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Gone Girl

Posted on Tue May 16th, 2023 @ 4:31pm by Caeda & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun May 21st, 2023 @ 10:01pm

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: Banea
Timeline: Date 2371-08-15 at 1600
2153 words - 4.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Andrei sat on the couch in their private room, his PADD in his hand. He read the specifications of all he had found on the computer at the defense ministry and whistled. They dwarfed the power of the Empire, of course, but they could still make due with a few ships from the Baneans. The Shadow Fleet needed to grow stronger and stronger if they were to survive and grow strong enough to take their route back home, when they found it. As he finished reading it, he wondered what Lyra would think about it and then, curiously, looked to the watch on his wrist. She was now 17 minutes late; she was never late. He pushed back the involuntary jump of his stomach, that feeling of worry he hadn't expected he would feel. He, who rarely truly felt anything at all, felt worry for her.

He tapped his combadge.

“Petrov to Cassiel. Cassiel, come in.” he said.

The silence that met Andrei was eerie and oppressive in a way. That feeling - despite his best attempts to push it away - would simply become more of a weight. Something was terribly wrong.

If it is the plan you want to pursue, then we will. I trust you and your decision.

Andrei stood from the couch, finally realizing he could no longer justify waiting around for her. He made sure his phaser was at his side and then started to formulate a plan in his head as he headed for the door.

“Now remember, we are going to be calm and respectful, but this man is very dangerous.” The officer reminded the four others - all armed - that he was with. “Commissioner Dol has tasked us with bringing him in for questioning, but we are to be as vague as possible on the details about his companion, do you understand?”

The group stood at the end of the hallway that would lead them to the room Andrei and Lyra had shared talking over their plan one last time.

Suddenly, the door to their suite opened and Andrei walked out. When he saw the men, his patch immediately identified the weapons on their person and gave him a zoomed in picture of their insignia. He was on guard straight away, but didn’t reach for a weapon.

“You, over there. I’m looking for my officer. You wouldn’t happen to know where I can find her, do you?” His tone was unfriendly despite his words, and he strode toward them like he could take them on alone with his hands behind his back, his swagger indicating confidence and irritation at the same time.

The group startled just a bit and the man who had been speaking turned to face Andrei. Despite the very large man coming toward him in an almost but not quite aggressive way, he kept his composure and offered Andrei a respectful nod. “Good evening, sir. We have actually been sent to bring you to the station to discuss the matter of your officer.”

Andrei shook his head and closed the final distance between himself and the lead Banean.

“You’re a dreamer if you think I’m going anywhere with you until I know exactly what is going on.” He said, crossing his muscled arms over his chest. “Now, tell me what I want to know before I run out of the little patience I have left.”

“She is also at the station.” The Banean man replied calmly and honestly. “So if you will come with us…”

“Did I stutter or are you deaf? I said I'm not going anywhere until I know exactly what is going on.” Andrei said, his human eye registering fearless anger. “So start talking. Right now.”

While the three men accompanying the leader shifted their bodies and hands on their rifles, the one Andrei was speaking to was wearing the expression of someone who did not get paid nearly enough to deal with what was currently happening in his life. He met Andrei’s eyes with a tired energy even in the face of the much larger man’s anger.

“Sir, I’m just trying to do my job. Your officer was arrested and taken down to the station. I don’t have any more information than that, and was sent to collect you.”

“You were sent to collect me with armed guards, that is.” Andrei corrected the man, noting the rifles without looking at them. “So what is your job if I don’t want to come along, soldier?”

“From what I was told you’re considered dangerous; from the look of you,” he paused, eyeing Andrei up and down, “I can see why. If you want the honest answer, usually we are supposed to bring you in whether you want to or not, but I’d really rather not potentially die today, so frankly I’d probably just leave you alone. That puts you in a bit of a bind with your officer though.”

Andrei seemed to pause for just a beat to think. Then he responded smartly.

“Smart man…let’s dispense with the arrest and you can just show me where they wanted you to take me.”

“Of course, sir. Please come this way.” He gestured down the hallway and then began to walk to lead the way. With Andrei in tow they exited the building and all loaded into the vehicle that had brought them over; Andrei was allowed to sit in with the group and not be in “the back” where he might have been had he been arrested. The ride was short. Andrei found himself being escorted into a large, pristine building that had heavy foot traffic in and out. The squad dispersed, leaving him with the original leader.

“I’ll take you to a meeting room where the Commissioner will meet with you. Is there anything you’d like in the meantime? Something to eat or drink?”

“Answers, quickly.” Andrei said. He was on guard, and his heart continued to sink the entire time. He had very little patience left, and he was using the bit remaining to keep his hands to himself. “Just get me in there and take me to see my officer.”

