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Under the Radar III

Posted on Mon May 15th, 2023 @ 4:50am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun May 21st, 2023 @ 10:00pm

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: Banea
Timeline: Date 2371-08-15 at 1115
4324 words - 8.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Andrei stepped back from Lyra, the rain swallowing the space between them, and then he turned her around, pushing her forward enough that her face touched the glass and her breasts skimmed it the same. He wasn’t being gentle, and he was curious how she would react to the scene that he had already noticed. He didn’t wait, however, and gripped her hips possessively with his strong hands, sliding into her from behind and leaning in, placing his hands on the glass next to hers.

Lyra had been enraptured in the moment, praising his efforts with her voice as she always did. Her hands had found his hair and she had brushed some of it back that had gotten stuck to his face. Her lips were on his neck, but her hand was on his cheek and she felt the muscles there shift. Of course she hadn’t thought anything of it in the moment. When he pulled back from her, she gave a hiss as the cold rain invaded down what was previously a very warm area with their connection, but she complied easily as he turned her around.

At first she didn’t see them, she was focused on getting herself adjusted and stable, but then she pulled her head back enough so it wasn’t pressed against the glass. Her eyes landed on the minister alone first and she gave an amused sound, but when the second person standing there registered in her vision, she saw red.


Andrei could feel Lyra’s body suddenly tense, but not in the way it would when she was about to find her release with him. A low, near feral growl slowly slid from her lips and she stared at Naiva through the glass with absolutely murderous eyes. Her fingers curled slightly against the glass and the dark expression on her face was a dangerous one. If Andrei hadn’t been holding her, it was clear that she would have gone after the Banean. Her body was filling with heat, but Andrei would be able to see her pleasure in the moment had lessened considerably.

Andrei grinned as Lyra noticed the pair of Baneans. The moment with Lyra had likely been ruined, but he couldn’t help but laugh at the scenario. He chuckled at first and then, slowly, it grew into a full on laugh. Knowing she was done for now, he pulled out of her, a smile on his face, and kissed her neck quickly but gently. Walking with a lighthearted stride, he stepped out of the rain and back into the hotel room, dripping wet with water and presenting his manhood in all its arching glory. He looked at the Vice Minister in particular and shook his head, water splattering from his hair onto the floor.

“What are you doing staring at my woman, you stupid fucking creature?” he asked, smiling, though his eyes were filled with a jovial form of murder. “I have half a mind to pluck you and half you for dinner. Speaking of which, I’m starved.”

He looked at Naiva, his smile fading. He pointed with his fingers toward the refrigerator.

“You, get in the kitchen and make something…filling.” he said, and stood there with crossed arms.

The tenseness of the moment and that terrible look in Lyra’s eyes had shocked Naiva in her self-preservation mindset. She too crossed her arms and held them tight against her body, her eyes going to the Vice Minister. She didn’t know what to do. Despite her anxiety, she kept mindlessly and occasionally looking Andrei up and down, her eyes lingering at the tool between his legs like it was a bar of gold. She started to back toward the door instead of following his orders, but slowly.

Lyra was burning. He’d stopped, he’d laughed. He liked her jealousy, but had he just weaponized it for his amusement and ruined the moment between them? She stared at the back of his head as he walked into the room, remaining out in the rain for a moment longer. Her core ached for his return, for satisfaction, but her blood boiled. She eventually moved to follow him inside just as he had started to speak to Orist. As she passed behind him to head to the bedroom and the shower, she managed to not scoff by some miracle and disappeared through the doorway.

“S-sir, I was doing no such thing.” Orist replied, a lie, “I was just caught off guard. I sincerely apologize. We tried knocking and grew concerned when there was no answer.” He looked to Naiva and watched as she began to back up, but also saw she wouldn’t stop looking at Andrei.

“Ah, please forgive me. Naiva is… well, she is dedicated to her duties in a way most aren’t. She simply can’t help herself. Please allow me to send the chef from our finest restaurant to serve you tonight to make up for this insult and inconvenience.” Orist offered, trying to get the woman out of the door before the Terran woman returned with a vengeance.

Andrie watched the small man talk, listened to his words, and his face gave no indication of what he was thinking. When he was finished, Andrei’s lips parted.

“Send him. But tell him not to hurry.” he said. “Get out. And, next time, if we don’t answer the door, assume we are doing exactly what we were doing.”

“Yes, sir, of course.” Orist nodded and made a hasty retreat. As the door closed, however, Andrei would catch the start of the man berating Naiva quite aggressively.

