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Birds of a Feather

Posted on Mon May 15th, 2023 @ 4:53am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun May 21st, 2023 @ 10:00pm

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: Banea
Timeline: Date 2371-08-15 at 1330
5292 words - 10.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Following the shower and a meal that turned out to be magnificent, Andrei and Lyra had gotten word that the meeting with the Banean leaders was soon to take place. They replaced themselves in their uniforms and stepped outside the room to find the conference room in the hotel, which had been set aside for the very important meeting. As the door closed behind them, Andrei looked to Lyra with proving interest.

“ What do you think we have to look forward to?” He asked.

“Bowing, scraping, probably the minister too nervous to look you in the eye. They’ll fall over themselves trying to please us but also trying to give us the least amount possible. I’m looking forward to watching them tremble before you though, darling.” She said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before they began heading to the conference room.

Andrei gave an amused chuckle before stepping into the elevator that would take them to the appropriate floor. As the thing started to move, he straightened up his posture, thinking of what the Baneans who saw him would see when they stepped out. As the doors opened, they found out right away. Several Banean aides stood outside the elevator since the conference room was nearly directly across from it. As they turned to Andrei and Lyra, their eyes widened and they seemed to back up.

Andrei turned to Lyra and gave her a nod.

“Ladies first this time.”

Lyra tipped her head in return then promptly moved out of the lift. She was walking tall, proud, but there was a certain predatory fluidity to the way she moved that was off putting to their hosts. Her dark eyes moved around the area while they walked; this was still part of her job - Andrei would have balked at it to be sure, but as chief of security she was tasked with keeping him safe.

Actually he probably would have just laughed.

She didn’t linger on the thought and moved to the door. Wordlessly, she looked to the Banean standing there and with a bit of cowering, he tapped the panel to open the door. Lyra moved in first, not giving Andrei the option, looked around, and then stepped out of his way so he could enter. Sitting before them on one side of the table were six Baneans. One was of course the Vice Minister, two other Baneans, one male one female, were wearing matching uniforms, another female was in a different kind of uniform, and sitting next to the Vice Minister was an even older male Banean than the Vice Minister and held himself with the importance of a man with extreme authority. As Andrei and Lyra entered, everyone around the table except for that old man stood promptly to welcome them.

“Commander, Lieutenant, welcome.” Orist greeted and even managed a smile. His eyes immediately settled onto Lyra.

Andrei’s eyes, on the other hand, skipped over the Vice Minister to the older man still seated. He lifted his head and offered an expression of curious upfront. One couldn’t really guess what he was thinking with the accuracy, but they might feel they were close.

“We are honored to be your guests, despite recent insults and troubles.” He said, his voice low, his eyes steading back on Orist. “I hope you’re ready to get down to business. Where I’m from, once the cocks come out, the foreplay is over.”

He pulled a chair out for Lyra and watched as she lowered herself gracefully into it. His own head ducked down and said something in her ear, loud enough to be heard.

“Though, I suppose the cocks never go away around here.”

He smiled thinly; he sat; he waited.

Lyra allowed one corner of her beautifully shaped lips to quirk up in the briefest of smirks at Andrei’s comment, though her dark eyes remained on the Baneans to see their reactions. Orist looked uncomfortable, the others simply looked mildly confused, but the older man in the middle still wore an expression that was for the moment unreadable. Obviously, he had done this kind of song and dance before and had a practiced poker face. She said nothing but gave a simple nod of acknowledgement while Andrei sat next to her.

“Ah, yes.” Orist cleared his throat, seeming to have realized he was staring at Lyra far too late. “Allow me to introduce Commander Andrei Petrov and Lieutenant Lyra Cassiel of the ISS Vengeance.”

The others gathered didn’t react with any sort of shock or awe, they had of course been briefed already and had likely gotten it out of their systems. There were nods of greeting given by the Baneans to the pair and Orist continued with the other side of the introductions.

“Commander, Lieutenant, please allow me to introduce you both to Commissioner Kiva Dol who oversees the planetary police force.”

The female Banean in the dark navy uniform gave a nod and pleasant smile.

