered, their lessers moved before them when they were in the way of the couple without batting an eye or even thinking of standing in the way. Finally, they found themselves outside the holodeck, and Lyra crossed her arms lightly under her chest as she watched Andrei load the program, curious as to what they’d be doing.

“Computer, load program ‘Andrei Swordplay 4’, sparring mode. Activate maximum computer safeties.” he said, and the panel outside the holodeck chirped its compliance. As the doors slid open, Andrei seemed to ready his body for battle, standing up straighter and lifting his chin, testing his muscles, particularly those in his legs and arms. Then he stepped through the open doors into a clearing made of perfect green grass surrounded by light forest all around. A gentle breeze hit his skin at a comfortable temperature and a hint of pine could be smelled on it.

In the middle of the clearing was a stand that held two shashka. He walked over and grabbed one, analyzing it with interest to make sure it was perfect. He turned to look at Lyra as the arch disappeared behind her.

“An excellent natural place to learn. It’s calm here, and the breeze focuses the mind.” he said with focussed eye contact, speaking slowly.

“It’s perfect.” Lyra replied and meant it. She preferred practicing in “nature” like this, but it was not something she shared with others. He had a glimpse at this when he had hunted her down as Madeline demanding answers about Romano. She walked over toward him, her eyes resting easily on his. “Teach me, darling.”

He grabbed the other sword and slowly pressed the hilt into her hand and stepped in close to her, his lips lingering close to her forehead without actually touching them. He smelled her perfume and enjoyed the proximity, but he didn’t touch her.

“You know the basics, I know. And a bit more besides. We’ll start with a simple sparring match, and I’ll let you show me your weaknesses…and secrets.” he said quietly; calmly. He moved almost sensually with the blade in his hand.

She held the sword in her hand. It was balanced for him and the grip was suited to him, but she would work with it just fine. Her eyes continued to hold his and she brought her hand up, sliding it along his abdomen and chest. They managed to make violence look erotic, and it was a trait they both enjoyed thoroughly. Her hand found the center of his chest, and just as a playful smirk appeared on her lips, she gave him a push back as she herself stepped away.

“Only for you.”

He braced himself on his back foot and watched her smiling face. He enjoyed her playfulness, but something about him was harder now. He was serious; he was at work.

“The central element of swordplay isn’t show or flash, it isn’t deception or instinct. It is only this: to be at the right distance at the right time.” he said, getting in his stance. “Let’s go.”

As she stepped back from him, her smile faded into a more neutral expression. She knew the time to be playful was at an end, and now she was here to learn. She listened to Andrei and while she knew the principle well, she was very aware that the range for swords was the range she was weakest in unless she was holding onto a spear or staff. Learning from him would only help, but she knew it wasn’t going to be a pleasant experience. The longer reach of the spear and the ultra close range of the dagger was where she thrived, but here too she would learn to thrive. In time.

She moved the sword in her hand, twirling it and slicing around with it. It might have been considered flashy to the untrained eye, but Andrei would know it was her familiarizing herself with the weight and balance of the blade in her hand. She’d have to consider making something for herself if this would become something regular. Finally, she took up a stance, watching him a moment but knowing he wouldn’t be the first to attack. After considering for a split second, she moved in on him with a basic maneuver; it wasn’t exactly a serious attack, but she was looking for an answer to a question she had: how hard on her was he going to be?

Andrei rebuffed the swing of her sword so hard, it nearly flew from her grip. He didn’t, however, take advantage of her open posture to end the fight in a split second, deciding instead to continue to put her to the test. He touched the tip of the blade to her stomach quickly but gently, his face still neutral even as he made eye contact with her.

“Yes, I’m playing for keeps, to answer your silent question.” he said, and reset.

“I expected nothing less.” Lyra replied as she watched him pull the blade away. What had surprised her was him not jabbing her with the blade or taking more direct advantage of the opening she had given them. With the holodeck safeties on as they were, he wasn’t going to hurt her though it would have felt decidedly unpleasant. She reset herself, flexing her hand on the hilt of the sword, and then attacked him again.

