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Out of Nowhere

Posted on Tue Jun 6th, 2023 @ 4:47pm by Caeda & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Dr. Daniel Brasken & Warrant Officer Ahira Kasamoto & Lieutenant JG Corvin Hartjin & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Andrea Carrington
Edited on on Wed Jun 7th, 2023 @ 5:18pm

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: Government Building, Banea
Timeline: Date 2371-08-19 at 1045
3196 words - 6.4 OF Standard Post Measure


The attack had come suddenly and with no warning; thousands of people dead in an instant, large swaths of their cities had been decimated. The origin of the attack was unknown, and with the recent murder of Targa Jalak, head of their defensive military forces, it was all the more terrifying. Had the Numiri finally struck? Had this been their plan all along? Mass panic had taken hold in an instant and the Banean military and police forces were struggling to respond to so many vicious strikes in such a short amount of time.

Thankfully - given the events of the past several days - Targa Molen Syr was already present in the capitol building as was the newly appointed Commissioner Enar Oshep who had taken over for the only day-removed Kiva Dol. Oshep had already been struggling to come to terms with the loss of their prisoner and the eventual arrival of the Terran fleet. Now adding these attacks on, he was certainly regretting accepting this position. He stood with Vice Minister Orist Pel who was sweating profusely as more reports came in. They were standing in a large room surrounded by people working away to establish what was going on, trying to dispatch aid to the affected cities, and mustering military forces for defenses.

Targa Syr stood with her arms crossed and looked to the largest monitor set into the back wall which showed a feed of the largest and most damaged city. This had been Jalak's fault - he had let the defenses of the planet go soft in the face of the tenuous ceasefire they had been sharing with the Numiri up to this point. Now, many of their people were dead, and she feared many more would die.

"What are we going to do?!" Pel warbled and wailed hopelessly.

"Be quiet!" Syr hissed. "I need to hear what is going on around me, not your griping."

She had seen that Minister Wenra had been moved to the appropriate secure location, but unfortunately, that did mean she was stuck with the Vice Minister as the mouthpiece and she simply hated the man. Outside of the room and within, security forces had been stationed. Two men on every corner and outside every door. Inside of the room, there were six guards as well as eight more military and police staff working with another four civilian staff.

"Do we think this was the Numiri?" Oshep asked slowly, hesitantly. "This... doesn't seem like their way."

"I'm not sure, that is what we are trying to find out, but I am inclined to agree," Syr replied. "Keep on task, people!"

The Baneans were quite focused on their task, so much so the glittering blue beams of light that appeared at the back of the room didn’t immediately draw the attention of the majority of the twenty-odd people in the large room. However, several of the guards did notice and immediately raised their weapons.

“Intruders!” One exclaimed just as the Terran’s shimmered into existence.

The handful of civilian workers immediately began to panic and jumped up from their chairs, abandoning their work and trying to find some sort of cover behind the consoles where they had been working. The rest stood and drew their sidearms. Pel also frantically took cover with the civilians, quaking as he cowered though at least had enough bravery to peer out to try and figure out what was going on.

Syr and Oshep both drew their firearms and turned toward the intruders, ready to fire if they were fired upon. As the light cleared however and the faces of the Terrans clarified, Syr lifted her hand. “Lower your weapons, it is the Terrans.”

The team of Terran Officers appeared in a haze of blue transporter light. All had phaser rifles raised and were standing in a triangle formation behind the Captain. The security officers, Corvin, Ahira, and the four officers accompanying, were dressed in combat armor and were an intimidating sight to behold. The Banean security were hesitant to obey the commander's orders, but one by one, they did. It was silent in the room, and no one made a sound for the space of a few seconds. Ivan lowered his rifle to his side, standing up tall.

Johnathan, behind Ivan's right shoulder, followed the example of his Captain, and lowered his rifle, though, not as much as Ivan had done with his. His eyes continued to scan for threats, as he glared at the creatures before them. His thoughts moved back briefly to Kass and Cassie when they had been captured and experimented on by the Ocampa. He hoped the same hadn't happened to Lyra, whom he had started to look at as a big sister.

Corvin watched the aliens and found each and every them to be revolting as he lowered his rifle just slightly but at the ready to at the very least shoot out the leg of the Banean security opposite him. While he'd much preferred to continue the orbital purgation for at least a standard day as punishment for taking Lyra, he knew time was of the essence and once they'd retrieved their Chief of Security, there would be plenty of time to complete the alien's punishment.

Ahira didn't want to create a firefight, which was the primary reason he let his weapon drop to his side. Like Jonathan, he too was searching for any possible sources of danger. What he wanted to do, was tell everyone to lower their weapons. But that was not his place. So, he just kept his mouth shut and moved a step closer to Ivan.

Andrea stood weapon in hand ready to do whatever she had to do to lead to the safe return of Lyra. She wasn’t afraid of a fight if that was what was to come.

