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One Is Missing

Posted on Mon May 22nd, 2023 @ 5:19am by Chief Petty Officer Virginia Pryce & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant Dr. Daniel Brasken & Warrant Officer Ahira Kasamoto & Lieutenant JG Corvin Hartjin & Ensign Mika Petrova

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: ISS Vengeance
Timeline: Date 2371-08-18 at 1130
3768 words - 7.5 OF Standard Post Measure



The Bridge was calm and quiet as it generally was, with only the sound beeping consoles and the roar of engines to accompany the quiet conversation of officers and enlisted crew. Alpha shift was typically the most interesting of the duty rotations, but the fact they were still docked at the Sikkaran station really put a damper on activity. The computer was repaired and the power systems were returned to normal, but there was no good answer found for why things had stopped working in the first place. It was infuriating to many not to have an answer to such important questions.

With Andrei gone, Ivan had decided to take up his duty post on the Bridge again. He found it still as overrated an experience as ever before, and as the clock struck 1130 hours, he started thinking about grabbing lunch.

For Corvin, this assignment as the acting Chief of Security was going about as advertised. Quiet and with little in the way of trouble. There had been a few dust ups between the crew over how much more loyal a subject they were to the Emperor and the Imperial Throne than the other, a couple contraband inspections for anything coming off the station that hadn’t been declared, as well as the need to subject a security crewman to the agonizer booth after he’d disrespected Corvin for being a jumped up lackey and refusing to carry out his assigned orders. While he was many things, he found that he actually hadn’t relished assigning the punishment but order needed to be maintained and he knew eventually his former enlisted comrades would push back on him since they would see his commissioning as an officer to be an insult and him putting on heirs.

He sat at the Tactical station, monitoring any traffic coming near the Vengeance, keeping a watchful eye on them though so far the most exciting thing that had happened was their usual bridge slave had been replaced by a Caitian woman.

For Sovas there was a comfort in the familiarity of routine. Being on the bridge gave him a chance to focus on something other than his own personal concerns with his unwanted guest. He was currently reviewing the latest procurement requests as well as entering the supply intakes to make sure that they were as well supplied as they could be before leaving both the Sikkaran station and their space. There were some in his staff who questioned why they were bothering to trade and not simply take what they desired and turn these aliens into their slaves, as well as a challenge for his position by one of the full Terran junior officers who felt he was weak and there needed to be new leadership within the department. Even in his current state, Sovas had taught the man a very painful lesson about challenging him but had remained mindful of the Captain’s standing orders that as few Terrans should be killed as possible given their situation.

So he’d reported the incident and had the man taken to Sickbay, though he hadn’t missed the lack of presence from the ship's de facto power couple. While he was burning with curiosity to know where Lyra and Andrei were, if he was supposed to know, he would have been told.

Ahira was standing by the security station of the bridge. He wasn’t at attention, there was no need for that, but he was certainly on alert. His eyes swept the bridge while trying to keep the turbolift doors in his peripheral vision.

It was normal for a proximity indicator to go off when one was at a station, but the indicator that sounded at Corvin’s station was different than the ones they’d been seeing for the past few days. This one had an Imperial signature.

“Captain,” Corvin paused as he moved to double check that everything was correct and it wasn’t a spoofed signature or anything like that. “We have a small vessel, shuttle approaching broadcasting an Imperial signature. It checks out though registry and other identifying information isn’t being received.”

Ivan lifted his head at the news, not surprised at all.

“That’s the Harbinger. Clear them for docking at their request.” he said, sounding almost bored as he got back to the work on his center console.

“Copy that sir,” The acting Security Chief turned back to his station and signaled the Harbinger was clear for approach, curious if this was the ship that Lyra had used to take her excursion off ship.

“Captain,” Sovas spoke up, his fingers moving over the console as he reviewed the sensor read outs as a frown furrowed his brow. “The Harbinger appears to have suffered damage to its hull and one of its nacelles,”

The half-Vulcan continued to look over the sensor readings. “The ship has minimal life support but I am detecting one life sign aboard,”

“Attempting to hail them now, Captain.” Corvin spoke up as he waited for a reply, even an automated one before it cut off automatically. “No response sir, either their comms are damaged or whomever is onboard is unable to respond.”

Only one lifesign aboard? Ivan felt his heart jump at that information. He furrowed his brow.