This time it was less basic or plodding. Lyra was supremely agile, but she obviously hadn’t mastered how to pair that agility with the sword. She would have given one less trained than Andrei a fair fight, but most certainly not him. She swung toward his head, but it was a feint and she used the motion to come around with the sword to strike at his side. Her free hand was down to give a bit of a guard to any sort of retaliation to her midsection.

He watched the movement of her hand along with the rest of her body as she fainted toward his head before striking at his side. As he had prepared to respond to her head strike by leaning back, his sword was still available to block her side swipe. She was quick and her movements were graceful, like a woman who had long ago made her body a honed weapon on its own. Still, he had blocked it, and then pushed her sword back and advanced at her with his own attack. He moved quickly and heavily, disturbing the ground beneath him and swinging his sword at her own side. With a flash, he gave a similar fake as she had given, but his was more convincing. Instead of hitting her side, he pulled back and took a swipe at her leg.

The pain sang through her nerves, the sharp sting of the blade “cutting” her was processed by her body, but no damage had been done. She sucked in a breath through gritted teeth. The injury wouldn’t have been one that would have completely disabled her in a real fight, so even though the pain was still solidly searing, she pivoted her body from that leg, spinning around and into Andrei. It was a movement born of instinct more than anything else; she spun out of his immediate reach to his side and into him, bringing the hilt of the blade to crack against his temple like she would if she were wielding a dagger, but it was still an effective move.

It was Andrei’s turn to experience pain. He reeled back slightly, resisting the urge to lower his guard to cover his temple. Instead, he winced through his good eye and gave her a nod of approval. She had turned her weakness into what strength she could. He didn’t intend to let her get close enough to do it again. He moved forward now, sending predictable but challenging strikes her way from all directions, challenging her to block up, down, and side to side in alternating patterns with a seemingly unending pace. He watched her as he wore her down, leaving her no escape from the onslaught and not a single moments rest to catch her breath, rest her body, or to think.

Lyra’s eyes were intense and with every strike they seemed to darken and grow sharper, predatory. She blocked and deflected, now and then even having enough opening to return a strike. Those that she couldn’t block or deflect fully, she redirected to less vulnerable parts of her body. Her mind wailed with her training - back away or step in close - but she lacked the weapons to effectively do either option and she knew it. When she felt herself starting to get frazzled by the onslaught, she tried taking greater moves back to disengage, but he wouldn’t let her. The decision was quick. As he stepped in to strike again, she switched her sword from her right to her left hand as he came down toward her leg. She stepped in, accepting the hit and the pain that came with it, but put herself into the right distance for herself. She grabbed his wrist, pulled forward, and swiped at his face with the sword in her left to at the very least get him to back off even if she didn’t land the hit directly.

He moved back enough time that the swipe at his face would have done little more than give him a nasty cut on his cheek if the safeties were off. The sting was mild and overshadowed by adrenaline. With his free hand, he grabbed at he shirt and jerked her forward, taking advantage of the close range to prevent her from effectively using her sword against him while his was in the hand of the wrist she was grabbing. Hand to hand was a skill they both shared, though she excelled in speed and he in strength. It wasn’t what he was here to test.

With her right up against him, held close by her clothes stuck in his clenched fist, he resisted the tactical instinct to headbutt her, a terrible sparring move and one that tended to put a damper on most relationships. Instead, he gave her a quick peck on the lips and, smiling, pushed her away with considerable force while twisting his wrist out of her grip. He looked at her. It was time for the kill, and they both new it.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve ripped your clothes, so that was tempting.” he said, knowing that a “long time” for them was a week.

She wasn’t going to win. She had been fully aware of this from the moment he had offered the suggestion in his quarters, but winning wasn’t the point. When he had pushed her back, she had quickly regained her balance, but instead of standing there and resetting, she launched herself toward him to utilize that speed and agility as well as the element of surprise in the moment. She lifted her blade like she was going to bring it down on a high strike using both hands on the hilt. Just as she got to him though, she very suddenly dropped down to her knees and turned in the motion, bringing her hands back down and then up backwards, thrusting the sword up from her side and into his abdomen while she was at his feet. She knew she left herself completely vulnerable to the killing blow, but in true Lyra fashion she wasn’t going down without a considerable amount of fight.