Daniel also stood in the protection of the security officers, watching the exchange with a somewhat bored sensation. He was actually a little surprised that the captain didn't open fire the moment they lowered their weapons. Certainly someone else might have the information they would need to find Lyra without allowing people to point weapons like this without a response. For now though, Daniel kept his weapon lowered but ready and his body positioned to use the security officers as cover.

"You creatures have made the worst mistake of your lives," Ivan said simply, no sign of serious anger or joy on his features. "I am Captain Ivan Petrov, the Butcher of the Ocampa. You summoned me here in a most...unpleasant way, by kidnapping one of my officers. Have you not heard the terrible tale of the last person to cross us in this exact way?"

Syr looked at Ivan with her strange pale yellow eyes, standing tall with a willowy frame. There was a certain tenseness to the way she held herself - she understood the gravity of the situation - but she seemed to at least be attempting to find some sort of amenable ground between them. “With due respect, Captain, the Ocampa were vile butchers who would kidnap and experiment on those who were different and that is what happened to your officers. I do not blame you for your reaction to such a transgression and would have likely done the same myself were in your place. However, this was not the case with your officer here. We did not kidnap her; she was found at the scene of a murder she committed. She was taken into custody and punished according to our laws.”

Oshep spoke before Ivan had the chance, “The reason she was not returned to the officer that had accompanied her was simply because he had shown himself to be… unstable and untrustworthy; he attacked the former Commissioner unprovoked. He was still, however, allowed to leave and was not punished for any of it with the promise that we would release your officer to you, personally, Captain.”

Punished?”, Ivan repeated, looking between the Baneans. “What do you mean she was punished?”

He stepped forward with both feet and paused, his towering stocky frame an intimidating presence as he looked back and forth between the two ministers who just spoke.

"Which one of you is in charge?"

While the Baneans didn't demure, both Syr and Oshep did seem to have an understanding and respect for Ivan's presence and didn't step up to confront or give any sort of aggressive reaction. Instead, they briefly glanced at each other as if they were trying to figure out how to best answer the posed question. Syr's gaze then moved to one of the long consoles where some of the civilians were cowering. Her eyes narrowed, and then she spoke.

"Vice Minister." The way she used the title was both respectful and commanding; a strangled sound of alarm met her and very slowly the thin Banean man stood from where he had been cowering. He looked terrified but mechanically walked forward as if he were being compelled to do so. "Captain this is Vice Minister Orist Pel, he is the man technically in charge here."

"But I've been letting Targa Syr oversee everything!" Pel practically squawked out, obviously not wanting to deal with this himself. He had seen the Terrans up close before and he wanted no part of this.

Andrea gave Ivan a nod. “That’s partially true Captain, but there’s more he’s holding back. Probably because, as you can see, he’s afraid of you.”

"He should be," Ivan said, a sparkle of anger in his eyes. He met Pel's frightened gaze with his own steely expression. "Harming a Terran is punishable by death."

He turned his back to the Vice Minister to look at his own away team. Face to face, he tracked them. Finally, his gaze rested on his Bodyguard.

"Ahira. Do the honors."

"Wait! WAIT!" Pel exclaimed, lifting his hands up in surrender. "This wasn't my fault! I didn't harm anyone!"

"YOU were in charge, and I am holding YOU responsible!" Ivan yelled then, turning around and looking at the slender bird-like man. His eyes were wide, and with his wild salt and pepper hair and beard, he looked mad.

Ahira didn't relish killing for the sake of killing, but he liked his head on his shoulders, so he wasn't going to argue. Did this man deserve death? Probably not, but that wasn't his place to decide. Besides the Captain had a valid point.

His eyes cut between Ivan and Pel. He was going to ask if he should do it slowly or quickly but didn't want to risk the answer. So, he decided to show mercy in his own way. He pulled out his sword and stabbed the man through the heart.

Without any real surprise, Pel made a sound quite like a distressed chicken as Ahira stabbed him and for just a brief moment he gaped at the young man with a shocked expression and his hand came up to the blade. He let out a few soft, strangled warbles and his knees finally gave out on him and he dropped to the floor, death taking him only seconds later. His bright, pinkish crimson blood started to spill out onto the floor.

Targa Syr had seen death, and she had wisely stood by and not interfered in the Terrans' act of Vengeance against the man. He had been right, he really hadn't done anything. Pel had been nothing but a mouthpiece for Wenra to filter his commands through so that Pel would take the brunt of any criticism. A successful tactic, given it was Pel dead at her feet and not the Minister himself. Still, she had never been a great lover of Pel's yes man philosophy.

She let the silence sit there for a moment, broken only by quiet, nervous chirps from the civilians still hunkering down out of direct line of site. Then, she looked up to Ivan and her feathered brow lifted slightly as if she were waiting on him to speak his intentions. She knew they were coming.

Ivan watched as the stream of pinkish blood flowed from the Vice-Minister's body. He too didn't disturb the silence for some time. Then, when it seemed there was no sound at all save fearful breathing from the less stalwart Baneans and the soft beep of their equipment. He turned his gaze to the Targa, knowing that she was the one who actually called the shots among the Baneans. Though, he supposed, now he did.