“Targa Heda Jalak and Targa Molen Syr.” Orist continued. “Head of our defensive and offensive military efforts, respectively.”

These introductions elicited nods from the respective male and female wearing the matching dark green uniforms.

“Lastly, Ch-”

“Chief Minister Krellen Wenra.” The older man finally cut in, his eyes settling on Andrei. His feathers were dark brown and seemed to be slightly thinning around his face, but his bright blue gaze was intense and piercing.

“Charmed.” Andrei said, barely seeming to mean the statement as a gesture, let alone as a genuine statement. He said calmly, unperturbed by the Chief Minister and meeting his eyes with one of his own. “As the Vice Minister has undoubtedly informed you, we have come searching for allies. As a result, we are prepared to help bring your war with the Numiri to a swift and…rather brutal end in the next few days.”

“Indeed.” Wenra replied, his voice even. He seemed to currently have an unshakeable confidence despite the fact he was sitting across from these people - these Terrans - who had quite the terrible reputation. “I’m sure you have many specifics of what you are looking for?”

His eyes left Andrei and shifted over to Lyra, taking her in with an appraising gaze that was hard to pinpoint the exact intention of, however from what Andrei’s interface would tell him, it didn’t seem untoward in nature.

“Please enlighten us, commander.” His eyes shifted back to Andrei.

“The alliance will be military in nature. Good fighting ships and crews to run them. They will be paid quite well, of course.” Andrei answered rather diplomatically. The statement’s intensity was rather in his visible eye than in his words. With his patch, he scanned the Chief Minister, looking for anything he could find on the man concerning his health and state of mental well-being. “What is winning worth to you?”

From what Andrei could tell of the alien man, he seemed healthy and robust for his age. There were minimal cues of nervousness and anxiety, but this was also viewed through a lens of what Terrans would have considered a baseline from the species they knew. The Baneans were certainly different from anything they had encountered thus far and it was hard to judge. Wenra sat there unwavering, simply looking at Andrei.

“Are you saying that all you want from us is a couple of ships and crew?” He challenged mildly, his feathered brow finally lifting slightly.

”More than a couple, actually, plus your continued support and a small tribute. After all, the deal cannot be even. There isn’t anything you could really do for us that would match what we can do for you, is there?”

Jalak and Syr certainly did not like that statement and it showed on their faces though they said nothing. Jalak looked away from Andrei and settled his strange yellow eyes on Lyra who was simply sitting silently at Andrei’s side. Dol looked mildly uncomfortable, but still engaged. Wenra’s head lifted just slightly and he studied Andrei for a long moment.

“Perhaps there is, perhaps there isn’t. I know you and your crew have a terrible reputation and I do respect your power, however neither the Baneans or Numiri are as weak as the Ocampa. It stands to reason neither of us know the capabilities of one another fully.”

Andrei grinned and leaned forward then, his arm resting on the table. The stoical man didn’t phase him, and he made that very clear.

“And yet your enemy persists, where all ours are shattered and lost.” Andrei said in a challenging voice. “Either you lack the stomach for víctory or you lack the ability. It doesn’t matter in the end. We both know who is most capable.”

“And what enemy do you claim has been shattered by you besides the Ocampa, Commander? Again, truly an impressive display and feat of which I am not discounting, but it has not been the intention at this point of either side to annihilate the other.” Wenra noted.

“They call our Captain the Butcher of Rakal V. I assume you’ve never heard the story.” Andrei said, leaning back again, preparing to share it with them. “Where we are from, a major galactic power had a economic powerhouse of a world, teeming with life and people’s of all races and kinds. They used to call it the ‘Jewel of the Alliance’. After he deployed the weapon, it became a mass grave. Billions of lives gone in a matter of minutes. He has literally killed countless people. And he will kill more in the next few days.” Andrei paused, his eye moving to Wenra. “The real question is..who?”