“Who is the lifesign? Male or female?” He asked, his large fingers finding the arms rests of his chair.

“One male lifesign,” Sovas confirmed for the Captain, looking over at the man to see what he wanted to do.

“It’s Andrei. Beam him directly to sickbay.” Ivan said, standing up quickly and moving toward the turbolift at the back of the Bridge.. “Sovas, you have the Bridge. Corvin, Ahira, you’re with me.”

“Aye sir.” The half-Vulcan confirmed, getting a lock onto Andrei before beaming him to sickbay as his eyes went to damaged shuttle as he wondered what kind of trouble had found the Captain’s son. It now made more sense as to the missing Andrei and Lyra, they’d been off ship but that was something for another time as he moved over to the center chair and began bringing the shuttle aboard.

Corvin swiftly stood up out of his seat as he fell into step with the Captain and Ahira, his own curiosity mixing with concern from the sight of the ship and he couldn’t help but wonder where Lyra was if she wasn’t with her lover.



With the computer problems at an end, so too ended the near daily visits of someone getting burned, electrocuted, or otherwise injured as a result from the rather hard to pin down glitch. With sickbay finally settled down, Virginia had turned her attention and that of most of the nurses to a much needed round of organization and inventory of sickbay supplies. They weren't short on anything, but she found it much easier to be productive and responsive when everything was in its proper place. It stood to reason everyone else would benefit from such organization as long as everything was kept in an easy to find place.

Satisfied with the work so far, she headed back out to the main area of sickbay with a PADD in her hand. She made a line toward Mika Petrova; the newly minted doctor had been assigned to touch base with the nursing staff and keep tabs on the project, which really meant just signing off on the manifests that were brought to her. "Doctor Petrova, here's the inventory and organization manifest of our surgical equipment."

“I’m glad its still there.” Mika said with a smirk, her sarcasm light and polite. It was unlikely it wouldn’t have been, but she understood the need to keep busy with their duties despite statistical probabilities of them being needed. She took the PADD and looked it over for several seconds. “Yep…looks like its all there, alright.”

“Always worth checking. You never know when the autosuture might grow legs and skitter off to live in the sock drawer.” Virginia replied and flashed a grin at Mika while wiggling her fingers like they were insect legs. She took the PADD back once the young doctor had signed off on it.

“Oh, you know those complex medical tools. Always more trouble than they’re worth.” Mika responded with a smile.

Andrei’s beam in was sudden as a specific alert sounded over the speakers and the transporter beam deposited a rather beat up Andrei Petrov onto the biobed. He was barely conscious, but not critically injured from the look of him.

Mika turned and, as she saw her brother, she frowned deeply. She had seen in tough spots the last few months, and this was another one in that line.

“Andrei?” She asked, taking a few steps closer; then she raised her voice sharply. “Doctor Brasken?!”

Between the sound of the emergency teleport alert and Mika’s voice, Daniel knew he had best put his current project on hold. Albeit reluctantly.

The young doctor locked his console with a quick series of taps to the controls and left his office at a hurried walk, grabbing a tricorder as he approached the biobed. “Ahh, well that would explain it.” His comment was quiet but audible as he noted who was on the bed and their condition. It would only make sense that Mika’s adrenaline had spiked and called for him when by the looks of things the man probably just needed some fluids and an analgesic.

Still, Daniel schooled himself with ease and put on a mask of worry and care as he flipped open his silent tricorder and started to scan Andrei.

Andrei had sustained damage consistent with a distant overloading console a few days before, and it seemed from the scans that the man lost a bit of blood and had mild burns on his face, neck, and hands. It had no doubt been a painful trip home.

“I recommend we get him some fluids and run the dermal regenerator.” Mika said, her brow furrowed in genuine worry to contrast Brasken’s. “They look superficial.”

“Agreed, though with his state I would also recommend a mild sedative and analgesic.” Daniel grabbed the blood infuser to attach to Andrei’s arm and set down the tricorder to begin a visual inspection of the man as well. He used his thumbs to gently open the eyelids to gauge pupil response before a manual inspection of the injuries from the exploding console.

“Commander, can you follow the light with your eyes?” The doctor held up a thin device with a light on the end and began moving it in a pattern in front of Andrei.

As Daniel began his initial checks, Virginia had moved over one of the medical carts containing all the standard treatment equipment as well as a canister of dermaline gel for Andrei’s burns. She stood next to it and waited to assist, trying to keep from fidgeting and overstepping her position as Head Nurse. It was hard sometimes.