"A taste of blood. A small fraction of what you deserve for what you've done, and if you don't give us back our officer, millions more will be bleeding out before we're done."

Again, Syr was silent but seemed to be actively considering her response. Her arms came up to her barely there chest and crossed underneath. "We do not know where your officer is. We were in the middle of investigating her disappearance when you came and rained this hell down upon us."

She didn't pause, intending on explaining in full. "Your officer was taken into custody, tried, convicted, sentenced, and the sentence carried out under the supervision of the former Commissioner Kiva Dol. She has since been relieved of that posting and we are doing everything in our power to locate your missing crewman. You will of course be provided everything we have so far and I can arrange for you and your crew to be taken anywhere you want as I assume you will want to conduct your own investigation while we assist."

“You lost her?” Ivan asked, stepping directly into her space now. “That is completely ridiculous. Do you really expect me to believe that, Banean?”

"More accurately, she was kidnapped and we don't know where she was taken." Syr replied. She didn't step away from Ivan, but her body was held in a deferential, non challenging way. She gestured toward one of the consoles. "If I may, we have security footage."

Ivan's expression was unamused, but he opened his stance to allow her to pass toward the console.

"I'm resisting the urge to snap your neck like a twig." he said.

Upon hearing that Lyra had been kidnapped by an unknown party cause Corvin to immediate beat down the urge to raise his rifle and unleash a full autofire spread into the present aliens. Though that wouldn't be anything more than a cathartic release and get them nothing as he started at the alien woman. "If she doesn't prove useful, allow me and the Security crews show her what Terran hospitality is, Captain."

"Blood with flow, Lieutenant. That you can count on." Ivan said, looking back with an understanding frown. "But we should at least give this creature a chance to explain herself. It may make it easier for us to find Lyra."

"Of course sir," Corvin nodded to the Captain, deferring to him at the moment as he considered Syr but kept his peace for the moment.

"I am well aware and I do understand." Syr replied and took the opportunity to move away and to the console as it was presented. "Commissioner Enar Oshep has been heading the investigation, but has only been doing so for the past twenty-four hours after Commissioner Dol was relieved."

Her long fingers came to the console and she tapped in a few commands, bringing up the security footage of the hallway where Lyra was being held in their prison facility. For about six seconds there was not activity, then a group of six armed Banean men came walking down the hallway. They stopped in front of the door, took a moment to speak, and then entered. Syr tapped the console again and the video began to speed up.

"Six minutes later, this is what we have." She played the footage again of the men exiting, though this time only four were on their feet. Three of the four were burdened with bodies; two carrying other men - one of which appeared to be the leader of the group, the other was carrying a bound, limp Lyra over his shoulder.

“These men are clearly soldiers. Do you expect us to believe they aren’t your own men?” He asked, looking at the Targa with a scowl.

"What would I possibly have to gain from lying to you or by taking your officer?" Syr asked, her brows lifting again. "Nothing. Unlike our other leadership, I protested the actions taken against her at all and have a healthy understanding of what your people are capable of. I would prefer my people to survive and not be destroyed by incompetent men and women. We did not and will not retaliate against you, you were not fired upon when you entered this room, and I am more than willing to give you the information our investigation has yielded so far and assist you further."

Corvin stepped up to the monitor, watching the display, doing his level best to keep his calm intact as he watched Lyra being manhandled and dragged away from her cell. "Do we know who the men in this recording are? Who has their loyalty? Locations? Anything beyond a grainy recording of them laying their hands on a Terran?"

His tone betrayed his anger, his eyes reflecting it as they seethed with his anger and hatred, this wasn't the best beginning for the Baneans and he hoped there would be more retribution to come for these so-called 'innocents'.

Syr just looked at Corvin for a moment, blinking her large, strange eyes slowly. "If we knew who they were or where their loyalties were, we would have your officer back into custody by now."

Maybe intelligence and cunning weren't inherent to all Terrans. "Again, we were in the middle of our investigation of the incident, but this attack has set us back considerably. We will provide all the information we have to you."

Having listened to all of these excuses he could stand, Ivan grunted, and stood tall again.

"Enough. You are familiar with my first officer, Liuetenant Comander Andrei Petrov. He was the one you battered and sent running from your world. He will be taking over the investigation from here." Ivan said with crossed arms. "Lieutenant Cassiel is his lover. You might say he will be...motivated to find her. You will give him every assistance in his search. If I find out you have held back even slightly..."

He trailed off, not bothering to finish the sentence.

"I have no intention of holding anything back." Syr replied, barely successful at keeping the slight exasperation out of her voice. She'd been nothing but cooperative and they seemed insistent to see it differently.

"Commander, are you there?" Ivan said, looking out of a nearby window for some reason.

"I'm listening, Captain." Andrei said on the other end. "Shall I beam down now?"

"Yes. And do some thinking about the investigation team you'd like to use."

"Oh, I've already got that figured out, sir." Returned the voice. Dark and ominous.



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