Lyra had been sitting quietly and observing the faces of the people sitting across from them while Andrei dealt with the Chief Minister. She lifted her hand and looked down at her nails as if she were quite bored with the back and forth happening, but she wasn’t even remotely bored. In fact she was quite interested and slightly amused by how Wenra went back and forth with Andrei. The old man clearly wasn’t intimidated - which was a mistake on his part obviously - but Andrei still pressed it and she assumed it was because he could see Vice Minister Pel becoming increasingly agitated and nervous. Her interest was more on the two military personnel before them and curiosity as to why Jalak kept staring at her. As Andrei began to tell the tale of Ivan’s decimation of Rakal, she finally turned her dark eyes to the grey and white feathered man and simply… stared back.

Wenra had listened quietly and patiently to the story, his expression never shifting from neutral even at the recounting of such a destructive episode. He seemed to believe it, but also seemed unmoved. “I’m curious, Commander, if you would indulge me on something?”

“Of course. After all, we’re becoming better friends already.” He said with a false smile. He wondered what the man was going to ask.

“What is it you hope to accomplish through threats and intimidation? I’m curious. You seek a military alliance with us and we have been willing to negotiate and speak with you, but it has simply been met with insults and promises of violence. Is that how negotiations are carried out where you are from? Do you expect the Numiri to respond any better if you were to approach them?” Wenra asked, his feathered brow lifting again.

Andrei seemed to falter for a moment; he seemed to second guess. His face turned in a curious way and his visible eye went up, suggesting thought. Then, after a few moments, he shrugged and returned to looking at Wenra.

“Well, one can’t win them all. If no one will play ball, we’ll almost certainly destroy both of you and make friends elsewhere, if I’m being honest.” He answered, chuckling inappropriately at his one jaded statement. “But first, we’ll likely take several of your ships by force, enslave the crews, and gather a few more for medical and military experiments. It would hardly be a total loss, but we’d rather have made a reliable friend. What do you hope to accomplish by refusing my generous offer?”

“I’ve rejected nothing, I am simply trying to get to know you better given you wish to be better friends.” Wenra pointed out and while his face remained stoic, the comment brought a smile to Syr’s pouty lips. Orist looked positively panicked, Dol was still sitting quietly, and Jalak and Lyra were still in a staring contest.

“Again, more threats… I am so very curious as to how your people view friendships.” Wenra said and relaxed back into his seat.

“We view them as unequal partnerships between one race of aliens and the rightful rulers of the galaxy.” Andrei said with a lift of his eyebrows. “What does that matter?”

“Rightful rulers?” Wenra asked. Though his face remained neutral, the other Baneans had immediately soured - even Orist who had previously been quite anxious. He was still anxious, of course, but this was different. “That sounds more like a conqueror than a friend.”

When Jalak had broken eye contact with her in favor of staring daggers at Andrei, Lyra simply crossed her legs and placed her hands on her knee. This was starting to slip away, but she knew Andrei would be angry with her were she to now interfere uninvited. Truthfully she wasn’t sure if it could be salvaged, but perhaps he had something else up his sleeve.

“Then you know nothing of invasions. If we wanted to conquer worlds, we would do so. We want allies, and mutually beneficial arrangements, and resources before we continue on our way back toward our home.” He said honestly, not bothered by the rising tensions. “That means we need to work quickly, and with the side that will be most faithful to the arrangement. We have no time or will to rule this quadrant if yours. Not yet, at least.”

“I know more of war and invasion than I hope that you ever will.” Wenra replied and actually seemed to mean it despite the tone of the conversation. “You would not find a friend more loyal than the Baneans especially not in the Numiri; that is after all a large part of our conflict with them. I have grave concerns, however, with your definitions of friendship and the possible effect it may have on my people. You speak the word friend, but give the threats and words of a warlord. So which is it, Commander?”

“Both.” Andrei said with a cool expression. He didn’t really care how things panned out; he knew they would get what they wanted one way or another. “The real question is, would you rather have the Vengeance as your warlord friend or a party with your greatest enemy? I wonder if they will have the same concerns you have.”