Adrei’s visible human eye followed the light perfectly.

“Of course I can.” he said with an insistent tone, and then his eyes rested on Doctor Brasken. Before he could say anything else, the doors to Sickbay parted again and in walked the Captain along with his bodyguard and the Acting Chief of Security. His brow was knitted.

“Andrei.” Ivan said with the slightest apprehension in his voice. “What happened here?”

“Just a few scrapes and bruises on my part.” Andrei said, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up without permission. “But I’m fine. Lyra, on the other hand, needs our help immediately. The Baneans have tested our resolve in the worst way.”

"Meaning what exactly, Commander?" Corvin spoke up from the elder Petrov's side, tightly grasping that spike of seething hatred at the thought of lowly aliens having done something to Lyra. Instead of letting it turn him into a rabid beast willing to expend the rather considerable arsenal of the Vengeance against any critical point of planetary infrastructure, he used it to focus himself on this moment. It had been part of the training regimes that Lyra had presented him with. Though he'd been stunningly average, he'd been diligent in his training and trying to find ways to improve himself.

Or at least improve as much as he was able.

"When you are ready, provide us with any details you have so Security can begin planning the appropriate tactical response," He spoke with a firm tone, hands held behind his back to hide the one hand he clenched tightly enough to turn the knuckles white with his anger. The younger man briefly glanced at Ivan before his son began to speak. "I would also recommend developing a retribution action plan against the Baneans with the Commander's information, one we can implement once we have handled their actions against the Empire."

“Commander Petrov, you really must sit down and let us treat you.” Virginia insisted before she thought better of it and immediately grimaced, turning away to busy herself with something on the cart she had brought over.

Andrei ignored the nurse, not even sparing her a passing glance. Instead, he focused his own gaze on his father, on Corvin, and on the other assembled officers. His rage was building hot behind his eyes once again.

“Lieutenant Cassiel and I went to Banea in order to impose ourselves on a rivalry they have with a closely related species known as the Numiri. They have been in a fragile truce for decades, and our assignment was to forge an alliance with one of the races in order to leverage some stability, control, and resources for the Shadow Fleet. These Barbarians didn’t know what was good for them, and when we…split up, they arrested her on charges of murdering their officers.”

The young XO turned to his father, the Captain, and seemed to seethe.

“Captain, we must return to Banea in force to teach these ridiculous avian vermin about their betters. We must rescue the Lieutenant..” he said, pausing and stumbling back just a bit, seeming dizzy. He steadied himself again, however, and looked to the others. His anxiety was manifesting as anger, not that he would ever admit what made him so upset. “They said they would release her into your custody only.”

“Hmm.” Said Ivan, his eyes resting on his son in an evaluative look. “Obviously you two failed to put the fear of the gods into them.”

Was that all the old man had to say? Andrei scowled.

“Legends of your viciousness are not as well-known as you had imagined.” He said, a subtle dig in response to his father’s criticism. “You have your work cut out for you, sir. I suggest you let me show them exactly what happens when they cross you.”

“Commander, a question.” Corvin stepped forward as his eyes narrowed a little at the other man, unconcerned with the back and forth between father and son, a squabble that would end as it always did in such matters with one or the other dead. Though it wasn’t lost on the acting Security Chief how cool and unconcerned Ivan was about one of his Senior staff had been captured. That wasn’t important now though, not to Lyra’s hound and while he had sworn to protect Andrei because it was what Lyra wanted, his first and foremost loyalty was to her. “Why did you split up?”

It was a very simple question that the silvery haired man wanted to have answered, especially since Lyra was a High Value Target for the ship since if she was turned, her command codes could easily cripple the ship. More importantly it unduly placed her in jeopardy since she had no back up and no one to support her in the worst case scenario. He was cogent enough to bite his tongue, at least for the moment.

Daniel watched the exchange while scanning Andrei further from a distance. He knew better than to try and force anything with the Commander while he had a full head of steam so he bided his time and absorbed the information. Lyra being captured was unwelcome news. While far from the safest person on this ship to be around, she was at least an intelligent and interesting conversationalist. “How certain are you that their accusations are false? Lyra is certainly capable given reason.”

