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A Routine Examination

Posted on Mon Jan 31st, 2022 @ 12:58pm by Captain Fergus Williams & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: Day 3
737 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Dr. Lamont was just getting settled into sickbay, but Captain Fergus's physical was on the schedule and she intended to take it in person. She wanted to make herself known to the crew as soon as possible. She stepped out of her office a few seconds before he was due to arrive, glancing towards the door.

Williams had never liked doctors. Having a childhood in which he was nothing more than a lab rat would do that as well. Still, when he saw the orders to report to the medical bay he did so. Pausing outside he stubbed his cigar out on the welcome sign before chucking the remains in the bin. Stepping inside like he owned the places the hero of the empire politely yelled. " All right who do I have to see"

"That would be me, Captain Williams," Lamont said as he came in. She met his confidence gaze with an easy smile. "I'm Dr. Lamont. Right this way, please?"

The marine nodded and followed. " Nice place you got here doc." he said calmly as his eyes looked round the room.

"Just have a seat right there," she said, gesturing to one of the beds. She got out a medical tricorder.

The marine did so hoping onto the biobed and laying down.

She began to trace over him with the medical tricorder. She scanned every part of him carefully, looking at the readout. "Have you experienced anything unusual?"

" No none that I can think off." He partly lied even though he knew what was troubling him.

"Do you ever experience pain here?" she asked, pausing over a place his bone had been broken and repaired.

" No not in a long while. Nasty Klingon nearly took my leg off." He lied. He'd broken it that time from falling off a barstool when he'd gotten very drunk.

"I hear sometimes Klingons forget their disruptors and go straight for the bat'leths," she commented. "What about here?" Pausing over another old break.

All-father why there. He wondered as her scanner was over where Thyssiah had stabbed him when he first found her. " No no pain." he quickly replied.

She moved it over several more. Everywhere he had broken a bone or gotten a scar, she lingered a second, though only those two brought questions. Then she moved it to his lungs. "You're a smoker?"

" Is that a crime?" He asked seeing the look on her face.

"No, it isn't," she answered, "but it is a risk factor, medically speaking."

That brought a laugh to the marines face. " Doc if you've seen the shit I've seen and had to do in the empires name you'd smoke. The earliest thing I can remember is being coated in my own junkie of a mothers brains, then being a science divisions lab rat until I was fourteen. I've lost men I thought of brothers and lady's I thought as sisters. Been the last marine of half a dozen worlds as the alliance pushed us back and back and back. Some tobacco is the least of my concerns. "

Lamont shook her head ruefully. "Captain, I've been a doctor in Starfleet for eight years of deep space service. I'm not unfamiliar with battlefield injuries or with watching people die. I can't tell you to stop putting yourself in danger because the Empire needs it from you, so I'm stuck chiding you about your bad habits. So shall we go ahead and say I advised you against it and you intend to ignore me?"

" You read my mind doc. Don't worry the all-father still needs me for something. I'm not going anywhere. " He replied reassuringly as he best he could.

"I hope so," she said, her voice a little softer. "Well, other than the traces of a few old wounds, you're in decent shape. You're cleared for continued duty, captain."

" Thanks doc." The marine said as he swung up on the bio bed. " Oh doctor. I'd like to start running through all departments in emergency drills in case were boarded. I hope your staff will be willing to attend some of the training." He added.

"I think that's an excellent idea," Karen agreed. "Try to include simulations of various injuries. Triage procedures are very important to us in emergency drill."

Drawing a note padd from his uniform pocket the marine jotted a few notes down. " I'll make sure to add them doctor."

"Thank you," she said.


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