“They would.” Wenra said with simple assuredness. “While we may be at odds now, the Banean people were once great friends to the Numiri and the Numiri were the same to us. We know each other well, and they would be even less inclined to endure threats against their people.” Finally, the man shook his head slightly. “But, I value the lives of my people, and I have no doubt that there would be many lives lost if there was a conflict between us no matter what the end result was. Such a waste of life would be pointless. For both sides.” He stood then, and looked Andrei in the eye.

“Please submit a thorough and detailed report of what you are after to my office, Commander to ensure there are no misunderstandings.” Or subterfuge. “I will review it and see what sort of accommodations we can make to you. For now though, perhaps it is best to retire and consider what we have learned about each other today.”

“Oh, I don’t think you’ve learned anything at all.” Andrei said, growing distinctly. He stood then, towering over the Chief Minister, his physical presence presenting a stark contrast to the old man. He didn’t hide his displeasure anymore. “The fact that you would presume to give us an assignment tells me that.”

Lightning fast, Andrei’s hand found Wenra’s hand and pulled him close. His grip was hard and he made no accounting for whether or not it hurt.

“I want you to listen very closely. No matter what you say, I think you understand that you and your people are now in a very dangerous situation. If you are smart, and I think you are, you will change your tone before we depart. Because, if you refuse me, I will make you bleed when I return.”

Orist cowered away from Andrei, but the three militant officials quickly stood with intense and focused expressions as their leader was accosted. To his credit, Wenra didn’t balk, but Andrei would be able to see the man’s heartbeat finally begin to quicken and a subtle shift in his expression of obvious and understandable concern for not only his wellbeing, but that of his people.

“Commander, I meant no offense, I simply want to make sure I have a list of all that you need and want from us to give it the proper attention.”

Given the trio of officials finally stood up, Lyra too stood with calm and elegance. She stepped up behind Andrei, but she did not crowd him to begin with. As the moment grew more tense, she leaned in closer to Andrei and spoke softly in his ear. “I did bring along some information about our newest toys.”

“Ah, right.” Andrei said, smiling at her statement. Releasing the Chief Minister’s arm, he sat back down, despite how everyone else was standing. “Sit down, everyone. Lieutenant Cassiel had brought a demonstration that should update you on the…balance of power in the quadrant.”

It was only when Wenra moved to sit down that the rest followed suit. Now, all eyes turned to Lyra with intense curiosity. Her silence and placid demeanor played counterpoint to Andrei’s tactics and it had worked wonderfully; they looked to her for a gentler hand, something more reasonable. They would not find it.

As everyone settled, Lyra moved around to the Banean’s side of the table and leaned down between Orist and Wenra. Orist’s eyes went slightly wide given it was the closest he had been to her and given what he had seen earlier… well, now his response was becoming untoward. His face was hiding it, the rest of his body was not; he was torn between curiosity, desire, and fear over the display she had put on in the hotel room.

“Now then, I know you’ve enjoyed referencing our bout with the Ocampa and what was done there; something that I assure you really could have been avoided had they been cooperative with us.” Her voice was gentle, sweet and lilting. Madeline. “Recently though, in light of certain events, we have decided to not risk dealing with those who would press against us.” Out of her pocket she pulled a PADD and a small disc. The disc she placed in front of Orist and activated it, from it, a holographic projection of Q’onos appeared in front of the Chief Minister’s eyes.

“It really just isn’t worth the risk to our people.” She moved a bit closer, leaning down ear level to the minister but speaking loud enough for the table to hear. “Watch now and see what you could earn should you choose poorly.”

She touched the disc again and the hologram began to slowly rotate as the planet would in real time. Then, there was a line of red from a torpedo that ran across the hologram and landed in the center of the planet which in turn set into motion the exact demonstration she had shown Andrei on the holodeck - the planet collapsing in on itself in slow motion, a terrifying sight.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” She asked and turned her dark eyes to Orist who actually cowered slightly given her proximity.

“I am interested what technology you have that might measure up to this; or, better yet, what defense you or your enemies might have against it.” He said, his eye meeting that of the Chief Minister. “ there is your detailed report. Nothing else needs to be said.”

“So you would destroy the planet if we do not give you what you want?” Wenra asked, looking past Lyra to Andrei. “Then you would get nothing.”