The stabbing pain in his side was a surprise as her particular move was certainly not one in the playbook. He took it in silence with little more than a hiss. His boot fell onto the wrist of her sword hand and the tip of his blade came down decisively across her throat. He had won, but not as cleanly as he would have hoped. He was one of the best sword fighters in the Empire by now, but he still missed certain things. He intended to become undefeatable.

Reaching down, he offered her his hand.

“Good fight, Love. Now get up before I take you right here in the grass.” he said with a smile, charming and easy.

Despite the lingering pain in her neck, Lyra reached up to him. Instead of taking his hand, however, she grabbed him by the forearm and her other hand came up to grab the other in the same way. With a grin, she threw the weight of her body backwards to likely pull him down to the ground on top of her given it was an unexpected move. She looked up at him, the easy grin remaining, but she said nothing.

He landed on top of her, falling between her legs roughly and feeling the heat there as always. He looked into her eyes.

“Swordplay in the grass. It’s the reason we’re here.” he said with a chuckle, and his lips found hers again, slowly. He wasn’t being insistent in any way, but seemed to be enjoying the moment for whatever it was.

His kiss was returned with gentleness and affection underlying the obvious passion. Despite their rough little sparring session, it did not - for the moment - seem to carry over. She lifted her arms to slide them around his bulky body while he lay mostly on top of her. “Yes, yes it is, darling.”

One hand moved up to find his hair which she began to play with while she kissed him again.

The initiative was his, and he didn’t hesitate, deciding just what he wanted to do. The two of them most often did things in an elaborate way, but this time, he had something quicker in mind. His hands wandered to the pants she was wearing and, as he sat up between her legs, he worked them down off of her hips and passed her boots. He left them on as did her panties, and leaned in again to kiss her all the more passionately. Now his quickly hardening manhood was pressed up against her panties where they lay on the grass. He sat up again and pulled down his pants and underwear in one motion, causing his thick member to bob loose in front of her. He pulled them down around his ankles and leaned in again, kissing her and proceeding in an almost hasty fashion. He didn’t enter her, however, but simply pressed up against her panties while his lips kissed her again and again and his hands explored her body.

Lyra moved as she needed to help him take off her pants and adjusted to be a bit more comfortable. When he pulled back she watched, her dark eyes sparkling with anticipation despite the fact this was an extremely regular occurrence for them. It hadn’t grown old and it doubted it would - they were too creative for that. Her lips twitched into a smile as she watched his manhood bob as if it were itself excited for what was to come, and then she returned her focus to his lips and kisses. Each was returned with passion, and when he stopped, she continued on his neck, his jaw. Her hands moved up and down either side of his spine, pressing into the muscles there firmly. She enjoyed making him feel good. As he pressed against her more insistently, she squirmed and made a slight sound. Her blood was hot from their sparring session, she wanted him.

After taking some time to tease her and to make her, he moved her panties to the side and slid inside her, starting easy and then adding length to length until he could feel her body resist. He would continue to work on her as they made love in the green grass. A gentle breeze met them again, but Andrei was focused, moving his hips in writhming time like a bow across strings. He played first gently and lightly, and then with increasing force and vigor until he put considerable power into a steady pounding and their voices sang together.

As usual, Lyra was never meek in her participation or praise in their moments together. Her hands and lips moved over him as he both took and gave pleasure in a direct way from her body and she did the same. Her nails pricked his skin, her teeth did the same, a bit of pain, a bit of danger, but always followed with something more gentle. The pain was always measured. As they continued, he was able to sink more and more into himself inside of her though the panties he had left on her did give some restriction to it as did her legs still being somewhat restricted by the pants still around her ankles. She didn’t care. It didn’t always have to be grandiose and perfect. Sometimes this was exactly what was needed; what was wanted; quick, rough. It suited them just as well. She sang out for him and held him close. Hers. His. Her body shuddered and quaked, her eyes closed, and she held him tighter as she felt that familiar sensation of release - both his and her own.