“Right this way, sir.” He turned on his heel and began walking, leading Andrei down a few hallways and eventually to the promised room. This time, he opened the door and walked inside. It was a room with a couple of comfortable looking chairs and a table all which were very firmly bolted to the floor. As Andrei moved in, the man shifted back toward the door. “The director will be in to see you shortly.”

With that, he stepped backwards and out of the door which shut with a firm click between them. Andrei was alone in the nondescript room.

It was somewhere between five and ten minutes when the door opened again and Commissioner Kiva Dol from the meeting earlier walked inside with two armed guards who paused just inside the door while she moved deeper into the room. She was frowning severely, but gave a nod to Andrei.

“Commander, please sit down with me.”

“Let’s not waste any time with that.” he said, still standing with a lightning focus in his visible eye. “Where is Lieutenant Cassiel? You will tell me immediately. I will not sit down, I will not chat, I will not eat your food.”

Kiva walked right past Andrei calmly and took a seat, crossing her long legs and looking up to him. “Your officer is in our custody. Tell me something, Commander, have you had any contact with the Numiri?”

“Do you mean you’ve arrested her?” he asked, angling his body toward her in a way that was overtly threatening. Even in that moment, he was picturing himself popping this bird’s head clear off her neck. He ignored her question, setting a strong frame of his own. “Because, if it does, you will have to pay for that one with the blood of many of your people, Banean. Very many.”

The woman allowed Andrei’s threat to hang there as she looked up at him with her strange eyes. She was slightly uncomfortable, but otherwise seemed resolute as she sat there. “Your officer was arrested, interrogated, tried and convicted of murder. Her sentence is being carried out as we speak.”

“Sentence?!” he exclaimed, suddenly much louder than before. His teeth were barred as he watched her gestures, seeing red around the readings his patch was giving him. “And what sentence is that?!”

“The punishment for a murder is being forced to relive the crime through the victim’s eyes.” Kiva replied calmly despite Andrei’s raised voice and aggressive stance. “I’m afraid the evidence in this case is incontrovertible, and she is lucky we decided to have mercy on her and not make her relive all of them.”

“She’s lucky?!” He asked, stepping toward her, his teeth bared still. “You arrogant dog, I should skin you alive!”

He would have lunged at her; he would have pulled out his phaser and tried to turn her to dust before her guards jumped on him, but something in the back of his mind stayed his hand. Perhaps it was Lyra thinking that he was too impulsive. He didn't advance further or reach for anything, but he stared at her still.

“You do realize you’ve just signed your own death warrants, don’t you?” He said, his head lowering as he looked at her from an upward angle. “Your only chance of your planet remaining habitable is for you to release her to me now and not to interfere with our departure from your planet.

“Your officer murdered nine people today, Commander. I will not be releasing her to you.” Kiva replied firmly, calmly, but it was apparent she was extremely aware she was playing with fire while trying to do her job. “Again, we have taken the merciful option as a goodwill gesture to your people and only sentenced her to relive one of those murders for her life, but we could not let such an action stand.” She paused and her head tilted in an avian fashion. “Unless you would have preferred us to use our more archaic method of lethal injection?”

Andrei shook his head in disbelief. He was amazed at the stupidity of these Delta Quadrant races. No matter how many times they showed them who was in charge, they kept forgetting the lesson. He took a deep breath.

“I’m going to kill you myself.” he said coldly, his eyes like fire, but his voice as cold as eyes. “I’m going to snap those little bones in your throat and watch the light leave your eyes. And then I’m going to slaughter half the population of this world. At least. Would you like to try that on for the sake of mercy?”

“Have you had contact with the Numiri since your arrival to our world?” Kiva asked, ignoring everything else that Andrei had threatened.

“No. Not yet.” he answered. “But they will likely make better allies than you. And that isn’t good news, as far as you’re concerned.”

“Mmm… perhaps.” Kiva replied and stood. “Very well then, Commander. Thank you for your time.” With that, she started to move toward the door, obviously done with him though whether it was because she got what she wanted or she was tired of his incessant, currently ineffectual threats was unclear. “When your ship arrives at Banea, we will release your officer to your Captain.”

“Oh, yes. You mean my father. Very smart plan..” he said, with mounting rage at the fact that she was walking away dismissively. His pride would have a hard time taking that, especially considering what these people were doing to his woman. He reached out with his hand quickly and grabbed hold of the feathers on top of her head, yanking her violently back toward him and preparing to use her as a shield against her guards.

Had Kiva been like the poor, defenseless secretary that Andrei had done away with earlier in the day, he likely would have succeeded in the maneuver, but as he yanked back on Kiva’s feathers and she let out a literal squawk, she pivoted off of her foot so as she was pulled backward, she was able to twist her body away from the main bulk of Andrei’s body. Her men, who had already taken aim the instant he had reached out, fired at the raging Terran with their weapons set to stun.

Andrei shouted out in white hot anger as the blasts hit him and then, despite his strength, fell instantly to the ground, unconscious.



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