As soon as they were done, Andrei walked over and closed the door to the outside, shutting the rain out. He chuckled again every now and then. As much as he hadn’t planned that awkward moment, he had used it for his own purposes, but in a different way than Lyra might have suspected. He quickly grabbed a towel from the room and used it to dry himself off, head to toe. Then he sat down on the couch in the living room, still nude with the towel around his waist, and tossed his long black hair over the back of the couch in such a way that it spread crazily over the back surface. He knew Lyra was likely angry, and he wasn’t stepping in that bear trap so soon.

When Andrei had come into the bathroom it had been filled with steam and the shower was running. With how it was designed, he couldn’t see inside of it, but it seemed Lyra had opted for a shower instead of returning to exact her toll on Naiva. She was aware that he had come in and aware that he had left again but she simply continued what she was doing and let the hot water cool her temper so that she would be able to go back out with calm. As the water beat down on her back, she closed her eyes and focused on nothingness.

It wasn’t quite ten minutes passed when she left the shower and dried off her body and got most of the water out of her hair. Going back out into the bedroom, she pulled on her more comfortable lounge clothes and then twisted her hair up into a dry towel so it could finish absorbing the water from her thick dark locks. She poked around in the bag until she found her PADD, grabbed it, and finally moved back out into the living room to sit down sideways in one of the chairs with her back against one arm and her legs draped over the other. Despite residual heat from the shower, she seemed perfectly normal like the whole thing hadn’t even happened.

He watched her as she walked in the room soberly. He was more than a bit bothered by the fact they hadn’t finished what they started and, had it been up to him, they would have done so with any audience they could have. But Lyra was more temperamental about those kinds of things, which was natural. He said nothing though, simply watching her and made use of his patch to get a reading on her. Elevated cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline levels told him she was recovering from stress. Whether she was still experiencing it was an open question.

“You’re quite far away, aren’t you?” he asked with a calm voice.

“Hmm?” Lyra lifted her eyes from her PADD and looked to Andrei, her brows slightly raised. She simply looked at him, her expression unreadable itself but his scans definitely doing the work for him.

“You don’t sit far away, love. You like to be up close. You like to touch.” he observed simply. “Are you angry with me?”

“I figured you’d go shower.” She said simply and shrugged, but lowered the PADD down. “It was rather cold.” It was hard to tell if she meant it, but she certainly wasn’t acting upset.

“I think the rain did the drink in regards to a refresher on my cleanliness. And as for being cold, I have a high tolerance for it.” he said, still looking at her. “I’m surprised you didn’t kill that girl, Lyra.”

“Is that what you wanted?” She asked and shifted off of the chair to move to the couch with him. She sat down, looking into his eyes and leaning closer to him. “I thought about it, but figured that might not be the best idea given our current endeavor.”

“It would have been a bit challenging for us, yes.” he said, reaching up and placing his hand in hers. “No, it wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to give the Vice Minister a conflicting and unpleasant experience and make him feel as uncomfortable as possible before our negotiations. He must see us as larger than life, attractive as gods, and heartless. He must fear us. It will save us the trouble of staining our uniforms with blood. I only wish we were able to finish our lovemaking.

“We could have if not for that filthy wretch of a woman and how she was looking at you.” Lyra’s reply was pointed and the rest left unsaid.

“Well, I’ll have you know the Vice Minister’s eyes were so transfixed by your ass that one might have mistaken them for being attracted by magnets. And I told him I might make him pay for every glance.” he said shrugging. “What do you expect, love? We can’t keep our eyes off each other. How could we expect them to? The best they ever see is feathered armpits.”

“That’s true, darling, though I can’t help but wonder why that little birdie was smiling at you… and why you were grinning at her while balls deep inside of me.” She noted, her voice slightly sour. She was relatively sure that he didn’t want the woman of course, but still. “It spoiled the moment.”

“I was fucking with her. It was good fun.” he said with a chuckle. “I didn’t think you’d get so put off by a woman smiling at me, especially if you know I don’t want her.”

He kept the hint of irritation well-hidden, not because he was afraid to show it but because he didn’t see the utility in doing so. Could he not even smile at women now? Was it not enough that he hadn't flirted properly with anyone or put his hands on anyone? Did he now have to look at all of them with chaste eyes? He started to wonder if Lyra was more jealous than he thought, but then he dismissed the thought. It was natural for a woman to be suspicious of another, especially if they clearly wanted him and showed it. Should she have smiled at the Vice Minister, he wouldn’t have been angry with her as much, but he would have beaten the man to death right there in the middle of the hotel. Possession was possession. Plain and simple.

“The moment wasn’t spoiled for me anyway.”

Lyra couldn’t read his thoughts, but she recognized where that statement was going. She took a slow breath to rein in her own annoyance.