Lyra scoffed at that and moved to sit down on the table beside Wenra. “Heavens no, at least not immediately.” She then smiled so sweetly and tapped the disc again. The simulation reset and then began again, this time however there was a much more targeted explosion and singularity over one of the continents which was razed out of existence.

“Just your side of the planet.” She leaned closer to the old man and spoke softly into his ear. “Or maybe just you.”

Wenra frowned deeply at this and looked up to Lyra but said nothing.

“Perhaps the next Chief Minister will be more forward-thinking.” Andrei mused, folding his large arms over his chest. “And I would bet the next planet we attempt to make friends with will be much more cooperative.”

“I’d say so.” Lyra agreed pleasantly and looked to Wenra again. “Wouldn’t you, Minister?”

Wenra took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yes, quite likely, though not necessary.” He looked back to Andrei again. “Again, Commander, my request for a list was not meant to be offensive, simply to make sure you are getting what you need and that we can provide it for you all at once.”

“I think you should get us a list, actually.” Andrei said with a shake of his head. The fact that he had the start of compliance was not enough. He wanted them to kneel and bow and scrape; more than any other Terran, he desired the subjection of the alien races to him. He knew Lyra agreed. “Friend is the wrong word after all.”

“A list of what?” Wenra asked, his patience obviously wearing quite thin at this point and he was starting to look strained.

Lyra was delighted. She reached back to grab the small holoemitter off the table and returned it to her pocket before she slid off the table and began to walk back around to Andrei’s side. The warming of her body that was radiating out from between her legs was certainly felt, but Lyra could easily ignore it. She wanted to touch him, kiss him, but obviously knew it wasn’t the time nor place. Instead she merely took her seat by his side, smirking in more open amusement now.

“A list of your largest cities.” Andrei said, and he smirked too. “I would love that. Of course we can figure that out on our own, but you could save us the trouble.”

The young man sighed, full of pride and energy. His visible eye rested on the old man again, failing to waver or blink despite his smile.

“Do you understand what kind of friendship I mean now, Chief Minister?”

“Very well, Commander.” Wenra conceded with a frown and sigh.

The other Baneans around the table still remained calm, except for Orist who looked terrified out of his little bird brain. Lyra squirmed just slightly in her seat.

“Anything else to add, Lieutenant?” He asked Lyra then, not looking to Lyra but allowing his eyes to settle on Orist for the first time.

“No, I don’t think so. I’ll be very interested to see what the list looks like.” Lyra smiled, narrowly avoiding giving a pleased sound when she saw Orist quickly divert his eyes down to the table and away from Andrei’s gaze.

“Then we will adjourn for the moment.” Wenra stood and the others stood with him outside of Orist. He didn’t wait for Andrei’s permission, he simply turned and left with the other three. When Orist realized he was alone, he scrambled up, nearly knocking over his chair, and scampered after the others.

Lyra just laughed.

Andrei smiled when they were alone. He looked at Lyra and seemed to enjoy her amusement for a moment.

“Next time, we give them the price for our friendship in the form of the list he wants. I think the wheels are sufficiently greased.”

“The wheels and I have something in common.” She noted, her dark eyes shining with that sadistic pleasure he loved so much. “I do love watching you work.”

“Do you?” He asked, lifting an eyebrow and smiling. “And what part of my work gives you the most professional pleasure?”

“Who said anything about it being professional?” Lyra smiled and gave him a wink. “What shall we do now, commander?”

“We shall split up, see what we can achieve on our own, and then come together to formulate our strategy for the next meeting.” He said, turning his chair toward her and looking at her like she was a juicy steak. “I plan on sneaking out and doing something covert for a change of pace.”

“Split up?” Lyra questioned before she really had a second to consider it. “Is that a good idea after all of this?” She made a vague motion toward the other side of the table.

“It would be so stupid for the Banean’s to try anything with us. I can't even imagine it.” He said, raising a brow in the air. “They understand that, should any harm come to us, every one of them will die screaming.”