When they had both finished, Andrei placed his hand in her hair as he kissed her, still waiting inside her as their hearts raced together.

“Well, that was worth a little pain, I think.” he said.

“Mm… I agree.” She replied with a breathless chuckle and gave him another kiss, her lips lingering on his gently. Her eyes found his, and she spoke again, softer this time. “I miss you calling me Ly.”

“If only the crew knew how sentimental you were.” he said, shaking his head in pleased amusement. “Nicknames; dates; gifts. They’d almost start to think we were normal.”

She wasn’t really sure what to make of that reaction; in the end she supposed she didn’t really care if he didn’t want to use it, but he had been the one to do it in the first place because he had wanted to. She had thought it was nice. Before she drifted too far into that train of thought, she grinned up at him. “What are you talking about? We are perfectly normal.”

“They should all be more like us.” he said, pulling out of her and rolling over onto the ground next to her, not exactly as clean as when they had first arrived. His pants were still down, and he didn’t seem to bother with them. He looked at her. “Ly it is.”

“They can try, but they’d never be us.” She turned her head and reached out with a hand to lightly poke the tip of his nose. “Dre.”

She smiled at him, the poke having come when she said the name, still being playful and still feeling it out to see if he liked it or not coming from her. Love and darling could be used for anyone - they’d been used for everyone who had that kind of attention from the pair, but these were at least more unique.

Andrei didn’t seem to offer a response at first, but then he shook his head and chuckled.

“No, that reminds me too much of my mother.” he said with a good-natured expression. “We’ll have to think of something else eventually.”

Her smile became mildly apologetic and understanding and she gave a nod, turning her head to look back up at the sky. She knew it might have been weird for him which was why she had been wanting to test it once more a bit more directly. It was probably akin to him considering washing up using Christoph’s body wash after they had murdered him. She lay there silently for a moment, and then that wicked little amused smirk appeared again.

“Maybe I’ll just call you Andy.” She hated it. She was joking. She knew he’d hate it, but the playfulness was blatantly clear.

“And maybe I’ll call you Ra-ra.” he said in response, glancing at her in mock annoyance as he looked back at the sky. Then, after a few seconds, he began to chuckle at their suggestions. “I’m pretty sure I didn’t seal the holodeck.”

His meaning was obvious, their state of dress was very odd as both of them had their bottoms around their ankles as they lay in the grass. He, in particular, was blowing in the wind.

“Well they can wander in and come be jealous of what’s mine and what’s yours… or envious of assets they lack, depending on who it is I suppose.” She grinned and reached down to stroke his length a couple of times as if it were a pet of which she was very fond. With a quick kiss to his shoulder, she reached down and pulled his shorts up for him then sat up to grab her pants and pull them back up her legs.

Andrei chuckled and stood, pulling up his pants and placing his own “sword” back in its scabbard. Then he turned and picked up the other one, looking at her.

“Now that our sparring matches are finished, I’ll teach you a thing or two.”

Lyra stood and picked up her own sword then flashed him a charming grin. “I’m ready to learn, darling.”

The statement was true and it showed in her eyes and expression, not only ready, but willing and eager. Lyra enjoyed learning, and if it was learning a skill that she could use against her enemies that was all the better.

Andrei spent the next hour instructing Lyra in advanced sword fighting, identifying the areas where she had shown weakness and those where she had shown strength. She would be a long way from mastery, but a lot would be learned nonetheless.

By the time they were done, Lyra was tired and bruised, but there was satisfaction in the way she held herself and the look on her face. They’d shower back in his quarters, but after they had wiped down most of the sweat and ended the program, she stepped up to him and slid her arms around his waist just above his hips.

“Next time, we’ll throw in some spear practice too.” She smiled. “For now though, I need a shower, I’m sleepy, and I would really enjoy one of your lovely massages.”

“Sounds good on all counts.” Andrei said with a grin, grabbing Lyra by the hips as well. Then they exited together on their way to his quarters.