“Andrei,” she began and took his hand in her own, “of course I don’t like women looking at you any more than you like men looking at me, and I don’t like you looking at women just like you don’t particularly like me looking at men, but we are human. It is natural to look. Besides, you are mine and everyone knows it, do they not?” She shook her head and squeezed his hand slightly. “But when we are together in the heat of the moment… I don’t want your eyes to stray. I don’t think you’d like it anymore than I did if I smiled at Brasken if he walked in on us having sex and I was riding you like my prize stallion. Even if it was in good fun.”

“That sounds hilarious.” he said, raising his eyebrows. “And it would tell him you are more confidently mine than he first thought.”

He rolled his shoulders. He didn’t want to talk about it. He was irritated and horny and her shower had made it clear there would be no solution to the last one.

“Fine. I won’t do it again.” he said. His tone was clipped and somewhat dismissive, though he didn’t seem to be lying. He was only trying to get off the subject. Perhaps they should talk about it, but he was in a fog of increasing irritation. “The bird man said he would send their best chef to cook for us as an apology.”

For just a brief moment Lyra’s jaw clenched. She was well aware he hadn’t listened to a word she just said and was going off just saying fine like some petulant child. Though, it also did occur to her that he had said the moment hadn’t been ruined for him, so perhaps she knew the problem. She reached down into his lap and pulled the towel away from him, throwing it halfway across the room so he couldn’t just grab it back from her. She then reached up and pulled the towel off her hair, then off came her shirt and she finally leaned into him.

“Next time,” she began with just a hint of grumpiness to her voice to make it more endearing than irritating, “don’t stop fucking me.”

The stressed expression on his face evaporated very quickly, but wasn’t replaced by a smile, but an interested expression. His eyes searched her much more pointedly than he’d ever looked at Naiva.

“Message received.” He said, leaning in and kissing her slowly. He wasn’t a fool, and he knew that she no doubt had much more argument and point making in her. He also knew that she put all that on the back burner because she knew what he needed. With most people that would make a blur on his radar, but with her it was very endearing to him. He smiled.

Lyra returned his embrace with passion, but there was also a tenderness there. Even if they spat, she didn’t want him to think she would just up and walk out of the door on him. Whether the reverse was true… Well, she didn’t dwell on that. Her chest was bare as she hadn’t put a bra on under her shirt, and as she took off the comfortable pants he would suddenly find her as naked as she had been with him out in the rain. She shifted into his lap then, her hands starting to move over his body while she straddled him just high enough that she wasn’t pressing against his manhood but he could certainly feel the warmth between her legs.

“Good.” She purred and kissed him again.

He grabbed her muscular thighs and gave her some support, regardless of whether she needed it or not. Her skin on his in there was a stark contrast to the feeling in the rain, as their warm dry bodies made for a much more pleasant sensation in the moment; outside in the rain had its charms of course. The warmth between her legs stoked the fires of his desire, and soon, his manhood was pressing up against her center as if it was knocking to get in. He reached around with a hand and did all the work, moving inside her and helping her lower herself onto him. He turned then and laid down flat on his back on the couch. He was in for a show, and his hands began to wander.

As he turned she moved with him in a way that there was no risk in him hurting himself with the motion while he remained inside of her. She allowed him to settle and then she in turn settled herself down on him. They’d both feel better after this, and maybe he would be more reasonable; she didn’t blame him though, getting aroused and then denied that release was extremely frustrating. Her hands found his chest and her eyes found his, and slowly she set to moving on him. She would give him what he needed and what they both wanted.

Though more often than not their time was spent with Andrei being the dominant party because that was what he preferred, he couldn’t deny the exquisite bliss she could provide him when she was on top and this time was no different. Her hands roamed over his body while her hips began to move in slow, rhythmic motions to start. Some of the things she knew how to do called a question of how she knew to do them, but in the heat of the moment who would ask such a thing? Her fingers played his body like an instrument now so familiar to her, bestowing him with pleasure and extracting the delighted sounds he had to give her in kind. She loved to hear him, it drove her own desire higher and hotter and to watch the pleasure play over his handsome face simply made the moment more exquisite.

Lyra left him guessing what she would do next, but never wanting for a moment. Her hips rolled, shifted, gyrated, moved up and down, fast, slow, hard, teasing, back and forth, bucking - she kept his senses swimming. Her wet,tight sex swallowed every inch of him and wrapped him in hot velvet that squeezed and shifted around him in oh so delicious ways. The curve of that luscious bottom of hers brushed and bumped against his jewels but never enough to cause any discomfort, simply extra stimulation. Her fingers were on his chest at his nipples, pinching, tugging, rubbing; everything always measured to give just that taste of pain that all the more enhanced the pleasure.