“You’d think that, but you’d be surprised about how stupid some of these creatures can be.” She looked skeptical at best, but she wasn’t outright challenging his decision at the moment.

“Then let’s agree to be careful. I can look out for myself and I trust you can do the same, yes?” He asked, giving her a grin. It was really a vote of confidence from him as he trusted her to be able to hold her own. “Perhaps you can see what political information you can gather and I’ll try my hand at seeing what their military is capable of. We can put together our little friendship list.”

“I can look out for myself in a reasonable situation, yes, though I can’t say I’m overly thrilled about being surrounded by these filthy little things just waiting to stab me in the back as we know they enjoy doing.” She looked at him for a moment, her eyes lingering slightly more pointedly on his. The last time a Terran had allowed themselves to be surrounded alone by alien filth, it went poorly.

As he knew all too well.

“I don’t trust being in an unfamiliar area with these creatures we know so little about, but if that is your command, Commander, then that is of course what we will do.” She would differ, but it was obvious she wasn’t really wasn’t thrilled by the idea regardless of his confidence in it.

“Well, I was hoping we could cover more ground, but if You’re frightened, I’m not going to make you go alone.” He said simply, his eye resting on hers.

“I’m not afraid, Andrei, simply being realistic and cautious.” Lyra replied calmly, not rising to the obvious bait. “If it is the plan you want to pursue, then we will. I trust you and your decision.”

“It is.” He said, standing up and approaching her. “Do you have any ideas where we might start?”

She still didn’t like it. It felt wrong, and it was against regulations, but she knew Andrei would listen to none of it, and to change his mind she would have to feign some sort of weakness or fear; she wasn’t going to do it. So, she simply smiled at him and as he drew close, slid her hand up his chest. “Well, what sort of covert operations were you thinking?”

“Based on some cursory scans I downloaded from the shuttle, there is a major government information node in a nearby building. I plan on scurrying over in the rain and sneaking my way into an access room.” He answered, his hands drawing her nearer.

“All wet without me. So sad.” She pouted, but her tone was clearly joking. She stepped into him, her body lightly pressing against his and her hand sliding back behind his neck to play with the hair at the base of his skull. “Looking for anything specific?”

“Ship specifications, battle tactics…secret weapons. You know, just the fun things.” He answered, closing his eyes at her touch. “How will you busy yourself?”

“Well, after I sulk about being abandoned, perhaps I’ll go see what else these stupid birds know how to sing about.” Her lips found his jaw, trailing tender kisses along his skin slowly; her arms wrapped around him. The first part was a joke, the second part… less so.

“Interesting.” Andrei said, receiving the kisses willingly. His hands found her hips with some suggestive energy, though it was clear he was still focused on work. “And what bird in particular are you thinking of focusing on?”

“Jalak, I think, see if he’s inclined to share and if not, perhaps I can make him so inclined. Besides, I do so want to know why he stared at me so much during the meeting.” She chuckled softly and caught his lips in a quick kiss. Finally, she seemed satisfied with the attention she had given him and stepped back with a smile. “When shall we meet up again and where? Back in our room in say… two hours?”

“Yes, let’s do that.” He said, leaning forward and kissing her, and then standing up and looking at the door. “Watch your back, you.”

“I’ll do my best.” She chuckled and ran her fingers through her hair. “You do the same, darling. I’ll come back to you.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He said, and then made for the door without any further pomp. He intended to see her as soon as they were done with their respective missions.

Lyra watched him exit and then finally let her expression fall into a slight frown. She was not comfortable with this - for either of them. She had confidence in her abilities; she was strong, gifted, and trained, but she was also one on a planet of potential enemies . Where Andrei thrived in his hubris, she was much more pragmatically minded. She wasn’t a god, she didn’t have eyes in the back of her head or more than two hands and two legs with which to fight. It put her at a severe disadvantage and she knew it.

Orders were orders - had he not outranked her, she wouldn’t have done it, and to bend on a personal level would have shown unacceptable weakness. So, she took a deep breath and walked out the door. Her eyes found Andrei’s form retreating around a corner right before she disappeared and she took the other path.

Time to make the birds sing.



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