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Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 2:35am by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Officers' Wardroom
Timeline: MD 4, 1200 hours
846 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy sat alone in the officers' mess reading up on security department protocols and procedures already in place. A plate with a half eaten roast beef sandwich and container with just the dregs of au jue sauce all but forgotten. The room was crowded with junior officers grabbing a bite to eat and his was the only table with a single occupant.

Karen came into the mess, heading to the replicator. "Grilled chicken sandwich with corn and mashed potatoes," she ordered. She looked around the room as if searching for a table.

Troy looked up as the door opened. He saw the teal of her uniform and the rank on her collar. A quick personnel search identified her as Karen Lamont, newly assigned Chief Medical Officer. He looked back up at her as she turned from the replicator with tray in hand. He gestured to the seat in front of him as her gaze traveled across him in her search for a seat.

She nodded slightly and took her seat across from the Security Officer. "Lieutenant Marshall, I presume?" she asked him.

Troy’s eyes widened. He set his PADD on the table and gave it a tap. "And you are Doctor Lamont. I must admit. I had to look up who you were just now, but knew me right off the bat."

"I've been studying the medical files for the crew," she admitted. "I won't pretend I know everyone by now but the Senior Staff catch in the mind."

Troy nodded. "Well, then you should see that I have had my preliminary physical done not to long ago."

"I saw," she noted, "by Cadet Petrova."

Troy opened his mouth to speak, but the expression on Karen's face cut off anything he was about to say. He sighed. "I gather you would like me to come back in for another more...complete work up."

"It's not urgent," she admitted with a shrug, "but, yes, I would. How do you find the ship so far?"

Troy shrugged. "Not quite sure yet. I only arrived yesterdaymyself." He took sip of his water. "What about you? You form an opinion of the ship and crew yet?"

"I also just arrived," she confessed, "but it looks promising."

Troy looked about the room. He remembered the beautiful women he had met that morning as he got his cabin assignment. He gave a light chuckle. "True that. In more ways than one."

"Oh?" she asked curiously. Something about how he said that.

Troy just smiled mysteriously. "Personal experience. I was just thinking about someone I met this morning is all.

"Someone, huh?" She was starting to fill things in a little.

Troy shrugged. "I asked her out for drinks after I got settled in. She said yes. So, looks promising." He gestured at Karen. "You should look into promising too. I am sure a lovely woman such as yourself would be able to attractive past time."

Karen just laughed. "Maybe. It has been a few..." She actually doesn't want to say that. She really doesn't. "A little while, since there's been a man..."

Troy smiled once again. "Well, I would expect a lot of patients to start lining up for exams once they find out how beautiful their attending physician is."

"Flatterer," she said with another laugh. Though she was also starting to blush faintly.

Troy waggled a finger at Karen. His face bore a mock serious expression. "It's not flattery when one speaks with candor my good Doctor. You are indeed a lovely woman. You should own it."

"It's still flattering," she insists.

Troy gave Karen a wink. "Never let it be said that the Marshall men are anything if not charming, especially when a beautiful woman is involved."

"Never let it be said," Karen agreed, amused.

Troy finished his water and beckoned the wardroom slave to the table. "Another glass of water please."

The slave nodded and departed quickly to recycle the remains of Troy’s meal in the replicator.

Karen took a sip of her own drink. "Are you eager to get underway?"

"Of course." Troy had been on Terra the last several years. "Glory is obtained amongst the stars. Not rubbing elbows with the brass drinking martinis."

"And so many of our people are trapped out there," Karen reflected a little sadly. "Enslaved to the likes of Klingons and Cardassians."

Troy shrugged. "They're enemies of the Empire. We will confront them and reclaim the lives of our fellow Terrans and avenge those who have died."

"Glory to the Empire," Karen said.

Troy raised his glass in a salutary gesture. "Indeed." He glanced at his watch as he held his glass aloft. "Well, duty beckons. When would be convenient for me to come back to Sickbay and receive a proper physical?"

"How is 1300 tomorrow?" she asked.

Troy nodded as he stood up. "Tomorrow then." He gave her a smile. "It has been an honor and privilege to meet you Doctor. Enjoy your lunch and have a pleasant rest of your day."

"You too," she said.


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