Whimpers and moans of pleasure left her and she was panting softly. His hands were on her, one at her breasts while the other was between her legs teasing her most sensitive area. Even if this had been for him, he’d been brought out of his irritation enough to remember her and soon enough it paid off. Her whole body shuddered on top of him, but she continued to move through her orgasm until she finally felt him starting to spend himself inside of her and listened to his passionate cry as he did so.

As he finished, he tensed strongly, the dancing fingers between her legs and at her breast pausing as he cried out and accepted the pulsating sensation in his body as he emptied himself of everything that was frustrating him. When the release was done, however, he didn’t slack as he normally did, but resumed his movement as before. It seemed, despite the powerful almost tickling sensation it gave him, it pleased Andrei to continue giving pleasure. He sat up on the couch and grabbed her bottom with hungry hands, controlling the rapid movement of her body on his and the deep impacts of his manhood. For the next several minutes, he brought her to another release, and then another, and then another. It was only when his arms and legs were cramping and he was finishing again that he let up and grew slack underneath her.

It had been a masterful performance from both of them, and their bodies had responded to the pleasure appropriately. Now that it was done, Andrei breathed, his powerful body heaving a bit, and ran his hands through Lyra’s hair. Now he was really hungry. Where was that chef?

Lyra had been surprised but also not when Andrei had sat up and continued with her without missing a beat. He was always determined to go above and beyond when it came to her satisfaction and one orgasm from her may as well have been zero in his book; she was sure it wasn’t something unique to her, but she enjoyed it nevertheless. By the time he was through and filled her again, her legs were begging for another position and so when he went slack and fell back to the couch, she went with him. Whatever tension and irritation she had been feeling had certainly gone away now. She still wasn’t especially happy about what had happened, but she was more understanding of it than she had been when she was wound up from both anger and interruption of their intimate moment.

Her mouth was on his neck and shoulder and her fingers played with his hair while he did the same. She didn’t move off of him immediately, and the only sound besides their breathing and the rain was a soft noise in her throat when he slid from her.

Andrei didn’t have to wait but another moment or so for the answer to his question. They had told the chef not to rush after all. A knock came at the door and Lyra took that as her cue to start to move off of Andrei with some reluctance.

They sat naked next to each other and his arm moved around her shoulder. He held her, but not possessively. He didn’t feel the need for that.

“Come.” He ordered with a raised voice so whoever it was would know they could enter.

When summoned, the door opened and a young male Banean dressed in light blue walked in pushing a cart full of ingredients while an older male dressed in darker blue with a large emerald green apron over his outfit followed. They both looked nervous, and Andrei could see that they were nervous through his interface. It was likely that the Vice Minister had alerted them at least in part to what happened and had likely not sent another woman up given Lyra’s extremely heated reaction. The younger Banean very quickly stole a glance over toward the seating area and took in Lyra’s body, but he didn’t linger in the slightest. He just couldn’t help but look.

“Good morning,” the older man said and gave a polite bow of his head. Besides being nervous, he seemed unbothered by the naked Terrans in front of him. “My name is Krelen and I have the honor of cooking for you one of our finest meals tonight.”

“Welcome, Krelen. We’re honored to enjoy your culinary delights.” Andrei said, watching the man with a passive expression. He wasn’t exactly cleaned up, and anyone watching could tell. He would take a shower next. “What will you be preparing? We Terrans have very…particular palates.

“We will be preparing for you a pan seared golden pepper crusted rolk steak with ashka cream sauce. Accompanying that will be roasted nareets and porens coated in a misok glaze and a salad of mixed greens with sour pampok dressing.” Krelen replied succinctly and with confidence despite Andrei’s words. He had faith in his abilities. “For your dessert if you please, misok and rew fruit pastries with zanja sauce for dipping.”

Lyra’s brows lifted slightly at the onslaught of unfamiliar alien words. While there was a place for the cuisines of conquered worlds that she enjoyed, after their experience on Anorra she was not overly eager to try more alien food. She would though.

“Shame, I was in the mood for chicken.” She said with a smirk and kissed Andrei’s shoulder. The joke was obviously meant just for him. With a squeeze of his hand, she finally moved to stand and headed back into the bedroom to start up the shower for them again. Krelen watched her, then looked back to Andrei.

“Shall I begin, Commander?” He asked.

Andrei listened to the description of the food. Of course he didn’t recognize the different food items, but the way they were presented was somehow very familiar. He was sure that this food would be some of the best they had to offer, in their opinion, but that said very little about whether or not it was up to Terran standards. He smiled ever so slightly at Lyra’s joke and then trained his visible eye on the chef.

“You shall.” He said simply.

“Very well.” The man gave a bow and turned to the kitchen with his assistant who was waiting on him to begin the meal and was unbothered when Andrei finally retreated to the other room to be with Lyra.

The upcoming meeting would be an interesting one.



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