“We split up because we had separate tasks to achieve.” Andrei said, his visible eye finding Corvin. It was alighted with a certain defensiveness that was rare for him. “She is a….capable officer, and I believed she could hold her own. It was the subterfuge of the Baneans that…” he trailed off then, his eye darting down to the deck and a seething anger coming over his face. His fists balled up and he clearly willed himself to keep it inside. Once he had succeeded, he looked to the Doctor.

“It doesn’t matter if she gave them a reason or not, Doctor. They laid hands on an officer of Imperial Starfleet. They are either stupid or suicidal.”

Ahira was not a fan of Andrei’s, never had been. Though it wasn’t patently obvious, he was pretty sure that the feeling was mutual. But, he was loyal to the Empire, or as loyal as a former merchant could be and at first, had been both sympathetic and concerned about the other man’s injuries.

But, the more Andrei talked, the more he was reminded exactly why he disliked the man. He wasn’t sure if the Captain was fully in the right either, but his loyalty, his duty was to the father, not the son. So as the argument escalated, he’d moved to interpose himself between the two men. He knew it might have pissed off both men, and he knew that might have consequences for him, but he had a job to do, and he was going to do it, regardless of what it might cause him.

He wasn’t aggressive about it, didn’t reach for any weapons, just tried to be a not so subtle barrier between the two.

While he could never be called the most empathic of people, even for Corvin it would have been hard to miss the rather sudden and vibrant display of emotions that played across Andrei sharp features, how his one visible eye was showing something other than anger as if he was needing to justify his position, the reason for them splitting up. The acting Security Chief watched the man, having paid little mind to Ahira positioning himself between father and son.

His job, his prerogative as the Captain’s bodyguard.

His was to help plan the retrieval, and if necessary, retribution for Lyra’s capture, or in the worst case, death. “They took her for a reason and now they are demanding to speak with the Captain. Did they give you any indication that they knew of any of our tactical capabilities? Or show any interest in the Vengeance?

Andrei looked at Ahira, his visible eye falling on the man. He gave him an expression which seemed to suggest that what he was doing was ridiculous, but otherwise didn’t acknowledge him. Instead, he looked back at his father again in order to answer Corvin’s question.

“What they want, Father, is to ensure that we don’t support the Numiri. They failed to take us seriously enough, and I suspect they think a show of force would get us to kowtow and run away with our tails tucked between our legs.”

Ivan watched his son with an inscrutable expression. He was hardly worried about a threat from the younger man, but understood that Ahira was doing his job. It didn’t hurt to remind people that they couldn’t challenge him without meeting resistance. Despite his deadpan, Ivan was clearly no fan of having his crew stolen; a fact he had proved on Ocampa.

“Some people have to learn the hard way.” he said simply, turning his eyes to Corvin. “Lieutenant, I want Shadow Squad on alert and I want to be prepared to enter a highly militarized system.”

“Of course, Captain.” Corvin nodded as he began a careful and considerate checklist of what he would need to do to prepare the ship since they would be entering a situation with an opponent that had already proven themselves to be deceitful and aggressive, while also keeping one of their own as a potential hostage.

“How did you and Lyra end up getting your shuttle in?” Ivan asked his son.

“We didn’t have the benefit of a cloaking device, so we warped in and use the shadow of the moon and a freighter for cover.” Andrei answered simply.

“They’re expecting us to come in full force, no doubt.” Ivan said, “That means we should do the opposite.”

“Cloak and dagger; come in unnoticed and only allow them to notice us when we have the blade to their neck.” Andrei said, a kind of angry grin crossing his face. He was going to hurt these feathered aliens; he was going to make them pay.

“For now, you need to let the Doctors take care of you, Commander. That’s an order.” Ivan said to his son before turning to the other gathered officers. “Despite our advanced technology, our Fleet only has four ships and it won’t be enough to rival that of the Baneans and Numiri. I’m going to contact the captains of some of the ships around the station and see if I can contract them to fight with us.”

Daniel had listened to every word, but chose not to interject in the conversation that was out of his scope of expertise. Once Ivan gave his order to Andrei, however, he stepped forward again and looked at Andrei. "Have a seat, Commander, this won't take long."

Corvin considered the information and the situation, he had mixed feelings on the situation given that his chief loyalty was to Lyra but he had sworn to her that Andrei was to be protected by him as well. He watched as the doctor tended to the injured man before turning his mind towards the upcoming battle and the plans that would have to be made in response to the invasion of the Banean homeworld.



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